Demon Slaying/Quotes

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Tell the harpies that land on your bed post
That at the count of five, you'll roast them alive
Tell the devil it's time you gave him his due
He should go back to hell, he should shake in his shoes

Cause the mightiest, scariest, creature is you
Voltaire, "Goodnight Demon Slayer"
Here's your story: Demons over there, kill they ass.
—Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, Zero Punctuation: Ninja Gaiden 2
The daemonic are without number, and their legions span the galaxy. But faith does not tire. Should it take us an eternity, the Ordo Malleus will find and exterminate them all.
Lord Hephaestos Grudd, Warhammer 40,000
Every moment that the daemon, the heretic, the traitor draw breath is another moment of defeat for us, the most faithful of His warriors.
Justicar Alaric, Grey Knights

I am the Hammer.
I am the Hate.

I am the woes of Daemonkind.
—'Battle Prayer of the Grey Knights, Warhammer 40,000

Survivor: We're going to die here, aren't we?

Demon Hunter: No. Because as long as I'm here, they are the prey...and I am the hunter!
Diablo III Demon Hunter trailer
It's true what you say. Humans are weak, and we die easily. But no matter how weak we are, no matter how much we're tortured or trampled upon, no matter how much pain we feel, we still want to live. Why don't you taste a little of the pain too?
Guts, Berserk, about to finish off the Baron of Koka Castle.