Double Standard: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amusing Injuries]]: Women are free to inflict comedic violence with impunity, especially against men, but injuries inflicted by men are rarely comedic, ''especially'' if they're inflicted on women. This is sexist against men in that it limits the roles male characters are allowed to take, but it's also sexist against women in that it carries a subtext that women are weak, and incapable of inflicting serious injuries.
* [[Bastard Boyfriend]]: And related tropes. Women are depicted being abused by their boyfriends to titillate the audience. Even more disturbing, this trope shows up mostly in media made ''by'' women ''for'' women and is very popular in the [[Boys Love]]. Not only does it carry the [[Unfortunate Implication]] that women, and by extension homosexual men, are inherently masochistic and if they're not they should be, but it also raises other questions such as: why do women think so poorly of men? or Is [[Love Martyr]]dom the sole way to greatness for women and gay men?
** Be it this trope, or Bitch Girlfriend, there is also the danger of [[Misaimed Fandom|unittingly encouraging]] people to blow slight relationship problems way out of proportion and treat them as cases of the significant other displaying consciously hurtful, controlling or neglectful behavior.
* [[Be a Whore to Get Your Man]]: Modest, decent women never get the guy unless they start dressing and acting like wanton skanks. Because [[All Men Are Perverts]].
* [[Beast and Beauty]]: ...and many other subtropes thereof, having a woman that must be hot and a man hat must be fugly.