Information for "Dragon Ball GT/WMG"

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Display titleDragon Ball GT/WMG
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Date of page creation21:27, 1 November 2013
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Date of latest edit23:11, 15 April 2014
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As You Know, you get half of your DNA from your mother and half from your father. So, there is a small, minute chance that the lucky sperm (which has half of the father's DNA, just like the egg has half of the mother's) had only the DNA passed down by Goku to Gohan. However, this would still prevent her from being half-Saiyan, due to the fact that an X would have to come from both parents. However, we do not know much about Saiyan DNA, or how it interacts with human DNA. We do know that a Saiyan immersed in Saiyan DNA heals faster, which means it doesn't follow human biology. So, perhaps due to a quirk with Sayian DNA, the sperm has both gender chromosomes (having two copies of the same X for females), and actually modifies the egg to remove the one that's there. Perhaps both her gender chromosomes are Gohan's X, which, following this weird quirk of biology (or, if you perfer, Ass Pull of mine) would also be Goku's X, which means she would be Half-Saiyan (and genetically, equally related to Goku and Gohan). Now, if her child (the mother or father of Goku Jr.) was fathered by Trunks (who likely died with seemingly every other Z Fighter), that kid would be half-Saiyan, so their child would be a quarter Saiyan, allowing Goku Jr. to go Super Saiyan. As for why Vegeta Jr.'s mother doesn't know Pan, perhaps the families (well, either Bra and Bulma or likely just Bra when it comes to the Briefs') had a falling out over the fact that she was the only fighter to not die, including Vegeta and Trunks.
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