• Moment of Awesome: The ninth panel of this comic could qualify.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Scapegrace breathes this, from his slurring speech, to his random appearances, to his notably creepier design than everyone else, to the fact that he knows what Harvestman's blood tastes like...
  • Ugly Cute: Harvestman is a giant fat arachnid with very little hair who is also utterly adorable.
  • The Woobie: Scapegrace has shades of this at times, with his extremely sad and depressing dreams, which indicate his childhood was not exactly nice and his family was dysfunctional and screwed up. Oh and he's probably having the same sickness his dad had, showing the same symptoms, so there's the possibility that his days are numbered. And really, Harvestman and Crane are pretty much his only friends, and even Crane thinks him to suspicious and creepy, such as the scene where he immediately thought Scapegrace to be the cause of his missing son. It's hard not to feel sorry for him.

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