Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

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== A-C ==
* [[Ad Hominem]]: Has been on the giving and receiving end of this often. Trump has been known to attack the person in debates alongside - or instead of - addressing the point raised in an argument. For example, his reason for disliking the retired Admiral McCraven was because [ he is a "Hillary Clinton fan."]
* [[Adam Westing]]: At one time he seemed to revel in parodies of himself, even appearing in a series of OREO commercials with Darrell Hammond (Hammond was ''[[Saturday Night Live]]''<nowiki>{{'</nowiki>}}s longest-running white male cast member and one of the show's best and most frequently-used celebrity impersonators) impersonating him.
* [[All Issues Are Political Issues]]: While President, he claimed ''any'' criticism of his actions was a political attack.
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Trump's view of women, according to the Pussygate tape. After implying that Nancy O'Dell, who once rebuffed his advances, became sluttier with "big phony tits", he went on to explain that all women all want it with a star:
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* [[Believing Their Own Lies]]: It's unclear, but Trump does at least give the appearance of believing his lies ''du jour''.
* [[Big Bulky Bomb]]: He became the first president to deploy a MOAB, the so-called "Mother of All Bombs" (which itself is a [[Shout-Out]] to Saddam Hussein's "mother of all wars" boast) in 2017. This bomb is so big it has to be launched out the back of a cargo plane, but it's only a conventional explosive.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: Has been [ accused of doing this frequently], though not without reason. The ''Washington Post'' began keeping a record false or misleading claims (lies), [ totallingtotaling 492 in his first 100 days in office], [ 3001 in his first 466 days], [ 4,229 in his first 558 days] and [ 6420 in his first 649 days]. His lie count varies, but in the first 466 days of his Presidency, he averaged 6.5 'false or misleading claims' a day, whereas in June and July of 2018, [ he averaged 16 lies per day]. This dramatic uptick seemingly [[Nothing to See Here|coincided with]] increased pressure from the Mueller investigation. The exponential lie count continued under the aforementioned pressure, coupled with the run up to the Mid-Term elections on November 6, 2018. According to [ the graph in the ''Washington Post''], Trump has lied/ made false claims over 1000 times in October 2018].
** As of November 1st, 2018, [ Trump claims to tell the truth "when [he<nowiki>]</nowiki> can"]
** As of December 10th, 2018, as part of their Fact Checker, the ''Washington Post'' created the ultimate category of lie, or misleading claim. Based on their prior "[[Pinocchio]]" scale whereby a claim is award 1 (shading of truth) to 4 (lying) [ Pinocchio's] depending on its relative truthfulness; the new category is called a "Bottomless Pinocchio" and stands for any false claim repeated publicly more than 20 times. These claims constitute [ ''disinformation'']. The biggest Pinocchio's of the year were given [ own page].
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** Trump received his [[The Cameo|cameo]] in ''[[Home Alone|Home Alone 2]]'' because he demanded it in exchange for permission to film in the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time. In a [ December 2020 interview with ''Insider''], director [[Chris Columbus]] explicitly described it as "bully[ing] his way into the movie".
** In early January 2021, Trump attempted to bully his vice president Mike Pence into illegally calling the election for him by browbeating him: [ "You can either go down in history as a patriot, or you can go down in history as a pussy."] {{spoiler|(Pence chose [[You Keep Using That Word|"patriot"]], enraging Trump with his "betrayal".)}}
* [[The Caligula]]: Trump matches many of the qualities listed in the article, most notably his extreme behavior (very obvious after his 2020 defeat) and his intolerance of disagreement or things he doesn't want to hear (it's not for nothing that his own press secretary invented the phrase [[Blatant Lies|"AlternateAlternative Facts"]]). And while he's never renamed a city for himself, one need only point at all the gaudy buildings he's built with his name on them, or his frequently-expressed desire to [[Monumental Damage|add his face to Mount Rushmore]].
* [[Calvin Ball]]: Trump would ignore many unwritten "rules" for running a successful campaign and win anyways.
** He completely ignored the "rule" that a campaign should "never put a candidate in a hat if you can avoid it" <ref>One notable violation leading to failure was Dukakis wearing a tank commander helmet and looking horrible in it, providing Bush Sr. with material for successful ads against him.</ref> and not only made his "Make America Great Again" hat iconic, but successfully wore a hard hat when accepting an endorsement from West Virginia Coal Association <ref>An endorsement he admitted right there isn't hard when running against Hillary, who said she wants their employers "out of business"</ref>.
