Dune/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Mama Bear]]
* [[Mind Manipulation]]: Used rarely, primarily in self-defense or in a demonstration of her secret powers when such is necessary.
* [[Minored in Asskicking]]: she may major in political manipulation, but she can take down ''any'' Fremen. And remember, ''those'' are the guys that easily beat up the freaking ''[[Elite Mooks|Sardaukar!]]'' In fact she's so good that when he first meets her (and she beats him up) Stilgar is worried that in the Fremen's [[Asskicking Equals Authority]] society, she may choose to become the leader.
* [[Rebellious Princess]]: rebelling against the Bene Gesserit that is.
* [[Sex Slave|Nominal Sex Slave]] Jessica is ''officially'' a concubine for the purpose of diplomatic convenience but in practice she is treated as a [[Hot Consort]].
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* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]: He was good before he got to Arrakis. However once the spice kicked in his analytical prowess [[Took a Level In Badass|Took A Level In God-like Prescience]].
* [[A God Am I]] : Subverted [[Deconstructor Fleet|brutally]].
* [[Blessed with Suck]] : While he at first seems like a near-perfect hero destined for great and noble deeds, his ultimate fate is as unglorious and miserable as it gets. Mainly because [[Humans Are Flawed]] and [[Humans Are Bastards]].
* Came Back Strong: He almost dies when he drinks the water of life, and when he wakes up he is the Kwisatz Haderach.
* [[The Chosen One]]
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* [[Combat Clairvoyance]]
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]
* [[Dark Messiah]]: Sort of... He wasn't really a [[Messianic Archetype]] to begin with, but kept being persuaded about it by people full of [[Wish Fulfillment|wishful thinking]] to the point where [[Your Mind Makes It Real|he started believing in being]] the embodiment of an idea he previously scoffed at.
* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|Even Badass Demigod Warlords Love Their Mamas]]: Just stay away from Jessica.
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* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The Bene Gesserit are terrified of him.
* [[I Have Many Names]] : Hoo boy...
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]] : What he would like to be after becoming the all-purpose political and religious figurehead messiah of humanity.
* [[Magnetic Hero]] : Why the Fremen decide to follow him.
* [[Marty Stu]] : More of a [[Deconstructive Parody]] crossed with a [[Tear Jerker]].
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* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]
** Though that is mostly [[Because Destiny Says So]].
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: And he can see that constantly.
* [[Young Conqueror]]
* {{spoiler|[[Zen Survivor]]}} : A "living in secrecy version" in ''Children of Dune''.
** But since that apparently wasn't troperrific enough, Herbert combined this trope with {{spoiler|[[Badass Preacher]]}}. Evidenced in a scene in CoD, where [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|Paul cleanses the courtyard of the temple in Arrakeen from vendors selling various Muad'Dib-related souvenirs, icons and relics]]. The [[Irony]] is not lost to Herbert : In a clever twist, one of the objectives of the old and weary version of Paul is to actually try ''[[Stop Worshipping Me!|mocking and outright destroying]]'' the whole state religious cult built around him by the Fremen.
=== [[God-Emperor]] Leto Atreides II ===
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: [[Kill It with Water|Water]], in large amounts.
* [[A God Am I]]
* {{spoiler|[[And I Must Scream]]: His awareness supposedly exists in each of the sandtrout and sandworms produced from his body. In his words, he is a pearl of awareness locked in an endless dream.}}
* [[Arc Words]]: The Golden Path
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]:
* [[Badass Abnormal]]
* [[Biological Mashup]]: With [[Sand Worm|sandtrout]].
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=== Thufir Hawat ===
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: He's an idiot. See the entry in [[It Just Bugs Me]].
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: In the 1984 film, he is required to milk a cat for the antidote to the poison he has been administered by the Harkonnens.
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* [[The Obi-Wan]] : To Paul, but not overtly.
* [[Old Retainer]]
* [[Ugly Cute]] : Somewhat hunchbacked and with a scar on his jaw, he's a badass and friendly old mentor nonetheless.
* [[Warrior Poet]] / [[Cultured Warrior]]
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* [[Bedouin Rescue Service|Fremen Rescue Service]]
* [[HAD to Be Sharp]]
* [[Noble Savage]] : A subversion, as with the Fremen in general. He's certainly among the most noble Fremen, but even he is not without shades of gray.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] : You bet !
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] : He's both a friend and father figure to Paul after Leto perishes.
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* [[Author Avatar]]: Used to make commentary
* [[Daddy's Girl]]: She seems to have had some affection for her father [[The Emperor]].
* [[Fallen Princess]]: Well not quite, but this is closer then the others.
* [[Proper Lady]]
* [[Sexless Marriage]]