Face Heel Turn: Difference between revisions

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* A very big one few years ago was [[X-Men]] longtime member Bishop - after years of looking for a mysterious traitor who was supposed to kill X-Men, he betrayed them himself, for the same reason he joined them in the first place - to stop a [[Bad Future]] from happening.
* In ''[[Sonic the Comic]]'', Nack the Weasel is introduced as a member of the heroic Chaotix - but by the end of their introductory story he's sold them out to the Brotherhood of Metallix, an army of spectacularly evil robotic copies of Sonic. Admittedly a loose example, as a) he'd clearly already turned before the story started and b) the character was always a villain in the Sonic games, so seeing him as a hero first is the unexpected bit.
* The Enchantress, a villain usually associated with the ''[[Suicide Squad]]'' started out as a heroine, fighting demons and other monsters. But after she gains near omipotent magic power (which she loses due to [[Supergirl]]'s intervention) she becomes [[Drunk on the Dark Side]], turning evil. Unlike most heroes turned villain, she never regrets this choice and never looks back.
== Fan Works ==