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* ''[[One Piece]]'' has the "Fake Straw Hat Pirates" based in Sabaody Archipelago after the time-skip. Since Monkey D. Luffy has attained even more infamy than ever before due to his part in the War at the Summit, One guy going by the name "Three Tongued" Demalo Black got the bright idea of posing as him and setting up a crew to pose as the Straw Hat Pirates, usually getting his way by relying on Luffy's fame to threaten people and recruit fearsome pirates into his crew. Unfortunately, round out the time they were recruiting the ''real'' Straw Hats came back, and it got steadily worse when they try to recruit a pair of [[Ax Crazy]] pirate captains who intend to kill the Straw Hats for more fame, and the Marines show up with [[Mecha-Mooks|Pacifistas]], with a Marine Captain personally knocking out Demalo Black with his axe [[Too Dumb to Live|for trying to talk smack to him, while pretending to be Luffy]].
* Almost happens in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]''. The cast are discussing ways to retrieve Asuna and the Great Grandmaster Key from the Big Bads, and get the idea to use Natsumi's artifact (which makes the enemy completely unable to sense your presence) to get close for an ambush. Unfortunately {{spoiler|The [[Anti-Magic]] field coming from Asuna would make that plan useless.}} They almost go with the plan until Ako realizes the flaw. Cue Yue coming up with a workable solution, and a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for everyone involved.
* From ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' In the episode where Casey (a trainer who ''loves'' yellow-colored Pokemon) first appears, she finds Pikachu adorable and tells him to give her a big shock. She quickly discovers that was a bad idea.
== Comic Books ==
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'''Carmen:''' And that you've done. Now what?
'''Dusty:''' Well, we really didn't expect the first part of the plan to work, [[Indy Ploy|so we have no further plan]]. Sometimes you can overplan these things. }}
* Hermione says this very thing to Harry in the ''[[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film)|Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban]]'' movie, when she saves their past selves from the werewolf...by luring it over to their current selves.
* In ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'', [[Evil Chancellor|Jafar]] is defeated when Aladdin tricks him into wishing to become an all-powerful genie. Jafar either forgot or was not aware that genies in this setting are bound to a magic lamp and obliged to grant wishes ''by nature''.
{{quote|'''Genie:''' It's all part and parcel of the whole Genie gig. [[Large Ham|PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!]] ...Itty-bitty living space.}}
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** In one strip, Charlie Brown gets ''so'' mad when the Kite-Eating Tree grabs his kite that he shouts, "If you don't let go of that kite, I'll kick you in the stomach!" Then he ''does'', and quickly finds out, [[Agony of the Feet|"These Kite-Eating trees have hard stomachs..."]]
** In another, Lucy is wondering if she'd be more popular if she had a different name, and is wondering what a better name might be. Linus cheekily suggests "Supermouth". Lucy naturally slugs him, and Linus moans to himself, "I've got to stop this business of talking without thinking..."
** Something similar happens in a week-long arc where Lucy falls while rollerskating and hurts her knees badly, putting her in a foul mood:
{{quote|'''Linus:''' Knees still hurt, huh? What I don't understand is why girls go rollerskating on cement sidewalks with bare knees.
''(Beat panel as Lucy slugs him a good one.)''
'''Linus:''' Another thing I don't understand is why I ask things like that...}}
* In a ''[[Zits]]'' strip, Jeremy's parents buy a "teen tracker" app, forgetting, apparently, that they don't know jack about how to use apps, and have to ask Jeremy to activate it.
* In ''[[FoxTrot]]'', most of Jason's attempts to prank, troll, or annoy Paige turn out like this, starting with [https://www.gocomics.com/foxtrot/1988/04/19 a strip in the second week of the comic], no less. Jason never seems to figure out that his older sister [[Bullying a Dragon|is much stronger than he is]] and has a rotten temper.
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* Many of [[Donald Trump]]'s detractors have stated that simply thinking a few minutes before hitting the "Send" button on Twitter might have solved a lot of his problems.
** The most notable example was the [[w:2021 storming of the United States Capitol|January 6, 2021 Capitol Building riot]], which he at least partially encouraged. Breaking and entering the seat of the United States government (something that did not happen even during the [[American Civil War]]) and assaulting police is ''not'' the right way to convince everyone that the opposing candidate "stole" the election. The blatant act of terrorism caused Trump to lose much of his already waning support, and also caused the press to refer to him with words like "fascist", "traitor", and "Nazi", which they had, up to then, tried hard to avoid doing. Whatever the case, it was obvious to everyone [[Captain Obvious| it did not improve his political career or reputation]], likely ruining it and that of many others.
*** The actual participants take this trope into the [[Stupid Crooks]] territory, taking selfies of themselves while trespassing, and posting them online, where they were easily identified as hate group leaders; one such member actually sobbed in an online post because doing so had put him on the No Fly list after being labeled a terrorist. One of them actually took a selfie of himself [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-pictured-carrying-pelosi-s-lectern-during-capitol-riot-arrested-n1253628 stealing the House Speaker's podium] and later tried to auction it on eBay. None of them ever considered that they were not only revealing their identities to the FBI, but giving ample evidence to federal prosecutors.
