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''"I am '''not''' green!"'' }}
'''''[[Excited Show Title!|Destroy All Humans!]]''''' is a [[Wide Open Sandbox]] action game released in 2005 by Pandemic Games.
Taking place in a satirical version of [[Eagle Land|America]] in [[The Fifties]], it follows a sarcastic, trigger-happy "grey" alien named Cryptosporidium-137 ([[Some Call Me... Tim|or just "Crypto" for short]]). Crypto's species, the Furons, have been rendered sterile through centuries of nuclear warfare, and are dependent on cloning to reproduce. To keep their genetic code from becoming too corrupted, the Furons must steal DNA from human brainstems. Apparently, Furon sailors on furlough [[Boldly Coming|left some untainted genes in the human pool]] back when the species still had genitals. Unfortunately, it seems Crypto's predecessor, Cryptosporidium-136, has been captured by [[The Government]]. Crypto's mission is to harvest human brains, find out what happened to the last Crypto, and generally cause mayhem. Along the way, Crypto confronts paranoia, mad science, the military, a government conspiracy, and exploding cows.
It was followed up by a sequel taking place in an exaggerated version of [[The Sixties]], and a third game taking places in [[The Seventies]] came out recently.{{when}} Was pitched to FOX for a potential television show, but it was not to be.
A remake of the original game has been scheduled for sometime in 2020 by [[Blackforce Games]].
Also notable for being pitched by Matt Harding. Yes, as in "Where the hell is".
[[I Thought It Meant|Not to be confused]] with [[Kill All Humans]].
* [[Abusive Alien Parents]]: According to Crypto, his ''cloning tube'' is more lovable than his own mother.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: Pox qualifies as this after he [[Brain Uploading|uploads his consciousness]] into a HoloPox Unit.
* [[Aliens Are Bastards]]
* [[Alien Abduction]]: The Abducto-Beam
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* [[Anal Probing]]: In the first game the anal probe is a [[Charged Attack]] that can make the victim's head explode. It returns in the second game without the need for charging, though it now requires ammo.
* [[And This Is For]]: Crypto to Saxon.
{{quote|'''Crypto''': This is for {{spoiler|The Master}}, and because I don't like you, and for your [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|Bogus. Satin. JAMMIES!]]}}
* [[Animeland]]: Takoshima (from the second game) is inhabited by [[Sailor Fuku|schoolgirls]], [[Salaryman|salarymen]], [[ninja]]s and a [[Kaiju|giant monster]].
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: An irritating number of examples, though some are more because of you can become rather overpowered over the course of the game (Meteor Gun, anyone?)
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: Several humans team up with Crypto during the series.
* [[Escort Mission]]: A FREAKING NUCLEAR BOMB in the first game. One in the second game even involves escorting a girl spy to her hot pink car.
* [[Excited Show Title!]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Crypto, AKA Crypto 137/8/9, AKA Cryptosporidium, AKA Cryptosporidium 137/8/9.
* [[Everything Fades]]
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*** Pox is also far more nerdy and speaks more properly and with more big words. He still loves destroying stuff though.
** ... ''[[Nicktoons Unite!|Nicktoons: Globs of Doom]]'' (which stars Zim among others) notwithstanding.
* [[Excited Show Title!]]
* [[Fan Service]]: Silhouette, Natalya, and Veronica Stone.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: The Furon race views the human race as "inferior, filthy, pathetic, stupid monkeys" that are only useful for the strand of Furon DNA in their heads. Once the humans lose their usefulness via various means, they're just things to shoot/zoo animals/game pieces/something to try out their new sex organs on, and then throw away.
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* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]
* [[Hide Your Children]]
* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]] / [[Technicolor Ninja]]: There's a reason why the White clan and Black clan of ninjas exist and hate each other. Originally, they were united under one clan of Gray ninjas, but the clans started to split over personal preference between black and white uniforms when they ran out of gray fabric.
