Everybody Hates Hades: Difference between revisions

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* In ''Immortal Throne'', the expansion to ''[[Titan Quest]]'', Hades is cast as the villain. {{spoiler|The reason being that after the connection between the godly realms and earth was severed in the first game and Typhon was destroyed, Zeus decided that the Olympian gods would take this as an opportunity to depart from the world and leave humans to their own affairs as they had proven themselves capable of such. Hades went rogue, formed a demon army, and started to assault the overworld, and it was the lot of the player to put an end to Hades, of whom Zeus had predicted his actions and actually set the player on the right path to deal with him.}}
* While Hades can be considered the main antagonist of the myth of Orpheus, it was largely because dead people aren't supposed to come back to life. However, in ''[[The Battle of Olympus]]'', he had Orpheus's love interest killed so that he could marry her, justifying [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|the subsequent beating]] administered by the player.
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'', being based of [[Disney Animated Canon]], also cast Hades as a villain. Oddly enough, he and [[Peter Pan|Captain Hook]] were the only Disney villains to ''not'' fall into darkness. It's worth noting that this version of Hades is more of a [[Jerkass]] than anything, his only real reason for joining Maleficent's entourage is to get rid of Hercules, and isn't afraid to admit to her face that he doesn't give a damn about her plans.
* In the city-building game ''Zeus,'' this trope is ''averted.'' Basically any Greek God can be built a temple to (sometimes you have to do so just to keep away another one that's pissed off at you), and that includes Hades. In-game he can defeat any god that attacks your city save Zeus and Poseidon, and the game recognizes Hades is more than just the lord of the dead; he's also the god in charge of everything within the earth itself, including ''mineral wealth'', an often-overlooked aspect in modern times. In this game, he rewards you with infinite silver veins that spawn around his temple and occasionally grants you the blessing of additional cash. He also lets his pet Cerberus guard your city as a bonus.
** That's not to say he would ''always'' be a good guy. Depending on your city's interaction with the immortals, Hades could very well end up sending Cerberus to attack you, or even pay you a visit himself. If he visits not only does he shut down your metal-working industry, he also takes a substantial chunk of your population back to the Underworld with him.
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* Averted with online game ''[[Poptropica]]'': On one of the islands, {{spoiler|Zeus is the Big Bad, trying to conquer all of Poptropica}} and Hades is very helpful, giving you one of the items necessary to beat the island. The underworld is certainly not a pretty place though.
* In ''[[Too Human]]'', a [[Cyberpunk]] adaptation of [[Norse Mythology]], Hel is a [[Mad Scientist]] who cybernetically reanimates the corpses of the dishonored dead that she is entrusted with as cannon fodder, {{spoiler|including Baldur's beloved wife}}, and is loyal to her father Loki.
* HADES from ''[[Horizon Zero Dawn]]'' seems to be a clear-cut example at first, since he's an evil AI with a hellishly deep voice who leads a cult of lunatics dedicated to awakening machines that could wipe out all organic life on Earth, and named after the Greek god of death to boot. But it's revealed later that {{spoiler|he isn't malicious, just malfunctioning: as a subordinate function of the AI GAIA his task was originally to destroy failed biospheres if GAIA wasn't able to recreate them right. Thanks to the interference of an unknown, malicious third party, he's simply following his programming in the wrong context.}}
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