Fallout 3: Difference between revisions

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** Go to either extreme, and you'll have either ultra-evil mercenaries (if you are good) or vigilante "lawmen" (if you are evil) attack you as random encounters. Also, one perk gives you a substantial bonus to your Speech skill, provided that you maintain a Neutral karma level. To put this in perspective, you can earn enough Karma points to be "Good" or "Evil" before you leave the tutorial level.
** Go to either extreme, and you'll have either ultra-evil mercenaries (if you are good) or vigilante "lawmen" (if you are evil) attack you as random encounters. Also, one perk gives you a substantial bonus to your Speech skill, provided that you maintain a Neutral karma level. To put this in perspective, you can earn enough Karma points to be "Good" or "Evil" before you leave the tutorial level.
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: Despite his soothing, charismatic voice and a virtual monopoly on airtime in Post-nuclear holocaust America, President Eden is widely considered a joke by the people of the Wasteland. In fact many people assume he's either an old pre-war broadcast playing on a loop, or a crazy guy broadcasting from a bunker somewhere. However, when the Enclave makes their appearance on the scene after a 35 year absence, he quickly reaches [[Not So Harmless]] status.
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: Despite his soothing, charismatic voice and a virtual monopoly on airtime in Post-nuclear holocaust America, President Eden is widely considered a joke by the people of the Wasteland. In fact many people assume he's either an old pre-war broadcast playing on a loop, or a crazy guy broadcasting from a bunker somewhere. However, when the Enclave makes their appearance on the scene after a 35 year absence, he quickly reaches [[Not So Harmless]] status.
* [[Abandoned Laboratory]]: Nearly all of the Vaults you encounter are the unfortunate aftermaths of one of Vault-Tec's experiments that [[Gone Horribly Right|worked more or less as they were intended to]].
* [[Abandoned Laboratory]]: Vault 87.
** Nearly all of the Vaults you encounter are the unfortunate aftermaths of one of Vault-Tec's experiments that [[Gone Horribly Right|went horribly right]].
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: Many of the custom weapons, and some other weapons, use unusual ammunition, but the Rock-It Launcher takes this trope and runs with it (behind the barn for a roll in the hay, then makes it breakfast in the morning), as it fires anything from tin cans to human skulls to [[Empathy Doll Shot|teddy bears]] and after one of the [[Downloadable Content|DLCs]] you will be able to shoot a piece of your own brain.
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: Many of the custom weapons, and some other weapons, use unusual ammunition, but the Rock-It Launcher takes this trope and runs with it (behind the barn for a roll in the hay, then makes it breakfast in the morning), as it fires anything from tin cans to human skulls to [[Empathy Doll Shot|teddy bears]] and after one of the [[Downloadable Content|DLCs]] you will be able to shoot a piece of your own brain.
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Downtown D.C. is a honeycomb of subway, maintenance and sewer tunnels connecting to each other and the surface, and is chock full of ghouls, raiders, radroaches and more. It's quite easy to get lost down here if you don't watch your Pip Boy map, and if you're actively looking for another location when you get into them, ''good luck''.
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Downtown D.C. is a honeycomb of subway, maintenance and sewer tunnels connecting to each other and the surface, and is chock full of ghouls, raiders, radroaches and more. It's quite easy to get lost down here if you don't watch your Pip Boy map, and if you're actively looking for another location when you get into them, ''good luck''.
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* [[Beam Spam]]: There are ''Gatling Lasers'' in the game, as apparently the brother of [[More Dakka]] would ''not'' be left out.
* [[Beam Spam]]: There are ''Gatling Lasers'' in the game, as apparently the brother of [[More Dakka]] would ''not'' be left out.
* [[The Beast Master]]: The Animal Friend perk makes you this. Even the nearby [[Everything's Worse with Bears|Yao Guai]] will help you against those pesky mutants and mercenaries.
* [[The Beast Master]]: The Animal Friend perk makes you this. Even the nearby [[Everything's Worse with Bears|Yao Guai]] will help you against those pesky mutants and mercenaries.
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: Being nice to Gob in Megaton will net you a 10% discount from him. He's even willing to risk pissing off Moriarty.
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: Following the Good Karma path tends to pay off.
** Being nice to Gob in Megaton will net you a 10% discount from him. He's even willing to risk pissing off Moriarty.
** At the gates of Megaton, Tenpenny Tower and Rivet City are beggars asking for purified water. Giving them water gives you an instant karma boost. With enough water and some patience, you could boost your karma to Very Good in just a few minutes. This can result in a player with a history of being a lying, cheating, thieving, enslaving, murdering bastard becoming a saint in the eyes of the people, [[Disproportionate Reward|all because they gave a hobo a drink.]] Or you can donate a few hundred bottle caps (the game's currency) to one of the in-game churches for a huge instant karma boost.
** Releasing Fawkes from confinement pays ''huge'' dividends. [[One-Man Army]]-type benefits.
* [[Behind the Black]]: Despite the [[Warp Whistle]] effectively being a "skip journey" option rather than a true teleport, half the time you'll appear at your destination standing bang in the middle of a mercenary squad out for your blood.
* [[Behind the Black]]: Despite the [[Warp Whistle]] effectively being a "skip journey" option rather than a true teleport, half the time you'll appear at your destination standing bang in the middle of a mercenary squad out for your blood.
* [[Big Brother Is Watching]]: The Vaults were actually advertised in a museum exhibit as such.
* [[Big Brother Is Watching]]: Vault-Tec attempted to give this trope a ''positive'' spin with their cheery advertising campaign (heard in-game at the Museum of Technology).
{{quote|"Concerned about security? Our eye-on-you camera allows the Overseer to watch your every move. You'll never be alone again!"}}
{{quote|"Concerned about security? Our eye-on-you camera allows the Overseer to watch your every move. You'll never be alone again!"}}
** Three Dog can seem remarkably well-informed for a man who so rarely leaves his rooms.
** Also, the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Enclave Eyebots]].
* [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]]: Ohhh, boy. Let's see, Radroaches, Bloatflies, Radscorpions, Fire Ants...
* [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]]: Ohhh, boy. Let's see, Radroaches, Bloatflies, Radscorpions, Fire Ants...
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: The player can do this for Reilly's Rangers, who are pinned down by Super Mutants in the Statesman Hotel.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: The player can do this for Reilly's Rangers, who are pinned down by Super Mutants in the Statesman Hotel.
* [[Bigger Stick]]: The Brotherhood employs Liberty Prime as their bigger stick against the more numerous and technologically advanced Enclave. {{spoiler|Then the Enclave brings out ''their'' bigger stick, their [[Kill Sat|missile satellite]]}}.
* [[Bigger Stick]]: The Brotherhood employs Liberty Prime as their bigger stick against the more numerous and technologically advanced Enclave. {{spoiler|Then the Enclave brings out ''their'' bigger stick, their [[Kill Sat|missile satellite]]}}.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: You don't have the in-game translator to help you to figure out anything Toshiro Kago in ''Mothership Zeta'' is saying, unless you understand Edo period Japanese.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: You don't have the in-game translator to help you to figure out anything Toshiro Kago in ''Mothership Zeta'' is saying, unless you understand Edo period Japanese. Even then, you can pretty much guess what he's saying and you will more than likely be correct. It's mostly variations upon "Where am I?", "Who are you?", and "Where is my sword?"
** Even then, you can pretty much guess what he's saying and you will more than likely be correct. It's mostly variations upon "Where am I?", "Who are you?", and "Where is my sword?"
* [[Bishonen Line]]: The mirelurks are mutated crabs and look crustacean with shells and pincers. Mirelurk kings however are implied to be mutated from turtles, and have humanoid heads, fingers and toes with no shells.
* [[Bishonen Line]]: The mirelurks are mutated crabs and look crustacean with shells and pincers. Mirelurk kings however are implied to be mutated from turtles, and have humanoid heads, fingers and toes with no shells.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Possible for female player characters who can flirt with Bittercup, hire Nova and show attraction towards Amata. Possibly with Bittercup, who will flirt with a female character, though other characters claim that she has a reputation for promiscuity.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Possible for female player characters who can flirt with Bittercup, hire Nova and show attraction towards Amata. Possibly with Bittercup, who will flirt with a female character, though other characters claim that she has a reputation for promiscuity.
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** "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." -[[The Bible|Revelation 21:6]}. {{spoiler|That is to say, '216' is the code to activate the purifier at the end of the main story arc}}.
** "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." -[[The Bible|Revelation 21:6]}. {{spoiler|That is to say, '216' is the code to activate the purifier at the end of the main story arc}}.
* [[Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs]]: Known simply as "Sugar Bombs". The cereal pieces are even shaped like miniature nukes.
* [[Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs]]: Known simply as "Sugar Bombs". The cereal pieces are even shaped like miniature nukes.
* [[Christianity Is Catholic]]: The only active church in the Capitol Wasteland is St. Monica's, a fictitious (Well, the St. Monica in the game, anyway. As far as I know, the [http://saints.sqpn.com/saint-monica/ real St. Monica], wasn't sold into slavery or born the child of ghouls or anything.) saint with a heavily Catholic-themed backstory. The priest preaches about Purgatory and will not have his acolyte, Diego, sleep with or marry the woman he loves and be a priest at the same time.
* [[Christianity Is Catholic]]: Wadsworth, the Robotic butler in your house in Megaton, jokes: "Photons have Mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic."
** Your Mr. Handy robot butler Wadsworth/Godfrey can also tell this joke: "Photons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic."
** The only active church in the Capitol Wasteland is St. Monica's, a fictitious (Well, the St. Monica in the game, anyway. As far as I know, the [http://saints.sqpn.com/saint-monica/ real St. Monica], wasn't sold into slavery or born the child of ghouls or anything.) saint with a heavily Catholic-themed backstory. The priest preaches about Purgatory and will not have his acolyte, Diego, sleep with or marry the woman he loves and be a priest at the same time.
