Egg Belly/Heartwarming

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Chapter 8 : Setsuna shows us the meaning of loyalty:

"It was just a matter of destroying the enemy before my wounds incapacitated me any further, and ensuring she was safe before I succumbed to gross blood loss." Closing her eyes, Setsuna sighed. "I am a shinmeiryuu warrior, and I am my ojou-sama's bodyguard. It is not a question of her continued survival, Negi-sensei; it is a question of whether or not I will die today to ensure it. And though this life is not something I wish to lose, I would give it up a thousand times over if it was needed, in blood and trial and horrible agony, if it meant that she could awake to see the next dawn safe and whole."
The room rang with sudden silence in the aftermath of those words, and the simple statement of fact from the determined swordswoman was more powerful than any oath.
"I'd never ask that of you, Set-chan- never."
"But I would give it Kono-chan, willingly so, without you ever needing to ask."