• "Look, Dan, I'm just as disgusted at Canada as the next person..."
    • As Dan points out that the Quebecians live in Canada rather than France, he comments how geographically confused they are after pointing to England and declaring that that's where France is.
    • The encounter with the yeti.
    • "Canada is like England and France had a baby out of wedlock."
  • Helicopter Hal in all of his Small Name, Big Ego glory, but the best of it is this:

Elise: Dan, land the helicopter and let the minor celebrity go!
Helicopter Hal: Minor?!
Dan: You really didn't know did you?

  • "Quick! To the Car-mobile!" Followed by Chris pulling a Dukes of Hazzard slide across the front of the car...and landing flat on his back.
  • Dan chases a kid dressed like a wookiee in "Dan Vs. the Wolfman", while Chris chases after Dan to stop him. They run past a middle-aged cop standing outside his car with a cup of coffee, about to pop a donut in his mouth. A few seconds pass, and suddenly...

Cop: "Oh wait, I'm a cop! Hey!!"

  • (After being accosted by a gang of children) "Can't live with 'em, can't hunt 'em for sport ... "
  • How Dan subdues a Salvation Armed Forces clerk:

Dan: I'm General... Anastasia, commander-in-chief of the Salvation Armed Forces.
Clerk: Well, I have never heard of you.
Dan: Well, sure, that's because - SCORPIONS! (throws bucket of scorpions on him, causing him to scream) Oh, calm down. They only sting when you scream.

    • Also:

Dan: That guy knows 12 different ways to kill a man with a bell.
Chris: Wow. I only know... (makes a swinging motion) one.

  • From "Art":

Chris: Museum food tastes like plastic.
Dan: Another reason why art must suffer.

  • In "Dan Vs. Burgerphile", one of the cops thought Elise was Chris' nurse.
    • The way the cops handle Dan chaining himself to the cash register. They ask him politely to leave, he says no, and they say they've done all they can do.
    • The manager of Burgerphile wanted to avoid going back to Maryland, made funnier since this troper lives in Maryland.
    • "Hey does anyone else smell smoke and hot grease? Boy I sure hope those two don't" restaurant bursts into flames.
  • This amazing piece.

Woman: Hi Dan. I'm a supermodel, and I just moved in next door.

  • "I never joke about kidnapping."
  • Don (Elise's father) takes Thanksgiving dinner very seriously.

Don: If there is no cranberry sauce, so help me I will smother everyone in this house.

    • Dan's plan for getting back at Elise's family at the end of the ep;

Dan: If you can't beat them, join them. If you can't join them, burn their house down!

  • From Dan vs. New Mexico as they are eating a roadrunner Chris ran over.

Dan: Pass the ketchup.
Chris: We don't have any ketchup.
Dan makes an irritated face for 5 seconds then runs up and punts the bird (which at this point is their only source of food) as it is roasting over a campfire

  • As Chris asks Dan about his revenge plot against New Mexico to break the awkward silence.

Chris: So how do you plan to-
Dan: Hydrogen.
Chris: Hydrogen?
Dan: Shut up.

  • "TEETH!"
  • The "conversation between Dan and Chris" that takes place at Burgerphile in Dan vs. the Animal Shelter.
  • Chris takes another one for the team;

Chris: Have I been poisoned?
Dan: Have you been eating my poisoned meatloaf?
Chris: Do you have more than one meatloaf?
Dan: Who has more than one meatloaf!?

Chris: Now Dan, let's not do anything rash-
Chris: Dan, that's disgusting. And impractical.

    • Also, Dan attempting to steal a pen by putting it in his pocket and running off, not realizing it's attached to a chain.
  • The Take That directed at Deviant ART in "The Monster Under the Bed" which mentions an Eldritch Abomination known as Uggragoth of the Deviant Art.

Chris: (showing Dan a picture) Look at what he does to people.
Dan: (horrified) Why would you show that to me?!

  • Chris would kill for bacon. Dan is rather surprised.
    • From the same episode, Mr. Mumbles in a ski mask.
  • This troper always gets a chuckle out of:

Dan: Stupid monsters. They live under your bed, but they never chip in for the rent.

  • At the start of "Gym" he attempts to make his usual Skyward Scream ...but is too hurt to yell, so he softly says it it pain. The kicker is the fact that he keeps moaning once the title comes up.
  • "Who wants to know where I've been?
    • From the same episode, Dan's ultimate revenge on the dinosaur at the very end: mailing her his car repair bill.
  • In The Telemarketer, Dan finally writes Elise on the list then sees her beat a man up and thinking better of it erases her name off quickly.
  • This line from Reality Television after Dan was tricked to appear on The Bachelor spinoff.
    • Dan sitting comfortably on a chair on a reality tv show.


  • This gem from The Barber "Becky, get my killing scissors!"