* [[Clueless Aesop]]: The Tenpenny Towers quest take on racism. Sure, those Tenpenny Tower inhabitants are scum for refusing entry to Roy, a [[Ax Crazy|murderous madman]] who threatens to kill them. On the other hand, this might just be [[Take That|a slightly heavy-handed message]] to [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|players who prefer a non-violent solution to quests that are probably better served by violence]].
* [[Clueless Aesop]]: The Tenpenny Towers quest take on racism. Sure, those Tenpenny Tower inhabitants are scum for refusing entry to Roy, a [[Ax Crazy|murderous madman]] who threatens to kill them. On the other hand, this might just be [[Take That|a slightly heavy-handed message]] to [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|players who prefer a non-violent solution to quests that are probably better served by violence]].
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Both in [[NPC]] dialogs as well as [[Enemy Chatter]].
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Both in [[NPC]] dialogs as well as [[Enemy Chatter]].
** In particular there are Mayor MacCready of Little Lamplight (particularly striking since [[Troubling Unchildhood Behavior|he's eleven at most]]) and Desmond Lockheart from Point Lookout. Neither of them seem capable of forming a sentence without swearing.
** In particular, there are Mayor MacCready of Little Lamplight (particularly striking since [[Troubling Unchildhood Behavior|he's eleven at most]]) and Desmond Lockheart from Point Lookout. Neither of them seem capable of forming a sentence without swearing.
* [[Collection Sidequest]]: Finding all of the Vault-Tec Bobbleheads in the Capital Wasteland; collecting all 100 steel ingots in ''The Pitt''; finding thirty Nuka-Cola Quantum for ''The Nuka-Cola Challenge''.
* [[Collection Sidequest]]: Finding all of the Vault-Tec Bobbleheads in the Capital Wasteland; collecting all 100 steel ingots in ''The Pitt''; finding thirty Nuka-Cola Quantum for ''The Nuka-Cola Challenge''.
* [[Color Wash]]: The entire game is overlaid with a very noticeable green color filter, which can be disabled via modding.
* [[Color Wash]]: The entire game is overlaid with a very noticeable green color filter, which can be disabled via modding.
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* [[Disaster Democracy]]: The Republic of Dave. There's even a quest titled ''Election Day'' that lets you [[Vote Early, Vote Often|manipulate the election result]].
* [[Disaster Democracy]]: The Republic of Dave. There's even a quest titled ''Election Day'' that lets you [[Vote Early, Vote Often|manipulate the election result]].
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: The (most likely) first Behemoth you come across, {{spoiler|just outside of Galaxy News Radio}}.
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: The (most likely) first Behemoth you come across, {{spoiler|just outside of Galaxy News Radio}}.
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: There are several available within the first few hours of gameplay.
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: The Replicated Man's plasma rifle can be obtained ''very'' early in the game if you know where to look for it; getting it doesn't involve combat or dungeon exploration, and it is one of the most powerful weapons in the game.
** The Replicated Man's plasma rifle can be obtained ''very'' early in the game if you know where to look for it; getting it doesn't involve combat or dungeon exploration, and it is one of the most powerful weapons in the game.
** On your way to GNR studios, quite early in the game if you follow the main quests, you'll find a dead Brotherhood of Steel member and can loot his Power Armor. Unfortunately in this game, you need special training to wear it and so it can't be used yet. However, your ''henchmen'' suffer no such drawback and can slip it on right away. You can then repair the suit with any armor the Behemoth kills shortly after, and your henchman will be pretty much invincible until the Enclave shows up.
*** On top of that, that same corpse is also carrying a Fat Man, and the optional objective tells you to pick it up so you can use it against said Behemoth, giving you a ''literal'' [[Disc One Nuke]].
** On your way to GNR studios, quite early in the game if you follow the main quests, you'll find a dead Brotherhood of Steel member and can loot his Power Armor. Unfortunately in this game, you need special training to wear it and so it can't be used yet. However, your ''henchmen'' suffer no such drawback and can slip it on right away. You can then repair the suit with any armor the Behemoth kills shortly after, and your henchman will be pretty much invincible until the Enclave shows up. On top of that, that same corpse is also carrying a Fat Man, and the optional objective tells you to pick it up so you can use it against said Behemoth, giving you a ''literal'' [[Disc One Nuke]].
** The best armor in the game can be accessed quite early with the ''Operation: Anchorage'' DLC. Completing the DLC near the start of the game will open access to the Winterized T-51b Power Armor. It requires Power Armor Training but the simulation before unlocks the ability after you complete it. In total, the helmet and the armor, collectively offers 55 damage resistance (only standard Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor or special Enclave Power Armor matches it), +33 radiation resistance, and +1 charisma. Both parts of the suit also have the highest item hit points in the game (Helmet: 999,100/100 hit points and Armor:9,992,000/100 hit points) effectively meaning they will never break and require repair or lose any damage protection points.
** The best armor in the game can be accessed quite early with the ''Operation: Anchorage'' DLC. Completing the DLC near the start of the game will open access to the Winterized T-51b Power Armor. It requires Power Armor Training but the simulation before unlocks the ability after you complete it. In total, the helmet and the armor, collectively offers 55 damage resistance (only standard Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor or special Enclave Power Armor matches it), +33 radiation resistance, and +1 charisma. Both parts of the suit also have the highest item hit points in the game (Helmet: 999,100/100 hit points and Armor:9,992,000/100 hit points) effectively meaning they will never break and require repair or lose any damage protection points.
* [[Disney Death]]: With the ''Broken Steel'' DLC, {{spoiler|the original sacrifice at the end of the game becomes a two week coma, both for the PC and Sentinel Lyons (unless Lyons, even though more or less better than you, is sent in which means death)}}.
* [[Disney Death]]: With the ''Broken Steel'' DLC, {{spoiler|the original sacrifice at the end of the game becomes a two week coma, both for the PC and Sentinel Lyons (unless Lyons, even though more or less better than you, is sent in which means death)}}.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]:
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Death is the only punishment for ''almost'' any crime in the wasteland. From murder to lockpicking a crate of vendor goods to stealing a bottle of Nuka-Cola, everyone in the vicinity will open fire. And God help you if you try to open the door to GNR studios before the all-clear is sounded. The only crime people don't attack you on-sight for is pickpocketing—they give you a warning, ''then'' they attack you.
** Death is the only punishment for ''almost'' any crime in the wasteland. From murder to lockpicking a crate of vendor goods to stealing a bottle of Nuka-Cola, everyone in the vicinity will open fire. And God help you if you try to open the door to GNR studios before the all-clear is sounded. The only crime people don't attack you on-sight for is pickpocketing: they give you a warning, ''then'' they attack you.
** It is justified in the context of the situation. With no official form of criminal justice and scarce resources, even petty theft would actually be akin to a capital offense in the eyes of a community trying to survive on its own.
** Oddly, this carries over to the pre-war too. There are many security robots you can find in old factories and other buildings, and they will often ask for an ID card or some other miscellaneous item you could find nearby to show them you're authorized to be there. Otherwise they consider it trespassing, give you one warning to leave, then start the laser fire.
*** Specifically, activating any security robot you find in a Metro station will cause it to use lethal force on anybody in the station without a ticket.
** Sonora Cruz, head of the Regulators, sums it up pretty well: "In the Wasteland, there's only one brand of justice: the gun."
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: Vault 101.
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: Vault 101.
* [[Downloadable Content]]: There were five DLC'S released for ''Fallout 3'': ''Operation: Anchorage'', ''The Pitt'', ''Broken Steel'', ''Point Lookout'' and ''Mothership Zeta''.
* [[Downloadable Content]]: There were five DLC'S released for ''Fallout 3'': ''Operation: Anchorage'', ''The Pitt'', ''Broken Steel'', ''Point Lookout'' and ''Mothership Zeta''.
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** [[Shout-Out|Considering]] [[The Dunwich Horror|the name...]]
** [[Shout-Out|Considering]] [[The Dunwich Horror|the name...]]
** It's also later involved in disposing of a "holy" book with decidedly Lovecraftian elements.
** It's also later involved in disposing of a "holy" book with decidedly Lovecraftian elements.
** The game in general suffers from spatial orientation issues. It is very common to enter a door facing one direction and come out of a door not facing the opposite direction.
* [[Elephant in the Living Room]]: Hilariously averted with Fawkes. ''No one'' cares you have a ''Super Mutant'' trailing you.
* [[Elephant in the Living Room]]: Hilariously averted with Fawkes. ''No one'' cares you have a ''Super Mutant'' trailing you.
** Fawkes will often [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade]] this while you're traveling.
** Fawkes will often [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade]] this while you're traveling.
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** Alternately, {{spoiler|Roy Phillips}} and Tenpenny. Though it just seems like [[Black and Gray Morality]] at first glance.
** Alternately, {{spoiler|Roy Phillips}} and Tenpenny. Though it just seems like [[Black and Gray Morality]] at first glance.
** Talon Company vs the Super Mutants. The two factions can often be found engaged in turf wars over the downtown ruins.
** Talon Company vs the Super Mutants. The two factions can often be found engaged in turf wars over the downtown ruins.
*** Well, they may not be fighting turf wars. Talon Company may be waging a defensive war. After all, would you want all your mercs being killed by big yellow monsters who are so inarticulate that their most well known line is "Hurry up and die! I'm hungry!"?
* [[Exclusively Evil]]: All the raiders are homicidally insane, drug-crazed loonies who live in shelters with human remains used as decoration. Text logs and messages suggest them to be capable of reasoning, but gameplay-wise all they ever do is [[Suicidal Overconfidence|attack anything and everything regardless of consequences]].
* [[Exclusively Evil]]: All the raiders are homicidally insane, drug-crazed loonies who live in shelters with human remains used as decoration. Text logs and messages suggest them to be capable of reasoning, but gameplay-wise all they ever do is [[Suicidal Overconfidence|attack anything and everything regardless of consequences]].
* [[Expansion Pack]]: Several, including one that changes a much-reviled element of the ending.
* [[Expansion Pack]]: Several, including one that changes a much-reviled element of the ending.
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** The Enclave's primary opposition, the Brotherhood of Steel, isn't much better. Both the [[Anti-Mutiny]] and Outcast factions don't have a high opinion of Wastelanders (Vault-born or otherwise), though the former is more tolerant. If you're a Ghoul or a Super Mutant, the Brotherhood and the Enclave are going to shoot you.
** The Enclave's primary opposition, the Brotherhood of Steel, isn't much better. Both the [[Anti-Mutiny]] and Outcast factions don't have a high opinion of Wastelanders (Vault-born or otherwise), though the former is more tolerant. If you're a Ghoul or a Super Mutant, the Brotherhood and the Enclave are going to shoot you.
** This makes the mutual non-aggression between the Ghouls and Super Mutants stand out more, even if the reason is more practical than ideological. The Ghouls just want be left alone. The Super Mutants leave the Ghouls alone since they're terrible (or even non-viable) as mutation stock.
** This makes the mutual non-aggression between the Ghouls and Super Mutants stand out more, even if the reason is more practical than ideological. The Ghouls just want be left alone. The Super Mutants leave the Ghouls alone since they're terrible (or even non-viable) as mutation stock.
** The majority of people towards the necrotized Ghouls: their appearance naturally repulses others.
** On one minor happy note, ''normal'' racism doesn't seem to apply anymore. Even the Enclave, with its focus on genetic purity, doesn't care about the skin color of its soldiers.
* [[Fantastic Slurs]]: Ghouls calling unmutated humans 'Smoothskins' (weirdly enough, even some who don't seem to mind humans overall still use the epithet), humans calling ghouls 'zombies', and Three Dog and the Brotherhood of Steel calling Super Mutants 'Frankensteins' and 'Uglies'. Even 'ghoul' presumably started out this way, before being [[Appropriated Appellation|reclaimed]] once they started forming their own societies.
* [[Fantastic Slurs]]: Ghouls calling unmutated humans 'Smoothskins' (weirdly enough, even some who don't seem to mind humans overall still use the epithet), humans calling ghouls 'zombies', and Three Dog and the Brotherhood of Steel calling Super Mutants 'Frankensteins' and 'Uglies'. Even 'ghoul' presumably started out this way, before being [[Appropriated Appellation|reclaimed]] once they started forming their own societies.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: The Capital Wasteland/Lyons Brotherhood of Steel detachment has some resemblance to early Prussia.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: The Capital Wasteland/Lyons Brotherhood of Steel detachment has some resemblance to early Prussia.
* [[Fast Forward Mechanic]]: There is a "Wait" action.
* [[Fast Forward Mechanic]]: There is a "Wait" action.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]:
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Whatever happens to prisoners of the Super Mutants. It can be surmised that they in fact {{spoiler|get dunked in FEV to transform into more Super Mutants}}.
** Whatever happens to prisoners of the Super Mutants. In Vault 87, you can learn that most {{spoiler|get sprayed with FEV to transform them into more Super Mutants. Or worse}}.
** If they don't just [[I'm a Humanitarian|eat]] you first...
** Everyone in Tranquility Lane if you comply with Dr. Braun's games (only one of them is aware of what is happening; the others are [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]). Dr. Braun himself if you {{spoiler|activate the Chinese Invasion scenario (in which case everyone else ''dies'')}}.
{{quote|"Hurry up and die! ''I'm hungry!!''"}}
** Braun if you {{spoiler|activate the Chinese invasion}}. Everyone else in Tranquility Lane if you don't.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: Your [[Ragtag Band of Misfits]] in ''Mothership Zeta''.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: Your [[Ragtag Band of Misfits]] in ''Mothership Zeta''.
** [[The Hero]]: You, obviously.
** [[The Hero]]: You, obviously.
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* [[Flaming Sword]]: The Shishkebab. Also, Jingwei's Shocksword is the electric version.
* [[Flaming Sword]]: The Shishkebab. Also, Jingwei's Shocksword is the electric version.
* [[Floorboard Failure]]: A couple of buildings have this as a scripted event. The Point lookout expansion has you falling though several floors and into the basement.
* [[Floorboard Failure]]: A couple of buildings have this as a scripted event. The Point lookout expansion has you falling though several floors and into the basement.
* [[Forced Tutorial]]: Growing up in Vault 101. You go from toddler to kid to teen for about thirty minutes of doing nothing that can't be done quicker such as gauging your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats and Tagged skills, learning about the [[Karma Meter]], getting your Pip-Boy, or even learning a bit about Vault life. The action only really starts when all is said and done at age 19.
* [[Forced Tutorial]]: Growing up in Vault 101.
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
** Although if you save just before the entrance to the Wasteland, you can simply reload that save and create an entirely new character from there, so you really only ''have'' to play through it once.
** [[Genius Bonus|If you happen to know]] the geography of a certain country that gained notoriety in literature, you should know what to expect in the village of Arefu as it shares the name with {{spoiler|a commune in Romania where stands Poenari castle, seat of Vlad III, commonly known as Dracula}}.
** The trouble being that some decisions made before that point affect the ''Trouble on the Homefront'' Quest and the availability of a recruitable NPC.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: [[Genius Bonus|If you happen to know]] the geography of a certain country that gained notoriety in literature, you should know what to expect in the village of Arefu as it shares the name with {{spoiler|a commune in Romania where stands Poenari castle, seat of Vlad III, commonly known as Dracula}}.
** Another is the Dunwich Building. Just by virtue of knowing [[H.P. Lovecraft|where the name comes in]], you know to load up before you head in...
** Another is the Dunwich Building. Just by virtue of knowing [[H.P. Lovecraft|where the name comes in]], you know to load up before you head in...
** "No one ever enters, and no one ever leaves." {{spoiler|Riiiiiight}}...
** In Vault 101: "No one ever enters, and no one ever leaves."
** After the quest "The Superhuman Gambit", the kid Derek Pacion suggest that the Wanderer can become a superhero, followed by deathclaws. In ''Broken Steel'', the Wanderer can use Enclave controlled deathclaws against them.
** After the quest "The Superhuman Gambit", the kid Derek Pacion suggest that the Wanderer can become a superhero, followed by deathclaws. In ''Broken Steel'', the Wanderer can use Enclave controlled deathclaws against them.
** Buy Charon's contract, and he'll part ways with his loathsome former master with a shotgun to the head. If you have bad karma and release him from the contract, he'll try the same on you.
** Buy Charon's contract, and he'll part ways with his loathsome former master with a shotgun to the head. If you have bad karma and release him from the contract, he'll try the same on you.
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* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Mr. Burke.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Mr. Burke.
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampires]]: {{spoiler|The Family}} is a group of reformed cannibals, modeling themselves after classic vampire lore to curb their cravings for human flesh. Most of them, including their leader, are quite friendly and civil, and are [[Noble Demon]]s at the very worst. You'll have the option of making a deal with them to secure blood packs so they no longer have to feed on people, and protect the settlement that was once terrified of them. You can even become one too.
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampires]]: {{spoiler|The Family}} is a group of reformed cannibals, modeling themselves after classic vampire lore to curb their cravings for human flesh. Most of them, including their leader, are quite friendly and civil, and are [[Noble Demon]]s at the very worst. You'll have the option of making a deal with them to secure blood packs so they no longer have to feed on people, and protect the settlement that was once terrified of them. You can even become one too.
* [[Future Imperfect]]: The destruction or misplacing of almost all pre-War records, and the extremely spotty nature of schooling (for the few that get any at all) result in this trope being played straight. Only a few NPCs, such as Hannibal Hamlin or Rivet City's Abraham Washington, know any history... and even they're spotty enough on details that their work almost resembles a [[Cargo Cult]].
* [[Future Imperfect]]: Rivet City historian Abraham Washington. Justified to an extent by the loss of records in the war.
** The [[Cargo Cult]] aspect also rears its head in a certain criminal hideout, where an unmistakable shrine to Abraham Lincoln can be found in the basement.
** One of the tutorial quests has this exact name.
* [[Game Mod]]: Ranging from the obligatory [[NSFW]] mods to things like a [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Mininuke Minigun]].
* [[Game Mod]]: Ranging from the obligatory [[NSFW]] mods to things like a [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Mininuke Minigun]].
* [[Gameplay Ally Immortality]]: Averted.
* [[Gameplay Ally Immortality]]: Averted.
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* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: Some followers who would ordinarily be unwelcome in areas [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight|go totally unnoticed when they're with you]]. All bets are off if you dismiss them while in that area, however, which can lead to some amusing scenarios (e.g. dismissing Star Paladin Cross in the middle of the Outcast base will lead to the Outcasts attacking Cross and her pretty much massacring the entire base solo).
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: Some followers who would ordinarily be unwelcome in areas [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight|go totally unnoticed when they're with you]]. All bets are off if you dismiss them while in that area, however, which can lead to some amusing scenarios (e.g. dismissing Star Paladin Cross in the middle of the Outcast base will lead to the Outcasts attacking Cross and her pretty much massacring the entire base solo).
* [[Gang of Bullies]]: Butch and the Tunnel Snakes of Vault 101, based on the "greasers" of the 1950s.
* [[Gang of Bullies]]: Butch and the Tunnel Snakes of Vault 101, based on the "greasers" of the 1950s.
** Most of the factions in the game, such as the Raiders and the Supermutants, are considerably worse examples of this.
** Most of the factions in the game, such as the Raiders and the Supermutants, skip straight from this to [[Villain by Default]].
* [[Gatling Good]]: Miniguns and Gatling Lasers make a return here. Though extremely powerful, they have even stronger unique versions if you really need to dish out the hurt.
* [[Gatling Good]]: Miniguns and Gatling Lasers make a return here. Though extremely powerful, they have even stronger unique versions if you really need to dish out the hurt.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Fawkes.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Fawkes.
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* [[Give Him a Normal Life]]: Dad expected you to stay in the vault and live a (relatively) normal, safe, and happy life after he leaves for the Capital Wasteland. [[Irony|Too bad him leaving the vault is what prevents that from ever happening.]]
