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[[File:The_12_Doctors.png|frame|Not pictured: The War Doctor, the Thirteenth and later Doctors<ref>[[William Hartnell]], [[Patrick Troughton]], [[Jon Pertwee]], [[Tom Baker]], [[Peter Davison]], [[Colin Baker]] (no relation to Four), [[Sylvester McCoy]], [[Paul McGann]], [[Christopher Eccleston]], [[David Tennant]], [[Matt Smith]], [[Peter Capaldi]]</ref>]]
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[[File:The_12_Doctors.png|frame|Not pictured: The War Doctor<ref>[[William Hartnell]], [[Patrick Troughton]], [[Jon Pertwee]], [[Tom Baker]], [[Peter Davison]], [[Colin Baker]] (no relation to Four), [[Sylvester McCoy]], [[Paul McGann]], [[Christopher Eccleston]], [[David Tennant]], [[Matt Smith]], [[Peter Capaldi]]</ref>]]
{{quote|''He saves worlds, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures, and [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others|runs a lot]]. Seriously, there's an ''outrageous'' amount of running involved.''|'''Donna Noble''', in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E06 The Doctor's Daughter|The Doctor's Daughter]]"}}
|'''Donna Noble'''|"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E06 The Doctor's Daughter|The Doctor's Daughter]]"}}
Since its debut on 23 November 1963 on [[The BBC|BBC television]], the British sci-fi series ''Doctor Who'' has thrilled, entertained, and [[Nightmare Fuel|terrified]] three generations of fans worldwide. It takes place in and established the [[Whoniverse]], which has a [[Broad Strokes|very loose and lax continuity]], even discounting the [[Doctor Who Expanded Universe|Expanded Universe]]. It is the longest running sci-fi series in the world, bar none -- innone—in fact, the latest three actors to play the title role were all born after it started.
The premise of the show is simple enough: it follows the adventures of a renegade [[Time Lord]], the Doctor, and his various companions through time and space. Travelling in his time machine, the TARDIS, he meets many foes, ranging from heavily armoured robots to microbes and pollen to - well, members of his own race. The TARDIS and the Doctor's recurring enemy the Daleks have become British cultural icons and it is fair to suggest that the overwhelming majority of Britons would instantly recognize both. It is, in fact, difficult to over-state the extent to which ''Doctor Who'', ostensibly a slightly daft children-oriented sci-fi show, has become a part of the British cultural landscape. It casts as much a shadow over British culture, as one Anthropology Professor put it, as ''[[Star Trek]]'' casts over American culture; more so, in fact, as while acknowledged fans of ''[[Star Trek]]'' are still rather consistently made fun of by mainstream culture, ''Doctor Who'' is beloved by Britons of all ages and demographics. Including, as it happens, [[HMElizabeth The Queen|Her Majesty the QueenII]].
The show originally ran from 1963 to 1989 (with an 18 month hiatus in 1985-6 caused by [[Executive Meddling]], during which it "rested"). A canon [[Made for TV Movie]], created [[Backdoor Pilot|as a pilot]] for a revival, aired in 1996, but nothing else resulted.
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Between 2001 and 2003, [[The BBC]] produced a series of webcasts which it considered in every way an official continuation of the series (insofar as the Beeb ever indicates what is and isn't canon). It is possible more would have been made but for a very exciting development on the television front:
In 2005, a [[Revival]] began. It's presented a continuation of the old series (rather than being a [[Continuity Reboot]]), with the Ninth Doctor being a direct successor to the original series incarnations ''and'' the 1996 movie's Doctor. The revival series has radically upgraded production values, shorter story arcs but much more continuity throughout, and it introduced deeper [[Character Development]] and romance to the series. The revival's sixth series finished airing October 2011. The old series lasted 26 seasons, and the new episodes are called "series". Officially, the show went from Season 26 to ''Series'' 1, and so on.
The show has spawned several spinoffs within its [[Whoniverse]], which tend to cross over with the main show. The main ones are:
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It also has a behind-the-scenes [[Companion Show]] called ''[[Doctor Who Confidential]]'' which aired in 2005 and was canceled in 2011.
Now with its very own [ Doctor Who TV Tropes Tumblr].
* [[Alan Fridge]]: Joke announcement by [[Steven Moffat]] on [[Outpost Gallifrey]].
* [[Aliens of London]]: [[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E04 Aliens of London|Episode of the same name]].
* [[Bigger on the Inside]]: Well, aren't ''you'' going to say it about the TARDIS? (Almost) everyone else does.
* [[Bow Ties Are Cool]]: [[Catch Phrase]] of the Eleventh Doctor.
* [[The Brigadier]]: Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, recurring character.
* [[Changed My Jumper]]: "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E03 The Unquiet Dead|The Unquiet Dead]]".
* [[Everybody Lives]]: "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E10 The Doctor Dances|The Doctor Dances]]".
* [[Five Rounds Rapid]]: "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S8/E05 The Daemons|The Daemons]]".
* [[Immune to Bullets]]: "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S12/E01 Robot|Robot]]".
* [[Mind Probe]]: No, ''not'' the mind ''probe''. ("[[Doctor Who/Recap/20th AS the Five Doctors|The Five Doctors]]")
* [[The Missus and the Ex]]: Welcome to every man's worst nightmare. ("[[Doctor Who/Recap/S28/E03 School Reunion|School Reunion]]")
* [[The Nth Doctor]]
* [[Perception Filter]]: "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E11 Boom Town|Boom Town]]".
* [[The Slow Path]]: "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S28/E04 The Girl in the Fireplace|The Girl in the Fireplace]]".
* [[Spooky Silent Library]]: "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E08 Silence in the Library|Silence in the Library]]"/ "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E09 Forest of the Dead|Forest of the Dead]]".
* [[Time and Relative Dimensions In Space]]: Or "Dimension", depending on what era.
* [[Timey-Wimey Ball]]: Of wibbly-wobbly... er... stuff. ("[[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E10 Blink|Blink]]")
For more detailed information, check the [[Doctor Who/Analysis|Analysis tab]].
* For tropes used in specific episodes of the TV series, go [[Doctor Who/Recap|here]].
* For tropes used in ''Doctor Who'' media outside of the TV show, go [[Doctor Who Expanded Universe|here]].
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** Foremost on the list are the Daleks; super-intelligent, genetically engineered, [[Exclusively Evil]] [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|space Nazis]] designed to feel no other emotion than hate (though they sometimes display fear and others). They are utterly fanatical about their own [[Fantastic Racism|inherent superiority]], to the point where civil wars have broken out amongst them if factions start displaying minor differences, and to where they have chosen death when "contaiminated" by foreign DNA. Their goal is nothing less than to [[Catch Phrase|exterminate]] every living thing in the universe (and, once, the multiverse) other than themselves, and they often tend to find themselves dealing with Earth.
** The Cybermen are, basically, alternate humans, from Earth's twin planet Mondas (and in the [[Russell T. Davies]] era, a parallel universe) who converted themselves into emotionless cyborgs obsessed with the survival of their race, and the best way to do that is to forcibly convert humanity into them. That they are a direct threat to mankind means that they have also sought to destroy them, or sizeable chunks, in the distant future when we manage to successfully fight back.
** The Time Lords are a race of supposed non-interventialists, but they are really a controlling and elitist, and somewhat stagnant, race of [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]s who, as their name suggests, have mastered [[Time Travel]], amongst other technologies. Generally they are not malevolent and have plenty of decent members- notably The Doctor himself- but they throw up plenty of maniacs like the Master and the Rani, not to mention their insane founders Rassilon and Omega, amongst other miscreants. As the Time War drew to a bloody close they became a race of [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Maniacs]]s who were ready to put an end to time itself in an effort to avoid ultimate defeat, which means they last showed up as a villain race.
** The Sontarans are an entire race of [[Blood Knight|Blood Knights]]s who are engaged in a 50,000 year war with another species, and to ensure a ready supply of troops turned to cloning, to the point where practically every living Sontaran is now a clone of someone else, resulting in a buttload of uniformity. They usually attack Earth as part of a strategy aimed at achieving victory in their war rather than any particular feelings about us, though they enjoy it when we fight back because [[War Is Glorious]].
* [[Aliens of London]]: The Doctor speaks with an [[British Accents|accent]]. ''Which'' accent depends on the incarnation. The original series Doctors mostly tended towards Received Pronunciation, Seven sounded Scottish, Eight sounded Liverpudlian, Nine Mancunian, Ten had the accent of Estuary London,<ref>as opposed to [[David Tennant|the actor's]] native Scottish accent</ref>, and Eleven has a Northampton accent.
* [[Aliens Speaking English]]: Justified due to [[Translator Microbes]]. Mostly. The TARDIS is said to feature a psychic translation facility (mentioned in ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S14/E01 The Masque of Mandragora|The Masque of Mandragora]]'', "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E02 The End of the World|The End of the World]]", "[[Doctor Who/Recap/2005 CS the Christmas Invasion|The Christmas Invasion]]", and "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E02 The Fires of Pompeii|The Fires of Pompeii]]"), but it seems to rely on the Doctor's conscious presence to complete the "circuit," as it has been shown not to work when the Doctor is unconscious or out of range.
:Other examples, such as the Daleks, the Slitheen and Matron Cofelia are explicitly speaking English (whether they've learned English or are using different [[Translator Microbes]] are never made certain; the Daleks, however, have been demonstrated speaking different languages when appropriate, such as German in Germany).
:Also, the Judoon were seen speaking English in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E01 Smith and Jones|Smith and Jones]]", but that was because they recorded a man speaking it, and then "assimilated" the language.
<!-- %%The Fires of Pompeii example doesn't really illustrate this particular trope. -->
* [[The Alleged Car]]: More like "The Alleged TARDIS" though it's in even worse shape by the 2005 series. He's had it for several centuries, and it was already ancient when he got it, yet it's still immensely powerful and advanced, even by alien standards. In "The Eleventh Hour", however, the TARDIS regenerated along with the Doctor and seems to be in a bit better shape. Two people (rather than the designed six) piloting it, as well as {{spoiler|leaving the handbrake on}} doesn't improve its poor state and [[Explosive Instrumentation]].
* [[All Myths Are True]]: And they're all aliens. Vampires, werewolves, yeti, the Loch Ness Monster; even the devil is an alien.
* [[Alternate Universe]]: Oddly enough, not extensively used. There ''are'' alternate universes in the ''Who'' multiverse--onemultiverse—one Classic Series [[Story Arc]] took place in one called "E-Space" and the story ''Inferno'' has a [[Mirror Universe]], and the [[Russell T. Davies]] era has at least two, a [[Zeppelins from Another World]] universe and an alternate timeline world centred on Donna Noble in "Turn Left"--but—but travel between alternate universes seems to be extremely difficult (compared to travel in time and space, creating and controlling a black star, making dimensionally transcendental ships...) and very dangerous.
** Although the Doctor states that it used to be easy to do before the Time War; since then, though, the universe(s) don't seem to like letting the travel occur.
* [[Always Save the Girl]]:
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** The Eleventh Doctor also saved both {{spoiler|Amy and Rory by dropping them off back home, having finally gotten [[Genre Savvy]] enough to realize the danger he puts them in}}.
** Amy and River are gender-inverted examples. River will {{spoiler|rip the world apart in order for the Doctor not to be killed}}, and Rory is the only thing that {{spoiler|convinces older!Amy to defy all laws of time}}.
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Jake, from "Rise of the Cybermen"/"The Age of Steel", seems to love Ricky. A deleted scene would have confirmed it. An unusual case; since the show's return in 2005 (under openly gay producer Davies), most of the gay characters are not ambiguous in the least. Then there's the Silurian Madame Vastra and her 1880s1880's-era human maid Jenny in "A Good Man Goes to War", who in addition to being heavily teased as lesbians, are also an inter-species couple.
* [[An Asskicking Christmas]]: The Christmas specials.
* [[Ancient Astronauts]]: Earth has been visited a ''lot'' over its history. ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S13/E03 Pyramids of Mars|Pyramids of Mars]]'' is but one example.
