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* The [[Token Minority]] has been in a big decline since the 2010s, as it is widely criticized for having one minority person, contrasted with a cast full of white people. As societies have become more interracial, it has become more common for media to feature more minority characters instead of just one person, with the vast majority of media even going to the other extreme to have the [[Token White]] be in the minority. Similarly, simply stating a character's race and not showing any connection is now under more scrutiny, with media now going out of their way to emphasize their connection to their identity, instead of just stating a minority character's race and leaving it at that.
* The [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]] trope, once widely acclaimed as a way to add seriousness to the story, has become very downplayed or looked at with scorn for its very sexist undertones in the 2010s, since the women who get subjected to it often have very little role in the plot other than to just be killed off and serve as Angst for the male partner. The only way the trope gets played straight is if its in an adaptation where using it is absolutely essential to the plot, and even then, they often give the females agency and more scenes to at least see why the targeted couple are close. Very tellingly, when ''Justice League Dark: Apokolips War'' gave this fate to [[Zatanna]], this was met with widespread criticism and ridicule, along with anger for subjecting such an iconic character to such a bad fate, especially since it was so badly written with an [[Ass Pull]] that Zatanna brainwashed John Constantine to leave her to die.
* Edward Snowden's revelations about the National Security Agency's spying on Americans and other nations in 2013 led to the end of the Internet being depicted as a nice fun place, and to the end of [[Hollywood Hacking]] being a minor crime or something to laugh at. Before Snowden's revelations, the Internet had just been depicted as a place where people could meet, play games, and exchange information without any acknowledgement as to the potential downsides of it. Now, the issues of Internet privacy have led to widespread acknowledgement that the Internet was not all of the roses and daises it had been pushed as in the 90s and the 2000s. Similarly, hacking, once depicted as something to laugh at or something minor, and would only be seen for something used in trivial things like cheating at video games or other trivial matters, would afterwards be taken far more seriously, to the point that the idea of a hacker being seen as comedic would become utterly unacceptable now.
=== Other/Multiple Periods ===