* [[Give Him a Normal Life]]: Dad expected you to stay in the vault and live a (relatively) normal, safe, and happy life after he leaves for the Capital Wasteland. [[Irony|Too bad him leaving the vault is what prevents that from ever happening.]]
* [[Gladiator Subquest]]: The Hole in ''The Pitt'' DLC. Which, oddly enough, is part of the add-on's main questline.
* [[Gladiator Subquest]]: The Hole in ''The Pitt'' DLC. Which, oddly enough, is part of the add-on's main questline.
* [[Gorn]] / [[Ludicrous Gibs]]: The Bloody Mess perk, which gives a high chance of any enemy the player kills to gib ludicrously regardless of how they die.
* [[Gorn]]/[[Ludicrous Gibs]]: The Bloody Mess perk, which gives a high chance of any enemy the player kills to gib ludicrously regardless of how they die.
** Laser weapons can reduce the subject to a pile of ash if they kill on a [[Critical Hit]]. Plasma weapons reduce the target to green goo.
** Laser weapons can reduce the subject to a pile of ash if they kill on a [[Critical Hit]]. Plasma weapons reduce the target to green goo.
* [[Gratuitous Foreign Language]]: Gratuitous Chinese in this case. The cover of the stealth skill book, the Chinese Army Spec Ops Training Manual, and the bottom of the Chinese Pistol have Chinese writing. [[The Remnant|The Chinese Remnants]] and the randomly located Chinese Radio Beacon signal speak Chinese. Somewhat unsurprising given the game setting's Great War between [[Red China|China]] and [[Eagle Land|the United States]].
* [[Gratuitous Foreign Language]]: Gratuitous Chinese in this case. The cover of the stealth skill book, the Chinese Army Spec Ops Training Manual, and the bottom of the Chinese Pistol have Chinese writing. [[The Remnant|The Chinese Remnants]] and the randomly located Chinese Radio Beacon signal speak Chinese. Somewhat unsurprising given the game setting's Great War between [[Red China|China]] and [[Eagle Land|the United States]].
** The writing on the Brass Lantern in Megaton and how the ''Yao Guai'' got their name, on the other hand, are harder to explain.
** The writing on the Brass Lantern in Megaton and how the ''Yao Guai'' got their name, on the other hand, are harder to explain.
** In Mandarin, yāo guài translates as "monster" or "demon". In Chinese mythology, "yao guai" are usually physical manifestations of the spirits of mistreated animals, or fallen divine animals.
*** Influence from Chinese Remnant forces, most likely.
* [[Grenade Tag]]: Reverse pickpocketing grenades. There's even an achievement for it.
* [[Grenade Tag]]: Reverse pickpocketing grenades. There's even an achievement for it.
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: The central theme in ''The Pitt'' DLC: you're faced with a real kicker of a choice. You can aid the slave rebellion, which wants to destroy the raider army oppressing them (who really are evil jerks) and kidnap the boss' baby daughter so they can try to create a cure for a massively degenerative disease from her. However, the raider army's the only thing bringing food into the Pitt other than the meat of 'Trogs', the degenerated semi-humans created by the disease, and they have no scientific or medical knowledge and won't treat that baby well. Or you can side with the genuinely good intentioned Lord Ashur, who leads the slaves and raiders so that he can create an industrial powerhouse that'll be free of disease so he can conquer the surrounding area to provide food, shelter and medicine for everyone. Complicating the matter is that the future of The Pitt's people isn't examined, and the player's actions to aid either side could lead to the city prospering or perishing either way through circumstances not explored.
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: The central theme in ''The Pitt'' DLC: you're faced with a real kicker of a choice. You can aid the slave rebellion, which wants to destroy the raider army oppressing them (who really are evil jerks) and kidnap the boss' baby daughter so they can try to create a cure for a massively degenerative disease from her. However, the raider army's the only thing bringing food into the Pitt other than the meat of 'Trogs', the degenerated semi-humans created by the disease, and they have no scientific or medical knowledge and won't treat that baby well. Or you can side with the genuinely good intentioned Lord Ashur, who leads the slaves and raiders so that he can create an industrial powerhouse that'll be free of disease so he can conquer the surrounding area to provide food, shelter and medicine for everyone. Complicating the matter is that the future of The Pitt's people isn't examined, and the player's actions to aid either side could lead to the city prospering or perishing either way through circumstances not explored.
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* [[Hollywood Density]]: In ''The Pitt'' expansion, you are sent on a quest to collect 100 ''steel'' ingots. If you collect them all in one go, then they stack and only weigh as much as the first ingot, but if you collect some, turn them in and then go back, then they still stack but their weight quickly adds up, so both playing the trope straight and averting it at the same time.
* [[Hollywood Density]]: In ''The Pitt'' expansion, you are sent on a quest to collect 100 ''steel'' ingots. If you collect them all in one go, then they stack and only weigh as much as the first ingot, but if you collect some, turn them in and then go back, then they still stack but their weight quickly adds up, so both playing the trope straight and averting it at the same time.
* [[Hollywood Night]]: The night in ''Fallout'' is always about as bright as a clear, moonlit night.
* [[Hollywood Night]]: The night in ''Fallout'' is always about as bright as a clear, moonlit night.
** Either that, or everything in the D.C. area is faintly luminous these days (check the name of the game again).
** It really depends on your brightness setting.
* [[Homemade Inventions]]: All the custom weapons. Note that you yourself can't come up with them, you have to find the schematics first.
* [[Homemade Inventions]]: All the custom weapons. Note that unless you take a certain perk post-''Broken Steel'', you yourself can't come up with them, you have to find the schematics first.
** Unless you take one of the post-level 20 perks added by Broken Steel.
* [[Hope Sprouts Eternal]]: One interpretation, and quest completion option, of the Oasis.
* [[Hope Sprouts Eternal]]: One interpretation, and quest completion option, of the Oasis.
* [[Hot Dad]]: [[In-Universe]], James is apparently considered this by several characters.
* [[Hot Dad]]: [[In-Universe]], James is apparently considered this by several characters.
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* [[Idiot Ball]]: Surely the Overseer realizes the lack of genetic stock in the Vault means that every person he has murdered on a whim brings the Vault one step closer to eventually dying out due to inbreeding?
* [[Idiot Ball]]: Surely the Overseer realizes the lack of genetic stock in the Vault means that every person he has murdered on a whim brings the Vault one step closer to eventually dying out due to inbreeding?
** This is actually one of the arguments you can use to convince him to step down as Overseer. His reaction suggests that he was aware of the problem but chose to downplay its significance because it conflicted with his ideology.
** This is actually one of the arguments you can use to convince him to step down as Overseer. His reaction suggests that he was aware of the problem but chose to downplay its significance because it conflicted with his ideology.
** By the time you have the option to {{spoiler|use the FEV Virus to wipe out all mutated life in the Wasteland, you can't have missed the fact that this will also mean that ''you'' will be poisoned as well. ''You were born in the Wasteland''}}.
** By the time you have the option to {{spoiler|use the FEV Virus to wipe out all mutated life in the Wasteland, you can't have missed the fact that this will also mean that ''you'' will be poisoned as well. ''You were born in the Wasteland''}}.
*** Although you will find people on forums complaining about their mysterious deaths, apparently having failed to follow the plot at all.
* [[If You Know What I Mean]]: Knickknack salesman Crazy Wolfgang is delighted to know that you take such an interest in his junk. Of course, no one could possibly be more invested in his junk than him, but he appreciates the enthusiasm anyway.
* [[If You Know What I Mean]]: Knickknack salesman Crazy Wolfgang is delighted to know that you take such an interest in his junk. Of course, no one could possibly be more invested in his junk than him, but he appreciates the enthusiasm anyway.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: {{spoiler|Strange Meat ''[[Soylent Green|is PEOPLE!]]''. The Town of Andale is full of cannibals}}.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: {{spoiler|Strange Meat ''[[Soylent Green|is PEOPLE!]]''. The Town of Andale is full of cannibals}}.
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** Their swampfolk kin, as well. Swampfolk are also immune to pickpocketing, being classed as Super-Mutants by the game.
** Their swampfolk kin, as well. Swampfolk are also immune to pickpocketing, being classed as Super-Mutants by the game.
** Clover, to a lesser extent.
** Clover, to a lesser extent.
** [[Player Character|The Lone Wanderer]], a nineteen year old more or less fresh out of a Vault. Compare with Butch DeLoria.
** [[Player Character|The Lone Wanderer]], a nineteen-year-old more or less fresh out of a Vault, will be murdering literally hundreds of heavily-armed soldiers and mutants in short order. Compare what happens if you leave Butch DeLoria to fend for himself against, say, a group of Talon Company mercs.
* [[Improvised Armour]]: Most of the Raiders. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|You can't]] [[Item Crafting|make your own]] at a Workbench—you can make a nuclear hand grenade, but not a [[Bucket Helmet]].
* [[Improvised Armour]]: Most of the Raiders. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|You can't]] [[Item Crafting|make your own]] at a Workbench—you can make a nuclear hand grenade, but not a [[Bucket Helmet]].
** The Armored Vault 101 suit, a regular jumpsuit that's been modified with leather armor to offer more protection.
** The Armored Vault 101 suit, a regular jumpsuit that's been modified with leather armor to offer more protection.
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: You can come across schematics for some fairly powerful weapons built of some semi-common wasteland components; such as a gun that fires railroad spikes (ouch), a dart gun firing toxic radscorpion ammo ([[Game Breaker|which cripples the legs of anything it hits]]), a gun that can literally ''fire anything'', a mine made out of a lunchbox and cash which causes more damage than standard antipersonnel mines, a flaming sword, and my favorite, a soda-and-cleaning-supply ''nuclear hand grenade''.
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: You can come across schematics for some fairly powerful weapons built of some semi-common wasteland components; such as a gun that fires railroad spikes (ouch), a dart gun firing toxic radscorpion ammo ([[Game Breaker|which cripples the legs of anything it hits]]), a gun that can literally ''fire anything'', a mine made out of a lunchbox and cash which causes more damage than standard antipersonnel mines, a flaming sword, and my favorite, a soda-and-cleaning-supply ''nuclear hand grenade''. Possibly the best example is the Rock-It Launcher, as on top of being crafted from scrap in its own right, it's also able to use any piece of random [[Vendor Trash]] as ammunition.
