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[[I Thought That Was|Not to be confused with]] the Konami 3D [[Fighting Game]] ''[[Lightning Legend Daigo no Daibouken]]''.
This show provides examples of:
* [[Action Girl]] Maamu, Leona, Emi and Princess Fiora.
* [[The Ace]] Dai; Aban; Baran
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** Merle blames herself for not having enough courage to {{spoiler|confess her love when she had the chance, and begs Pop to say the name of the woman he loves, so she could learn what real courage looks like. After a moment of hesitation, Pops ask her to forgive him, because the woman he loves is Maamu. Keep in mind that Pop's confession is made in the middle of a battlefield, when Dai and company are about to assault Vearn's fortress for the definitive battle and Merle is literally dying on Pop's arms: Maamu gets crushed by Pop's confession and to make things even worse, seconds later Merle dies in Pop's arms. (She gets better, thanks to Pop having a [[Heroic BSOD]] that launched his magical ability off the scale.)}}
*** Think it's already dramatic enough? {{spoiler|Wrong! Maamu didn't take this confession very well and rejected Pop right off the bat, only to feel crushed by guilt later. (The way she treated him, the way Pop's odd behavior suddenly made sense, and the way she kept asking him for advice about her crush on Hyunkel... So yeah.}}
**** Later, having regained their composure and finished their respective battles against the Shinei Kidan, Pop {{spoiler|asks Maamu to not worry about him, since he already knew she loved Hyunkel and so he wishes them luck and he will do his best to be worthy of Merle's love.}} Maamu interrupts him, asking Pop for some time to sort her own feelings about him so she could give him an honest answer about accepting his love or not. {{spoiler|In the end, their relationship is left with [[No Romantic Resolution]]}}
* [[Art Evolution]] - Starts off looking like a [[DragonballDragon Ball]] doujinshi and eventually evolves into its own distinctive style.
* [[The Atoner]] Hyunkel.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] Crocodine; {{spoiler|Aban, who sure could have fooled us}}. Actually due to a [[Deus Ex Machina]] amulet.
** Also, Hyunkel somehow fitted this trope, as he definitely looked dead in every other arcs, only to be found alive a few chapters later.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Battle Aura]]
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* [[Break the Cutie]] Baran; Hadler and Vearn's numerous attempts at making Dai snap and/or join their ranks.
* [[Can't Catch Up]] mild subversion: While it's true that Dai's friends can't catch up with him, if it weren't for them he would have died ''every single time'' he battled one of the six generals.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]] Several techniques work this way, the most notable being Megante, [[Taking You Withwith Me|which consumes all the user's life to turn it into a massive explosion]]. Hyunkel's Grand Cross is a less dangerous form of it; it doesn't kill him, but it renders him extremely exhausted
* [[The Chessmaster]] Hadler and Vearn; so very [[Lampshade|Lampshaded]]d.
* [[Changed My Mind, Kid]] Pop leaves Dai and Maamu when they go fight the big bad Crocodine, then shows up in the nick of time to help when they're in trouble.
* [[Chrome Champion]] the Shinei Kidan are made out of the legendary metal Orihalcon. It turns out it makes them not only [[Made of Shiny]] but also [[Made of Explodium]].
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* [[Cowardly Lion]]: Even pre-[[Character Development]], Pop was showing signs of being this. By the end of the series he's discarded all of his cowardness and represents the pillar of Courage.
* [[Crazy Prepared]] Avan. Just... Avan.
** Played hilariously with Chu the mouse, and the random items he carries with him all the time.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] Say what you will about Aban, but if he decides to get serious, even [[Big Bad|Vearn]] will not take him lightly.)
* [[Cue the Sun]]: Dai receives {{spoiler|his father's sword}} this way in the final battle against Vearn.
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Crocodine sadly loses his status as a main character after {{spoiler|Flora asks Leona to join the team as Aban's hypothetical fifth disciple.}}
** Subverted, as he did in fact participate in the final battle against the [[Big Boss]]. His battle abilities fitted his role at the time, which is spectator. Also, Dai and Co. needed to at least grow out of his shadow, having been rescued by him for so many times
* [[The Determinator]] - Everybody on the hero side, main character or not. In fact, taking on almost [[Blood Knight]] levels of determination seems to be a prerequisite for [[Heel Face Turn|Heel Face Turns]]s.
* [[Deus Ex Machina]] - Dai's hidden abilities, though a nice plot arc is eventually made of it.
* [[The Dragon]] Hadler is a textbook example. Turns out, so is {{spoiler|Myst-Vearn}}.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Baran. Also Hyunkel, & {{spoiler|Killvearn.}}
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]] Leona, & Flora.
