Detachable Lower Half: Difference between revisions

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* Commander Hoek and Leutenant Stimpy have this happen in the episode "Black Hole" of ''[[Ren and Stimpy]]''.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Animated Series]]'' episode "Bem". The titled alien (Ari bn Bem) can detach parts of his body, including [[Losing Your Head|his head]] and lower torso.
* Megabyte from ''[[Re BootReBoot]]'' does this on occasion, usually to sit in his [[Cool Chair]].
* In ''[[Phantom 2040]]'' Hubert Graft detaches his lower half from his everyday legs to an attack droid. It is quite clear from his reaction that doing this is quite painful for him.
* Rushu from ''[[Wakfu]]'' can do this. And ironically can travel much faster because of it.