** Many of the melee weapons weren't meant for cracking skulls. Initially.
** Many of the melee weapons weren't meant for cracking skulls. Initially.
* [[Indestructible Edible]]: All the Pre-War junk food is still nourishing, if slightly radioactive. Who knows what they did to make "YumYum Deviled Eggs" last more than 200 years.
* [[Indestructible Edible]]: All the Pre-War junk food is still nourishing, if slightly radioactive. Possibly justified by the fact that irradiating food does make it last longer.
** Conservation via irradiation. It's been exposed to so many rads for so long, bacterial contamination has been completely fried.
* [[Infinity-1 Sword]]: Several. Deathclaw Gauntlet, generic Chinese assault rifles, Ol' Painless, Lincoln's Repeater, double-barrel shotguns, A3-21's Plasma Rifle, Wazer Wifle, Gauss rifle, Tesla Cannon, gatling lasers, dart guns.
* [[Infinity-1 Sword]]: Several. Deathclaw Gauntlet, generic Chinese assault rifles, Ol' Painless, Lincoln's Repeater, double-barrel shotguns, A3-21's Plasma Rifle, Wazer Wifle, Gauss rifle, Tesla Cannon, gatling lasers, dart guns.
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Plenty! Shishkebab, Jack, Xuanlong Assault Rifle, Perforator, Backwater Rifle, the Terrible Shotgun, Alien Blaster, Firelance, Metal Blaster, Atomic Pulverizer, [[Game Breaker|MPLX Novasurge]], Destabilizer, Vengeance, Slo-Burn Flamer, [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|Experimental MIRV]], Nuka Grenades.
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Plenty! Shishkebab, Jack, Xuanlong Assault Rifle, Perforator, Backwater Rifle, the Terrible Shotgun, Alien Blaster, Firelance, Metal Blaster, Atomic Pulverizer, [[Game Breaker|MPLX Novasurge]], Destabilizer, Vengeance, Slo-Burn Flamer, [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|Experimental MIRV]], Nuka Grenades.
* [[Intentional Engrish for Funny]]: In ''Operation: Anchorage'', you may come across Chinese computers. Your Pip-Boy will attempt to translate the text on their screens into English, but does a poor job of it. The terminal in Mama Dolce's is also this, but already in [[Engrish]].
* [[Intentional Engrish for Funny]]: In ''Operation: Anchorage'', you may come across Chinese computers. Your Pip-Boy will attempt to translate the text on their screens into English, but does a poor job of it. The terminal in Mama Dolce's is also this, but already in [[Engrish]].
* [[Irony]]:
** [[Zero Wing|You have no chance to survive]] [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|in America?]]
* [[Irony]]: James just wanted you, his only son/daughter, to live a quiet, safe, and peaceful existence on your own while he snuck out of the vault into the wasteland in pursuit of his of shattered dreams. Too bad that the very act him leaving is what forced you out of the vault and into danger anyways.
** James just wanted you, his only son/daughter, to live a quiet, safe, and peaceful existence on your own while he snuck out of the vault into the wasteland in pursuit of his of shattered dreams. Too bad that the very act him leaving is what forced you out of the vault and into danger anyways.
** {{spoiler|Liberty Prime destroying the last remnants of the American Government}}.
** {{spoiler|Liberty Prime, built to protect America from the Communist Chinese threat, destroys the last corrupt remnants of the American government}}.
** The Brotherhood of Steel's original mission in the Capital Wasteland was to recover lost technology and the Outcasts left because Elder Lyons made the decision that helping the local Wastelanders was more important than their original goal. By the end of the game (especially with the add-ons) the Brotherhood of Steel has made entirely new weapon systems, reactivated a super robot from the Pre-War period that single handily curb stomped the Enclave, and have recovered so much of the Enclave's advanced technology that they are practically swimming in it. No good deed goes unrewarded, eh?
** The Brotherhood of Steel's original mission in the Capital Wasteland was to recover lost technology and the Outcasts left because Elder Lyons made the decision that helping the local Wastelanders was more important than their original goal. By the end of the game (especially with the add-ons) the Brotherhood of Steel has made entirely new weapon systems, reactivated a super robot from the Pre-War period that single handily curb stomped the Enclave, and have recovered so much of the Enclave's advanced technology that they are practically swimming in it. No good deed goes unrewarded, eh?
* [[Item Crafting]]: With a workbench, some schematics, and delightfully [[Vendor Trash|random junk]], you can create some of the most powerful (and [[Rule of Cool|coolest]]) weapons in the game with no fuss.
* [[Item Crafting]]: With a workbench, some schematics, and delightfully [[Vendor Trash|random junk]], you can create some of the most powerful (and [[Rule of Cool|coolest]]) weapons in the game with no fuss.
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== Tropes L-O ==
== Tropes L-O ==
* [[Large Ham]]: An amusing one in the Rivet City hotel if you successfully lockpick the owner's door.
* [[Large Ham]]: An amusing one in the Rivet City hotel if you successfully lockpick the owner's door.
** Mr. Buckingham: YOU HAVE INSULTED MY HONOR AND FOR... THAT YOU MUST DIE! *flamethrower*
{{quote|Mr. Buckingham: YOU HAVE INSULTED MY HONOR AND FOR... THAT YOU MUST DIE! *flamethrower*}}
* [[Large Ham Radio]]: Three Dog.
* [[Large Ham Radio]]: Three Dog.
* [[Lethal Joke Item]]: The Dart Gun doesn't seem very powerful (low damage, moderate poison effect), but note the additional effect: "Damage left/right leg (-1000 points)". That's right, it instantly cripples ''any'' organic enemy, transforming Ghouls, Yao Guai, Deathclaws, Mirelurks and even Super Mutant Behemoths into limping target practice. Oh, and it's a totally silent, zero spread weapon that does more overall damage than the Silenced 10mm Pistol - you can quietly headshot half of Evergreen Mills with a high enough Small Guns skill.
* [[Lethal Joke Item]]: The Dart Gun doesn't seem very powerful (low damage, moderate poison effect), but note the additional effect: "Damage left/right leg (-1000 points)". That's right, it instantly cripples ''any'' organic enemy, transforming Ghouls, Yao Guai, Deathclaws, Mirelurks and even Super Mutant Behemoths into limping target practice. Oh, and it's a totally silent, zero spread weapon that does more overall damage than the Silenced 10mm Pistol... you can quietly headshot half of Evergreen Mills with a high enough Small Guns skill.
* [[Level Scaling]]: The level of the enemies in an area are based on your level when you enter it for the first time. This means, if you enter an area at level one, you'll deal with level one type foes, even if you re-enter after reaching level 30.
* [[Level Scaling]]: The level of the enemies in an area are based on your level when you enter it for the first time. This means, if you enter an area at level one, you'll deal with level one type foes, even if you re-enter after reaching level 30.
** It is possible to encounter enemies that you normally wouldn't see until later in the game. For example, if you get your karma high enough early on (like, say, by defusing the bomb in Megaton) and then head out to do some exploring, you might meet your first Talon Company hit squad while you're still wearing a Vault 101 jumpsuit and carrying a measly 10mm pistol. And gods help you if you wander too close to Old Olney without being at a high level and carrying a lot of firepower.
** It is possible to encounter enemies that you normally wouldn't see until later in the game. For example, if you get your karma high enough early on (like, say, by defusing the bomb in Megaton) and then head out to do some exploring, you might meet your first Talon Company hit squad while you're still wearing a Vault 101 jumpsuit and carrying a measly 10mm pistol. And gods help you if you wander too close to Old Olney without being at a high level and carrying a lot of firepower.
*** When you reload an area (even if it means the game reloading your last save if you die), the game may spawn one of a few different random encounter options, including a [[Mexican Standoff]] between wastelanders over some pure water, and a ''Deathclaw'' (which may or may not be crippled) in the immediate nearby area. The good news is if you do find a Deathclaw while on your travels to Minefield or Arefu, killing it will give you access to a weapon that you will probably never give up for the rest of the game.
* [[Little Green Men]]: You can find the corpse of one. In the ''Mothership Zeta'' expansion pack, you find out it wasn't alone.
* [[Little Green Men]]: You can find the corpse of one. In the ''Mothership Zeta'' expansion pack, you find out it wasn't alone.
* [[The Load]]: Almost anyone you have to escort as part of a quest. On the other hand, you can give them your armor and weapons which makes them slightly less useless. ''Slightly''.
* [[The Load]]: Almost anyone you have to escort as part of a quest. On the other hand, you can give them your armor and weapons which makes them slightly less useless. ''Slightly''.
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* [[Mega Corp]]: The Capital Wasteland houses the former headquarters of a corporation that is guarded by robotic sentries with shoot to kill orders, ran trial tests that resulted in several deaths, and is more concerned with stock loss than the death or dismemberment of its employees. No, they are not a military contractor or a pharmaceutical company. They make soft drinks.
* [[Mega Corp]]: The Capital Wasteland houses the former headquarters of a corporation that is guarded by robotic sentries with shoot to kill orders, ran trial tests that resulted in several deaths, and is more concerned with stock loss than the death or dismemberment of its employees. No, they are not a military contractor or a pharmaceutical company. They make soft drinks.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: The "good" way to end the Tranquility Lane simulation is to kill everyone inside it, sparing them from their torturer, while leaving the torturer trapped there forever.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: The "good" way to end the Tranquility Lane simulation is to kill everyone inside it, sparing them from their torturer, while leaving the torturer trapped there forever.
* [[A Million Is a Statistic]]: In ''The Pitt'' DLC, kidnapping {{spoiler|Ashur's daughter}} vs. leaving the anonymous Pitt Slaves to their fate are considered roughly equal in terms of moral weight.