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** Series 3 had various mentions of a Mr Saxon, evidently the a public office figure running for Prime Minister. {{spoiler|Who is later revealed to be the Master}}.
** Series 4 was chock full of them, tied together by a theme of things disappearing. First there was talk of vanishing bees, then planets, then moons, and finally Wilfred's "the stars are going out." {{spoiler|This all turned out to be due to the Daleks and their planet-stealing operation}}.
*** Unusually, Series 4 also had arc words specific to each of the two main characters. The Doctor had "she is returning,", while Donna Noble had the thoroughly unsettling "there's something on your back." In addition to that, The Doctor also referred to The Shadow Proclamation on several occasions before it was properly revealed.
** Series 5 had "cracks" which is spoken often but also emphasized visually. Near the end most episodes, after the Doctor had left, the camera would linger on some part of the scenery where a mysterious crack similar to the one that appeared in the first episode of the series had appeared, {{spoiler|later revealed to be a result of the TARDIS exploding on June 26, 2010}}. The cracks played a more prominent role in some episodes than others.
** Several times in Series 6, a hatch opens in a nearby wall, revealing woman with a silver eyepatch, who says a few words to Amy and vanishes. {{spoiler|It's [[Names to Run Away From|Madame Kovarian]], who has abducted the real Amy and is trying to [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E07 A Good Man Goes to War|steal Amy's baby to raise as a]] [[Laser Guided Tykebomb]]}}.
** The Moffatt era has its own arc words: "Silence will fall."
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* [[Bavarian Fire Drill]]:
** The Doctor does this a ''lot''. [[Applied Phlebotinum|Psychic paper]] helps... unless the viewer happens to be psychic enough to see through the illusion, like everyone working for Torchwood, or intelligent enough, like [[William Shakespeare]]. Though lies too big will actually break it, as seen in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/2010 CS A Christmas Carol|A Christmas Carol]]", when it refuses to say he's "widely acknowledged as a mature and responsible adult".
** In "Aliens of London", he gets out of being held at gunpoint by a room full of armed soldiers by using this -- whenthis—when a scream sounds from another room he yells, "Defense plan Delta! Come on!" and runs out of the room, and they all instinctively follow his orders, even though he's presented no identification at all.
** In ''Silver Nemesis'', the TARDIS arrives in the present day on the grounds of a castle and the Doctor approaches the little old lady he sees confidently, telling Ace, "Act like we own the place... Always works. We own the place." Ace has to point out that the woman they're approaching really does own the place -- andplace—and the place is Windsor Castle.
** The 7th used this to much better effect in ''The Curse Of Fenric'', wandering onto a secret naval base, bypassing a patrol holding them at gunpoint by barking orders and nitpicking about uniform cleanliness, breezing into an office and proceeding to write his own letter from the War Office, which he promptly hands over to yet more soldiers as proof of his right to be there.
** Used in ''The War Games'' to get into a military prison. One of the most impressive uses in the series - the Doctor has been convicted of espionage in wartime and has escaped from prison. He is not in uniform, or even a proper suit, and he has a gaping HOLE in the knee of his trousers, and yet managed to bluff the Prison commander for a solid chunk of time just by knowing what to say and shouting loudly.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]:
** The Tenth Doctor practically personifies this trope. When pushed too far, he's been known to dish out a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] and even commit genocide.
** The mild, polite Fifth Doctor has one of the highest onscreen body counts for the entire series. He also looked on and did nothing while the Master ''burned alive.''.
** The goofy Seventh Doctor might blow up your planet, and he's not above using his own companions [[The Chessmaster|as pawns]].
** The Tenth Doctor didn't kill the members of the Family Of Blood; instead, he [[And I Must Scream|kept them alive but put them in hellish prisons that they cannot die in but cannot escape from]] because they [[Be Careful What You Wish For|wanted immortality]] at any cost.
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** The first series had the megalomaniac Dalek Emperor and his revived army of Daleks.
** The second series kicked off with the equally megalomaniac John Lumic and his version of the Cybermen. The season finale featured the return of Cybermen, now led by a generic Cyber-Leader, but they spend half the time [[Evil Versus Evil|competing]] [[Big Bad Ensemble|with]] {{spoiler|Dalek Sec and the Cult of Skaro}}.
** The third series ''did'' show a two-part re-appearance of {{spoiler|the Cult of Skaro}}, but it's ultimately [[The Master (trope)|The Master]] that takes center-stage by the finale.
** The fourth season finale had Davros and his resurgent Dalek empire, but {{spoiler|Davros is just a representative this time around, while the Supreme Dalek is the one calling the shots}}.
** The Silence, a religious order primarily made up of creepy make-you-forget-they-exist aliens and [[Large Ham]] lackeys, are shaping up to be the [[Big Bad]] of the [[Steven Moffat]] era. They were an unseen [[The Man Behind the Man|man-behind-the-man]] villain in Series 5, causing the cracks in time that almost erased the universe from existence and drove most of that series' villains away from their homes and towards the Doctor. They made their onscreen debut in Series 6 {{spoiler|with a convoluted and almost-successful assassination attempt on the Doctor}}, and all indications are that they'll be back in future series of the Moffat era.
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'''Companion:''' What does that mean?
'''Doctor:''' That means it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.}}
* [[Big Labyrinthine Building]]: theThe TARDIS.
** Also the hotel in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E11 The God Complex|The God Complex]]"- complete with a Minotaur!
* [[Bi the Way]]: Jack Harkness, along with the rest of the 51st century.
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]:
** Any number of critters, not least of which is the Doctor himself--hehimself—he can do things like regenerate, re-grow hands, and absorb radiation, transform it into a form harmless to humans, and expel it through his ''foot''. Oh, and he has two hearts.
** The giant beetle on Donna Noble's back in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E11 Turn Left|Turn Left]]" could create an alternate reality from your memories when attached.
** The Aplans, and the Doctor's Godmother, who both we're told had two heads.
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** There's also the Wirrn from ''The Ark in Space''.
** "The Rebel Flesh"/"The Almost People" has {{spoiler|Ganger Jennifer}} finding interesting/terrifying ways to change her body, eventually settling on some sort of {{spoiler|gangly demonic hellbeast, all while retaining her original face, more or less}}.
* [[Bond One-Liner]]: Plenty, but [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E02 The Beast Below|Liz 10]] gets in a pretty good example after blowing away one of The Smilers:
{{quote|"I'm the bloody queen, mate; basically, [[Incredibly Lame Pun|I rule]]."}}
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Given how long running the series was it was inevitable this trope would crop up. In fact virtually every Doctor and companion underwent this trope or the milder [[Brainwashed]] trope at some point in the series as well as guest characters in some stories.
* [[Brandishment Bluff]]: In "Victory of the Daleks", the Doctor convinces the Daleks that a jammie Dodger (a type of cookie) is a super weapon.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: The Eighth Doctor is much more sentimental than most of the other Doctors...he was also the one who fought in the [[Beware the Nice Ones|Time War]]. You can see how badly he got broken by observing the Ninth Doctor, who is probably the most aggressive and angry of the Doctors to date.
* [[Britain Is Only London]]: Considering that the TARDIS can travel anywhere and any''when'' in the universe, a disproportionate number of episodes in the [[Russell T. Davies]] era take place in present-day London. (As well as near-future London, 1953 London, 1969 London, 1987 London, Elizabethan London, London in the Blitz and Victorian London.)
** Averted in [[Steven Moffat]]'s first series, Series 5, where of the six stories set in the UK, <ref>there's a seventh if you count the Starship UK from "The Beast Below"</ref> only two are London-based. Two of Series 6's seven stories set or partially set in UK also take place in London, and even then, neither are as the central focus. Moffat's production staff have lampshaded that focusing action on London has started to be a cliché.
<!-- %%% Victory of the Daleks, The Big Bang, Vastra's scenes in A Good Man Goes to War and The Wedding of River Song. A Good Man Goes to War and Let's Kill Hitler is counted as a two-parter. -->
* [[British English]]: To be expected with most of the characters, but phrases like "''send for'' another" and "Vaporized ''the lot''" sound a bit strange in Jack Harkness' American accent. He also calls his tank top a "vest" at one point.
** However, Capt. Jack has been living in the UK for more than 100 years. Enough time to even learn Welsh.
** Peri, who was supposed to be American, only used British slang to avoid confusing British viewers.
** A Tennessee-born New Yorker in "Daleks in Manhattan" uses the word "lorry" instead of "truck.".
* [[British Series]]: Do we really need to explain?
* [[Broad Strokes]]: The series abandons and introduces new concepts and twists on old concepts that were never previously mentioned, and often never mentioned again. Big as it is, the series can get away with this easily.
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** The Simm incarnation of the Master seems to have made his catchphrase "Oh NO you DON'T!"
* [[Catfolk]]: The Sisters of Plentitude in the episodes "New Earth" and "Gridlock".
* [[Chaos Entity]]: The Black Guardian embodies the force of chaos in the universe and uses this element throughout it.
* [[Character Development]]: The First Doctor started off as someone, who'd in a moment of desperation, tried to bash in a injured man's skull in, to escape the present danger. He was stopped by a Human who called him on this, even though he was someone the Doctor had belittled as beneath him until then. This might explain why all of his later companions are mostly Human, because they do ''stop'' him, when he goes too far. [[Russell T. Davies]] and [[Steven Moffat]]'s runs seem to embrace this interpretation.
** Some companions also get their fair share. Notable examples from the revived series include Jack Harkness, Donna Noble and Rory Williams.
* [[Charm Person]]: Craig is certain the Eleventh has this power. Specifically, telling anyone to hush and them doing it.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The Doctor's Hand. ''Three times.''.
** "The Christmas Invasion" (Dec 2005), it gets chopped off in a swordfight above Earth. It is (at some point) picked up by Captain Jack.
** ''[[Torchwood]]'', Series 1 (2006-072006–07), Jack has a mysterious hand in a container for the entire first series.
** "End of Days" (''Torchwood'') /"Utopia" (Jan/June 2007), Jack hears the TARDIS and sees the hand respond ([[Chekhov's Gun|bang]]), grabs it, and joins the Doctor.
** "The Sound of Drums" (June 2007), The Master uses the Doctor's DNA (from the hand) in order to age him to reflect how old he actually is ([[Chekhov's Gun|bang]]).
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** Son of Mine, '''''SIR''''', from "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E08 Human Nature|Human Nature]]", '''''SIR''''', and ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E09 The Family of Blood|The Family of Blood]]'', '''''SIR'''''.
** '''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E13 Last of the Time Lords|HERE. COME. THE. DRUMS!]]''' The Master knows it's '''''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E17 E18 The End of Time|DINNERTIME!!]]'''''
** '''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S17/E05 The Horns of Nimon|Myyyyyyy DREEEAAAAMS of CONNNNN-QUEEEST!!!!]]'''
* [[Christmas Episode]]: The aforementioned comedy episode, "The Feast of Steven", the first (and, until New Who, only) episode to air on Christmas Day, which had no continuity to the main serial ''The Daleks' Master Plan''. In New Who, an annual series of specials, which between 2005 and 2009 doomed London (usually, but not always present day London) in some way. Aliens also threaten the Earth in 2011's episode, though it's not the primary plot.
* [[Cliffhanger Copout]]: The programme did this many times. The most (in)famous is probably from ''Dragonfire'', in which The Doctor dangles himself over a precipice because the episode was coming to an end, and [[Pseudo Crisis|just...climbs out of it next episode]].
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** The rejuvenated Daleks have different colored casings to identify their functions, but thus far we haven't seen enough of them for it to really make a difference. Black Daleks are usually called "Supreme" and have leadership positions. And when they were divided into two factions in ''Remembrance of the Daleks'', they had different colors as well.
* [[Conqueror From the Future]]: The Master, the Daleks, and several others over the years.
* [[Contrasting Sequel Character]]: This TV series loves this trope, the latter's the reason why the [[The Nth Doctor|Nth Doctor]] exists.