{{quote|'''White Ninja Leader''': Wrong! Supplier stop selling gray fabric. We wanted to be black ninja, but bastards put their order in first!}}
* [[Hive Mind]]: The Blisk
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* [[Human Resources]]: ''Big Willie Unleashed'' features a fast food shop which makes burgers out of the humans used to remove brain stems.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Roboprez and Big Willy.
* [[Hundred-Percent100% Completion]]
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Crypto carries up to 8 weapons on him at a time, and it ''DAH!3'', all the saucer's giant weapons pop out of the hull.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: {{spoiler|Silhouette disguises herself as a man simply so that they would take her seriously....yet ironically she is quite sexist.}}
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* [[Monumental Damage]]
* [[The Mothership]]
* [[Move Along, Nothing to See Here]]: Crypto tries this on the crowd in "Citizen Crypto". It obviously doesn't work, leading to a brief Q&A session.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Natalya
* [[My Brain Is Big]]
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* [[Satire, Parody, Pastiche]]: All the games are generally a satirical parody of the date the setting takes place in. For example, the first game spoofs and parodies hundreds of events from [[The Fifties]], including the first big Sci-Fi craze and America's fear of communism.
* [[Satellite Character]]: Crypto and Pox would be pretty bland alone.
* [[Say My Name]]: "CRYPTO!" Pox does this often in the second game.
* [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]]
* [[Sequel Hook]]
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{{quote|'''Pox''':Great Arkvoodle! The fools think we have a musical language!
'''Crypto''':Nobody ''talks'' music, that's stupid! }}
**:* ''DAH!2'' also features both a [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[Star Wars]]'' and to ''[[The Matrix]]''.
{{quote|'''Crypto:''' (To Dr. Go!) My name is Luk-I mean, Cryptosporidium. I'm here to rescue you.}}
{{quote|'''Pox:''' (In reference to Crypto being Son of Arkvoodle) Crypto! What if it's true?! What if you're ''THE ONE''?!
'''Crypto:''' Well, I ''did'' take a red pill this morning, heheh. }}
**:* Panicking citizens of Albion may spout references to ''[[Quatermass]]'' and ''[[Doctor Who]]''.
* [[The Sixties]]
* [[Slap Slap Kiss]]: Crypto and Natalya start out this way.
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* [[Storming the Castle]]: The attack on the Blisk base in the second game, and the attack on the Furon palace in the third game.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]
* [[Stupid Evil]]: Majestic. It says ''a lot'' in a game with a name like ''Destroy All Humans'' game when the genocidal alien looks more competent and more ethical than his victims. [[Government Conspiracy| Majestic]] is a large international organization dedicated to defeating the Furons, while secretly plotting their own goals of world domination. Thing is, the Furon invasionary force consists of… one alien, Crypto. For all their highly-trained agents and cutting edge technology, Majestic - A [[Non-Indicative Name]] if there ever was one - can’t capture or defeat this one alien. Seriously.
* [[Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome]]: {{spoiler|Pox dies at the very beginning of the second game. Not that it stops him from harassing Crypto. Or Vice Versa}}
* [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]
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* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'' meets ''[[Ratchet and Clank]]'' meets ''[[Invader Zim]]''.
* [[You Are Number Six]]: Each clone is designated by the number of times the Furon has been cloned. If you've been cloned 13 times, you clone number is 13.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Admiral Cyclosporiasis is not very pleased when he learns Pox and Crypto lost the pure Furon DNA.
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: Double example -- {{spoiler|The Master's plan is essentially regicide. After Crypto kills Meningitis, he gets Orthopox to kill the Master, who then decides to stick around as Furon Emperor.}}
* [[Zillion-Dollar Bill]]: Furon DNA acts as this.
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]: The Blisk mutants in DAH!2. Played Straight with the Zombie Gun in BWU.
''Crypto has just conquered a single TVAll The Tropes page. After the credits roll, the rest of the website comes into view, with '''''The End?''''' appearing as ominous, eerie theremin-laced music plays.''
[[Category:Play StationPlayStation 2]]
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