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* [[The Chosen One]]: Repeatedly invoked and lampshaded by Trump himself, as well as some of his allies. Has been spoken of in religious terms among his followers, such as when Rick Perry told Trump that he was God's chosen one. Trump also refers to himself as the only one who could have done X, for a whole host of X.
{{quote|"I am the chosen one."|Donald J. Trump, [ 21 August 2019]}}
** This is his explicit role in the QAnon consipiracyconspiracy theory/pseudo-religion, combined with [[The Messiah]], at least before Joe Biden's inauguration in 2021 -- according to the original dogma, Trump was to be elected to a second term, then sweep throughtthrough the government arresting and executing all Democrats for being cannibalistic Satanist pedophiles, and establish a permanent Republican/conservative government. The remaining QAnon adherents are [[Insane Troll Logic|still recalibrating their prophecies]] to explain the discrepencydiscrepancy.
* [[Compensating for Something]]: Trump's resurgence in business was accompanied by the, erm... [[All Psychology Is Freudian|erection]] of a 68-story Trump Tower in Manhattan's Upper East Side. Pleased with the finished product, he sprouted '''more''' "Trump Towers" in major cities throughout the U.S.
** Also while on the campaign trail, he assured America that despite his small hands, he had "no problems in that department".
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{{quote|I believe he’s a con man, a pathological liar ... I believe he doesn’t care about, and may not even fully comprehend, the difference between truth and lies, between honesty and mendacity.}}
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]: Trump never met a [[Conspiracy Theories|conspiracy theory]] too wild to embrace and retweet, as long as it made him look good or his enemies look bad. He would gladly delve fathoms deep into [[Cloudcuckoolander]] territory if it served his needs, such as the claim that Hugo Chavez, who had died three years before Trump was elected, was behind a vast international conspiracy to deny him re-election. Starting well before his political career, he has promoted dozens of them; among the most troubling were his assertion that Barack Obama was not born in America and thus not eligible to be President ("Birtherism"), that Muslims in Jersey City were celebrating the 9/11 attacks by partying in the streets as it was happening, that Ted Cruz's father was involved in John F. Kennedy's assassination, that there was widespread voter fraud in 2016 (the election he ''won''), that there was even more voter fraud in 2020, that Obama was "wiretapping" his campaign, Hillary Clinton ordered Vince Foster and dozens of others murdered (not a conspiracy theory he started, in his defense, but one he seems adamant is true), Global Warming is a "Chinese hoax", and that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered (which he did seem to make up himself). He gladly took up QAnon, the whackjob right-wing movement that was convinced that all Democrats were blood-drinking, Satan-worshiping pedophiles and that Trump was [[The Messiah|a savior]] who would defeat them all and make the world safe for fascism.
* [[Consummate Liar]]: Averted. Trump's apparent uncontrollable compulsion to make himself look better or more knowledgeable at all times has led to him lying about things that can easily be verified or which were witnessed by thousands or millions of other people -- starting with the claim that his 2017 Inauguration had a larger crowd than any other Inauguration ever, especially [[Barack Obama]]'s -- a claim immediately disproven by the National Parks Service, which released [ side-by-side aerial photographs] demonstrating just how tiny the turnout was for Trump, and how immense it was for Obama.
** In the interests of fairness, it should be noted that more than a year and a half after his inauguration, the characterization of this as a deliberate lie was challenged by then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who claimed that [ Trump's boast was based on cropped photos provided by an anonymous NPS photographer which left out the vast tracts of empty space that were filled with people for Obama's inauguration, and thus Trump hadn't ''lied'', he'd been ''misled''.] This had the problem of contradicting Trump's comment that the boast was based on his own on-the-spot observation of the crowd during the ceremony.
* [[Crunchtastic]]: Trump has a ''bigly'' vocabulary of the best words. Even if a few are made up. [[w:Donald_Trump_on_social_media#"Covfefe"|Covfefe]].<ref>Unfortunately, the [[wikipedia:COVFEFE Act|COVFEFE Act]] (intended to extend to Twitter posts the same requirement of preservation that other Presidential communications have) died in committee, so future generations might not have access to this unique vocabulary.</ref>
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== D-F ==
* [[Didn't Think This Through]]: Many of his detractors have stated that simply thinking a few minutes before hitting the "Send" button on Twitter might have solved a lot of his problems.