* [[Conservation of Ninjutsu]]: In "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E06 Dalek|Dalek]]", a single Dalek manages to wipe out an entire base full of trained elite soldiers (and is only defeated because it decides to destroy ''itself''). More recent episodes have seen entire armies of the supposedly terrifying and insurmountable space-Nazis regularly thwarted by a combination of [[Reverse Polarity|technobabble]] and [[A Wizard Did It|genetic wizardry]].
:In-universe, it's strongly implied that the lone Dalek was moments from being thoroughly blasted by the Doctor, and vast armies of Daleks are treated as the end of the world rather than Mooks. In practice, trope is fully in effect, though this seems to be more a case of the Doctor being able to beat the Daleks each time they appear regardless of the numbers even though they are a tremendous in-universe threat. Pretty much every time the Doctor isn't present or isn't really invested in their enemy surviving ({{spoiler|aka when Daleks fight the Cybermen, both were enemies and if either survived the survivor would take over the world}}) the result is that the Daleks pretty much [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomp their opponent]] {{spoiler|with the only real exception being the Time Lords themselves who were still losing. The Cybermen lose easily, and let's not forget that it took minutes for them to subdue earth in spite of tremendous preparations specifically for this eventuality}}.
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* [[Continuity Drift]]: Poster child.
** Even the main character's ''name'' has been subject to this: The original treatment, and early scripts and end titles, are not at all clear about the idea that the Doctor's name is not "Doctor Who". This wasn't firmly established until later.
** The Daleks could almost have their own page for this. In the original encounter, the Daleks had been living in their underground city for only a few hundred years, waiting for the radiation from a nuclear war to fade, only to discover their mutated forms needed radiation to survive. Their self-created "travel machines" could only operate on powered metal surfaces,<ref>This was later bypassed with a power-receiving antenna dish mounted on their backs, but even that was soon forgotten.</ref>, and even in-story stuck to smooth surfaces, ramps, and elevators. They were cold and cruel, but by no means super-intelligent. They were defeated in the Doctor's first encounter, before they had a chance to ever leave their city. By the time the new series got into action, they had become computer-integrated, universe-conquering, flying battle machines.
** The Cybermen didn't achieve their trademark appearance until the Second Doctor serial ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S6/E03 The Invasion|The Invasion]]'', their fifth appearance, and only gained a weakness to gold dust in ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S12/E05 Revenge of the Cybermen|Revenge of the Cybermen]]''. ''Silver Nemesis'' flanderized this into an extreme weakness to all forms of gold.
* [[Continuity Nod]]:
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* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: The Doctor is this with K9.
* [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]]: The Cybermen, one of the earliest examples of this trope, as they first appeared in 1966.
== D-F ==
* [[Damsel in Distress]] and [[Dude in Distress]]: The Doctor, in varying degrees throughout all his incarnations; most if not all of the companions, whether male or female, at some time or another; assorted bystanders of both sexes. Seriously, having someone taken prisoner or menaced by the [[Monster of the Week]] is one of the standard plots.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: The Master, at least when played by John Simm. He even likes to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade]] when he should make a typical villain mistake and doesn't. Hell, his first step of {{spoiler|taking office as prime minister was to kill all of his 'advisors',' as every one of them had abandoned their parties and candidates to latch onto him and would likely treat him the same way.}}.
* [[Dark Secret]]: Everything about the Doctor.
{{quote|'''Reinette''': Doctor? Doctor Who? ''It's more than just a secret, isn't it?''}}
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'''Mickey''': Great, we can write 'em a letter.}}
* [[Death By Pragmatism]]
* [[Death Is Cheap]]: The Master has [[Deader Than Dead|died on-screen without regenerating]] no less than {{spoiler|three}} times. It's never stopped him from coming back for more. The show doesn't even bother to explain why his possessed Trakenite body is alive again in "''The Mark of the Rani"'', after burning to death in ''Planet of Fire''.
** The [[Russell T. Davies]] era has seen "Thethe end of the Daleks" no less than three separate times, and yet everyone's still surprised when more Daleks show up. They wised up after a bit--outbit—out of those three "ends of the Daleks,", two happened in Series 1. After that, they made a point of ensuring that at least one member of the Cult of Skaro survived each encounter, until Russell T Davies decided to go out with a bang and did them in again at the conclusion of Series 4. Naturally, this meant Steven Moffat had to go and dig them up again, but he's been careful to keep them alive since.
* [[Death Ray]]: ''Everywhere.''.
* [[Death Seeker]]: All of the incarnations of the Doctor following the Time War have shades of this.
* [[Deconstruction]]: Since its reboot in 2005, the show has been gradually deconstructing itself. The Doctor is, as always, an eccentric man with a saviour complex whose mystique both entices and frightens people, and these traits have increasingly tended towards tragedy for him. It started with realistic problems finding their way into the story, like a companion's family assuming her dead and the emotional fallout that resulted, and got worse. [[Russell T. Davies]] made a huge jab at the Doctor's character in "Midnight", when all of the Doctor's normal methods of controlling a situation backfire entirely, and he is almost killed because of it. Soon after, in "Journey's End", he is shown his "true colours" when his companions are prepared to destroy themselves and the Earth if need be to stop the Daleks' plan. Since [[Steven Moffat]] took over the show, things have only gotten bleaker at an increasing rate, and by the end of Series 6, the Doctor has practically lost all faith in himself and is basically a [[Death Seeker]].
* [[Defeat Equals Friendship]]: notNot a running theme, but in "A Good Man Goes to War", Madame Vastra and Commander Strax are two old foes of the Doctor's, turned into allies.
* [[Development Gag]]
* [[Divine Chessboard]]: In whole-season spanning story arc ''The Key To Time'' there were the White and Black Guardians.
* [[CowboyMedia BebopResearch at His ComputerFailure|Doctor Who In His Tardis]]: It's become generally accepted, by fans and production alike, that The Doctor's name is '''''not''''' "Doctor Who", but the media doesn't seem to know this. Even the end titles sometimes list the character as "Doctor Who". (Thatthat last is less [[Egregious]] of an error in early episodes, when the name distinction wasn't firmly established yet.).
* [[Dramatic Irony]]: The Silence are the distilled essence of dramatic irony, since everyone else in the show can only remember they exist when they're looking at them.
* [[Driving Question]]: "Doctor ''who''?" It's been asked an ungodly number of times, and as of Series 6, {{spoiler|it's the oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight, and must never '''''ever''''' be answered. "Silence must fall when the question is asked."}}
Line 371 ⟶ 386:
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Many villains are these. The Doctor [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|beats them anyway]]. Justified, as he is on a par with them in some ways. Physically, he's human except for [[Bizarre Alien Biology]], but he's over 1100 years old and uses [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Sufficiently Advanced Technology]] and the time vortex as playthings.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: The TARDIS in ''The Edge of Destruction'', The Impossible Planet in "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit", the Earth in "The Hungry Earth", House/House TARDIS in "The Doctor's Wife".
* [[Empathic Weapon]]: The Moment, in the fiftieth-anniversary special, ''"The Day of the Doctor''".
* [[Epic Hail]]: Whether it's his old companions hailing the Doctor, the whole population of Earth hailing the Doctor, the Time Lords hailing the Master, or Rose Tyler hailing ''herself'', the [[Russell T. Davies]] era ''loves'' to put an [[Epic Hail]] in his season finales. Series 2 is the only one he missed.
* [[Eternal Hero]]: As a hero who saves the world in different ages, on different planets, and in different incarnations, The Doctor is a certifiable hero of mythological scope.
Line 383 ⟶ 398:
** Also, {{spoiler|the Dream Lord}}.
* [[Evolving Music]]: The theme tune over the years.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: Stories with "of the" in the title, i.e. "''The Tomb of the Cybermen"'', "''Resurrection of the Daleks"'', "''Terror of the Autons"'', etc.
* [[Expanded Universe]]: In a word, ''huge''. At least two hundred original novels covering all eleven Doctors, over 100 audio dramas made by [[Big Finish]] covering Five through Eight, and around forty-five years' worth of comics. There are several EU companions who have become well-known among the fandom. See [[Doctor Who Expanded Universe]].
* [[Explosive Decompression]]: Exceptions. Several times.
* [[Exposed Extraterrestrials]]: Slitheen, when not in human suits. Also, Silurians in ''Doctor Who Andand Thethe Silurians'' and ''Warriors Fromof Thethe Deep.''. Averted in ''Doctor Who And The Sea Devils'' due to a concern about "naked Sea Devils running around on telly at teatime."
* [[Exposition Beam]]: The Doctor, Eleven in particular, has the [[Psychic Powers|interesting ability]] to mind-meld information into other people's heads without having to explain it verbally, or the target having to be conscious, or even ''alive at the time.'' In cases of emergency, where a lot of information has to be imparted very quickly, The Doctor will opt to '''HEADBUTT''' the person in question, rather than simply mind-meld with them!
* [[Exposition of Immortality]]: ''Doctor Who'' does this all the time. Whether it's a serial [[Big Bad]] being outed as an alien who's been on Earth for centuries or the Doctor himself's longevity via regeneration. Encounters with recurring enemies the Cybermen and the Daleks frequently went hand in hand with a montage of past episodes or declamations by either side about their past encounters. It's a little confusing due to time travel being involved, but the Doctor definitely qualifies, as he himself keeps on aging in between encounters, and there's often several hundred years or both his and his enemies time between each confrontation.
Line 398 ⟶ 413:
* [[Fauxshadow]]: The parenthood of Amy's baby. A lot of twists in the show are like this, but the prologue of "A Good Man Goes to War" goes out of its way here:
{{quote|'''Amy''': He’s the [[Last of His Kind]]. He [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|looks young, but he’s lived for hundreds and hundreds of years]]. [...] [[Wham! Line|this man is your father]]. He has a name, but the people of our world know him better as {{spoiler|The Last Centurion}}.}}
** The show also tried to keep this going till the last possible moment, with the Doctor remarking, while pointing at the baby, that "it's mine.". He meant the cot, of course.
* [[Females Are More Innocent]]: The original show ran for a quarter century and had a large number of villains yet in that time period only about 10 were women, and only one or two of theme appeared in the shows first 15 seasons.
* [[Feudal Future]]: Various planets the Doctor's landed on, from time to time.
Line 405 ⟶ 420:
:In "The Eleventh Hour", he can tell the exact age of a shed by licking it.
:In "Day of the Moon", he can tell {{spoiler|where the TARDIS-blue envelopes from the previous episode were made from licking}}.
* [[Five-Man Band]]:
* [[Five-Man Band]]: During the Eleventh Doctor's era. [[The Hero]]: The TARDIS [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor. (the above two are interchangeable) [[The Big Guy]]: Rory Williams, {{spoiler|at least after he becomes the Centurion}}. [[The Smart Guy]]: River Song [[The Chick]]: Amy Pond
** During the Eleventh Doctor's era:
** During the Third Doctor's exile to Earth [[The Hero]]: The Doctor [[The Lancer]]: The Brigadier [[The Big Guy]]: Sergant Benton [[The Smart Guy]]: Liz Shaw/The Doctor [[The Chick]]: Jo Grant [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]: Captain Yates
*** [[The Hero]]: The TARDIS.
** First Doctor's initial group [[The Hero]]: Barbara/Ian [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor [[The Big Guy]]: Ian [[The Chick]]: Susan [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Barbara [[Team Pet]]: The TARDIS
*** [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor (the above two are interchangeable).
** The Children of Time ("The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End") [[The Hero]]: The Doctor [[The Lancer]]: Jack/Donna/Wilf [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Mickey [[The Chick]]: Rose/Martha [[The Big Guy]]: Jack
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Rory Williams, {{spoiler|at least after he becomes the Centurion}}.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: River Song.
*** [[The Chick]]: Amy Pond.
** During the Third Doctor's exile to Earth:
*** [[The Hero]]: The Doctor.
*** [[The Lancer]]: The Brigadier.
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Sergant Benton.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: Liz Shaw/The Doctor.
