Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Difference between revisions

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** In what seems to be a subtle, but possibly unintentional [[Take That]], the developers claim they intentionally tried to avoid using purple anywhere in the game. Purple is considered by series fans to be the signature color of ''Invisible War''.
** The game's designers seem to have deliberately [[Lampshade Hanging|lampeshaded]] this - All the cans of paint you see in this game are yellow.
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: This is what helped drive {{spoiler|Hugh Darrow}} into ultimately setting off what happens {{spoiler|in Panchaea}}.
* [[Deus Angst Machina]]: If you thoroughly explore Adam's apartment you'll discover that he had a whole slew of bad news to cope with when he woke up after the attack: His love interest and most of his coworkers had been brutally murdered, he'd been turned into a walking murder machine without his consent, and -to put the icing on the cake- while he was out, someone had [[Dead Pet Sketch|euthanized his dog]] when they thought he might never wake up from the surgery. See also: [[Rage Against the Reflection]].
** His earlier life was no bed of roses, either. If you look to the right of the TV/stash, you'll finnd an old photograph of a young couple, ostensibly Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, and a newer photograph of a young man in military clothing who is not Adam. Underneath these photos is a small table holding two urns.
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** One of Sarif's PR guys can't get in contact with {{spoiler|Eliza Cassan.}}
** {{spoiler|The information for Patient X can be compared with information on Adam in the Detroit LIMB Clinic. This information also mentions that Adam was adopted at age 5.}}
** {{spoiler|Hugh Darrow}} states his opinions on augmentation in a publicly-available ebook. He also states (if you win his 'boss battle' {{spoiler|in Panchaea}}) how regardless of what happens, the future would be one that neither he nor Jensen wants.
** {{spoiler|Picus TV}}, normally a strongly anti-augmentation media brand, is supportive of {{spoiler|Hugh Darrow's Panchaea.}}
** "Clinics" and "recall" are mentioned in the very first cutscene. In the Tai Yong Medical HQ, there are also several e-mails mentioning how odd their new {{spoiler|biochip}} project is.
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* [[Noodle Incident]]: The Mexicantown Massacre is apparently an important part of Jensen's past, but the exact details are never explained. What is known is that it involved a 15-year old augmented criminal who apparently was dangerous enough that SWAT was called in, and they were ordered to shoot to kill due to worries that his augments would protect him from nonlethal weapons and allow him to potentially kill several of the officers singlehandedly. Jensen refused, while Haas obeyed orders and killed the kid, resulting in a massive riot.
* [[Not So Different]]: A subtle one, when Adam exclaims that Zhao has a Panic Room, David Sarif responds nonchalantly that so does he.
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: {{spoiler|Panchaea.}} Instantly going from mild violence and lots of enemies to gore and silence is terrifying to say the least. The fact that there is almost nobody for the 10 minute lead-up to {{spoiler|confronting Darrow}} only exacerbates this.
** Even before then, there's Picus HQ in Montreal. When Adam arrives there to find Eliza Cassan, he finds the whole building deserted as everyone was seemingly evacuated. While it changes quickly ''after'' he enters Room 404, the fact that only the sounds of TVs and unanswered phone calls can be heard is unnerving.
* [[Notice This]]: Interactive objects in Adam's field of vision, from ladders to weapons, are outlined in {{color|gold|yellow}}. Following vocal complaints from some of the more combative segments of the ''[[Deus Ex]]'' fanbase, the developers quickly confirmed that it can be turned off if the player chooses. The hardest difficulty has it set to off by default, in fact.
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* [[Sour Grapes Tropes]]: A lot of these regarding augmentation. Half of the [[Fantastic Racism]] against cyborgs is because people hate the [[Body Horror]]; the other half, though, is pure jealousy that not everyone will be able to shoot laser beams from their fingertips. The rich aren't just getting richer, they're getting superhuman because only they can afford to be.
** Especially jarring in the perspective of the first game of the series. People go to great lengths to augment their body with biomechanical implants only to learn that twenty years later they are considered obsolete. Of course, common people in 2027 could not predict that nanotechnology will be the next big thing so quickly (besides exactly one random person you can talk to).
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: {{spoiler|Hugh Darrow}} threw a significant one in the Illuminati's plans {{spoiler|with the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] he triggered}}. Ultimately however, it's defied {{spoiler|given how neither Darrow nor Jensen's meddling put a large dent on Bob Page's schemes whatsoever}}.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: It's ''[ Panchaea]'', not 'Panchea'.
* [[Spy Speak]]: Played straight, averted or hilariously subverted with Anonymous X, depending on your response.