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** Some of the refugees demonstrate this, as well. {{spoiler|Olifen meets a woman who is heavily implied to be one of his ancestors. He's not willing to confirm it.}}
* [[Too Awesome to Use]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]] with the Ancient Amulet, which nullifies all status ailments on the wearer. You get it by selling a certain boss to the Uzaporium. Sounds like it would be, right? Except the boss in question is [[Breather Boss|Manti Gigas,]] who is ridiculously cheap by boss standards and pitifully easy to capture. A bit of [[Save Scumming|crafty reloading later,]] you've got more immunity than your body has room for.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: A lot of characters--especially in the core party--start out [[The Load|relatively useless]], but eventually become dangerously useful members as the game goes on--especially in a [[New Game+]].
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: Morpheus. No matter who you pick first, your first boss tends to be pretty easy, if somewhat difficult to capture. Then Morpheus shows up and shows you exactly how bosses in this game [[Nintendo Hard|are going to be as a general rule of thumb.]]
** Morpheus' status as this is actually justified in-game. {{spoiler|In his guise as Count Duphaston, he's been following your movements no matter what tale you choose, so he knows just what you're capable of.}}
* [[Warmup Boss]]: Otakuphant, Kaelrunis, or Moon Belator depending on which tale you pick first. Mars Belator has all the elements of this, but isn't since, you know, you have to beat a tale to fight him in the first place.
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[[Category:Strategy RPG]]
[[Category:Play Station 2]]
[[Category:Eternal Poison{{PAGENAME}}]]