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** He has also inverted this by accusing the media of making up sources.<ref>[ Trump claims media makes up sources] ''''</ref>
* [[Witch Hunt]]: Trump famously declared the investigation into his campaign to be a "Witch Hunt".<ref>[ "WITCH HUNT!" - Trump tweet] ''''</ref> The [[Irony|irony]] is, that so-called "witch hunts" are supposed to be in effect when evidence is ''scarce'', whereas Special Investigator Robert Mueller III (sounds like a modern day "Witch Hunter General") has produced 8 convictions, 27 indicted individuals and 3 indicted corporations (to date, with more to follow).<ref>[ Running Tab of Mueller Indictments] ''''</ref> On Dec 7th, 2018, Trump launched a tweet about the "Witch Hunt Report."<ref>[ "Witch Hunt Report"] ''''</ref>
* [[The Wonka]]: Trump has made some major accomplishments in politics partially due to his idiosyncratic approach to politics and his personal traits, despite this confusing many around him and making some question the quality of his character or his state of mind. Chief among them is successfully becoming President of the United States despite being an outlier with no prior political experience and succeeding in the face of significant media scrutiny and criticism. There have been others before and since, such as his role in [ setting up the joint statement of the Abraham Accords with aims of promoting peace in the Middle East], the first peace agreement of its kind since the Israel-Jordan peace treaty of 1994. Other examples including taking advantage of a (mostly hostile) mainstream news media to get more coverage (see [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity]] above) and winning despite bucking numerous social trends (see [[Calvin Ball]] above).
* [[Word Salad]]: Trump's has been known to do this on occasion.<ref>[ Trump Word Salad] ''''</ref>, which can reveal his ignorance of the subject at hand.<ref>[ Climate Change Word Salad] ''''</ref>
* [[Worst Whatever Ever]]: During the first presidential debate (September 26, 2016), Trump [ said] on [[w:North American Free Trade Agreement|NAFTA]]: "This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever." The quote later turned into a [ meme].