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Contrast [[Cliche]], which is what some luckier memes settle into.
=== [[In -Universe]] Examples Only: ===
* [[Homestar Runner|Strong Bad]] complains about this in "Trogday '08".
{{quote| '''Strong Bad:''' You Internet types ruined [[Our Dragons Are Different|Trogdor]]! Just like you did [[Zombie Apocalypse|zombies]], [[Pirate|pirates]], [[Ninja|ninjas]] and [[Self-Deprecation|Strong Bad]]!}}
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'''Second Caveman''': Hmph. That one old already. }}
* One of ''[[The Simpsons]]'' Halloween specials has giant advertising mascots running amok. The solution was to start ignoring them as ads go away if no one watches them. "Like that old woman who couldn't find the beef?'" Lisa observes.
* At one of his concerts, Dave Chappelle finally chewed out fans for endlessly repeating [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch|"I'm Rick James, Bitch!"]] from ''[[ChappellesChappelle's Show]]''. At one point someone came up to him and said it while he was at Disneyland with his family! This is one of the bigger reasons for his [[Creator Breakdown]].
* ''[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail]]'' has been quoted so much, it's now a joke to mock the fact that it's quoted so much.
** Part of the lyrics of "White and Nerdy" by [["Weird Al" Yankovic]].
** ''[[DM of the Rings (Webcomic)|DM of the Rings]]'' had a strip where the players started quoting it. The author note stated the next ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]'' edition should have the option to punish players for quoting the movie.
*** [[Seventh Sea]] actually has this enshrined in the rules.
*** [[White Wolf]]'s ''[[The World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|The World of Darkness]]'' games mention this in many of their Storyteller handbooks. In fact, they even tell you how to deal with a player who is an obsessive quoter.
** ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]]'' had [http://xkcd.com/16/ an old strip] encouraging Python fans to celebrate the group by making up their own surreal, Pythonesque jokes rather than endlessly [[Incredibly Lame Pun|parroting]] their lines.
** An episode of [[Loading Ready Run]]'s ''[[Commodore HUSTLE]]'' involved a D&D group with a "no Monty Python" rule.
* [http://zanyvgquotes.com/ Zany VG Quotes]'s ''[[Zero Wing]]'' page says, "It's dead, Jim," and has a link to the infamous intro that simply says "Oh hell, you already know what this one is." At one point there was a snarky comment about it being time to stop wearing the AYB t-shirts and repeating it all the time. Notable because the entire All Your Base fad can be traced back to a [[Zany VG]] project.
* In ''[[The Simpsons (Animationanimation)|The Simpsons]]'' episode "Simpson Tide", Bart sings a portion of the song "Do the Bartman" and Ralph Wiggum comments that it "is so 1991".
** Likewise, in the episode when he starts going to a Catholic school, he introduces himself by rattling off his old catchphrases in a very bored voice, ending in "yadda-yadda-yadda."
** There is also an in-universe example: the episode in which Bart briefly gains fame on the Krusty the Klown Show as the 'I Didn't Do It Boy'.
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* In ''[[Crash Bandicoot]]: Mind over Mutant'', Cortex says over an intercom at one point "No, you can't [[LOLcats|haz cheezburger]]. It's a stupid meme anyway..."
* The entire concept is embodied in a ''[[The Man Show]]'' sketch of their "Museum of Annoying Guys" (faux Latinate name: "Jokus Repeatus Shut the F Up-us"). "It's the beat a [[Catch Phrase]] to death guy."
* According to the image and caption for [[Fauxtivational Poster]], [[TV Tropes (Wiki)|this wiki]] has declared [[Demotivator|Demotivators]] to be unnecessary.
* It's been old hat since about the mid-[[The Nineties|1990s]] to observe that [[MTV]] [[Network Decay|doesn't play music videos]] anymore.
* ''[[Portal (Video Gameseries)|Portal]]'''s [[The Cake Is a Lie]] meme got discredited by the time the sequel rolled around, through massive overuse. The following media has mentioned that:
** [http://www.cracked.com/article_19240_the-rise-fall-internet-meme-5Bchart5D.html Cracked pretty much demonstrates how a meme gets discredited (using The Cake Is a Lie as an example).]
** Gamesradar was one of the first to declare this, and [[Valve]] agreed, stating in commentaries and interviews that they were so sick of it that they excluded it from ''[[Portal 2 (Video Game)|Portal 2]]'' for that very reason. They were unable to help themselves entirely, however, as there are two specific references in the game. One is in Rattman's mural depicting Chell's victory over GLaDOS and the other is [[Shmuck Bait]] that serves as a [[Take That]] from both GLaDOS to Chell ''and'' Valve to the player. There's also a bit of binary code in Chell's file in the "Lab Rat" tie-in comic that translates to "the cake is a lie".