* [[A Million Is a Statistic]]: In ''The Pitt'' DLC, kidnapping {{spoiler|Ashur's daughter}} vs. leaving the anonymous Pitt Slaves to their fate are considered roughly equal in terms of moral weight. Though to be fair, no one said that the aftereffects would be good after said Rebellion. {{spoiler|Wernher might just be a power hungry former lieutenant of Ashur, so who knows if there's anything DIFFERENT if he's in charge. And if YOUR in charge, what they gonna do after you go leave}}?
** Though to be fair, no one said that the aftereffects would be good after said Rebellion. {{spoiler|Wernher might just be a power hungry former lieutenant of Ashur, so who knows if there's anything DIFFERENT if he's in charge. And if YOUR in charge, what they gonna do after you go leave}}?
* [[Mind Screw]]: Vault 106, full stop.
* [[Mind Screw]]: Vault 106, full stop.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: In Moriarty's Saloon, if a male character talks to a male Megaton resident, sometimes they'll say "This isn't that kind of bar."
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: In Moriarty's Saloon, if a male character talks to a male Megaton resident, sometimes they'll say "This isn't that kind of bar."
* [[Money for Nothing]]: Fairly quickly, you'll find yourself swimming in caps with nothing to spend them on. The things you'd want to spend money on can be found easily by looting enemies and checking every container you see, and what you don't keep can be sold. The best weapons and armor are naturally quest rewards, and once you have them other equipment is only useful for repairs, and if you don't need to repair anything they're [[Vendor Trash]]. There's also numerous unmarked quests that reward you substantial amounts of caps for bringing someone certain types of item, and can be repeated indefinitely. Just keep in mind which junk items to hoard (Sugar Bombs, Blood Packs, etc.) and where to trade them in.
* [[Money for Nothing]]: Fairly quickly, you'll find yourself swimming in caps with nothing to spend them on. The things you'd want to spend money on can be found easily by looting enemies and checking every container you see, and what you don't keep can be sold. The best weapons and armor are naturally quest rewards, and once you have them other equipment is only useful for repairs, and if you don't need to repair anything they're [[Vendor Trash]]. There's also numerous unmarked quests that reward you substantial amounts of caps for bringing someone certain types of item, and can be repeated indefinitely. Just keep in mind which junk items to hoard (Sugar Bombs, Blood Packs, etc) and where to trade them in.
** Rare ammo for guns like the magnum and sniper rifle are the exception. You will have more than enough caps to buy a few hundred bullets for them, but no one has that much to sell.
** Rare ammo for guns like the magnum and sniper rifle are the exception. You will have more than enough caps to buy a few hundred bullets for them, but no one has that much to sell.
** Most irritatingly, merchant inventories are dictated by player level. Meaning that a level 6 [[Player Character|Lone Wanderer]] with 15000 caps will find that no one is willing to sell him a Chinese Assault Rifle until he gains a few levels.
** Most irritatingly, merchant inventories are dictated by player level. Meaning that a level 6 [[Player Character|Lone Wanderer]] with 15000 caps will find that no one is willing to sell him a Chinese Assault Rifle until he gains a few levels.
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* [[Mythology Gag]]: One of the random passwords that occurs in the hacking minigame is Cochise, the name of the [[Master Computer]] [[Big Bad]] from ''[[Wasteland (video game)|Wasteland]]'', the spiritual precursor of ''Fallout''. Also, in ''Wasteland'', one of your dialogue options while speaking with Cochise was to ask it how you could kill it. You can ask the exact same question of this game's [[Master Computer]] [[Big Bad]], {{spoiler|President Eden}}. Both of them respond by telling you that they're far beyond your ability to inflict physical damage.
* [[Mythology Gag]]: One of the random passwords that occurs in the hacking minigame is Cochise, the name of the [[Master Computer]] [[Big Bad]] from ''[[Wasteland (video game)|Wasteland]]'', the spiritual precursor of ''Fallout''. Also, in ''Wasteland'', one of your dialogue options while speaking with Cochise was to ask it how you could kill it. You can ask the exact same question of this game's [[Master Computer]] [[Big Bad]], {{spoiler|President Eden}}. Both of them respond by telling you that they're far beyond your ability to inflict physical damage.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: "Deathclaw"? Hey, that sounds cuddly...
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: "Deathclaw"? Hey, that sounds cuddly...
* [[Negate Your Own Sacrifice]]:
* [[Negate Your Own Sacrifice]]: Averted in the original game, to the anger of the fans -- {{spoiler|none of your radiation-immune teammates can be made to do the final task for you}}. That was fixed in the expansion pack, but they still call you a coward for not doing it yourself. Pragmatism is dead in the wasteland.
** Averted in the original game, to the anger of the fans: {{spoiler|none of your radiation-immune teammates can be made to do the final task for you}}. That was fixed in the expansion pack, but they still call you a coward for not doing it yourself. Pragmatism is dead in the wasteland.
** If you ask Sarah to make the sacrifice, she snaps "[[Men Are the Expendable Gender|what happened to chivalry?]]" Er, chivalry, as in the idea that a [[Knight in Shining Armour]] is meant to protect others? Her snappy attitude probably comes from the dialogue option asking her to make the sacrifice instead of yourself being incredibly rude, and to her credit she does ultimately do it.
** If you ask Sarah to make the sacrifice, she snaps "[[Men Are the Expendable Gender|what happened to chivalry?]]" Er, chivalry, as in the idea that a [[Knight in Shining Armour]] is meant to protect others? Her snappy attitude probably comes from the dialogue option asking her to make the sacrifice instead of yourself being incredibly rude, and to her credit she does ultimately do it.
* [[Nerf]]ed:
* [[Nerf]]ed: Colonel Autumn's unique laser pistol was originally full-auto, allowing it to fire as fast as a Gatling Laser and making it almost as powerful.
** Colonel Autumn's unique laser pistol was originally full-auto, allowing it to fire as fast as a Gatling Laser and making it almost as powerful.
** Enclave soldiers in general, compared to their ''Fallout 2'' counterparts, mostly as a result of how vastly different the combat engines in ''Fallout 2'' and ''Fallout 3'' are.
** Enclave soldiers in general, compared to their ''Fallout 2'' counterparts, mostly as a result of how vastly different the combat engines in ''Fallout 2'' and ''Fallout 3'' are.
* [[Nicknaming the Enemy]]: Ghouls refer to humans as "Smoothskins". However, it's not clear whether this is necessarily a slur, as even friendly, sympathetic Ghouls refer to humans as this, sometimes even to their faces. On the other hand, when humans refer to Ghouls as "Zombies", it's ''definitely'' intended to be derogatory.
* [[Nicknaming the Enemy]]: Ghouls refer to humans as "Smoothskins". However, it's not clear whether this is necessarily a slur, as even friendly, sympathetic Ghouls refer to humans as this, sometimes even to their faces. On the other hand, when humans refer to Ghouls as "Zombies", it's ''definitely'' intended to be derogatory.
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]:
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: If you've reached Good karma, the Talon Company Mercs will go after your head, calling you a "holier-than-thou white-knight". It matters little for some people though, since it also means more things to kill. That turns into more XP, ammo, armor and weapons, as well as [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|more things]] [[Catharsis Factor|to shoot at]].
** If you've reached Good karma, the Talon Company Mercs will go after your head, calling you a "holier-than-thou white-knight". It matters little for some people though, since it also means more things to kill. That turns into more XP, ammo, armor and weapons, as well as [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|more things]] [[Catharsis Factor|to shoot at]].
** If you've reached Evil karma, you get [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin'|the same]] but with a different set of people after you, namely [[Vigilante Man|the Regulators]]. But again, [[Trigger Happy|more people to blow away]].
** If you've reached Evil karma, you get [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin'|the same]] but with a different set of people after you, namely [[Vigilante Man|the Regulators]]. But again, [[Trigger Happy|more people to blow away]].
** If you've managed to reach both Evil karma and Good karma at least once, you get ''both'' after you giving you [[Up to Eleven|even more]] people to kill. If both groups are near, you can also potentially [[Set a Mook to Kill a Mook|set them to kill themselves]] [[Pass the Popcorn|since they're hostile to the other group]]. Never leaving Neutral karma will avoid the hit squads.
** If you've managed to reach both Evil karma and Good karma at least once, you get ''both'' after you giving you [[Up to Eleven|even more]] people to kill. If both groups are near, you can also potentially [[Set a Mook to Kill a Mook|set them to kill themselves]] [[Pass the Popcorn|since they're hostile to the other group]]. Never leaving Neutral karma will avoid the hit squads.
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* [[The Plot Reaper]]: {{spoiler|Liberty Prime}} takes a nuke to the face in the first mission of the ''Broken Steel'' expansion to the main quest. Otherwise, you'd be wondering why he couldn't just curb-stomp the entire Wasteland for you.
* [[The Plot Reaper]]: {{spoiler|Liberty Prime}} takes a nuke to the face in the first mission of the ''Broken Steel'' expansion to the main quest. Otherwise, you'd be wondering why he couldn't just curb-stomp the entire Wasteland for you.
* [[Point and Click Map]]
* [[Point and Click Map]]
* [[Pokémon-Speak]]: The inhabitants of Vault 108: "Gary!"
* [[Pokémon-Speak]]: "Gary!" - although from their intonation it sounds more like they're calling the name of [[Cloning Blues|one of the other Garys]].
** Bingo in ''The Pitt''.
** Bingo in ''The Pitt''.
* [[The Pollyanna]]: Moira Brown, who takes everything from her bleak surroundings to her catastrophically failed experiments to her own ghoulification with the same sunny enthusiasm. [[Break the Cutie|Breaking her spirit]] by persuading her to give up her Guide project is treated as a [[Moral Event Horizon|special kind of evil]].
* [[The Pollyanna]]: Moira Brown, who takes everything from her bleak surroundings to her catastrophically failed experiments to her own ghoulification with the same sunny enthusiasm. [[Break the Cutie|Breaking her spirit]] by persuading her to give up her Guide project is treated as a [[Moral Event Horizon|special kind of evil]].
