Dawson Casting: Difference between revisions

(→‎Fan Works: deleted unprovable over-generalization)
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* 31-year-old Patricia Dye posed as a teenage boy so that she could have sex with a teen girl.
* Adult police officers will often pose as teens to [[Dateline (TV series)|catch sexual predators]], or [[21 Jump Street (TV series)|to catch juvenile offenders]].
** Sadly, these sort of entrapment schemes have been the bane of the Internet since the [[Eternal September]] of 1993. Any middle-age, obese police officer that's too fat to chase criminals on foot could sit behind a desk and post to the [[Usenet]] alt.sex.* hierarchy as a seventeen-year-old girl. At some point, anyone claiming to be seventeen in these groups was routinely met with "yeah, right offisher... [[Sarcasm Mode|whatever you say]], offisher".
** It's only gotten worse since then. The scam has merely shifted to web, e-mail or social media now that Usenet is too overrun with spam to be usable. Adding to the problems, every two-bit crackpot vigilante group has taken this scheme into their own hands, [[To Catch A Predator]] style. A few of them are doing more harm than good.
** And yes, the actual predators are likely also hiding behind a computer, pretending to be seventeen. The presumption is that the only way to gain the trust of a seventeen-year-old girl is to pose as a seventeen-year-old boy.
** The only people not pretending to be seventeen (if the age of consent is [[Totally Eighteen|eighteen]] in some jurisdiction)? Actual seventeen-year-olds, who are too busy claiming to be eighteen, nineteen, twenty-one or whatever other arbitrary age one has to claim to be to buy a bottle of beer. There are priorities, after all...
* A member of the Hong Kong police force successfully posed as a 15-year-old high school student to uncover Triad recruitment of high school students. [http://www.cracked.com/article_18562_the-6-most-hilarious-undercover-operations-ever-pulled-off_p2.html He got the idea from a movie.]
* There was an incident where a client of a prostitution ring requested an underage girl. [[Even Evil Has Standards|The owner of the ring contacted the police anonymously and agreed to help set up a sting against the client.]] The police sent a female officer to him claiming to be 15-years old. [[What an Idiot!|He believed it and discussed sexual activities with her]] leading to his arrest.
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* Community colleges tend to have students that look well above the age of a typical college student
* Similar to the Shirley Temple example above, Gypsy Rose Lee and her sister June Havoc had years shaved off their ages when they performed as child stars. Their mother, the legendary [[Stage Mom]] Rose Hovick, reportedly had many fake birth certificates for them and they couldn't be sure of their real ages.
== Exceptions ==