HECU soldier #1: So, who is this guy... Freeman?
HECU soldier #2: They say he was at ground zero.
HECU soldier #1: Science Team... do you think he was responsible? Sabotage, maybe?
HECU soldier #2: Yeah, maybe, all I know for sure is he's been killing my buddies.

HECU soldier #1: Oh yeah, he'll pay. He will definitely pay.
Oh god, please stop... please stop...
Nazi Volksgrenadier unit, when heavily suppressed by machine gun fire, Company of Heroes

Inmate #1: Just walk away, and everything will be OK.
Inmate #2:: Everything will be OK?! She. Left us. Alone. With. Batman.

Inmate #1: I've got a gun pointed at his freakin' head. What could happen?

Inmate #2: Oh, good! It's not like he has a reputation for breaking out of traps and smashing people's faces-oh no, wait. That's exactly what he does.
"I'm going to the bear pits tomorrow. You wanna come with?"
"You're not Alexander!"
Many, MANY, mooks in God Hand
"Everyone, stay close together. No inappropriate touching!"
Brute Chieftain, Halo 3
"You fly like a large asteroid!"
—Argon pirate who had the misfortune to meet a player of X3: Terran Conflict
"... go to the College, Dad said ... use your brain, Dad said. Like I'm supposed to be able to figure out which College he meant."
—random bandit in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim