Dungeon Keeper Ami: Difference between revisions

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* [[A God Am I]]: Zarekos.
* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]: Alphel goes on a joyride in a dragon, during the Avatar Islands Arc.
* [[Anything That Moves]] / [[Extreme Omnisexual]] / [[But You Screw One Goat!]]: Averted. But Ami has a hard time convinceingconvincing ''anybody''. The rumor mill ''insists'' Ami has these tendanciestenancies.
* [[Back From the Dead]]:
** {{spoiler|Zarekos}} comes back as a Ghost. Considering the guy was a Dungeon Keeper, and the souls of Dungeon Keepers go to the Realms of the Dark Gods when they are killed or their Dungeon Hearts are destroyed, him coming back after having been physically killed is an [[Oh Crap]] moment. Of course, he was [[A God Am I|in the process of making himself a god prior to his physical death]].
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* [[But for Me It Was Tuesday]]: [[God of Evil|The Devourer's]] high priest is attacked by slave women whose children he had sacrificed. Upon learning this fact, he still can't identify any of the women beating him to death.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Torian is a strong warlock, but every time he tries to curry favor with Mercury he fails miserably. He eventually achieves fame with his undead-taming spell, but that's a more useful tool for the good guys than the bad guys.
** TzerkTserk, the tentacle monster. It just can't seem to catch a break.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Both {{spoiler|the Avatar and Keeper Mukrezar}} are mentioned in one of the earliest chapters, noting that they have been dead for decades.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: {{spoiler|Mukrezar may be an irredeemable monster who callously massacred an entire country, but he's also a pretty quirky guy who manages to be [[Plucky Comic Relief]] in his own demented way. He, among other things, has a strange obsession with using cursed gold rings as part of his plans, despite them having a previously standing track record of zero, and also claimed that he was going to bake the biggest cake in the world. He then baked that cake by throwing a huge amount of gold at an Underworld city which got too greedy and sold him all their food stocks, pushing the whole settlement to near starvation. At the same time Mukrezar was attacking the keeper who supplied their stocks. His plan the whole time was to extort them into proclaiming him lord and master of their town. That's right, he laid low an entire Underworld city, by baking a cake. Sadly [[Lethal Chef|the cake tasted so terrible Mukrezar couldn't stand to eat it]].}}
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Has happened several times instoryin story so far. Instances include {{spoiler|Jadeite vs Arachne's second dungeon}}, Mercury's army vs {{spoiler|the keeper on the coastline}}, {{spoiler|Zarekos vs Mercury and Jadeite}}, and any instance where Mercury attacks a dungeon whose owner is banished or dead (except {{spoiler|Zarekos, who isn't really gone at all}}).
** On a non-keeper note, the fight with the {{spoiler|Underworld Army as Mercury strikes at them before they strike at her, while they're still in the Underworld no less}}.
* [[Dark Is Evil]]: The creatures of the Underworld, and Keepers in particular, are rightfully feared and hated by the surface world.
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* [[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: {{spoiler|Wemos. Despite being a very sad [[Butt Monkey]] for Zarekos up to this point, he goes out in a fairly badass way.}}
* [[Empire with a Dark Secret]]: Ami suspected the SCE of being this after learning that all major government buildings there was an Oracle Tower - a structure that closely resembles the temple Zarekos was using in his bid to become a god.
** The Light Gods have jossed[[Jossed]] the theory that the idea that the towers are evil in their own right or that they have been used for evil purposes by the SCE, but they refuse to explain their original purpose in Mercury's hearing, for fear of giving her any ideas.
* [[Elite Army]]: Ami's forces have fought, on average, at a four-to-one dissadvantagedisadvantage in every engagement. They have yet to be deciseivelydecisively defeated.
* [[Enemy Civil War]]: The Dark Kingdom seems to descend into this.
** The Keepers are almost continually in this state, which is a major reason as to why the Light Side is still holding on.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Or vice versa. The Light Gods literally can't comprehend the motives of the Dark Gods, and the minions Ami has gathered (with the exception of the Cathy-Jered-SynderSnyder trio and ''possibly'' Jadeite) seem to regard any benevolent action on her part as simply something to try and lull the forces of Good into complacency.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Both Ami and Mukrezar are inventive and imaginative in their tactics, both have made innovations in magic that no-one else can understand. Their personalities are even diemetriclydiametrically opposed to each other - Ami is quiet and studious, Mukrezar is charismatic and goofy.
* [[Evil Overlord]]: The Dungeon Keepers.