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'''Super Mutant:''' I'll wear your bones around my NECK, human!
'''Super Mutant:''' I'll wear your bones around my NECK, human!
'''Sergeant RL-3:''' Do that again and I'll put ''my boot so far up your ass you'll cough up boot polish!''}}
'''Sergeant RL-3:''' Do that again and I'll put ''my boot so far up your ass you'll cough up boot polish!''}}
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Every Vault-Tec Overseer. Well, except Braun.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Every Vault-Tec Overseer. Well, except Braun. There is no "Punch Clock" involved with him.
** The Vault 101 Security guards you have to gun down to escape. The alternative with some of them is to let them be killed by Radroaches.
** The Vault 101 Security guards you have to gun down during "Escape!" (unless you let them be killed by Radroaches). Even the ''game'' considers them this during this quest, changing their karma level to Evil so you won't be penalised for killing them in self-defense.
* [[Puny Earthlings]]:
* [[Puny Earthlings]]: Subverted with ''Mothership Zeta'', while the aliens possess powerful guns, without energy shields, they are just as frail (if not moreso) as any given human. A sextet of humans (the Player, a Samurai wearing vintage armor and a katana, a Cowboy wearing ordinary clothing and carrying a revolver, an Anchorage [[Combat Medic]], another Wastelander and a little girl) are capable of completely wrecking an entire shipful of spacemen.
** Subverted with ''Mothership Zeta'': while the aliens possess powerful guns, without energy shields, they are just as frail (if not moreso) as any given human. A sextet of humans (the Player, a Samurai wearing vintage armor and a katana, a Cowboy wearing ordinary clothing and carrying a revolver, an Anchorage [[Combat Medic]], another Wastelander and a little girl) are capable of completely wrecking an entire shipful of spacemen.
** Abominations play this somewhat straight, as they are definitely a threat if they close in, but their lack of shielding puts them at a disadvantage if you spot them beforehand and open fire.
** Abominations play this somewhat straight, as they are definitely a threat if they close in, but their lack of shielding puts them at a disadvantage if you spot them beforehand and open fire.
** Super Mutants will sometimes say things in this vein while attacking you.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: {{spoiler|Doctor Li}} in ''Broken Steel''. Characters state that she was tired of the conflict in the Capital Wasteland and decided to take a trip to the Commonwealth. Some of the pre-''Broken Steel'' dialogue implies that {{spoiler|she was in love with your dad, and his death and your near-death}} pretty much destroyed her emotionally.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: {{spoiler|Doctor Li}} in ''Broken Steel''. Characters state that she was tired of the conflict in the Capital Wasteland and decided to take a trip to the Commonwealth. Some of the pre-''Broken Steel'' dialogue implies that {{spoiler|she was in love with your dad, and his death and your near-death}} pretty much destroyed her emotionally.
* [[Putting on the Reich]]: The Enclave Officers.
* [[Putting on the Reich]]: The Enclave Officers.
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* [[The Quisling]]: {{spoiler|Anna Holt}}. [[Karma Houdini|And it's]] ''[[Karma Houdini|still]]'' [[Karma Houdini|wrong to kill her]].
* [[The Quisling]]: {{spoiler|Anna Holt}}. [[Karma Houdini|And it's]] ''[[Karma Houdini|still]]'' [[Karma Houdini|wrong to kill her]].
* [[Railing Kill]]: Happens quite often if your target is on catwalk or the like. But most notably {{spoiler|Colonel Autumn}} if you shoot him where he stands.
* [[Railing Kill]]: Happens quite often if your target is on catwalk or the like. But most notably {{spoiler|Colonel Autumn}} if you shoot him where he stands.
* [[Rare Candy]]: The Vault-Tec Bobbleheads, and to a lesser extent, skillbooks.
* [[Rare Candy]]: The Vault-Tec Bobbleheads, and to a lesser extent, skillbooks. Also the Here and Now perk.
** Also the Here and Now perk.
* [[Real Is Brown]]: Or gray, if you're in D.C. [[Justified]] since the region was nuked to within an inch of its life.
* [[Real Is Brown]]: Or gray, if you're in D.C. [[Justified]] since the region was nuked to within an inch of its life.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Most of your allies in ''Mothership Zeta''.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Most of your allies in ''Mothership Zeta''.
* [[The Remnant]]: The East Coast Enclave is all that's left of the Enclave, which was destroyed by the ''[[Fallout 2]]'' player character. Then in ''Broken Steel'', you fight the remnant of ''that'' remnant.
* [[The Remnant]]: The East Coast Enclave is all that's left of the Enclave, which was destroyed by the ''[[Fallout 2]]'' player character. Then in ''Broken Steel'', you fight the remnant of ''that'' remnant.
** Also the Chinese Remnants, ghoulified pre-War espionage agents hiding out in {{spoiler|a factory in D.C.}}
** Also the Chinese Remnants, ghoulified pre-War espionage agents hiding out in {{spoiler|a factory in D.C.}}
* [[Restraining Bolt]]: Every robot has one of these on its back.
* [[Restraining Bolt]]: Every robot has one of these on its back that doubles as a [[Morality Chip]]: it's the only thing stopping that jovial Mr. Handy (or any other robot) from going on a blood-soaked rampage.
* [[Retired Badass]]:
** It doubles as a [[Morality Chip]]; it's the only thing stopping that jovial Mr. Handy (or any other robot) from going on a blood-soaked rampage.
* [[Retired Badass]]: Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood, old adventurer and one of the nicest guys in the capital wasteland.
** Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood, old adventurer and one of the nicest guys in the capital wasteland.
** James, the Lone Wanderer's father. This is a man who {{spoiler|19 years previously, left the safety of Rivet City and set off across the Capital Wasteland to Vault 101, ''with his newborn child in tow''}}.
** James, the Lone Wanderer's father. This is a man who {{spoiler|19 years previously, left the safety of Rivet City and set off across the Capital Wasteland to Vault 101, ''with his newborn child in tow''}}.
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: Averted with the .32 pistol, a revolver that is actually one of the weakest guns in the game. The Scoped .44 Magnum on the other hand is among the best of the available pistols.
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: Averted with the .32 pistol, a revolver that is actually one of the weakest guns in the game. The Scoped .44 Magnum on the other hand is among the best of the available pistols.
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* [[Spock Speak]]: Mr Handy and Mr Gutsy robots, each have English butler and [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]] voice respectively. Also, the Prototype Medic Armor.
* [[Spock Speak]]: Mr Handy and Mr Gutsy robots, each have English butler and [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]] voice respectively. Also, the Prototype Medic Armor.
* [[Stealth Pun]]: James is shown to have an affinity for scotch throughout the game. Scotch, a type of whiskey, gets its name from the Gaelic 'usquebaugh', which translates into modern English as... wait for it... "water of life".
* [[Stealth Pun]]: James is shown to have an affinity for scotch throughout the game. Scotch, a type of whiskey, gets its name from the Gaelic 'usquebaugh', which translates into modern English as... wait for it... "water of life".
* [[Stopped Clock]]: Every single clock you see is stopped at the exact time the Chinese attack occurred. Seems like some of them would have been wind-up or something...
* [[Stopped Clock]]: Every single clock you see is stopped at the exact time the Chinese attack occurred (9:48). None are the purely mechanical, wind-up types that might have continued.
** There is not one purely mechanical clock to be seen anywhere; not even a little bedside model.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: The worn slave wear from ''The Pitt'' and some of the Raider wardrobes. Also, the Sexy Sleepwear and the Naughty Nightwear.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: The worn slave wear from ''The Pitt'' and some of the Raider wardrobes. Also, the Sexy Sleepwear and the Naughty Nightwear.
* [[Stronger with Age]]: The East Coast super mutants function this way, going all the way up to the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Super Mutant Behemoth]].
* [[Stronger with Age]]: The East Coast super mutants function this way, going all the way up to the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Super Mutant Behemoth]].
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== Tropes T-W ==
== Tropes T-W ==
* [[Teenage Wasteland]]: Big Town which is made up of people who grew too old to live in Little Lamplight.
* [[Teenage Wasteland]]: Big Town which is made up of people who grew too old to live in Little Lamplight. Little Lamplight itself is a child version of this and only allows children. Anyone who turns 16 is forced to trek over to Big Town, such as Sticky (the youngest person you can personally kill in the game).
** Little Lamplight itself is a child version of this.
* [[There Are No Adults]]: Little Lamplight.
* [[There Are No Adults]]: Little Lamplight.
* [[They Call Me Mister Tibbs]]:
* [[They Call Me Mister Tibbs]]:
** Usually a bad sign; if their [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]] didn't give you a clue, their lack of a first name should make you immediately suspicious of Mister Burke and Mister Crowley.
** Usually a bad sign: if their [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]] didn't give you a clue, their lack of a first name should make you immediately suspicious of Mister Burke and Mister Crowley.
** The hovering robots are called Mister Handy if they have service roles and Mister Gutsy if they're used for combat.
** The hovering robots are called Mister Handy if they have service roles and Mister Gutsy if they're used for combat.
* [[This Is No Time for Knitting]]: In ''The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood'', the following exchange occurs:
* [[This Is No Time for Knitting]]: In ''The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood'', the following exchange occurs:
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* [[Throwaway Country]]: In ''Mothership Zeta'', you can use the [[Death Ray]] to zap part of [[Canada, Eh?|Canada]].
* [[Throwaway Country]]: In ''Mothership Zeta'', you can use the [[Death Ray]] to zap part of [[Canada, Eh?|Canada]].
* [[Too Awesome to Use]]: Some may have difficulty using weapons that have rare ammo or cannot be repaired except by merchants. In the case of weapons like the Alien Blaster, it has both a finite ammo limit AND it is unique and cannot be repaired by the player.
* [[Too Awesome to Use]]: Some may have difficulty using weapons that have rare ammo or cannot be repaired except by merchants. In the case of weapons like the Alien Blaster, it has both a finite ammo limit AND it is unique and cannot be repaired by the player.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]:
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: The Vault 101 Overseer, who decides that after repeatedly attempting to murder the Lone Wanderer, something that has obviously failed, the best idea to deal with them is to taunt and be sarcastic.