*** [[The Chick]]: Jo Grant.
*** [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]: Captain Yates.
** First Doctor's initial group:
*** [[The Hero]]: Barbara/Ian.
*** [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor.
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Ian.
*** [[The Chick]]: Susan.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Barbara.
*** [[Team Pet]]: The TARDIS.
** The Children of Time ("The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End"):
*** [[The Hero]]: The Doctor.
*** [[The Lancer]]: Jack/Donna/Wilfred.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Mickey.
*** [[The Chick]]: Rose/Martha.
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Jack.
* [[Flat What]]: Shows up from time to time.
** Pretty much a catchphrase for the Tenth Doctor.
Line 423 ⟶ 461:
* [[Forever War]]: Sontarans versus the Rutans. It's been going on for 50,000 years as of "The Poison Sky", and is still going at least 10,000 years after ''that'' in ''The Sontaran Experiment'' with no end in sight. Both sides are perfectly fine with this.
* [[For the Funnyz]]: Leave it to the Doctor to make quips and resort to measures with an amusing/ironic edge.
* [[For Want of a Nail]] / [[In Spite of a Nail]]: Occasionally even in the same adventure.
* [[Fourth Wall Shut-in Story]]: This is the trap in The Land of Fiction in the serial ''The Mind Robber'': defeat the (supposed) Big Bad by writing yourself into a story as the hero.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: The Master. Particularly so, since that he and the Doctor ''used'' to be friends as children on Gallifrey. Despite everything they do each other, they still want the other alive.
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]: Come ''on'' now... there's one that's been used several dozen times over on this page alone.
* [[Fur Bikini]]: Leela.
* [[Future Imperfect]]: Cassandra really really sucks at history. Highlights include believing the ostrich had a wingspan of 50 feet and was able to breathe fire, and thinking a jukebox is an iPod.
* [[Future Me Scares Me]]: The Valeyard.
== G-I ==
* [[Gambit Pileup]]: Common in stories involving the Master and/or the Daleks.
* [[Gambit Roulette]]
* [[Gender Bender]]: It was hinted that regeneration can do this in ''The End of Time'', and confirmed in "The Doctor's Wife", in which the Doctor mentioned that this has happened to another Time Lord, the Corsair, on several occasions. And it finally happened to the Doctor, in the regeneration from Twelve to Thirteen (Jodie Whittaker).
* [[Genius Breeding Act]]: In one episode, Rattigan explains his master plan for a new world to the other [[Teen Genius|Teen Geniuses]]es he'd collected, and mentions that he's written up a breeding program. They are appropriately appalled.
* [[Genius Cripple]]: Davros. C'mon, he's eyeless, has one arm, and is in a Dalek-base wheelchair.
* [[Genius Loci]]: The TARDIS, others, House in "The Doctor's Wife".
* [[Genre Roulette]]: borderlineBorderline [[Genre Busting]] at times. It did so even more in the era of William Hartnell, who played the First Doctor, before the series had quite settled into its format. As showrunner [[Steven Moffat|The Grand Moff]] put it: "Sometimes it's comedy, sometimes thriller, sometimes horror, sometimes children's stories, the silliest stories you've ever seen. Sometimes it's all that in the same episode"
** On the Nerdist podcast, Matt Smith praised the format for not being bound by "logic, time, space, or genre."
* [[Genre Savvy]]:
** After various aliens make a mess of London each Christmas for two years in a row, in "Voyage of the Damned", people keep away from shopping in central London the following Christmas Eve.
** River Song is remarkably genre-savvy, to the point where on at least one occasion she made the very remark the audience was thinking at the time.
** River may well have gotten her genre-savviness from Rory Williams, who displays a lot more caution than most companions for this very reason (and almost immediately understood how the TARDIS could be [[Bigger on the Inside]], much to the Doctor's annoyance).
Line 448 ⟶ 486:
** Moffat seems to love this trope. The Doctor/Amy scene at the end of "Flesh and Stone" springs to mind, especially this particularly [[Egregious]] exchange:
{{quote|'''Eleventh Doctor:''' Listen to me! I'm 907 years old. Do you know what that means?
'''Amy:''' It's been a while? }}
** A made for DVD scene included in the Series 5 box set expands on this further, with Amy discussing former companions in the same way a girlfriend might ask her boyfriend how many women he's slept with...
{{quote|'''Eleventh Doctor:''' ''(as the TARDIS shows Amy photos of all previous female companions)'' Thanks, dear. Miss out the metal dog, why don't you?
Line 462 ⟶ 500:
(cut to Rose and the Doctor)
'''Rose:''' Bit rich, coming from you.}}
** Amy and Rory's outfits in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/2010 CS A Christmas Carol|A Christmas Carol]]".
** This particularly dodgy exchange in "The Doctor Dances".
{{quote|'''Jack:''' Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, 'ooh, this could be a little more sonic'?
'''Doctor:''' What? You never been bored? Never had a long night?}}
** In the 2005 episode "Dalek", the use by the character Henry Van Statten of the term "spooning", in a sexual context, raised a mini firestorm of controversy with viewing watchdog groups who apparently were so outraged at such a thing they missed van Statten uttering the curse word "goddamn" in the same episode - the first and to date only time such a strong word has ever been used on ''Doctor Who'' which, remember, airs at teatime on a Saturday.
** Series 6's opener "The Impossible Astronaut" had this exchange...
{{quote|'''Doctor:''' Shout if you get in trouble.
Line 478 ⟶ 516:
** In "The Shakespeare Code", the victim in the teaser that was eaten by the Carrionites clearly wanted to get into bed with Lilith.
* [[Ghost City]]: Several examples, notably the Exxilon city in ''Death to the Daleks'' and the seemingly-abandoned Dalek city in ''The Daleks''.
* [[Ghost Planet]]: "Planet of the Dead", ''The Daleks'', "Silence in the Library".
* [[God-Emperor]]: A favorite position of Dalek leaders, being used by both the Emperor of the Dalek and even more so by Davros.
* [[A God Am I]]:
Line 486 ⟶ 524:
** {{spoiler|The Time Lords}} in ''The End of Time''.
** The Dalek Emperor.
** In ''The Armageddon Factor'', The Doctor makes a point out of how easily this could happen by having the Key to Time.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: ''The Pirate Planet'' and ''The Happiness Patrol''.
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]: What happens to some Time Lord when they are Initiated.
* [[Government Agency of Fiction]]: UNIT and Torchwood, among others.
* [[Great Offscreen War]]: The Time War, taking place at a scale so epic it broke space and time.
Line 497 ⟶ 535:
* [[Heroic BSOD]]:
** The Ninth Doctor goes catatonic for minutes when Rose appears to have been vaporized in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E12 Bad Wolf|Bad Wolf]]".
** The Tenth Doctor is seen to do this on a couple of occasions (most notably "The Stolen Earth") when his insane ingenuity has failed him and he can't think of anything to do--hedo—he simply stands there, motionless, his face blank and fixed. It's fairly creepy, in fact.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Extremely, extremely common. A couple of the Doctors have done it too.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Rather, He Who Outsmarts Monsters After The Mundanes Fail Miserably At [[Five Rounds Rapid]]. Hell, the Doctor has been asked ''twice'' if he's scared of monsters, and always replies, "No. [[Badass Boast|They're scared of me.]]"
* [["Hey You!" Haymaker]]: Used by the Brigadier in "''The Five Doctors"'', when he taps the Master holding the Doctors at weapon point and slugs him, saying "Nice to see you again"."
* [[Hidden in Plain Sight]]: The TARDIS, plus many times when characters barely conceal themselves in an alcove or behind a pillar until the monsters pass by (all monsters have limited peripheral vision). Known by some as a "quantum hide.".
** The first Question.
* [[The Highwayman]]
Line 507 ⟶ 545:
* [[Home, Sweet Home]]: The Doctor never evinces this, but it causes some companions to leave.
* [[Hopeless War]]: {{spoiler|The Last Great Time War ended up as one of these. Countless soldiers were being killed and revived in time loops, the crossfire was spawning cosmic horrors by the truckload, and the Time Lords were so desperate to survive they brought back Rassilon, whose victory plan amounted to destroying the rest of the universe so they could become beings of pure thought. The Doctor had to wipe out both sides rather than let either of them "win"}}.
* [[How's Your British Accent?|How's Your Scottish Accent]]: [[David Tennant]] as the Tenth Doctor "faking" a Scottish accent in "Tooth and Claw.".
* [[Human Alien]]: Excepting some physiological differences that aren't readily apparent (the two hearts thing, etc.), Gallifreyans are indistinguishable from humans, at least on the outside.
{{quote|'''Christina:''' You look human.
'''Tenth Doctor:''' You look Time Lord.}}
{{quote|'''Amy:''' You look human.
'''Eleventh Doctor:''' No, ''you'' look Time Lord. We came first.}}
** The companions Adric, Nyssa, Turlough and Astrid are neither humans nor Time Lords, but are physically indistiguishableindistinguishable from either.
** Countless other alien species from the Thals to the race of Appalapucia are physically identical to humans.
* [[Humanity Is Infectious]]
* [[Human Outside, Alien Inside]]: Time Lords have two hearts with a redundant circulatory system, a low body temperature, a respiratory bypass system, an ability to regenerate from death twelve times, a lifespan of potentially hundreds of years per body, and a complete additional sensorium tuned to temporal events.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]:
** A number of stories have shown future humans abusing (or ''enslaving'') other humans or aliens, for example ''The Ark'' and "Planet of the Ood". As Gwen says in ''[[Torchwood]]: Children of Earth'', "Sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame."
** The episode "Midnight" offers a rather different, but still very disturbing, flavor of this.
Line 523 ⟶ 561:
** [[Humans Are Good]]: However, this is also inverted just as often if not more.
* [[Humans Are Morons]]:
** In the first season, there comes a moment when the Doctor wonders why he likes humans so much, seeing as we have "such limited brains.".
** His later incarnations seem to have pretty much the same thought. Indeed, when he's not going on about the marvelousness of humanity (a particular feature of the Tenth Doctor), he's ranting about how stupid/blind/ignorant they are. Sometimes in the same episode.
** In "The Impossible Planet", the Tenth gave a passion-filled mini-speech about how marvelous humans were. With his next breath he talked about how stupid they were.
Line 563 ⟶ 601:
* [[In Harm's Way]]: The Doctor himself, and many companions.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Steven Taylor, one of the First Doctor's Companions, would often call him "Doc". The Doctor would demand that Steven call him by his proper name.
* [[Instant Web Hit]]: The Doctor Who Cast and Crew's music video for [ I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)]. It was released on October 30th30, and the Tumblr Doctor Who fandom promptly exploded.
** Also, David Tennant and Catherine Tate's [ The Ballad of Russell and Julie].
* [[Interdimensional Travel Device]]
* [[The Internet Is for Porn]]:
Line 573 ⟶ 611:
* [[Ironic Echo]]:
** In "Planet of the Dead", the Doctor and Malcolm Taylor each say "He hung up on me." and "Not now, I'm busy!" at different points.
** A slightly harder to spot one is the Doctor saying 'Funny? No? Little bit?' in ''The End of Time'' partPart 1One. The Master says exactly the same thing in "The Sound of Drums", a full series beforehand.
** Blink and you miss it, but in "Doomsday", when Pete Tyler tells the Doctor "That's your problem", it does sound awfully familiar...
** In ''Warriors' Gate'', "the weak enslave themselves".
* [[It Got Worse]]:
** The end of "Army of Ghosts". And most of "Turn Left". ''Hoo'' boy...
** The end of "The Pandorica Opens.". Basically, {{spoiler|Rory has killed Amy and the TARDIS explodes with River inside, erasing the universe from existence, whilst the Doctor is being locked inside the greatest prison ever constructed by all of his enemies}}. It really doesn't get much worse than that, honestly.
