Evil Counterpart: Difference between revisions

BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.
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(BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.)
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* Much of season 2 of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' (at least the first third to half) was spent seemingly building up Eriol, Ruby Moon, and Spinel Sun as Evil Counterparts to Sakura, Yue, and Kero, respectively. [[Subverted Trope|However]], this was all or mostly a sham. Not only is Ruby Moon hardly as dangerous and ruthless as Yue is ([[Informed Ability|usually]]) described as, at best coming off as merely [[The Scrappy|annoying]] and [[Die for Our Ship|hate]]-[[Yaoi Fangirl|worthy]], but Spinel Sun is often adorable and harmless, acting more as a [[Brilliant but Lazy|bored]] [[Greek Chorus]] to the events. As for Eriol himself...[[Omniscient Morality License|opinions are divided on if he or his actions were "evil"]], but he's certainly not as different from Sakura as might have been supposed.
* In ''[[X 1999]]'' Fuuma is evil counterpart to Kamui and Seishiro is Evil Counterpart to Subaru.
* In ''[[Girls Bravo]]'', the main character Yukinari and the [[Big Bad]] Yukina, as if the similar names weren't a big enough clue. While in some ways they are complete opposites—he's a powerless [[Non-Action Guy]] who is allergic to women but generally doesn't hold a grudge against them ,and she's an [[Extraordinarily Empowered Girl]] who is allergic to men ''and wants to kill all of them''—both of them have dealt with a great deal of pain in their lives that led to them both being [[Allergic to Love]] with the opposite gender. In the end Yukinari is able to stop her from committing gendercide simply by gently talking her down and helping her deal with the insecurities that created the situation in the first place. Unfortunately for Yukinari, his former Evil Counterpart falls in love with him and becomes a [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] [[Stalker with a Crush]] with a bad habit of sneaking into his bed (naked) while he's sleeping. Also, while she isn't allergic to him, he is still allergic to her.
* The main characters of ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'' have ones in the demons Scanty and Kneesocks. Unlike the hedonistic [[Chaotic Neutral]] protagonists concerned either with [[Lovable Sex Maniac|sex]] and [[Sweet Tooth|sweets]], the demons are strictly [[Lawful Evil]], obsessed with [[Trrrilling Rrrs|Rrrrrrrrrules]] and evil schemes. Their [[Team Pet]] Chuck even gets one with Fastener, who's much less of a [[Butt Monkey]].
* Truly explored in the PSP games ''[[Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha: Battle of the Aces]]'' and ''Nanoha: Gears of Destiny'', where Nanoha, Fate and Hayate have 3 counterparts for themselves. Stern a.k.a. Material-S (Seikou the Starlight Destroyer), Revi the Slasher a.k.a. Material-L (Rai-chan), "Load" a.k.a. Material-D (Yami or 'Your Majesty').
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** Marv and Manute from the same series also fit as they are both big, scary [[The Determinator|determinators]]. Dwight all but lampshaded this when he brought Marv in to deal with Manute. Bonus points are given to the fact that while Manute is evil, well dressed, and highly educated, Marv is good (in comparison), a bit of a bum, and not very book smart.
* [[Darkhawk]] has quite a few due to wearing armor that was originally meant for an army of [[Space Pirates]].
* Gideon Graves to [[Scott Pilgrim]]. They are both assholes who gloss over their misdeeds with [[Self-Serving Memory]], and are horrible to their girlfriends. Gideon takes his [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] tendencies [[Up to Eleven]], while Scott eventually realizes his faults and genuinely wants to change and be a better person.
* Punchline - a villain introduced in 2020 in a one-shot supersized ''Joker #1'' (released to celebrate the 80 year anniversary of [[The Joker]]'s first appearance) has been promoted as an "anti-[[Harley Quinn]]". From what little is known, she seems to fit the bill of this Trope for Harley, a far more violent and insane partner of the Joker, not to mention being a dark, brooding, and subtle assassin, in comparison to Harley's exuberant, frivolous personality. Indeed, the first meeting between Harley and Punchline was hatred at first sight followed by a brutal battle that seemed to cement the two as [[Arch Enemies]].
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* ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'' has several.
** Ishamael for Rand. Both are the leaders of their respective side and are extremely strong in the one power. But while Rand believes in doing his duty and saving world, Ishamael became a [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Nihilist]] who wants to [[Omnicidal Maniac|destroy]] the pattern because he believes that everything is meaningless, that the dark will inevitably win and that it his purpose to fight for the dark one. He also seems to view his role in the ever repeating pattern is to convince the Dragon to submit to this view; during the darkest depths of his psychotic breakdown {{spoiler|Rand considers whether his counterpart was in fact right and almost destroys the pattern himself after a bit of [[Nietzsche Wannabe]] speechifying of his own}}.
** Lanfear for Moiraine: Both women assisted Rand and would have killed him if necessary. But while Moiraine just wants him to save the world and oppose the dark one, Lanfear is a [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] darkfriend who wants him to serve the dark one.
** Slayer for Perrin: Both have connections with wolves and dream powers. Both of them [[Blood Knight|enjoy killing]] and they both tried to {{spoiler|lead the two rivers villagers against trollocs }}
** Taim for Loghain: Both are false dragons who serve Rand reluctantly and both want glory. {{spoiler|But unlike Logain, Taim is a darkfriend who wants to help the dark one triumph}}