• On June 29, 2011 this plea for help was launched into the airwaves. In less than two hours the goal was reached making it this and a Crowning Moment of Awesome for all who have contributed. Even after the goal of $15,000 has been reached (TWO $5,000 donations), as of 11:33 PM EST the numbers are currently still climbing with many generous donations continuing to come forward.
    • The plan was to run the donation period for sixty days. In a few hours, they doubled the original price.
  • Okay, after the whole escapist mess, there is something to take a good look at. Both sides of the discussion openly admitted that the creators of Extra Credits postponed getting paid in order to allow The Escapist to produce other shows that would otherwise be canceled. In fewer words, this means that they lost money for each episode [1]. They really do care about games.
  • The PAX episode. Go watch it, and come back here, and tell me you didn't have a warm fluffy feeling with a straight face.
  • "Life will always welcome you back."
  • Due to James' compulsion, his relationship at the time was troubled severely. They broke off, something of which James surely regretted for a long time. Take us forward to now, where Extra Credits did an episode split in parts about game compulsion, where James pours his heart out and reveals his experience and how he's made his life better than it was before. That alone in itself is heartwarming, but then he got a response from his former lover, just a few days before she moved to France, after which would be too late.
  • At the end of the Ludus Florentis video, Daniel says "If you're at GDC, say hi to James! Also, make sure he stops to eat something. He never eats at these things..." Okay, now is that adorable or what?
    • Similarly, at the end of the Games You Might Not Have Tried 3 video, Daniel says that if people see James at Pax East, "run up and HUG him without warning. He loves that."
  • The end of the "Gamifying Education" video contained a marriage proposal. Dawww!
  • If you haven't teared up a little at the end of A Season of Hope, the Child's Play episode, you are The Stoic indeed.
  1. Which in theory would be returned by The Escapist when the site was able to pay them