Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

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** [[Hillary Clinton]] even beyond the natural result of being presidential nominees from opposite parties, due to her alleged criminal history and the (disputed) accusation of being the creator of the birther movement.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: Might also be interpreted as a [[Prophetic Name]], given his knack for trumpeting himself.
* [[Badass]]: He got a very credible threat to his life a week or two before his presidential election, to the point the Secret Service had to evac him from the speech he was giving, but instead of letting it stick, he simply went right back to the podium a few minutes later and continued speaking. In fact, throughout his entire presidential campaign he's been the target of more than one confirmed assassination attempt and refused to quit appearing in public, even making a point of refusing to be cowed into doing so.
** [[Badass Grandpa]]: The man is over 70 now and is an actual grandfather.
* [[Brooklyn Rage]]: Made efforts to cultivate this image over the years. Trump's persona is that of a [[Nouveau Riche|straight-talking]], tough New Yorker whose face resembles a pit bull in repose.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "You're fired." Inverted regularly in the season finales of ''The Apprentice'', when he announces "You're hired."
** "Make America Great Again" (MAGA for short) was his election version.
* [[Compensating for Something]]: Trump's resurgence in business which was symbolized by the, erm...[[All Psychology Is Freudian|erection]] of a 68-story Trump Tower in Manhattan's Upper East Side. Trump was so happy with the finished product, he sprouted '''more''' "Trump Towers" in major cities throughout the U.S., including one which looms directly over the U.N. Headquarters. Now you ''can't'' ignore his girth.
* [[Didn't Think This Through]]: His first assassination attempt. Michael Steven Sandford, a illegal immigrant from the UK who had only just learned the bare minimum of shooting (having fired a mere 20 rounds, not even two full magazines. Presumably as it is the small unit of ammo that can be purchased new) at a Vegas range, attempted to grab a cop's gun and shoot Trump only to be stopped cold by the now universally standard retention holster. This attempt was so poorly thought out the court considered (though rejected) a halfway house over no bail for an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.
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* [[Egopolis]]: Trump 'brands' his buildings with the '''''Trump''''' name displayed prominently, often placing large gold [[Calling Card|"T"]] symbols throughout the interior rooms. He probably has a caped uniform with a "T" [[Chest Insignia|on its chest]] in his closet, too.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: In the 2016 Presidential campaign.
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: Became a gigantic wellspring of these during his 2016 Presidential campaign.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: With Bernie Sanders, who attempted to get the Democrat party's nomination in 2016 but lost narrowly to Hillary Clinton. Trump repeatedly encouraged Sanders during the primary. The media universally acknowledged it was a transparent attempt to peel Bernie voters away from Hillary Clinton, though did not necessarily see it as untruthful. With a third party hacking revealing Democrat internal communications always talked as though Hillary would be the nominee the suggestion the primary was rigged wound up very appropriate.
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Trump was on the receiving end of this from [[Barack Obama]] at the end of April 2011. On Wednesday, after Trump jumped on the "birther" issue, Obama released the long sought after "long form birth certificate", making Trump look somewhat foolish (though Trump boasted about how proud he was of getting the certificate released; he probably still didn't believe it). On the Saturday, Trump was the subject of more roasting than the President at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. And finally, on the Sunday night, just to make a bad week worse for Trump, ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|Celebrity Apprentice]]'' [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|was interrupted]] for the news that Obama had ordered a successful raid and killing on Osama bin Laden.
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* [[Metaphorgotten]]: [ He opposes gay marriage because of new trends in golf putter preference.]
* [[The Nicknamer]]: The ability to push nicknames on people and make them stick is considered one of his greatest rhetorical strengths in his 2016 election campaign. The nicknames reflect basic sorting of threat levels, which more minor opponents being called "[[The Napoleon|Little]] Marco" or "Low Energy Jeb" while his biggest primary opponent was "Lying Ted" and general election opponent dubbed "Crooked Hillary"
** Inverted with his fans, who generally take the insulting nicknames Trump's opponents have given them and turn them into [[Insult Backfire]]s. Often after Trump picks up on the insult and calls it out for being such.
* [[Never Accepted in His Hometown]]: Trump joins [[James K. Polk]] as the only Presidential candidate to lose both his home state and state of residence while still winning the election. Unlike Polk these are the same state (New York).
* [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity]]: Trump managed to sail through the 2016 Republican primary with minimal spending by ensuring the media '''never''' stopped stopped talking about him. Their constant airing hit pieces against him ensured that by the end of the primary ''everyone'' knew Trump wanted to build a border wall despite minimal ads on the subject. This continued in the general election where over sixteen major publications redistributed a graphic he posted, claiming its use of a six pointed star (supposedly a Star of David) was supposedly a hidden anti-Semitic agenda at no cost to him.
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* [[Spell My Name with a "The"]]: Nicknamed "The Donald", after his first wife Ivana Trump referred to him as such in an interview.
* [[Terrified of Germs]]: Avoids pressing the call buttons on elevators, or even shaking hands. (Which would make him an interesting head of state.)
* '''[[Troll]]''': As demonstrated during his presidential campaign, he would purposely lure the media into writing hit pieces on him by spewing inflammatory rhetoric so they would give him publicity they otherwise would have denied him. His best troll, even acknowledged by CNN, was when he promised to speak about his views on [[Barack Obama]]'s national origin, duped the media into airing nearly half an hour of positive press about him, then made a brief comment Obama was born in America just as they were losing patience and abruptly left.