• Awesome Music: The main theme, "Grabbag", to the point that even Megadeth covered it.
  • Ear Worm: "GrabBag", the title music of Duke Nukem 3D. An MP3 of it is available for download from the composer's site.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: The first level of the game has Duke on his One Man Army war inside of a movie theater. Fast forward to Aurora in 2012 and Lafayette in 2015.
  • Goddamned Bats:
    • The Protozoid Slimers, which hatch from eggs, hide in vents, and climb up on your screen, tearing you apart unless you kick 'em quickly. They're pretty hard to hit in the open, too. Luckily one hit of anything kills them if you can connect, including the otherwise damage-less Shrinker.
    • Similarly, the kamikaze drones are equally as annoying and probably more dangerous.
  • Good Bad Bugs:
    • In v1.3D, you could select the Mighty Foot as a weapon and then kick with the melee button, at the same time! Result: Duke somehow manages to run around while both of his feet are on screen, whacking enemies. (Un)fortunately fixed in later versions.
    • The Build engine is notorious for its flaws that allows mapmakers to come up with interesting map ideas. Bizarre takes this fact and drives it straight into Mindscrew territory.
    • There is the possibility that you can die as you're exiting the level. If that happens, you start the next level with your stuff intact and 100 health.
  • Sequel Displacement: Anybody remember Duke Nukem I or Duke Nukem II?
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: The first level of The Birth is called "It's Impossible", and it's theme is called "Missing Impossible", and it is (very) reminiscent of Mission: Impossible's iconic theme. And you start outside a building with a sign out front that proudly declares it to be the "Impossible Mission Facility".
  • That One Level: "Episode Four" in the PS 1 version (especially on Come Get Some) due to the shortage of ammo throughout the levels.

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