*** Fox News host (now former host) Tucker Carlson faired even worse. Upon being given full access to security footage, he attempted to portray the rioters as misunderstood protestors in what most observers saw as a biased manipulation of the footage. It in fact led to more arrests being made, as the newly-broadcast footage aided the FBI in identifying several participants who they were previously unable to.
** The storm of pardons he issued in his final weeks in office. Accepting a pardon by American law is an admission of guilt by the pardoned party, but worse, doing so removes the recipient's protection against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment (because they can't be prosecuted they can't incriminate themselves); consequently they can be compelled to testify -- in this case, against Trump. It took several weeks for this to occur to anyone in Trump's White House (at which point it was too late); Federal investigators, of course, were aware of this and are more than happy to trade the convictions of a few underlings for testimony against Trump himself.
** His border wall - likely the keystone of his original campaign - was an ill-conceived and unrealistic goal right from the start, for many reasons:
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* In 2010, Todd Davis, the CEO of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LifeLock LifeLock], had the "brilliant" idea to ''reveal his actual Social Security Number'' in a commercial, claiming his product would prevent ''any'' hacker from using it to steal his identity. Unfortunately, thirteen hackers proved him wrong. Adding insult to injury, such an [[Epic Fail]] undermined their customers' confidence in the product, and LifeLine was fined millions for deceptive advertising.
* [[Elon Musk]]'s acquisition of [[Twitter]] has been this for a large variety of reasons. A detailed analysis of his mistakes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb2m2ihZVq0&list=RDCMUCrr7y8rEXb7_RiVniwvzk9w&start_radio=1&rv=Gb2m2ihZVq0&t=150 can be viewed here.]
* Australian billionaire [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Palmer#Titanic_II Clive Palmer] has a history of ill-conceived ideas that exploit older ideas; he thought of bringing back commercial airships (like The Hindenburg), and built the world’s largest dinosaur-themed animatronic amusement park, which lasted five years before faulty design caused it to burn down. His worst idea, however, was ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_II Titanic II]''. Inspired by the success of the movie ''[[Titanic |Titanic]]'', he got the idea of building a near-exact replica of the famous ship, thinking movie fans would pay through the nose for a chance to cross the Atlantic on such a vessel - note where it says “near-exact” replica, he did think it through enough to plan to correct the mistake that caused it to sink, meaning he’d add a few meters width for additional “stability”, but it would otherwise be exactly the same, including the same three passengers classes, same restaurant facilities, same decor, and would stop at the same ports in the offered tour. Now, Palmer was not the first to propose such a plan (nor the first to ultimately cancel it, which should have told him something) but Palmer’s idea was especially a bad idea for several reasons. One, the problem that all similar plans have, [[What Did You Expect When You Named It?|the notoriety of the ship and the disaster it caused didn’t attract many investors and likely wouldn’t be much of a draw to tourists]]. Two, the near-exact replica he planned would not pass modern safety regulations for ocean liners. The interior would need redesign for safety (like updated design for stairways, doors, cabin arrangements, etc) and would need to use modern shipping technology to make the grade - obviously, a coal-powered engine would disqualify the design quickly. Even if all these upgrades were made, it would not be the same, which ruins the whole idea. And third, the idea of a trans-Atlantic voyage just isn’t a popular vacation idea anymore, modern tourists would find it boring.
* Conservative group [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moms_for_Liberty Moms for Liberty] (recognized as an "extremist group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is their term for a nonviolent hate group) has done this quite a lot:
** Quoting [[Adolf Hitler]] is never a wise move for a group who claims to value "traditional family values" or democracy; a member of not only [https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2023/06/21/moms-for-liberty-hamilton-county-indiana-quotes-hitler-in-newsletter/70344659007/ did this in their newsletter], they ''credited'' him as the source!
** Promoting a charity toy drive during the holidays is always a good idea, except when you promote one being held by the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Right_Stuff_(blog)#National_Justice_Party National Justice Party] (which is an actual neo-Nazi hate group that was involved in the [w:2021 storming of the United States Capitol|January 6, 2021 Capitol Building riot], and you [[The Grinch| publicly organize it as a white-only event]].
** Also, having (consensual) threesome sex with your husband and another woman is not - in the opinion of most - a bad thing. However, [[Straw Hypocrite| doing so while publicly preaching about the need for "traditional family values" while pushing to criminalize LGBT activities and reject the very concept of acceptance of such]], it doesn't help your cause. Bridget Ziegler, (one of the three ''founding members'' the organization not only admitted to doing so) she did so amid accusations of rape and sexual assault by that woman towards her husband. Even the other two founders claimed they were "shaken" by the accusations and supported further investigation, while publicly stating that Ziegler was no longer a member of the group.
[[Category:Stupidity Tropes]]