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* [[Adam Westing]]: Oliver Stone and Jay Leno are happy to have a laugh at their own expense.
* [[Becoming the Mask]]
* [[Bluff the Impostor]]: How {{spoiler|the President's wife}} confirms Dave isn't who he says he is.
* [[Body Double]]: Dave for President Mitchell.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: Oliver Stone gets wise to the ruse by comparing minute differences in the two men's facial features. Of course, being such a notorious [[Conspiracy Theorist]], no one believes him.
* [[Celebrity Impersonator]]: Dave was making a living impersonating the President even before he was picked up to do this "gig".
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{{quote|'''Dave''': [[Crowning Moment of Funny|I once caught a fish]] ''[[Crowning Moment of Funny|this]]'' [[Crowning Moment of Funny|big!]]}}
* [[Sexy Secretary]]: Laura Linney!
* [[Something They Would Never Say|Something They Would Never Do]]: The First Lady first gets suspicious of Dave {{spoiler|when she catches him [[Male Gaze|checking her legs out]]; the real President stopped years ago}}.
* [[Twenty-Fifth Amendment]]
* [[Whole-Plot Reference]]: The plot is essentially an adaptation of ''[[The Prisoner of Zenda]]'' (a close physical double of a national leader stands in when the real leader is incapacitated, and ends up being both a better leader and a better person all round, falling for the leader's wife in the process), only modernized and stripped of most of the "swashbuckling adventure story" aspects.