• Non Sequitur Scene: In the original D, failing to reach the ending in time leads to Laura falling into her pocketwatch and a simple message to "Try Again". Apparently, this is meant to represent the mental dimension collapsing and Laura being dumped back into the real world, but that isn't communicated very well at all...
    • Not being able to go back the way she came, the game also doesn't make it seem like Laura has any choice but to press on despite her father's apparition consistently appealing to her to "Leave before it's too late." Maybe that is the way to leave.
    • Strangely enough, almost the entire initial premise of Laura going to her father's hospital to defuse a hostage situation is completely dropped as soon as the player gets whisked away to the castle at the very start of the game (the player only returns to the hospital in the last few minutes of the game). The set-up could've been changed to Laura having to go to her father's spooky castle or something similar and literally nothing would've changed.
  • Padding: In an attempt to ensure that the player feels pressured by the time limit, several puzzles include elements blatantly meant to waste time, such as the Wheel.