* [[Evil Counterpart]] Hyunkel, before his [[Heel Face Turn]]
** Baran also gives a fairly good idea of what Dai could become if he grew disillusioned with humankind.
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* [[Five-Man Band]]:
** Dai - [[The Hero]]
** Hyunkel - [[The Lancer]]
** Maamu - [[The Medic]]
** Pop - [[The Smart Guy]]
** Crocodine - [[The Big Guy]]
** Leona - [[The Chick]]
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* [[Flight]] Not quite common, but some characters can use it via the spell Toberuura.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Pop {{spoiler|suddenly becomes a Sage just before the final battle.}} The bios show that Pop has an extremely high luck stat, and he serves as the [[Butt Monkey]] of the team, similar to the Jester/Gadabout class from the games. {{spoiler|This was the only class that naturally possessed the ability to become a sage without a special item.}}
* [[Game-Breaking Injury]] After receiving constant injuries and still pushing his body beyond its limits, Hyunkel ends up permanently crippled just BEFORE the final battle. And no, he doesn't get better.
* [[Generation Xerox]] (emphasized by the fact that Maamu's father was on Aban's team and that princess Flora is practically just an older Leona.)
* [[Genius Ditz]] Dai and Pop start out as this.
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] Many characters including Aban; {{spoiler|Pop}}; {{spoiler|Baran}}; {{spoiler|Merle}}; {{spoiler|Hadler}}; at the very end, {{spoiler|Dai himself, though it's strongly hinted at that he somehow survived since his sword still shines}}.
** Some of them actually survived the experience, like {{spoiler|Aban}}; {{spoiler|Pop}} and {{spoiler|Merle}}
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]] {{spoiler|Myst-Vearn's end by Hyunkel, whom Myst-Vearn raised to be the ideal host}}
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]] The first encounter of Dai's group with Demon Lord Vearn turned this way.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] Played with. Most people and even demons and beasts turn out to be great folks deep inside (sometimes after their [[Heel Face Turn|HeelFaceTurns]]). On the other hand, Baran had such a horrible experience with human beings (save for Soara) that he ended up going on a rampage.
* [[Impossibly Cool Clothes]] - Everybody, but especially the magic armors that Hyunkel has.
* [[Infant Immortality]] Dai was found as a baby in a classic baby Moses cradle on the sea.
* [[Jerkass Facade]] Hyunkel and Baran want you to know they're ''macho''. In Baran's case, paired with a [[Defrosting Ice Queen]] process.
* [[Kamehame Hadoken]] There is a fair share of techniques that work this way, including Crocodine and Baran's [[Finishing Move|Finishing Moves]]s
* [[Kid Hero]]: the main characters
* [[Killed Off for Real]] {{spoiler|Baran}} and his team {{spoiler|except Laharlt, who returns for the final battle arc}}; {{spoiler|Hadler}} and his team {{spoiler|except Hym, who's believed to inherit Hadler's soul}}.
* [[Large Ham]] Crocodine; Hadler and Baran, in a more edgy and cynical style.
** Crocodine is a level above even the others; if Dai no Daibouken was ever made into an anime, he would have to be voiced by [[Brian Blessed|BRIAN BLESSED]] in the English dub to do him justice.
*** It was made into anime. Unfortunately, it was canceled before the story finished. No Brian, although. Link to opening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[[R Jt H 7 p Ouq Rk]]
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]] Happens briefly to Dai during the Baran's arc
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* [[Monster Clown]] Kill-Vearn reaches [[Hunter X Hunter|Hisoka]] levels.
* [[Moral Myopia]]: Galdandy of [[Quirky Miniboss Squad|Baran's Dragon Riders]] is as ruthless of a monster as you can expect from the villains. He probably wouldn't care about killing someone close to you, [[Berserker Tears|but]] [[Unstoppable Rage|kill]] [[Morality Pet|his dragon]] [[What Measure Is a Mook?|Ruudo]], you're dead... and[[Discussed Trope|pointing out how many people the dragon has killed]] will not help your case, Pop.
* [[Moses in Thethe Bulrushes]] - both Dai and Hyunkel
* [[Nakama]] the disciples of Aban -- DaiAban—Dai, Pop, Maamu and Hyunkel -- plusHyunkel—plus Crocodine and Leona.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] Aban is a strange mixture of this and [[Cloudcuckoolander|CloudCuckoolanderism]]. The proportion of both is [[Alternate Character Interpretation|up for debate]].
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: Maamu is completely oblivious to Pop's feelings for her, while Pop doesn't realize that Merle has been in love with him since they first met. Meanwhile, their friends sigh and facepalm.
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* [[One-Winged Angel]] Vearn's final form. Heck, he even ''looks'' like [[Final Fantasy VII|Bizarro Sephiroth]].
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Maamu.
* [[Panty Shot]] Maamu's second set of clothes and her last armor makes her a walking panty shot, much to Merle's dismay.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]
** Hadler and his Shinei Kidan learned to get their own as well, much to Dai and company's surprise.
* [[The Psycho Rangers]] The Shinei Kidan develop this kind of dynamic when confronted with Dai's group
* [[Psycho Supporter]] Albinasu towards Hadler. She seems somewhere between [[Unrequited Love]] & [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]].