* [[Exact Words]]: Defied - the Light Gods deliberately leave the terms of their agreements vague so that they may stick to their spirit rather than their letter. [[Good Is Not Nice|Amadeus]] himself notes at one point that ''technically'', his agreement to not attack Mercury doesn't apply to current circumstances...
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* [[Five-Man Band]] -
** Mercury: [[The Hero]]
** Cathy: [[The Lancer]], also [[The Big Guy]] {{spoiler|(until JaditeJadeite joins up)}}
** Jered : [[The Smart Guy]]
** Snyder: [[The Chick]]
** JaditeJadeite: [[The Big Guy]], also shares the role of [[The Lancer]] with Cathy from time to time.
** Tiger: [[The Sixth Ranger]]
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]: In a botched possession, Horny and Ami switch bodies. The Reaper is furious, wrestling his original body nakedly. Cue unexpected spectators watching that scene, and the [[Accidental Pervert|unintended results]]...
{{quote|Random Goblin: "Go go Keeper!"}}
* [[Ghost Pirate]]: {{spoiler|Empress Mercury}} faces off against an Undeadundead Navy and [[Non-Human Undead|Zombie Octopus]] in her war against Crowned Death.
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]
* [[God of Evil]]: [[God of Evil|The Dark Gods]] whom the [[Evil Overlord|Dungeon Keepers]] serve. [[God of Evil|The Dark Gods]]' counterparts, [[Light Is Good|The Light]], have been doing their best to try and prevent thetheir [[Mordor|taint]] of [[God of Evil|The Dark Gods]] from spreading any further. The Dark God of Strength and Martial Skill, Azzathra, has wished to see Mercury dead for some time for Mercury's perceived insults of all he stands for, and Mercury has {{spoiler|declared war against the Dark God of Death and all of his [[Mook|followers for their actions]]}}.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: Ami's idea of using a Dominate Undead spell to take over an undead dungeon heart worked beautifully. Unfortunately, {{spoiler|since the heart was undead, doing so connected her mind to Crowned Death, who really doesn't like her.}}
* [[The Good Chancellor]] / [[Standard Royal Court]]: Ami's advisorsadvisers all fall under this to some extent. Lampshaded by Jered after Mercury becomes Empress- he thinks some [[Standard Royal Court|royal titles are in order]].
** Cathy fills the role of Captain of the GaurdGuard
** Jered fills the role of Treasurer and occasionally spy.
** Jadeite is primarily Mercury's military advisoradviser alongside Cathy. Also something of a bodygaurdbodyguard.
** Tiger is a (self titled) princess...
** Snyder is something of an advisoradviser on various dietydeity, and so fills the role of court priest.
** Earasmus used to be the Court Wizard before his death, Torian fills that role now.
* [[Good Hurts Evil]]: Holy wards, holy spells, and temples of the Light Gods all cause instinctive fear in creatures of evil...and in those tainted by dark forces, such as Ami.
* [[Good Versus Good]]: Whenever Ami goes up against the Light Gods or their servants. They genuinely mean well, and so does she, but the conflict remains.
* [[Gossip Evolution]]: The tales of Mercury's deviance, the tales of Mercury beating up the various [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s and [[Mini Boss|powerful monsters]] of the Underworld (usually while naked), and the growing tales of her power and cunning.
* [[Great Offscreen War]]: Used often throughout the fic as both [[Backstory]] and [[Foreshadowing]].
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: After losing her most important memories, grasping at straws trying to keep anything of her former sense of self and identity, gaining knowledge of what it's like to have friends, and then having essentially all her dreams come true, Tiger then comes to the realization that no, these aren't her memories, she has no friends, she's powerless, and the thought that all her dreams had come true is all lies. In short, Tiger is jealous of Ami, and is acting out because of that.
* [[Hammerspace]]: The Keeper Storage ability works along these lines, and is [[Hyperspace Arsenal|used and abused]] to great effect by Keeper Mercury.
* [[I Am Spartacus]]: Played straight {{spoiler|by the Villain}}, in that {{spoiler|Mukrezar's plan with the magic rings revolves around whoever is wearing them turning into copies of himself, confusing people as to where Mukrezar really is, or who is the ''real'' Mukrezar}}.
* [[I Control My Minions Through...]]: Traditionally, Keepers go for fear, money, sadism, and [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil|corruption]]. Naturally, this is one of the problems Ami faces.
* [[Imagine Spot]]: From Eline in '"Umbra's Report'", immediately following her capture. {{spoiler|She pictures Mercury as a towering, lecherous, naked amazon}}. It is hilarious.
* [[Implacable Man]]: Nothing Ami throws at the Avatar can stop him for long.
