Cuphead: Difference between revisions

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** The Devil's a more subdued example, but him being able to transform his head into dangerous monsters or grow kaiju-sized are good indicators of just how unholy he is.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Dr. Kahl's Robot, a towering mechanical monstrosity that is so big that you only ever see its top half during his boss fight. {{spoiler|This is also the true identity of the cat that seemingly kills Werner Werman during his boss fight}}.
* [[Idiot Hero]]: Mugman might be a little smarter than his brother (at least ''he'' realizes gambling in a casino that is literally run by the Devil is a bad idea) but taking the DLC into consideration, they aren't all-too bright. The duo even admit this in [[The Cuphead Show|the cartoon]].
* [[Interface Screw]]: Objects in the foreground of certain stages can really screw you over, since they can obstruct Cuphead and Mugman's location, as well as enemy attacks. Not only does this further Hilda Berg's [["Wake-Up Call" Boss]] credentials, but it also makes {{spoiler|Phear Lap}} a frustrating example of [[That One Boss]].
* [[Interface Spoiler]]: {{spoiler|The lack of a KO screen always means the boss survived, so don't be fooled when it looks like bosses such as Goopy Le Grande and Werner Werman bite the big one}}.