** Just in time for people to start referencing [http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/539314 "Nicolas Cage Wants Cake"] instead. [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nicolas-cage-wants-cake Apparently it is a meme now.]
** Yahtzee of ''[[Zero Punctuation]]'' is similarly heartily sick of [[The Cake Is a Lie]] meme. He generally refers to it as a Portal reference, but it's always the same one. He's so sick of it that he completely trashed ''[[Castlevania]]: Lords of Shadow'' for just having the reference (In spite [[Follow the Leader|of]] [[Camera Screw|other]] [[In Name Only|given]] [[Ending Fatigue|reasons]]) long after the meme had stopped being funny. He also bashes anyone who dares to use the cake reference in their [[Web Comic]] for the same reason: "And if that doesn't work then just go on about the cake being a lie."
* ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'': According to one of the administrators, [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears|Kenny the bear's]] appearance was done mainly to make people shut up about the "inactivity bear" meme.
* [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/family-guy-effect KnowYourMeme,] a website dedicated to...well, memes, has an upcoming dictionary term called "The [[Family Guy (Animation)|Family Guy]] Effect." To wit: "When a popular Internet meme is mentioned on the show Family Guy, popularity of said meme will either have a temporary spike in popularity, or begin to decline." E.g. [[Chuck Norris]]? He's been unpopular a ''long'' time.
** So the next time you watch Family Guy and see your favorite meme on it, ''weep for your fallen meme.'' '''''WEEP.'''''
** Oddly enough, their use of [[Rick Astley]]'s "Never Gonna Give You Up" may have been ''too'' early (depending on how long episodes take to produce) to have been a reference to [[Rickroll|Rickrolling]].
* [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] admitted in his ''[[Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' review that his use of [[Street Fighter (Filmfilm)|M. Bison]] exclaiming, "Of course!" in response to world domination plans was no longer funny. The clip has made a handful of NC-related appearances since then, but the buildup in each instance deviated from that past reviews (NC simply saying, "He has an evil plan to, you guessed it, take over the world") in order to make the gag less stale (eg, a character announces world domination plans ''himself'', NC notices a character looks like M. Bison, or someone says "Of course").
** In the commentary for the same video, he cited this trope as his reason for not including the famous "[[Too Smart for Strangers|bad touch]]" clip, mentioning also that, really, it ''was'' good advice and it was pretty ballsy of the show to make it.
*** He also stated on his commentary for "Top 11 Batman the Animated Series Episodes" that he's really gotten sick of the [[Berserk Button|"Bat Credit-Card"]] joke, to the point where if someone says it to him at a convention, he'll only respond once.
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* [[Sailor Moon Abridged]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPj-tLTsKX8 invokes this trope] with the "Power Levels" meme:
{{quote| '''Sailor Venus:''' "Okay...no. Maybe there's enough [[Take That|underage kids here that you thought this was 4chan]], but it's not and that shit hasn't been funny since 2007, anyway, so I don't even wanna hear it. Venus Meteor Shower!"}}
* The ''[[Left 4 Dead]]'' custom map "I Hate Mountains" has some (custom-made) graffiti where someone asks "[[What Would X Do?|What Would]] [[Chuck Norris]] [[What Would X Do?|Do?]]" about the [[Zombie Apocalypse]]. After a couple of lines of banter, the exchange is ended with four words: "Seriously, he's fucking dead."
* In a moment of [[Self-Deprecation]], [[Little Kuriboh]] discredited his "Card Games On Motorcycles" meme by having Lector destroy it in order to demonstrate Jinzo's special ability. Lector then laughs and says "I've been waiting a whole year for that!"
** He promoted the possibility of a [[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 Ds (Anime)5D's|Yu-Gi-Oh 5 Ds]] Abridged for charity, and specifically said that it won't involve the phrase.
*** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6VqHCvdg9I&feature=feedu This] episode features Jack trying to find a new catchphrase. He's told that "he will be doubled his paycheck if he never says that phrase again."
* [[Chuggaaconroy]] has completely disavowed [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZF2Shvy-7w Steve the Trooper], a red leaf Pikmin. Originally a throwaway gag, as Chugga often names characters, the fans picked up Steve and made fanart, videos, Facebook pages, and more. Throughout his Pikmin2 review, he has specifically avoided the name Steve, sometimes stating "You know what that Pikmin's name is". Still, most comments on his videos relate to Steve in some way.