** The most notable example was the January 6, 2021 Capitol Building riot, which he at least partially encouraged. Breaking and entering the seat of the United States government (something that did not happen even during the [[American Civil War]]) and assaulting police is ''not'' the right way to convince everyone that the opposing candidate "stole" the election. The blatant act of terrorism caused Trump to lose much of his already waning support, rendered him [[Persona Non Grata]] with all major social media outlets and a number of companies which had formerly done business with him, and also caused the press to refer to him with words like "fascist", "traitor", and "Nazi", which they had, up to then, tried hard to avoid doingusing. Whatever the case, it was obvious to everyone [[Captain Obvious|it did not improve his political career or reputation]], likely ruining it and that of many others.
** The potential side-effect of the storm of pardons he issued in his final weeks in office. Accepting a pardon by American law is an admission of guilt by the pardoned party, but worse, doing so removes the recipient's protection against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment (because they can't be prosecuted they can't incriminate themselves); consequently they can be compelled to testify -- in this case, against Trump. It took several weeks after the first pardon for this to occur to ''anyone'' in Trump's White House (at which point it was too late); Federal investigators, of course, were aware of this and more than happy to trade a few underlings for Trump himself.
*** Averted when Trump was reportedly dissuaded from pardoning his children in his last hours in office by aides who raised the spectre of them being forced to testify against him.
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* [[Exaggerated]]: [ He calls it "truthful hyperbole" (an oxymoron) in "The Art of The Deal".] Otherwise known as [[Blatant Lies|stretching the truth]].
** He has, according to himself, the best words, the best brain, is ''like'' a smart person, has the best temperament, and knows the "system" better than anyone.
* [[Favoritism Flip Flop]]: it has been pointed out that Trump has a tendency to express agreement with the last person with whom he's spoken. A good example was after the 2018 Parkland shooting in Florida, when he seemed to favor gun control on the Wednesday (28/2/18), [ only to backtrack on the Thursday (1/3/18) after a meeting with the NRA].
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: Became a gigantic wellspring of these during his 2016 Presidential campaign and his Presidency, some of which he even encouraged.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: With Bernie Sanders, who attempted to get the Democrat party's nomination in 2016 but lost narrowly to Hillary Clinton. Trump repeatedly encouraged Sanders during the primary. The media branded it a transparent attempt to peel Bernie voters away from Hillary Clinton, though conceded there might be genuine sympathy. With a third party hacking revealing Democrat internal communications always talked as though Hillary would be the nominee the suggestion the primary was rigged wound up very appropriate.
* [[Frivolous Lawsuit]]: After refusing to concede the 2020 presidential election, Trump or his proxies filed over ''sixty'' lawsuits in attempts to challenge and overturn the election. Only one judge ruled in his favor, and that judge's decision was overturned. Many of these were riddled with spelling, grammar and (worst of all) ''procedural'' errors a first-year law student wouldn't make - like his legal team [ filing one in the wrong state]. And then there was the [[Insane Troll Logic]] that underlaid some of them...
** Trump also has [ a history] of of filing SLAPP (“strategic lawsuit against public participation”) suits against anyone who criticizes or offends him, in an attempt to bankrupt them with legal fees or simply intimidate them into shutting up.
{{quote|"I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I’m happy about."}}
|[ "What really gets under Trump’s skin? A reporter questioning his net worth"], ''The Washington Post'', March 8, 2016}}
::One of Trump's (fortunately unachieved) goals as president was to relax libel and other laws so that it would be ''easier'' to use the courts to suppress speech of which he didn't approve.
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* [[Hidden in Plain Sight]]: [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|Assuming Trump wasn't being sarcastic]], he [ asked Russia to hack his opponents' emails... live on TV... during a news conference].
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Trump's permanent bans from multiple social media platforms have been held up as examples of the right of businesses to deny service to anyone they care to -- a right [[wikipedia:Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission|supported all the way to the Supreme Court by Trump and his conservative backers]], who only imagined it being used by their side in the so-called "culture wars".
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Trump was on the receiving end of this from [[Barack Obama]] at the end of April 2011. On Wednesday{{when}}, after Trump jumped on the "birther" issue, Obama released the long sought after "long form birth certificate", making Trump look somewhat foolish (though Trump boasted about how proud he was of getting the certificate released; he probably still didn't believe it). On the Saturday, Trump was the subject of more roasting than the President at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. And finally, on the Sunday night, just to make a bad week worse for Trump, ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|Celebrity Apprentice]]'' [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|was interrupted]] for the news that Obama had ordered a successful raid and killing on Osama bin Laden.
** A documentary by [[Frontline]] has suggested that this was [[It's Personal|the moment]] that Trump decided to seriously run for President, in order to prove everyone wrong.
* [[Ignorant of His Own Ignorance]]: His [ understanding of uranium is unparalleled]. (See Know-Nothing Know-It-All below for more)