* [[Raised Byby Wolves]] subverted: even though he's been raised by monsters, Dai isn't uncivilized at all. On the other hand, he starts off very naive and [[No Social Skills|largely unaware of human social conventions]].
* [[Redemption Equals Death]] {{spoiler|Baran and Hadler, oh so much}}.
** Subverted by Crocodile, as he came back to life later and pulled a [[Heel Face Turn]]
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* [[Shrinking Violet]] Merle fits this trope like a glove. The fact that she is Maamu's polar opposite and how she is painfully aware of how Pop only has eyes for Maamu makes it hurt even more.
* [[Shout-Out]] this troper has trouble in ''not'' thinking Hyunkel is something from ''[[Saint Seiya]]''. Seriously, look at his armours and how he equips them. He even looks a bit like Hyoga.
** He was dubbed by Phoenix Ikki's former seiyuu [[Hideyuki Hori]]. Think about what army he is in charge of, and how many times he comes [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]. The connection is more than obvious.
** Dai and Baran's [[Kamehame Hadoken]]. There's even one instance where Dai shoots one, and the recipient of the blast sees the ghostly image of Baran standing behind him in the same pose, a [[Shout-Out]] to how Gohan defeated Cell in [[Dragonball Z]].
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]] (with its emphasis on [[The Power of Friendship]] and its easy [[Heel Face Turn|conversion of villains]], the series is close to the far end of the idealism side. At the root of the conflict with Vearn and his demon army, who've been living in less than ideal conditions while humans were having it good, from their point of view.
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]] subverted: after normal troops prove to be no match for Dai's team, the [[Big Bad]] sends his best warriors — the six generals — after him.
** But also played straight in the order in which the generals fight Dai, at least at first: Crocodine is a lot weaker than Hyunckel, who gets his ass handed to him by Flazzard, who in turn is a joke compared to Baran.
*** Granted, from the moment Crocodine failed, Hadler had wanted to send all 6 of his generals at once, but the order was belayed by the [[Big Bad]]
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]] particularly extreme if you take into account the [[Blind Idiot Translation]] in the French manga. Dai was renamed "Fly" in French and Spanish to avoid the phonetic equivalent of "die" ("fly" is an impressive name, thank you very much); Hyunckel/Hyunkel/Henki (in the French translation of the anime); Marm/Maamu/even Fuam in the French manga; Pop/Poppu (ditto); Aban/Avan/Ivan; Hadler/Hadlar/Hadora; Dermlin/Delmulin/Dremlin/Demurin/Whatever island; Crocodin/Crocodine/Krokodine; Vearn/Ban; Freezair/Flazzard/Freeze; Gome/Gomen.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]] Baran and Soara's story is very close to a classic ''Romeo and Juliet'' plot. Where Romeo goes ''horribly wrong'' and they have a kid with [[Infant Immortality]].
* [[Story Arc]]
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* [[Team Pet]] Gome, which {{spoiler|also happens to be a literal miracle bringer created by the Gods.}}
** Also, Chu the karateka mouse.
* [[Ten -Minute Retirement]] when {{spoiler|Dai}} freaks out and runs away in his pyjamas after {{spoiler|being defeated by Vearn}}.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] Many characters, but especially Pop, who according to Hyunkel, Kill-Vearn and Vearn themselves, is even scarier than Dai.
** You know you're a badass when you {{spoiler|use a spell even after dying.}}
** This gets even more evident when, during the final battle against Vearn {{spoiler|Pop quickly discovers the weak point on Vearn's absolutely invincible battle stance, then cleverly turns Vearn's power against him (allowing Dai to cut one of Vearn's arms off) and even neutralizing Vearn's ultimate magic attack with ease, all while staring at him with a "take that" expression on his face.}}
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* [[Warp Whistle]] Hadler uses an artifact named Chimera's Wings to retreat after his humiliating defeat during his first fight with Dai
** The spell Ruura also works this way, being a teleportation spell that requires a clear image of the location where the user intends to go; therefore, it's only possible to transport to locations he/she has already visited.
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Hyunkel. He starts as one of the strongest characters, mainly for his exceptional swordsmanship skill, but quickly becomes relatively average when compared to other characters. Dai is the hero, Pop can use magic, and Maamu is infinitely stronger physically than he is. {{spoiler|Then he starts using his own life as a weapon and [[Took a Level Inin Badass|takes a few levels in badass]]}}.
** Avan himself fits this trope, as he wasn't abnormally strong. His skills and superhuman intelligence, however...
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Cute?]] Lots of minor characters, especially non-humans, are subject to this trope.
* [[Whip Sword]] Hyunkel's weapon.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] Hyunkel, sort of; {{spoiler|Vearn's [[Bishounen]] form}}.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Happened to Crocodile with the appearance of Baran.
* [[Worthy Opponent]] Baran, after he and Dai both collapse exhausted after battling. {{spoiler|Hadler}} eventually becomes this too, along with his {{spoiler|Shinei Kidan}}.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]] (and ridiculous oversize curls, Aban. Also notice Maamu's pink hair and Leona's orange/beige hair.)
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