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=== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ===
* ''[[From Eroica with Love]]'': Caesar Gabriel does this [[Once an Episode|twice a chapter]]. (Yes, he was only around for two chapters, but still.)
* In ''[[OnegaiPlease Twins!]],'' Karen fainting at ''any'' surprise or stress is a running gag, though like many such things, it tapers off as the series goes on. Becomes [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|a bit less amusing]] when you consider the parent series, ''[[Please Teacher!]],'' which had a condition called Standstill, in which a person can spend ''years'' in a coma-like condition (without aging) after too much extreme emotion. One of these days, Karen might not wake up for a ''long'' time...
* Emma of ''[[Victorian Romance Emma]]'' faints at a ball, partly due to the fact that her corset is laced too tightly and from seeing William with Eleanor.
* Albert of ''[[Gankutsuou]]'' faints from when he accidentally drank water that was laced with poison.