Darkest Dungeon: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amazon Brigade]]: It's actually pretty easy to build a competent party out of the female characters; several official Party Combos have a combination of the Antiquarian, the Arbalest, the Grave Robber, the Hellion, the Plague Doctor, and the Vestal.
* [[Apocalyptic Log]]: Some of the rare finds in dungeons are diaries of adventurers from the Ancestor's days.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: Wayne June (the voice of the narrator/Ancestor) recorded a set of ''Darkest Dungeon''-themed [http://www.darkestdungeon.com/ancestral-bestowment/ voice notifications] for streamers. It includes some [[Shout-Out]]s to ''[[Undertale]]'', ''[[Dark Souls]]'' and "Truly, this is the Dankest Dungeon."
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* [[Downloadable Content]]: ''The Musketeer'', ''The Crimson Court'', ''The Shieldbreaker'' and ''The Color of Madness''.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: The opening cutscene implies that the Ancestor committed suicide after writing the letter to his heir. {{spoiler|The final boss battle implies that this may not have been exactly the case. He also suggests that the Heir may be [[Driven to Suicide]] himself}}.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]:
** Classes in this game are sort of like the characters in ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''. Each of them is a unique individual with his or her own backstory, personality, and motivations. Now you ''will'' lose some (many a lot) of them over the course of the game, and unless you're using Easy Mode, they ''stay'' dead. ''But'', the same class can be recruited multiple times, and you can even have multiple members of a class on the party at one time.
** The Vestal's backstory makes her a [[Celibate Hero]], but she can still use the brothel's services is the player tells her to.
* [[Go Mad from the Revelation]]: Several enemies (Madmen and the Prophet {{spoiler|and perhaps the Ancestor}}) already ''have'', and as stress mounts, the heroes run the risk of following them. Some enemy attacks explicitly revolve around revealing unsettling things to the heroes to increase their stress and ''provoke'' their fall into madness. {{spoiler|In the ending, the Ancestor implies that the Heir is next}}.
* [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]]: Dungeons are labeled as Apprentice (balanced for heroes of resolve level 0-2), Veteran (2-4), Champion (4-6) and [[Harder Than Hard|Darkest]] (challenging even for 6's). The game itself can be played in Radiant, Darkest and Stygian modes. Radiant isn't really "easy", ''per se'', but some mechanics are changed to allow the game to be completed more rapidly (e.g. experience gain is increased, reducing the number of missions required to level up heroes). Darkest is the normal difficulty, and Stygian (the former [[New Game+]] mode) makes the enemies tougher, locks the difficulty options to maximum, and places a timer and death limit before {{spoiler|the Heart of Darkness wakes up and the player loses}}.
* [[Interchangeable Antimatter Keys]]: Not only are they single-use, but each one costs money during provisioning. Sometimes the [[Random Number God]] will smile and bestow extras during a dungeon, but in general, it's up to the player to guess how many they will probably need for the coming mission and purchase accordingly.
* [[Intimate Psychotherapy]]: The brothel is expensive, but it can lower a party member's [[Sanity Meter]] back to safe levels quickly.
* [[Luck-Based Mission]]: Dungeon layouts are randomized, and while they have "Apprentice", "Veteran" and "Champion" designations, there is still a wide variation of difficulties within each, and party and trinket choices add even more variables to the pot.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: For one thing, they're [[Not Using the Z Word|Not Using the V Word]]. Vampirism is referred to as the "Crimson Curse", and enemy vampires have the "Bloodsucker" type. The bloodsuckers themselves are themed after insects rather than bats. Some of the enemies are simply giant insects, while others initially appear human but then morph into insectile forms after drinking the heroes' blood.