• Executive Meddling: As mentioned in the main section, the studio didn't like the movie, and was going to dump it, until critics such as Pauline Kael raved about it.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Dr. Scheiner is a customer at the appliance store Shrevie works at.
    • Stuart Markowitz is an aluminum siding salesman trying to get Boogie to work for him.
  • Science Marches On: At one point, Fenwick is watching a quiz show on TV, and one of the answers involves knowing the fact one half of Mercury faced the sun while the other half didn't. Astronomers honestly believed it at the time the movie was set, but the following decade, this was discovered to be false.
  • Throw It In: Steve Guttenberg couldn't react coherently to the answer of "Presley", but Levinson kept it in because it was funnier.
  • What Could Have Been: Part of the script involved Eddie and some of the others going to see the 1959 NFL championship between the Colts and the New York Giants, but Levinson couldn't afford to shoot anything at the football stadium, so the sequence had to be scrapped.