* [[I Would Say If I Could Say]]
Line 586 ⟶ 624:
* [[Joker Immunity]]: The Daleks, the Master, the Cybermen. Mostly the Master, really. He's a guy who just won't stay dead, and even lampshades it occasionally. The Daleks were in a war that was passing through the fabric of time and space, not to mention a few of them having the capability to make emergency temporal shifts, and thousands more being trapped in Time Lord prisons, waiting to be let out. The Cybermen ''were'' wiped out, but re-emerged from an alternate Earth where they almost took over the world and, again, were hurled through time and space, and that never seems to kill anyone permanently.
* [[Just Smile and Nod]]: He's [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens|the]] [[Last of His Kind|Doctor]].
* [[Kangaroo Court]]: ''The Trial of a Time Lord'' and ''The Deadly Assassin''. Also, Ian's trial in ''The Keys of Marinus''.
* [[Kill'Em All]]: Usually the Doctor and his companions survive, but they have been known to depart from places where all known characters died, or there ''might'' be minor survivors in the odd corners.
* [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better]]: In many new series stories, future humans seem to be taken to modified P90s as their weapon of choice.
* [[Kingpin in His Gym]]: Played for laughs when the Delgado Master, locked up in a sea fortress, exercises on a rowing machine. It doesn't seem to be working, though—the Doctor remarks that the Master has put on weight!
* [[Large Ham]]: [[Large Ham/Live-Action TV/Doctor Who|Has its own page]].
* [[The Last Dance]]: {{spoiler|theThe Tenth Doctor himself, in the 2009 specials. At the end of ''"Planet of the Dead''", a low-level psychic tells him he's going to die, so he spends the next episodes running around having as many adventures possible before his inevitable [[The Nth Doctor|regeneration]]}}.
** {{spoiler|It occurs more literally in ''The End Of Time''; after receiving a fatal dose of radiation, the Doctor spends his last hours visiting the people he'd cared about during his tenth life and... well, not so much saying goodbye as helping them out from a distance and then staring sadly at them before wandering off. Except for Rose, whom [[Timey-Wimey Ball|he meets before she met him]] to have one last conversation with her. ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'' says he visited every companion from all his incarnations}}.
** {{spoiler|And in "Closing Time", Eleven does it again in anticipation of getting [[Killed Off for Real]]}}.
Line 611 ⟶ 649:
* [[Licensed Game]]: The "adventure games" which are tied to Series 5 and 6.
** Previously there was ''Destiny of the Doctors'' in the late 1990s and a couple of simple games for the BBC Micro and ZX Spectrum.
* [[Life Drinker]]: Magnus Greel in the serial "''The Talons of Weng-Chiang"'' attempted to stay alive by draining the life essence out of young women. Leela only just avoided suffering this fate.
* [[Light Flicker Teleportation]]: How Weeping Angels move around.
* [[Little Stowaway]]: This is how Adric got on the TARDIS.
Line 629 ⟶ 667:
{{quote|'''Ninth Doctor''': There isn't a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy. And this little boy can.}}
* [[Low Culture, High Tech]]
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]] / [[Luke, You Are My Father|Rory & Amy, You Are My Parents]]}}: {{spoiler|In "A Good Man Goes Toto War,". River tells Amy and Rory that she is their kidnapped child Melody Pond. It's also revealed that this is the little girl from "The Impossible Astronaut" that's been phoning Nixon}}.
Line 640 ⟶ 678:
* [[Male Gaze]]: The Doctor's companions have consistently been attractive young women, with some dressed in, shall we say, less than practical clothing. Ya'know, considering they're running around all of time and space, often with things with sharp teeth just a step behind.
** This [\] article covers different aspects of the issue quite well, (lovingly) using Amy Pond as an example.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]: The Master...usually. He's not his usual smart dressed self in {{spoiler|''The End of Time''}}. Then again, {{spoiler|he has just come [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]], [[Came Back Wrong|wrong too]]...a tailor is low on his list of priorities}}.
* [[Mass Hypnosis]]
* [[The Master (trope)|The Master]]: The Master, of course.
* [[Mayfly-December Romance]]:
** David and Susan in ''The Dalek Invasion of Earth''.
** The Doctor and Rose. Jack and everyone. Also, Ten and Madame de Pompadour, as well as (jokingly implied) Ten and Queen Elizabeth I.
* [[Meaningful Background Event]]: Used a lot in the new series. It will usually be something relating to the finale of that series. Series 1 had the words Bad Wolf scribbled everywhere; Series 2 had everyone and their mother mentioning Torchwood; Series 3 had posters saying Vote Saxon; Series 4 featured various TV screens briefly {{spoiler|showing Rose screaming}} and so on.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Stormcage Prison, [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|with its literal Storms and Cages.]]
** The name "Melody Pond". It ends up related to the phrase uttered by the TARDIS that "The only water in the forest is the river," meaning that {{spoiler|1=that in the language of the Gamma Forests river is the only word for pond, and melody the only word for song. Therefore River Song= Amy and Rory's daughter}}.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: In-universe.
** For a [[Guile Hero]] the Doctor's very good at [[Badass Boast|Badass Boasts]]s.
** Another in-universe example: River Song. The mere mention of her name caused a '''DALEK''' to beg for mercy.
* [[Metaphorgotten]]:
Line 682 ⟶ 720:
* [[Muggle and Magical Love Triangle]]: Rose between the Doctor and Mickey.
* [[Mundanger]]: Although the earliest episodes alternated between science-fictional and purely historic episodes (the series started out as an educational show, you see), it soon evolved into a purely sci-fi show. The only post-'60s episode to feature a completely mundane threat was the Fifth Doctor story ''Black Orchid''.
* [[Murderous Mannequin]]: The Autons.
* [[Mutilation Conga]]: By the end of ''The End Ofof Time'', the Doctor has gone through this, leading up to his regeneration.
* [[My Card]]: ''The Happiness Patrol'' and "The Vampires of Venice" (a ''library'' card, no less) not to mention all those uses of the psychic paper.
** Harriet Jones, Prime Minister.
* [[My Friends and Zoidberg]]: A running gag with Donna's friend Nerys.
{{quote|"This photo is just with friends. And I want all of you in it. Well, friends... and Nerys."}}
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]:
** The Valeyard.
Line 699 ⟶ 737:
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]:
** Any name starting with "Dalek" (e.g. Dalek Caan, Dalek Jast, etc), not to mention the Doctor's sobriquet to the Daleks: The Oncoming Storm.
** And [[The Master (trope)|The Master]]. No-one good was ever named the Master. Come to that, 'The Doctor' has an ominous ring to it too, if only because of its anonymity. The Eleventh Doctor even invokes this trope at the start of the 5th series:
{{quote|'''Eleventh Doctor''': "Hello, I'm The Doctor. Basically, Run."}}
*** This has gotten to be an actual truth in-series as well, with Lorna's people (of "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E07 A Good Man Goes to War|A Good Man Goes Toto War]]") having the word 'Doctor' mean 'Great Warrior' in their language. Heck, it's outright stated that our word Doctor was taken from him in the first place.
** The Controller in ''The Macra Terror''. Subverted as he's even more a slave than the rest of the colony.
** The Vashta Nerada. Or as they're nicknamed: piranhas of the air. The translation of their formal name is even more clear: "The Shadows That Melt The Flesh".
** Craig's son Alfie, or as he has dubbed himself: Stormaggedon the Dark Lord of All.
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]:
Line 726 ⟶ 764:
** Good work {{spoiler|screwing the timeline over}} in "The Waters Of Mars", Doctor.
** Also, the Doctor calling the Daleks out on how they were tricking everyone about their victory was exactly what they needed to create a new race of Daleks. Great work, Doctor.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: {{spoiler|painfullyPainfully, averted in "The Pandorica Opens"}}, played straight in {{spoiler|"Flesh and Stone". The Doctor would have had no clue how to stop the light in the crack, if the angels hadn't suggested he sacrifice himself, which gave him the idea to sacrifice them instead}}.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: The Doctor is a psychic alien time-traveling slider. [[Haruhi Suzumiya]]'s [[Your Head Asplode|head would asplode]] with joy were she to meet him.
* [[Nobody Over 50 Is Gay]]:
Line 741 ⟶ 779:
* [[Noodle Incident]]:
** While the Time War in the new era has been a constant point of mention (especially when the Daleks or some re-introduced species are involved), it has never been specifically explained what exactly the Doctor did throughout the war. All that is known is that his actions resulted in the almost-complete extinction of both the Daleks and the Gallifreyan Time Lords, as well as the destruction of Gallifrey, and various other universal disturbances. This, of course, has been used as a [[Chekhov's Gun]] for the Doctor's [[Character Development]] repeatedly.
** Events of the show are regularly presented this way to other people in universe. For instance, when Agatha Christie says her husband left her for a younger woman, Donna replies "Well, mine left me for a giant spider"." It makes sense if you saw the episode, but to Agatha Christie it sounds ludicrous.
** Also, the Doctor's dealings with Queen Elizabeth I in between "The Waters of Mars" and ''The End of Time''. Apparently Queen Elizabeth's nickname is no longer accurate.
** In "The Vampires Of Venice", we find out he owes [[Casanova]] a chicken.
** At the end of ''"The Shakespeare Code''", Queen Elizabeth shows up at the Globe Theatre, only to send her guards after the Doctor on site, calling him a "sworn enemy". This was, at the time, a noodle incident even to the Doctor, since this was the first time he'd met her and had no idea why she hated him. It's likely that whatever he did just before ''The End of Time'' was what led to this encounter.
* [[No Periods, Period]]: Despite constantly dragging young women along on his travels, the Doctor never has to deal with this particular obstacle. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.
* [[The Noseless]]: The Silents. They appear to have nostrils, but no definable nose.
Line 759 ⟶ 797:
* [[The Nudifier]]: The Defabricator. [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]].
* [[Off the Record]]: The Brigadier to Sarah Jane.
* [[Oh Crap]]: It says a ''lot'' about this show that [[Oh Crap/Live-Action TV/Doctor Who|it has its own subpage for this trope]].
* [[Ominous Floating Castle]]: The Aircraft Carrier ''Valiant'', first seen in ''"The Sound of Drums''", which was {{spoiler|used by the Master as his base (of sorts) when he conquered the Earth during the Year that Never Was}}.
* [[Ominous Floating Spaceship]]: Seen in "The Christmas Invasion" with the Sycorax ship. Several Dalek ships do this too.
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]:
Line 771 ⟶ 809:
* [[One Steve Limit]]:
** Usually obeyed, although "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead" gave us Proper Dave and Other Dave.
** Averted ''hard'' with last names: The number of unrelated characters with the last names "Smith" ,<ref>Mickey Smith, Sarah Jane Smith, and the Doctor's alias John Smith</ref>, or "Jones" <ref>Ianto Jones, Martha Jones, Harriet Jones, Clifford Jones</ref> seems to definitely be on the excessive side.
** Series 6 had two Georges in the space of four episodes.
* [[Oop North]]: Three of the eight Doctors from the classic series were played by actors from from the North of England (and one from Scotland), but the two Bakers were expected to use [[British Accents|the Queen's English]]. Paul McGann and [[Bonnie Scotland|Sylvester McCoy]] still had audible regional accents, but were toned down from their normal speaking voices. When (Mancunian) Christopher Eccleston, who played the Ninth Doctor, claimed to be "the first Northern Doctor", (Liverpudlian) [[Tom Baker]]--the—the iconic Fourth Doctor--calledDoctor—called him on it.
{{quote|"Lots of planets have a North."}}
* [[Organic Ship]]: The TARDIS.
* [[Our Time Travel Is Different]]: Confusing, as there is no definite description of how time changes work.
** If a paradox is created monsterous [[Clock Roaches]] show up to "cauterize" the wound as seen in "Father's Day". It could only apply to certain types of paradox. Or sometimes there is a big explosion as seen in ''Mawdryn Undead''.
Line 782 ⟶ 820:
** Also, the Doctor and other Time Lords cannot travel back in time to affect his own timeline. This explains why he can't simply just travel back thirty minutes and undo the mistakes he made.
