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See also [[Evil Is Sexy]], this trope's partial [[Super Trope]] <ref>[[Evil Is Sexy]] applies to humans as well, and, well, not all [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]] are evil</ref>, [[Did We Just Have Tea With Cthulhu?]], [[Boldly Coming]], and [[Divine Date]] <ref>[[Boldly Coming]] and [[Divine Date]] differ from this in that, normally, the entity being dated in question is not something you'd encounter as an antagonist in a horror story</ref>. A subtrope of [[Interspecies Romance]]<ref>And parented by [[Tropes That Will Never Happen (Darth Wiki)|Tropes That Will Never Happen]], of all things (The entry "Did You Just Suck Off Cthulhu?" had enough entries of possible examples that somebody realized it was tropeable)</ref>. Might lead to [[Fetus Terrible|Fetus]]/[[Enfant Terrible]]. A common origin for the [[Anti-Anti-Christ]],able to switch sides as a representation of the human side-just as likely to become a [[Complete Monster]] though.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
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** And now [http://www.comicbookresources.com/prev_img.php?pid=9307&pg=3 she's come back for seconds.]
* [[http://files.myopera.com/cabernet/albums/20735/El<!-- 20hijo20de%20la%20Muerte%20-%20Quino.png This]] strip from Argentinian cartoonist ''{{Quino}}''; actually its a ''[[BlackComedyRape Did You Just Rape Cthulhu]]?'' -->
* A violent deconstruction in [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]], where the [[Satan|Demon lord]] [[Our Demons Are Different|Trigon]] mated with human female Arella Roth. He raped her, did this only so she could give him a child that would serve as his portal to the real world, and she almost committed suicide after the act. The child grew up to become the [[Dark Is Not Evil|superheroine]] [[Dark Magical Girl|Raven]], who then [[Anti -Anti -Christ|focused on preventing her father from succeeding]].
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* ''[[Disgaea 2 Cursed Memories (Video Game)|Disgaea 2 Cursed Memories]]'': Adell has delivered a [[Cooldown Hug|Cooldown Kiss]] to {{spoiler|Zenon, God of all Overlords.}}
* In ''[[The Sims|The Sims 2]]'', Olive Specter canonically had sex with the Grim Reaper (which, incidentally, [[Urban Legend of Zelda|you can't replicate in-game]]) and it's strongly implied that he's the father of her only child (which you actually can, though it requires cheats).
* It's not entirely certain ''what'' the girl in ''Where We Remain'' is, but we know that she's spent a very long time [[Sealed Good in A Can|magically bound in a cave]], that she didn't have a name before the hero [[Hello, Insert Name Here|gave her one]], and that she has some [[Reality Warper|rather nifty]] ([[Gods Hands Are Tied|if limited]]) abilities. Given that {{spoiler|the wind spirits on the island are described as her "brothers,"}} it would seem that she's nonhuman rather than just some sort of spellcaster.
* In ''[[Persona 3 (Video Game)|Persona 3 Portable]]'', on the Female Main Character's route, you're given the chance to initiate a romantic S.Link with {{spoiler|Ryoji Mochizuki}}, {{spoiler|the human form of Nyx Avatar}}. That is, you can make {{spoiler|the personification of Death itself fall in love with you}}.
** While it's not an official social link, a male main character {{spoiler|is asked to show Elizabeth what sex is like}}. The female main character can similarly {{spoiler|win the affection of, and have an [[Optional Sexual Encounter]] with, Elizabeth's younger brother Theodore. It's not clear exactly what Elizabeth and Theodore ''are,'' but whatever they are, it's not human, and as the game's [[Bonus Boss|Bonus Bosses]] they are just as if not more powerful than the abovementioned Ryoji}}.
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