Dr. Strangelove/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Acting for Two|Acting For Three:]] [[Peter Sellers]] as Captain Mandrake, President Merkin Muffley and Dr. Strangelove.
** And it was meant to be 4four but he was injured and was unable to do "King" Kong.
* [[Defictionalization]]: In probably the most disturbing example of defictionalization, the [[wikipedia:Dead Hand (nuclear war)|Dead Hand]] system constructed by the Soviets in the 80s is essentially a real-life version of the [[Doomsday Device]].
* [[Dueling Movies]]: ''Fail Safe'', a dead serious take on this [[Failsafe Failure]] premise, was also released in 1964. The straight film is good (though it performed poorly at the box-office), but Kubrick's film has become iconic.
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* [[What Could Have Been]]: [[Peter Sellers]] originally was also asked to play Maj. T.J. "King" Kong, and practiced intensely with the American screenwriter to get the [[American Accents|American Accent]] right. After the first day of shooting, he sprained his ankle, and could no longer work in the cramped airplane set. So they recast the role with Slim Pickens.
** [[John Wayne]] was considered for the part of Major Kong as well.
[[Category:Dr. Strangelove]]