*** In the classic series, this was (vaguely) described as the [[Techno Babble|"Blinovitch Limitation Effect"]].
** Very early on in the classic series run the "rules" of time travel transitioned from "you can't change history... not one line" in the seasonSeason oneOne story ''The Aztecs'' to manipulation of history being the plot of the seasonSeason twoTwo story ''The Time Meddler''.
*** Of course, the "rules" were being explained to Barbara by the Doctor, who himself seemed surprised to find he could have an effect on history in the early <ref>(prior to the Time Meddler arc)</ref> seasonSeason twoTwo story ''The Romans''.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: ''State of Decay'', ''The Curse of Fenric'', "Smith and Jones" and "The Vampires of Venice" each featured different variations on the standard bloodsuckers.
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: Actually, the creature in "Tooth and Claw" is identical to your standard pop culture werewolf...except that, like almost all monsters on the show, it's actually an alien.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]:
** "The Waters of Mars".
** And the Gelth's hosts in "The Unquiet Dead.". And the eponymous "Empty Child", at a pinch. A later episode refers to the enemy as "gas mask zombies".
** ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S26/E03 The Curse of Fenric|The Curse Of Fenric]]'' combined this with [[Our Vampires Are Different]], somehow.
** The New Humans in "New Earth", at least thematically.
** Staff Sgt. Arnold in ''The Web of Fear''.
** Robomen in ''The Dalek Invasion of Earth''.
* [[Out-Gambitted]]
* [[Overly Long Name]]:
** The villain in "The Long Game": the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe. His [[The Dragon|Dragon]], [[Faux Affably Evil|the Editor]], calls him "[[Fluffy the Terrible|Max]]".
** Also, the planet that the Slitheen are from, Raxacoricofallapatorius.
*** This is made even funnier by the fact that its sister planet is named Clom.
** Romanadvoratrelundar.
** Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All (a.k.a. Alfie) in ''"Closing Time''".
Line 814 ⟶ 852:
* [[Phlegmings]]: During his big reveal at the climax of ''The End of Time'' Part One, {{spoiler|Rassilon}} sprayed quite a bit.
** The Eleventh Doctor also gets this quite a bit.
* [[Phony Newscast]]: Common -- oftenCommon—often using real newscasters -- innewscasters—in the present-day episodes in the Davies era of the show.
* [[Pirate Booty]]: ''The Smugglers'', "The Curse of the Black Spot" and, in a very Douglas Adams way, ''The Pirate Planet''.
* [[Pocket Dimension]]: Technically speaking, the inside of the TARDIS is one of these.
** Also the domain of House and his caretakers Auntie, Uncle, and Nephew in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E04 The Doctor's Wife|The Doctor's Wife]]".
* [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]]: The Master (as Harold Saxon) and Jeremy Baines.
* [[Pound of Flesh Twist]]: In ''The Five Doctors'', Time Lord President Borusa, having manipulated the Doctors into granting him access to Rassilon's tomb, claims the reward of immortality promised to the winner of the game of death. Rassilon grants it, which, unfortunately for Borusa, takes the form of being turned into a living statue.
* [[Post Mortem One Liner]]: Plenty, but [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E02 The Beast Below|Liz 10]] gets in a pretty good example after blowing away one of The Smilers:
{{quote|"I'm the bloody queen, mate; basically, [[Incredibly Lame Pun|I rule]]."}}
* [[Pound of Flesh Twist]]: In "The Five Doctors", Time Lord President Borusa, having manipulated the Doctors into granting him access to Rassilon's tomb, claims the reward of immortality promised to the winner of the game of death. Rassilon grants it, which, unfortunately for Borusa, takes the form of being turned into a living statue.
** In "The Hand of Fear". Eldrad the Kastrian, having long ago been executed by his people for attempting to usurp rulership of Kastria, is resurrected on Earth many centuries later. He returns to Kastria to become its ruler, only to find the planet entirely dead. A final message from King Rokon (the king who Eldrad planned to usurp) crowns him 'King of Nothing'.
* [[The Power of Love]]: "The Doctor Dances", "Fear Her", "Victory of the Daleks", "Night Terrors" and "Closing Time".
Line 829 ⟶ 865:
** Subverted in ''The Curse of Fenric''. {{spoiler|Ace's love and faith in the Doctor prevents the Ancient One from moving to attack Fenric. To defeat the ancient god, the Doctor is forced to cruelly and methodically disavow his companion, calling her a social misfit and emotional cripple and turn her trust and love into hatred}}.
* [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]]: Several.
** [[Queen VickyVictoria]] to a monk in "Tooth and Claw".
{{quote|''The correct form of address is'' your majesty.}}
** John Lumic in "Rise of the Cybermen" to a dissenter.
Line 838 ⟶ 874:
* [[Psychic Powers]]:
** The Doctor has a number of these, though he seldom uses them. Other aliens sometimes wield them as well.
** Some human characters possess them too: the Sibylline Sisterhood in "The Fires of Pompeii", Gwyneth from "The Unquiet Dead,", Tim from "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood" and Carmen in "Planet of the Dead".
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: The Celestial Toymaker from the story of the same name, Hindle from ''Kinda'', the John Simm incarnation of the Master.
* [[Public Secret Message]]: The "Bad Wolf" [[Arc Words]] as well as the Doctor's DVD extra message in "Blink".
Line 851 ⟶ 887:
** The eponymous Impossible Planet, imprisoning the devil (sort of) since before time and matter itself.
** Subverted in "The Doctor's Daughter". {{spoiler|It's initially assumed that the spaceship containing the Source and the Precursors to the war's combatants is many years old and should have burnt out, yet is working fine. It later turns out that thousands of generations of cloning is actually only a week, and the "abandoned" city was never populated to begin with}}.
* [[Raygun Gothic]]: Cybermen and Daleks.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]:
** The Doctor, in every incarnation. Even the one with the oldest body, One, looks positively spritely for four-hundred. And Eleven was cast at age 26, despite the Doctor now claiming to be 1100-ish (And from "Aliens of London" up until "The God Complex", claimed to be younger than the figure used by his seventh incarnation)
Line 869 ⟶ 905:
* [[Ret-Gone]]:
** What happens to those who fall through the cracks in the universe. And Steven Moffat has reportedly said that, as a result of the cracks (and what was necessary to fix them), a number of major events of the preceding series {{spoiler|(most notably, the several alien invasions and other incidents that attracted widespread public notice)}} have been erased from history, {{spoiler|leaving an earth that is once again (almost) entirely ignorant of the existence of alien beings}}. What this means for the past Companions whose travels with the Doctor hinged on those events is anybody's guess.
* [[Retcon]]: The insertion of a previously-unknown regeneration between 8 and 9 (played by John Hurt) in the fiftieth-anniversary special, ''"The Day of the Doctor''".
* [[Reverse Polarity]]: Multiple examples, including "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow" and the sonic screwdriver.
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]]: ''The Reign of Terror'', ''The Robots of Death''.
Line 875 ⟶ 911:
** Exploited in several serials involving direct rewrites of history, most notably the Year That Never Was in "The Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Time Lords".
** Also part and parcel of being a time traveller. One's perception of history is altered, forever, allowing you to remember what the world was like before history was changed via [[Retcon]] and [[Ret-Gone]]. However, it isn't retroactive.
*** Heartbreakingly subverted in "Cold Blood,", which shows that time travelers are not immune to [[Ret-Gone]] if {{spoiler|what is removed was a part of their own reality--poor, poor Rory}}.
* [[Roar Before Beating]]: The Daleks shouting "EXTERMINATE" before opening fire, giving their target, provided they're not a [[Red Shirt]], plenty of time to escape.
* [[Rock-Paper-Scissors]]:
Line 890 ⟶ 926:
*** Even {{spoiler|the Daleks}} get in on this.
** The Doctor always hoping to be a ginger when he next regenerates.
** The Eleventh Doctor's constant indignant repeatings that "[[Bow Ties Are Cool]].".
*** As are fezzes and stetsons. This gag seems to be expanding to a universal template for goofy clothes.
{{quote|'''Eleven:''' I wear an X now. [[Bow Ties Are Cool|Xes are cool]].
Line 903 ⟶ 939:
== S-U ==
* [[San Dimas Time]]: Despite being a show about ''time travel'', almost all recurring characters always seem to remember their last encounter from the same perspective, and the Doctor's idea of "present day" always agrees with the audience's. It is taken for granted that Time Lords meet each other in sequence, due to a presumptive "Gallifrey Standard Time.". Of course, it's also easier to run a recurring character if you can refer back to the previous encounter.
** Averted with River Song, who never meets with the Doctor in the right order. In his [[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E08 Silence in the Library|first meeting]] with River, she's already formed a very long and complicated history with him that he hasn't experienced yet.
** Also averted in "The Shakespeare Code", as the Doctor finds himself running away at the end of the episode from an antagonist that he had yet to "antagonise". {{spoiler|In fact, the Doctor apparently later ''married'' Queen Elizabeth I}}.
** Also averted in "Blink" where {{spoiler|Sally Sparrow discovers at the end that the only reason the Doctor was able to record a message in the past telling her what's going on and what to do is because SHE gives him the message in the future. The Doctor naturally has no idea who this crazy girl is when he meets her}}.
** Also averted in "''The Five Doctors"'' when the Second Doctor meets the Brigadier after both have left UNIT (from the Brig's point of view) and the Third Doctor meets Sarah Jane after the Fourth Doctor dropped her off in not-Croydon.
** For ''The End of Time'' Part One, the Ood elder implies that because the Doctor waited to meet them and went off on other adventures after the events of "The Waters Of Mars", things are going badly because of this. Events happening in modern day only just affecting the Ood.
** Unfortunately averted in ''The Trial of a Time Lord'' where Mel has met the Doctor, but he hasn't met her yet. We never do see how she first meets him, she just gets in the TARDIS with him at the end.
Line 914 ⟶ 950:
* [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]]: The Doctor's faced several examples, but the new series Daleks pretty much take the cake.
** The Daleks have since been supplanted by the Silence, who are explicitly a ''religious order'' dedicated to taking down the Doctor, among other undetermined things.
* [[Science Fantasy]]: Famed ''[[Discworld]]'' author [[Terry Pratchett]] claims in [ this post] that, while the show is very entertaining, it lies more in the realm of fantasy than science fiction. To be certain, a lot of [[Speculative Fiction Tropes]] from [[Fantasy]], [[Science Fiction]], and [[Horror]] are blended together.
* [[Scry vs. Scry]]
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]:
Line 921 ⟶ 957:
** According to info supplied in one of the novels, the green slime in ''Inferno'' was evil deliberately sealed in a planet, even though nobody in the T.V. story knew that.
* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: The Doctor himself in "Human Nature" and "The Family of Blood" as well as {{spoiler|in the end of "The Pandorica Opens", and Amy in the beginning of "The Big Bang"}}.
* [[Searching the Stalls]]: In ''"Partners in Crime''", and it turns out that {{spoiler|the bad guys are actually searching for a ''different'' person, also a spy, who happens to be in the cubicle next to Donna's}}.
* [[Self-Made Orphan]]: The Doctor destroyed his people, including his parents, and his entire planet to end the Time War.
* [[Sensor Suspense]]:
Line 934 ⟶ 970:
** Satellite Five (and all the mess the Doctor's involvement caused) reappears in the Series 1 finale, after an assumed one-off encounter with the Mighty Jagrafess in "The Long Game".
** While ''Torchwood'' was a recurring [[Arc Words]] in Series 2 (with the Doctor meeting a group identifying as the Torchwood Archive in "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit"), the Doctor's only direct encounters were at the founding in "Tooth and Claw" and his capture by ({{spoiler|and the subsequent slaughtering of the team of by the real villains}}) Torchwood London in "Army of Ghosts".
** Series 4, 5 and 6 have a recurring string of non-consecutive River Song episodes ("Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead"; "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone", "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang", "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon", "A Good Man Goes Toto War"/"Let's Kill Hitler"..., though from her point of view, they're (mainly) prequel episodes.