* [[In the Name of the Moon]]: Played straight by the fairies in the chapter "Fairy Attack," as well as by Sailor Moon herself.
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* [[It Got Worse]]: Poor Ami can never catch a break.
* [[Klingon Promotion]]:
** Unintentionally. After slaying {{spoiler|the self-proclaimed Emperor Zarekos, Ami has beenis given the title of "Empress Mercury, Ruler of the Avatar Isles" by the Light Gods}}. The full implications of this have yet to be seen.
** Later on, an Orc attempts this by trying to kill Cathy. Given who his employer is, there's no way this could have ended well for him.
* [[Knowledge Broker]]: Keeper Midori.
* [[The Ladette]]: Cathy.
* [[Lethal Chef]]: Nephrite's plan of "inspiring" a young girl into cooking using cursed kitchen items to drain life energy backfires when the young girl's family makes him stay and enjoy her creations. [[Hilarity Ensues]] when he collapses in Beryl's court due to food poisoning.
** AThis is a brief [[Shout-Out|stealth]] [[Crossover]] with ''[[Ranma ½]]''.
** {{spoiler|Mukrezar. He took a bite of his "world's biggest cake" and it tasted absolutely horrid.}}
* [[Load-Bearing Boss]]: Justified, Ami rigged the ceilings above her Dungeon Hearts to collapse if she dies to prevent anybody else from taking and using them.
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* [[Mind Rape]]: {{spoiler|''Ami'' ends up doing this to ''Malleus''. The experience is lethal for him, traumatic for her.}}
* [[Multi-Armed and Dangerous]]: Tserk can wield (and reload) six crossbows simultaneously, with deadly precision.
* [[Multi -Armed Multitasking]]: Tserk again.
* [[Mundane Utility]]: Ami managed to turn her corrupted landscape into a massive windstorm that provided electricity for the dungeon, and has figured out how to take advantage of some of the other corruption effects to create hotspringshot springs and geothermal power with the use of lava instead of wind.
** What better way to use your new horned reaper than as a living smelter or water heater? After all fireballs are much more environmentally friendly than coal or gas.
** Tentacle monsters make great masseurs.
* [[Mordor]]: What the lands the Keepers inhabit turn into due to the corruption of the Dungeon Heart.
* [[Noodle Implements]]: The tools that Mercury appears to be using in the incident described in the [[Nothing Is Scarier]] example include a chicken. This is probably just to get people wondering what she did with it.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Mukrezar has had quite a few magical mishaps, which the Adviser Imp loves to bring up to embarrass him.
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: {{spoiler|Due to her aversion to torture, when faced with having to discipline her minions Ami is forced to bluff. She invents a device that combines a tracking spell and a general fear trap into a selective fear charm -- and then knocks the offender (and a dark mistress) unconscious. When they revived the selective terror hits them, and Ami informs them that she wiped their memories to preserve her technique. In other words -- whatever she did, she can do ''again'', and it will be ''just'' as horrifying each time. Their imaginations do the rest.}}
* [[Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering]]: The Shining Concord Empire is stated to have one of these.
* [[No Sell]]: The Avatar is almost unhittable, and anything that might hurt him is instantly blocked by the Light Gods.
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* [[Perspective Flip]]: Ami has to fight a team of [[Magical Girl|fairies]], complete with an [[In the Name of the Moon]] speech.
* [[Powered Armor]]: Ami's personal armor in the duel against the Horned Reaper, as well as the weaker versions being made for the rest of her employees.
* [[Power Tattoo]]: Zarekos is meantionedmentioned to have an inverted pentacle on his forheadforehead.
* [[Pride Before a Fall]]: The character Torian, Empress Mercury's head researcher, has been set up for this with his desire for the [[Amplifier Artifact|Staff of Calarine]] which Mercury disposed of [[Death Trap|due to it being a trap]].
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: Rabixtrel, the (second) Horned Reaper.
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]: Most of the surface dwellers have this impression of Mercury's inner circle. The fariesfairies are one in opposition to Mercury.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: All keepers- and their eyes get brighter when feeling strong emotion, particularly anger.
* [[Ring of Power]]: Mukrezar apparently created a number of schemes involving these during his takeover of the Avatar Isles. They are notable in the fact that ''almost'' none of them actually worked.
