Doctor Who: Difference between revisions

little bit o' update
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[[File:The_12_Doctors.png|frame|Not pictured: The War Doctor, the Thirteenth Doctor<ref>[[William Hartnell]], [[Patrick Troughton]], [[Jon Pertwee]], [[Tom Baker]], [[Peter Davison]], [[Colin Baker]] (no relation to Four), [[Sylvester McCoy]], [[Paul McGann]], [[Christopher Eccleston]], [[David Tennant]], [[Matt Smith]], [[Peter Capaldi]]</ref>]]
{{quote|''He saves worlds, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures, and [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others|runs a lot]]. Seriously, there's an ''outrageous'' amount of running involved.''|'''Donna Noble''', in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E06 The Doctor's Daughter|The Doctor's Daughter]]"}}
|'''Donna Noble''', in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E06 The Doctor's Daughter|The Doctor's Daughter]]"}}
Since its debut on 23 November 1963 on [[The BBC|BBC television]], the British sci-fi series ''Doctor Who'' has thrilled, entertained, and [[Nightmare Fuel|terrified]] three generations of fans worldwide. It takes place in and established the [[Whoniverse]], which has a [[Broad Strokes|very loose and lax continuity]], even discounting the [[Doctor Who Expanded Universe|Expanded Universe]]. It is the longest running sci-fi series in the world, bar none—in fact, the latest three actors to play the title role were all born after it started.
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* [[Gambit Pileup]]: Common in stories involving the Master and/or the Daleks.
* [[Gambit Roulette]]
* [[Gender Bender]]: It was hinted that regeneration can do this in ''The End of Time'', and confirmed in "The Doctor's Wife", in which the Doctor mentioned that this has happened to another Time Lord, the Corsair, on several occasions. And it finally happened to the Doctor, in the regeneration from Twelve to Thirteen (Jodie Whittaker).
* [[Genius Breeding Act]]: In one episode, Rattigan explains his master plan for a new world to the other [[Teen Genius]]es he'd collected, and mentions that he's written up a breeding program. They are appropriately appalled.
* [[Genius Cripple]]: Davros. C'mon, he's eyeless, has one arm, and is in a Dalek-base wheelchair.