** ''The End of Time'' picks up from {{spoiler|The Master's death}} at the end of "Last of the Time Lords".
** "Closing Time" is a followup encounter with Craig from "The Lodger".
** ''Kinda'' and ''Snakedance''.
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]:
** Some species have one of them as [[Planet of Hats|a hat]].
Line 950 ⟶ 986:
* [[Shout-Out]]:
** The Tenth Doctor is fond of these.
** David Tennant's final episode, ''The End of Time'' Part 2Two was seemingly a 75 minute ''[[Star Wars]]'' homage: {{spoiler|Bernard Cribbins shoots down aggressors from an on board ack-ack gun}} a scene that Davies described as making him seem like Luke Skywalker); {{spoiler|in an act of self-sacrificial redemption, the Master}} casts arc lightning at his superior in order to save the protagonist, (Vader-style sporadically visible skeleton thrown in for good measure); we even see {{spoiler|Captain Jack hanging around in}} what is definitely an alien cantina.
*** The actions of Cribbins' character as detailed above avert the phenomenon by which Luke Skywalker, upon {{spoiler|climbing into the gunner's chair in the ''Millennium Falcon'', was able to work the thing on the first try without being told}}. Wilfred {{spoiler|screams frantically for instructions, and gets them}}, but fortunately they aren't all that complex.
** "The Stolen Earth", where Rose and the Doctor are running to each other in the street and a Dalek attacks, feels to some like a homage to ''[[West Side Story]]''.
** "The Beast Below" has a fairly ambitious quotient of these. There's ''[[Star Wars]]'' (the royal [[Action Girl]], the heroes landing in the garbage chute, "you're my only hope", the villain looks like an expy for Grand Moff Tarkin, finding oneself inside the digestive tract of a giant space creature), ''[[Discworld]]'' (the [astral plane] ship that was never meant to fly, the space whale that looks just the ones in ''[[Discworld/The Last Hero|The Last Hero]]'', and the final shot of the country being carried on the back of the giant space-sea-creature), and ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'' (involving a miraculous whale, and Amy is new to space/time travel and wears pajamas).
** The name and garbs of the [[Church Militant|army]] in '"The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone" is obviously a shout-out to the [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Imperial Guard]], although with quite different ranks.
** River's relationship with the Doctor, a woman who falls in love with a time traveller and meets him in the wrong order throughout her life is a pretty obvious shout -out to ''[[The Time TravellersTraveler's Wife]]''.
** The name of Bowie Base One in "The Waters of Mars" is a shoutout to [[David Bowie]]'s song ''Life On Mars''. {{spoiler|It later also works as a shoutout to ''Space Oddity'' with astronauts stranded and knowing that they are about to die}}. In the same episode, there's a shout out to ''[[28 Days Later]]'' with a character becoming infected just by looking up and a single drop falling on to their eye from above.
** In "The Runaway Bride", the Racnoss Webstar bears a striking resemblance to the Cylon Basestar of the reimagined ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]''. Both ships are made with Y shapes stacked on each other. The names are also quite similar.
** The Toclafane bear an uncanny resemblance to the spheres from ''[[Phantasm (Film)|Phantasm]]'', right down to {{spoiler|being powered by the brains of the creator's human victims}}. Bonus points for the similarity between [ this] and [ this].
** In "Flesh and Stone", the ship is referred to as "[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Galaxy-class]].".
** The Eleventh Doctor once referred himself to a decaying Silence ship as Captain Troy Handsome of [[Thunderbirds|International Rescue]] and to [[Star Trek: Voyager|state the nature of the emergency]].
** The [ Eleventh Doctor tells Amy] he's like, "I dunno, [[The Lord of the Rings|Gandalf]]! A [[Recycled in Space|space Gandalf]]. Or the little green one in ''[[Star Wars]]'', *lightsaber noise*"
** ''The Curse of Fenric'' has Ace's grandmother cry out "[[Gone with the Wind|Where shall I go, what shall I do?!]]"
* [[Shower Scene]]: The Third Doctor in ''Spearhead Fromfrom Space'' and the Eleventh in "The Lodger".
* [[Shut Up and Save Me]]
* [[Sickly Green Glow]]: Most monsters.
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Rory for Amy in the flashbacks of "Let's Kill Hitler" (causing her [[Mistaken for Gay|much confusion]]).
* [[Signature Device]]: The Time Lords' sonic screwdrivers and TARDIS.
* [[Skeleton Key]]: The Doctor's sonic screwdriver often acts as one of these.
** In the serial ''Carnival of Monsters'', the Doctor complains that he can't open a non-electronic lock with the sonic screwdriver. Jo Grant responds by producing an impressive collection of skeleton keys.
Line 975 ⟶ 1,012:
* [[Space Is an Ocean]]: "Voyage of the Damned" has a space Titanic orbiting Earth, which almost crash-lands into Buckingham Palace.
* [[Space Is Noisy]]:
** {{spoiler|In "Victory of the Daleks", laser fire from the Dalek ship and the British Spitfires can be heard}}. Justified - {{spoiler|the genius scientist has created a bubble of gravity and oxygen, which was how the spitfires came to be in space. Thus, there was sound}}.
** Averted in "The Parting of the Ways" -- Lynda—Lynda (with a 'y') looks out a window of the space station to see a Dalek looking in at her. Though we can't hear it, the lights on its head clearly flash in synch with the word "<small>EXTERMINATE</small>!"
* [[Space Whale Aesop]]:
** Several here and there. For example, use clean, renewable fuels, because sometimes the thing you're using for fuel is [[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E07 42|sentient, angry and capable of possessing you]]. Also, don't chop down too many trees even if it's to publish books, because the [[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E09 Forest of the Dead|invisible air piranhas will eat you]].
Line 993 ⟶ 1,030:
** Donna suggests ideas to Agatha Christie about books she hasn't written yet. Agatha "forgets", but likely remembers them well enough to invent them herself years later.
** The Red Nose Day short "Time" runs on this - Amy, Rory, and Eleven all get info from their past selves then go back in time to deliver it.
** {{spoiler|Amy named her daughter "Melody" after a friend she grew up with; said friend turned out to be her daughter waiting for The Doctor to show up.}}.
*** This character falls prey to it a lot, really. {{spoiler|River Song only calls herself that because that's what Team TARDIS call her when she first regenerates. The 'spoiler' thing only became a catch-phrase for this reason. Pretty much, her whole live could be called a [[Stable Time Loop]]- she could only have been born if she'd sacrificed her life in the library so her parents could conceive her on the TARDIS}}.
* [[Staff of Authority]]: Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart often carried a Swagger stick with him, and the Sontaran baton is a device is carried by certain high ranking officers of the Sontaran Empire symbolizing rank as well as being functional.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]]: The Tenth Doctor and Rose.
** Kazran and Abigail in ''"A Christmas Carol''".
* [[Star-Killing]]:
** The Hand of Omega.
Line 1,025 ⟶ 1,062:
** Type 4: The Black Guardian, the White Guardian, the Animus, the [[Eldritch Abomination|Great Intelligence]], Sutekh, the metamorphosed Solonians, [[Mind Rape|the Midnight monster]], [[A God Am I|The Bad Wolf Entity]], the TARDIS, higher Time Lords (including Rassilon), {{spoiler|the Star Whale}}, the Eternals, the Beast, {{spoiler|the Silence}}, {{spoiler|House}}, presumably the [[Eldritch Abomination|Skaro Degradations, Horde of Travesties, Nightmare Child, and Could've-been King]]<ref>considering the Doctor was more worried about them getting out of the Time Lock than the Daleks...</ref>
** Type 5: The Key to Time and its [[Physical God|wielder.]]
* [[Swirly Energy Thingy]]: The Time Vortex.
* [[Switch to English]]: In the serial ''The Curse of Fenric'', a group of Russian soldiers are on a secret mission in England. The first scene has them speaking Russian with subtitles, then their leader says "From now on, we speak only English"," and they do.
* [[Sword Fight]]: The Third Doctor with the Master in ''The Sea Devils'', The Fourth Doctor in ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S16/E04 The Androids of Tara|The Androids of Tara]]'', the Fifth with the Master in ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S20/E06 The Kings Demons|The King's Demons]]'', and the Tenth and his new hand with the Sycorax in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/2005 CS the Christmas Invasion|The Christmas Invasion]]".
* [[Take a Third Option]]:
Line 1,036 ⟶ 1,073:
* [[The Tape Knew You Would Say That]]: The Tenth Doctor's recorded message from 1969 in "Blink".
* [[Technical Pacifist]]:
** The Doctor won't kill anyone and [[Gun Hater|doesn't like guns]] because he thinks they're wrong. When people around him are willing to kill and use guns, his reaction is little more than scolding... and he doesn't go out of his way to [[Hoist by His Own Petard|save his enemies from themselves]]... and some of his enemies amount to [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Maniacs]]s with [[Joker Immunity]], so killing them really would be the kindest option overall... and he'll visit all kinds of horrible [[And I Must Scream|fates worse than death]] on people [[Beware the Nice Ones|he thinks deserves it]], mind you... but he won't kill (although he has killed people and things on numerous occasions, including releasing cyanide into a room with a mad surgeon).
** A good example of this is the Family of Blood who [[Be Careful What You Wish For|want immortality]] at any cost, so he gives it to them...[[And I Must Scream|by keeping them alive but putting them in hellish prisons that they cannot die in but cannot escape from]].
** However, in "Day of the Moon", he {{spoiler|admitted he quite liked River Song's gun toting ways, even if he shouldn't}}.
* [[Techno Babble]]:
** Averted when [[Steven Moffat]] writes. He ''did'' invent the [[Timey-Wimey Ball]].
** It went insanely overkill in Series 4's finale.
** Subverted in "The Girl in the Fireplace".
{{quote|'''Doctor:''' It must be a spacio-temporal hyper-link.
'''Mickey:''' What's that?
Line 1,054 ⟶ 1,091:
* [[Themed Aliases]]: The Master tends to use aliases which are anagrams of "master" or mean master in another language. From Nu Who, Mister Saxon is an anagram of "Master No. Six" (this being the sixth incarnation of the Master that we've seen). [[Word of God]] is that it was a coincidence.
* [[Theme Naming]]: After Series 4, companions had a tendency to be named after bodies of water. Jackson Lake, River Song ({{spoiler|a.k.a. Melody Pond}}), Amy Pond, Adelaide Brooke ...
* [[The "The" Title]]: During the Second Doctor era, only "''Fury from the Deep"'' did not start with "The", and its working title was "''The Colony of Devils"''.
* [[This Banana Is Armed]]: "Pssh, what could a screwdriver do?" is a pretty common reaction at first. But did we mention it's ''sonic''?
* [[This Is My Human]]: The Doctor has always insisted that the stole ("borrowed") his TARDIS from a museum in order to see the universe. But in "The Doctor's Wife", when {{spoiler|the TARDIS' soul is implanted in a human host}}, she insists that ''she'' stole ''him!''
* [[Thoughtcrime]]: The Happiness Patrol, where enforced cheerfulness was the law on one planet.
* [[Three-Way Sex]]: Captain Jack alluded to this when three Doctors (kind of) turned up in "Journey's End".
Line 1,071 ⟶ 1,108:
** More prominently, they do this in the sixth season finale. "DOC... TOR... ''WHO?!''"
** Also in the episode "Amy's Choice".
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]:
** The [[Russell T. Davies]] era has a recurring theme of the Doctor turning the companions into badasses.
** Mickey, during "The Age of Steel" and culminating in his [[Darker and Edgier]] persona in "Army of Ghosts", "Doomsday" and "Journey's End". This started in "World War Three" when after a whole year of being slandered and accused of killing her daughter, he doesn't even think, he immediately picks up a baseball bat to defend Jackie Tyler and tells her to run while he holds it off.
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* [[Translation Convention]]/[[Translator Microbes]]: Started as the former, then was [[Justified Trope|justified]] as the latter.