* [[Serial Escalation]]: Mercury's inventive [[Magitek]] approach to the setting leads to ever more awesome ways she manages to defeat her enemies. She's just reluctant to use some of the more spectacular methods, in part because she doesn't want to give any of her enemies ideas. However, {{spoiler|her sister Tiger has none of these inhibitions and gleefully fills Crowned Death's underwater temple fortress with a huge amount of Chlorine Trifluoride using the temple's own dungeon heart to manufacture it. For the uninitiated, thatit's a chemical that is so reactive that it will vaporize rocks, make water explode, and can even cause ''glass'' to burst into flames.}}
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: {{spoiler|The Light Gods are sympathetic to Ami's plight. Really, they are. Nevertheless, they are trying to capture and imprison her - since they believe that as things stand, her intended course of actions threatens billions of people.}}
* [[Shout-Out]]: One of the energy harvesting plans of Nephrite involved a girl and her passion for and lack of skill in cooking. To thank him and have him partake in her skills her family ''strongarmedstrong-armed'' Nephrite into getting a taste of the daughters odaughter's oh-so -delectable food. Later he's having trouble not regurgitating it in BerylsBeryl's throne room. The way it is written makes it obvious the girl in question beingwas [[Ranma ½|Akane Tendo]]. Also, the author has stated that the Avatar's powers were based off of the capabilities of [[Exalted|a low-Essence Solar]], and the Dwarves in this story are based off of the [[Dwarf Fortress|Dorfs]].
* [[Superhero]]: The Avatar is this to the surface nations. That The Underworld regards him in a different light is putting it mildly.
* [[Supervillain Lair]]: Keepers love turning their Dungeons into this, and the [[Mordor|corruption effect]] certainly helps. Mercury does battle with a Keeper who turned their mountain fortress into a giant leering skull once.
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* [[This Is Not a Floor]]: Ami inverts this interestingly in the episode "Convoluted Rescue Plan, Go!" The floor is made invisible, but her opponents assume it has been destroyed. Leads to a [[We Need a Distraction|Distraction]].
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: What amounts to this happens during the [http://addventure.bast-enterprises.de/246220.html invasion of Dreadfog Island], when {{spoiler|Empress Mercury learns that the undead priests of the Crowned Death have plucked out the eyes of 8,000 captive innocents, would-be sacrifices, so that they couldn't cause trouble.}}
* [[Tickle Torture]]: Sailor Moon does this with a Youma to see if she knows anything about Ami's location after her vanishing. Sailor Mars is embarassedembarrassed by the ordeal.
* [[Too Funny to Be Evil]]: Mukrezar. Full Stop.
* [[Too Kinky to Torture]]: The Dark Mistresses, of course.
** {{spoiler|Averted in the case of Ami's psychological torture. She largely bluffs them, and the mistress creates the impression that she did unspeakable things to them.}}
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: Tied in part to Mercury's [[Accidental Pervert|reputation]], and mentioned repeatedly instoryin-story regarding how the rest of the world views some of her actions, such as with her continued employment of Tserk.
* [[Unspoken Plan Guarantee]]: The reader learns about Ami's plan to rescue Jadeite from the Light temple as it's executed.
* [[Villain Ball Magnet]]: Being the ''only'' instance of [[Dark Is Not Evil]] among Keepers, Ami cannot convince the forces of good that she means well. {{spoiler|With the exception of the Cathy-Jered-Snyder trio, and the mind-reading Light Gods. To the latter's credit, they have requested that the forces of good try to capture Ami alive.}}
* [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?]]: {{spoiler|Jadeite seems to be heading this way. At first, he's confused by Ami's feelings for him. Later, by his own empathy -- and protectiveness for Ami.}}
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Most Keepers -- three guesses who the main exception is.
** Played straight by Ami in the earlier part of the story with golems. {{spoiler|In fact she vastly overestimated how many reserves she had in her first major battle using them.}}
* [[We Need a Distraction]]: Ami uses Tserk to break into a Temple of [[Light Is Good|The Light]], filled with Priests, Guards, and the FaeryFairy Sisters to rescue Jadeite using nothing more than a Wand that makes things go invisible, some flour, and two pills that transform whoever swallows them into mice. Tserk succeeds.
* [[We Will Meet Again]]: Tserk swears he will have his revenge against Keeper Midori. Why? {{spoiler|Tserk was giving a massage to Cathy and Mercury prior to Keeper Midori scrying on them.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Dr. Mizuno to Ami in "Family Matters," though a milder example than most.
* [[Won't Take Yes for An Answer]]: When {{spoiler|Empress}} Mercury is reviewing and accepts the plans for the embassy for the Shining Concord Empire, Aa terrified Camilla is so certain of her doom she invokes this trope.
* [[The Wiki Rule]]: [http://dkami.wikia.com/wiki/Dungeon_Keeper_Ami_Wiki Here it is.]
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Ami's "fearsome" Reaperbots often serve only to illustrate how ''fearsomer'' her current opponent is.