Dead Man's Chest: Difference between revisions

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* The "Unicorn Killer", Ira Einhorn, Philadelphian and co-founder of Earth Day killed his then-girlfriend Holly Maddux and stuffed her body in a trunk in his apartment. Einhorn was arrested for the murder, but denied it, saying that the FBI and CIA framed him because of his hippy political views. Defended by attorney Arlen Spector and set free on bond raised by the heir to Seagrams wine family, Einhorn skipped bail and did a Roman Polanski, eventually settling in France. He changed his name, but was tried in absentia and found guilty. Einhorn was arrested, but fought his extradition back to America for over 20 years before he was returned to Philadelphia, where he was found guilty and then sent to prison for life.
* The Brighton trunk murders.
* [http://en.[ Curley|Jeffrey Curley]]'s murderers stuffed his body in a storage bin and dumped it in the Charles River.
* This was thought to have happened to the victim in the "Shark Arm Murder Case", but they [[Never Found the Body]] other than the arm that the shark disgorged.
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[[Category:Murder Tropes]]
[[Category:Crime and Punishment Tropes]]
[[Category:Dead MansMan's Chest]]