* [[Trash the Set]]:
** ''The End of Time'' Pt.Part 2Two - {{spoiler|The Tenth Doctor's Regeneration into Eleven results in [[Stuff Blowing Up]] and some pillars falling down inside the TARDIS. Oddly enough, the set is mostly intact as of series 6, having been used as a backup control room in "The Doctor's Wife". Instead, word on the tubes is that the old [[Torchwood]] hub set (which was previously demolished off-screen) donated its sound stage to the new set for the TARDIS}}.
** This also happened to Solon's laboratory in ''The Brain of Morbius'' when the Doctor was looking for an air vent.
* [[Trust Me I'm a Doctor]]: More like, "Trust me, I'm the Doctor." From "The Eleventh Hour".
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* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: The Doctor's many companions.
* [[Unflinching Walk]]:
** The Seventh Doctor in ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S25/E04 The Greatest Showinthe Galaxy|The Greatest Show in the Galaxy]]''.<ref> Also McCoy himself. The pyrotechnics were a mite bit bigger than expected, but McCoy knew there'd be no second shot, so just kept rolling. His clothes were actually partially set on fire in that shot.</ref>.
** The Tenth Doctor embraces this, he often walks from explosions and combined with sheer [[Tranquil Fury]] unnerves his enemies into submission.
** More like running, but if taken as canon and was meant to be the explosion in ''"Rose''", the teaser of the Ninth Doctor had him run down a ordinary corner quite calmly. ''Then we notice the massive fireball chasing him.''
** Rose in "{{spoiler|[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E12 The Stolen Earth|The Stolen Earth]]}}" when she was walking on the street and a Dalek blows up a house / path a little way behind her.
* [[Universe Bible]]: Somewhat notable for being a [[Long Runner]] TV show and ''not'' having one.
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** The Doctor himself fits, in more ways than one.
* [[Used Future]]: Despite being far ahead of most technology even approaching the end of the universe, the TARDIS is seriously broken and worn out by Gallifreyan standards. He's also mentioned on several occasions that he's stolen or borrowed it. The Time Lords were also ''phasing out that particular TARDIS model'' for being outdated when the Doctor nicked it.
:''The Deadly Assassin'' and ''Shada'' both had an aged, senior Time Lord reminiscing about how he "hadn't seen a Type 40 since [he] was a boy"."
** There has been run-down human technology too (ie "42" and "The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit"). It's implied that these are the more industrial purposes that run alongside the shiny futuristic tech.
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]:
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** Supposedly the motivation behind the Cybus Cybermen's massive conversion factories: they plan to "upgrade" humanity by force in order to eliminate emotions and the pain connected to them:
{{quote|'''Cyber Leader:''' This broadcast is for humankind. Cybermen now occupy every landmass on this planet; but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex, and class, and colour, and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us.}}
== V-Z ==
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* [[Video Inside, Film Outside]]: Throughout most of the classic series, though ''Spearhead from Space'' was entirely in film. Some episodes shot studio segments on film to make them "feel" outside.
** Many early episodes, however, were originally recorded on video but only preserved as film telerecordings made for overseas sales. It has only recently become possible to reprocess the film recordings (using the [[Vid FIRE]] process) to restore the original video "feel" for DVD release.
* [[Villain-Beating Artifact]]: Subverted in the "Last of the Time Lords" episode, Martha Jones spent the whole year searching for a weapon, which was divided into four parts. It's shown in the end that the quest for the Villain-Beating Artifact {{spoiler|was all a ruse to distract from Jones' real objective.}}
* [[The Virus]]: ''Inferno'', "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances". The Cybermen, being techno vampire/zombies, are a form of virus.
* [[Walking the Earth|Walking the Universe]]
* [[Wasn't That Fun?]]: The Doctor is fond of this quip.
* [[The Watson]]: The role of all the companions, or close enough.
* [[We All Do It Together]]: "Arachnids in the UK", the fourth adventure of the 13th Doctor, ends with the Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan all grasping the lever that activates the TARDIS and pulling it as one to symbolize their active decision to travel together.
* [[Wealthy Ever After]]:
** In ''The End of Time'', {{spoiler|the Doctor's present to Donna outside her wedding is a lottery ticket.}}.
** At the end of "Voyage of the Damned", {{spoiler|The Doctor leaves Mister Copper in London with just the credit card he had put some money on for passengers to buy Earth trinkets. Turns out he underestimated the value of the British Pound and loaded it with a million Pounds}}!
** In "Doomsday", {{spoiler|Rose gets this sort of future since Alternate Universe Pete is a wealthy businessman}}.
* [[Weapons Grade Vocabulary]]: There is a audio Drama where Donna defeats a blob monster with nothing but pure indignation.
* [[We Have Forgotten the Phlebotinum]]:
Line 1,136 ⟶ 1,174:
'''The Doctor''': "Alright I'm [[Never Say That Again|never saying that again]], fine!"}}
* [[Welcome to the Liberator]]
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: ''The Reign of Terror'', ''The Massacre'', ''Invasion of the Dinosaurs'', ''Robot'', ''Remembrance of the Daleks''.
* [[Wham! Episode]]:
** ''The End of Time'', Part One. That last twenty seconds. To drop some ''major'' spoilers in: {{spoiler|The Time Lords aren't just back, ''they're'' the ones trying to do as the title says}}.
** "The Impossible Astronaut". {{spoiler|It ''starts'' with the Doctor's [[Killed Off for Real|Final Death]]. Except not really, but we don't know this for certain until the finale}}.
** And straight after that, "Day of the Moon". {{spoiler|The young girl from the Apollo spacesuit is implied to be Amy's daughter. This possibility is made even more confusing by the fact the TARDIS can't determine whether Amy is actually pregnant or not}}. To top things off, {{spoiler|the girl is seen wandering the streets close to death at the end of the episode...and then it STARTS REGENERATING! Yes, as in Time Lord-style regenerating. River kisses the Doctor at the end of the episode, confirming their relationship is DEFINITELY romantic to some degree}}.
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** Two stories, ''The Ark'' (1965) and "The End of the World" (2005) have gone whole hog and actually shown the Earth gettin' blowed up.
*** A third story, ''Frontios'' (1984) mentions the Earth's destruction at length without actually depicting it.
** Especially during Christmas specials in the [[Russell T. Davies]] era -- wellera—well, London Is Always Doomed, at any rate. The residents [[Genre Savvy|have picked up on this]] after ''two'' successive Christmases running of destruction and chaos, and get out of town for Christmas Day.
* [[World of Badass]]
* [[World of Ham]]
* [[World War OneI]]: The ending of "The Family of Blood". The war is also alluded to throughout "Human Nature" and "The Family of Blood" Also the setting for the initially visited War Zone in "''The War Games"''.
* [[World War Two]]: The settings of ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S26/E03 The Curse of Fenric|The Curse of Fenric]]'', "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E09 The Empty Child|The Empty Child]]", "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E10 The Doctor Dances|The Doctor Dances]]", the final scene of "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E02 The Beast Below|The Beast Below]]", "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E03 Victory of the Daleks|Victory of the Daleks]]", {{spoiler|"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E12 The Pandorica Opens|The Pandorica Opens]]" (partially), with "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E13 The Big Bang|The Big Bang]]" using the fires of the London Blitz as a plot point}} and "[[Doctor Who/Recap/2011 CS the Doctor the Widow and the Wardrobe|The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe]]".
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: So ''very'' many.
** Special mention should be made of "Victory of the Daleks", in which the Daleks run an elaborate [[Xanatos Gambit]] in which pretty much every possible outcome has them come out ahead. {{spoiler|And it works}}!
* [[The X of Y]]: By far the single worst abuser of this trope, guilty of it no less than '''''116 times'''''. Having trouble coming up with an episode title? Try mixing and matching these ones that ''already'' exist.
** '''Column X:''' Age, Aliens, Ambassadors, Androids, Arc, Army, Attack, Bargain, Battle, Bell, Brain, Bride, Brink, Carnival, Cave(s), Change, Claws, Coronas, Crater, Curse (3 times), Dalek Invasion, Day (''5 times''), Death (3 times), Destruction, Dimensions, Edge, End (3 times), Enemy, Escape, Evil, Evolution, Face, Family, Feast, Fires, Forest, Genesis, Guests, Hall, Hand, Horror, Horse, Image, Invasion, Keeper, Keys, Knight, Land, Last, Mark, Masque, Massacre, Mind, Monster, Music, Parting, Planet (''8 times''), Power, Priest, Prisoners, Pyramids, Reign, Remembrance, Revenge, Resurrection, Revelation, Rise, Robots, Roof, Sea, Seeds, Sentence, Snows, Sound, State, Stones, Talons, Temple, Terror (3 times), Time, Tomb, Trap, Tyrant, Vampires, Victory, Voyage, Wall, War, Warriors, Waters, Web, Wedding, Wheel
** '''Column Y:''' Androzani, Angels, Armageddon, Autons, Axos, Black Spot, Blood, Conciergerie, Cybermen (4 times), Daleks (''10 times''), Damned, Danger, Darkness, Dead, Death (''7 times''), Decay, Decision, Deep, Destruction, Dinosaurs, Disaster, Doctor Who, Dolls, Doom, Drums, Earth, Evil (4 times), Fang Rock, Fear (4 times), Fenric, Fendahl, Fire, Fortune, France, Ghosts, Giants, God, Identity, Infinity, Jaffa, Kroll, Lies, London, Madame Guillotine, Mandragora, Marinus, Mars, Monsters, Moon, Morbius, Necessity, Needles, Ood, Peladon, Pompeii, Rani, Reckoning, River Song, Sacrifice, Secrets, Skulls, Spheres, Spiders, Spy, St Bartholomew's Eve, Steel, Steven, Sun, Tara, Terror, Time (''5 times''), Time Lords, Tomorrow, Traken, Venice, Vervoids, Ways, Weng-Chiang, Wits, World (3 times), Zygons
** Statistically the most likely title? ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S10/E04 Planet of the Daleks|Planet of the Daleks]]''. Also surprisingly high on the list: [[Death Takes a Holiday|The Death of Death]] and [[Groundhog Day|The Day of Time]].
** So overdone that the title convention itself was parodied in "''The Curse of Fatal Death''."
* [[You Already Changed the Past]]: Heavily implied every time the Doctor interacts with and saves a historical figure; the Doctor and companions probably wouldn't remember the celebrity as well or at all if they failed. It's particularly obvious when the Doctor turns out to be responsible for historical events, like the destruction of Pompeii, or the short disappearance and memory loss of Agatha Christie. The Doctor says certain points in history are "fixed", unchangeable, but for plot reasons he never elaborates on which ones.
** One time he is seen clearly changing the past (well, the past relative to the future anyway) is when he saves the crew in "The Waters of Mars". He does manage to save 3 survivors, but {{spoiler|Adelaide Brooke, the important one, kills herself}} to restore the timeline anyway, leaving only cosmetic changes, and giving us a nasty taste of what happens when you change a fixed point.
* [[You Are Number Six]]: As the Doctor fills Craig in psychically in "The Lodger", the Eleventh Doctor simply responds: "Eleven" to Craig's [[Angrish|rambling gibberish]].
* [[You Could Have Used Your Powers for Good]]
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]:
** Many a [[Big Bad]] says this.
** Notably averted in ''The Talons of Weng-Chiang'', in which [[The Dragon]] is simply fired, and sets out to save face on his own.
* [[Your Head Asplode]]: The Cybermen, Daleks and others.
* [[You Will Be Assimilated]]: The main objectives of the Cybermen.
* [[You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry]]: The Doctor (Ten and Eleven get special mentions).
* [["You?" Squared]]: usedUsed in "Partners in Crime", in which the Doctor and Donna meet for a second time—except they do it in mime, through a window.
* [[Zeerust]]:
** Both intentional (the TARDIS's controls look rather clunky, possibly partly because of its dodgy condition) and unintentional. Basically every story set in space or and/or the future from the first eleven years of the series by now looks absurdly out-of-date, though the bell-bottomed space uniforms of the 70s now look oddly fashion-forward. And while the late 1960s stories makes some gestures toward internationalism, they almost always show show a preponderance of men in technical or scientific roles.
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