** Particularly egregious when the Lone Wanderer returns to Vault 101, now most likely clad in power armour and having [[Took a Level in Badass|taken several levels in badass]], the Overseer ''still'' doesn't understand that this may not bode well for his continued plans on having his head remain connected to his body anytime soon.
** The Vault 101 Overseer, who decides that after repeatedly attempting to murder the Lone Wanderer, something that has obviously failed, the best idea to deal with them is to taunt and be sarcastic. Particularly egregious when the Lone Wanderer returns to Vault 101, now most likely clad in power armour and having [[Took a Level in Badass|taken several levels in badass]], the Overseer ''still'' doesn't understand that this may not bode well for his continued plans on having his head remain connected to his body anytime soon.
** The Ninth Circle's proprietor, Ahzrukhal. He knows that Charon really hates his guts and is [[Obstructive Code of Conduct|only held in check by a contract]]. Ahzrukhal will still let the Lone Wanderer buy the contract off him.
** The Ninth Circle's proprietor Ahzrukhal. He knows that Charon really hates his guts and is [[Obstructive Code of Conduct|only held in check by a contract]]. Ahzrukhal will still let the Lone Wanderer buy the contract off him.
** To a lesser extent, feral ghouls, since they ''always'' announce they've detected the player with a distinctive screech that lasts about three seconds, giving an attentive marksman plenty of time to line up a shot.
** To a lesser extent, feral ghouls, since they ''always'' announce they've detected the player with a distinctive screech that lasts about three seconds, giving an attentive marksman plenty of time to line up a shot.
* [[Tortured Abomination]]: {{spoiler|Harold}}.
* [[Tortured Abomination]]: {{spoiler|Harold}}.
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* [[Try Not to Die]]: One of Moira Brown's cheerful ways of saying goodbye whenever you end a conversation with her. Also, Everett in The Pitt.
* [[Try Not to Die]]: One of Moira Brown's cheerful ways of saying goodbye whenever you end a conversation with her. Also, Everett in The Pitt.
* [[Universal Ammunition]]: Semi-realistically averted. If a weapon is the same caliber as a given round, it can fire it (e.g. .32 rounds work in both the .32 revolver and the hunting rifle). This is not ''quite'' how it works in [[Real Life]], but it's better than many games do at it.
* [[Universal Ammunition]]: Semi-realistically averted. If a weapon is the same caliber as a given round, it can fire it (e.g. .32 rounds work in both the .32 revolver and the hunting rifle). This is not ''quite'' how it works in [[Real Life]], but it's better than many games do at it.
** One serious screw-up is Lincoln's Repeater, a unique [[wikipedia:Henry rifle|Henry lever-action rifle]] chambered for .44 Magnum ammunition (same as the aforementioned [[Sniper Pistol]] uses). One little problem: [[Did Not Do the Research|a Henry repeater of that era would be blown apart by modern .44 bullets.]]
** One serious screw-up is Lincoln's Repeater, a unique [[wikipedia:Henry rifle|Henry lever-action rifle]] chambered for .44 Magnum ammunition (same as the aforementioned [[Sniper Pistol]] uses). One little problem: [[Did Not Do the Research|a Henry repeater of that era would be blown apart by modern .44 bullets]].
** The Alien blaster along with the Firelince variant use "alien power cells". Come ''Mothership Zeta'' the Captain's Sidearm, a pristine Alian Blaster, uses "alien power ''modules''" along with the other weapons found aboard. So both use universal ammo but not the ''same'' universal ammo...
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: The Narrator says that Vault 101's door never opened, and that you were born there. [[First Episode Spoiler|The game's plot proves both false.]]
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: The Narrator says that Vault 101's door never opened, and that you were born there. [[First Episode Spoiler|The game's plot proves both false.]]
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: In full force. Nobody comments that you're decked out in power armor or that you have an eight-foot-tall, bright yellow walking tank with you. But for once, the tank (Fawkes) has the decency to [[Lampshade]] it:
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: In full force. Nobody comments that you're decked out in power armor or that you have an eight-foot-tall, bright yellow walking tank with you. But for once, the tank (Fawkes) has the decency to [[Lampshade]] it:
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** From setting [[The Woobie|Harold]] on fire, to [[Mind Control|mezzing]] Wastelanders into slavery, to backstabbing the Brotherhood of Steel with a [[Kill Sat]], almost ''every single quest'' has at least one "[[Complete Monster|unspeakable bastard]]" option.
** From setting [[The Woobie|Harold]] on fire, to [[Mind Control|mezzing]] Wastelanders into slavery, to backstabbing the Brotherhood of Steel with a [[Kill Sat]], almost ''every single quest'' has at least one "[[Complete Monster|unspeakable bastard]]" option.
** Dr. Braun gives us an in-universe example, his only source of amusement is cruelly tormenting the other inhabitants of Tranquility Lane.
** Dr. Braun gives us an in-universe example, his only source of amusement is cruelly tormenting the other inhabitants of Tranquility Lane.
** In Rivet City, you can talk a suicidal old man into jumping off the flight deck. Feel proud.
* [[Vigilante Man]]: The Regulators is a whole organization of these guys.
* [[Vigilante Man]]: The Regulators is a whole organization of these guys.
* [[Villainous Incest]]: {{spoiler|The Andale residents}}. You're pretty far gone when generations of inbreeding ''isn't your [[Town with a Dark Secret|dark secret]]''.
* [[Villainous Incest]]: {{spoiler|The Andale residents}}. You're pretty far gone when generations of inbreeding ''isn't your [[Town with a Dark Secret|dark secret]]''.
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** Three Dog often says "Ghouls are people too", which can either be ignored by the player or not, but even he admits that Feral Ghouls are mindless zombies, going so far as to say [[Kill'Em All|"So kill as many as you damn well please."]]
** Three Dog often says "Ghouls are people too", which can either be ignored by the player or not, but even he admits that Feral Ghouls are mindless zombies, going so far as to say [[Kill'Em All|"So kill as many as you damn well please."]]
** The Replicated Man quest is about an android, and both his pursuer and "helper" give reasons on why or why not he's human.
** The Replicated Man quest is about an android, and both his pursuer and "helper" give reasons on why or why not he's human.
** [[The Pollyanna|Moira]] is convinced that Mirelurks must have a complex underwater society. {{spoiler|They don't}}.
** Subverted at least once though: [[The Pollyanna|Moira]] is convinced that Mirelurks must have a complex underwater society. {{spoiler|They don't}}.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Depending on your actions, you can get quite a few of these.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Depending on your actions, you can get quite a few of these.
** Dad gives you one when he finds out you destroyed Megaton, while Three Dog calls you a "scumbag" if you kill the mutants wanting to get into Tenpenny Tower—and calls out the mutants when they ''kill'' every human in Tenpenny Tower.
** Dad gives you one when he finds out you destroyed Megaton.
*** Three Dog will call you out almost any time you take the "evil option" in a given mission.
** Three Dog will call you out almost any time you take the "evil option" in a given mission.
** In ''The Pitt'', you can also choose to call it to {{spoiler|Wernher}} when you learn of his complete plan.
** In ''The Pitt'', you can also choose to call it to {{spoiler|Wernher}} when you learn of his complete plan.
** You get called on this if you kill the Overseer during your escape. And again if you kill the new Overseer in the sidequest "Trouble On The Homefront" (or the same one, if you didn't kill him before). And, no, they won't accept "but he was shooting me" as a good reason.
** You get called on this if you kill the Overseer during your escape. And again if you kill the new Overseer in the sidequest "Trouble On The Homefront". If you kill the original Overseer and also the second one, Amata will accept the latter as self-defense, but you'll still get a lot of "what have you done?" from everyone else.
** In the ending, Sarah Lyons will give you a lot of sass if you insist that she make a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] rather than doing so yourself. The narrator will also do so in the ending voice-over, even if you send in one of two possible radiation-immune followers (which is easily the most logical choice).
** In ''Broken Steel'', if you choose to target the Citadel after reaching the Satellite room in the Mobile Base Crawler, upon landing back at the [now destroyed] Citadel, the Brotherhood of Steel will immediately find out that it was your doing. They will then declare you a traitor in their eyes, and will shoot you on sight.
** In ''Broken Steel'', if you choose to target the Citadel after reaching the Satellite room in the Mobile Base Crawler, upon landing back at the [now destroyed] Citadel, the Brotherhood of Steel will immediately find out that it was your doing. They will then declare you a traitor in their eyes, and will shoot you on sight.
** A more subtle one happens if you kill Three Dog, as his DJ segments on GNR are replaced by a very unenthusiastic and bitter technician who talks about how "some asshole killed our DJ."
* [[While Rome Burns]]: Dukov and his two party girls spend every day huddled inside a building doing nothing but drinking, partying, getting high, and having sex. The fact that they are almost completely defenseless and surrounded by super mutants and other monsters is something they choose to simply ignore.
* [[While Rome Burns]]: Dukov and his two party girls spend every day huddled inside a building doing nothing but drinking, partying, getting high, and having sex. The fact that they are almost completely defenseless and surrounded by super mutants and other monsters is something they choose to simply ignore. It helps that Dukov is {{spoiler|a [[Retired Badass]] whose reputation as a mercenary was known to even Alistair Tenpenny}}.
** [[Informed Ability]]: The girls only stay with Dukov because he's apparently a [[Retired Badass|pretty good shot]], hence why they can do all that partying.
*** Well he is {{spoiler|a retired mercenary who Tenpenny hired to go fetch a suit of T-51b Power Armor from a bunker infested with Sentry Bots, Mister Gutsy robots and Protectrons}}. Ya gotta give him that.
* [[Wide Open Sandbox]]: The player is free to explore anywhere after leaving Vault 101.
* [[Wide Open Sandbox]]: The player is free to explore anywhere after leaving Vault 101.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Most, if not all, of the residents of Little Lamplight.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Most, if not all, of the residents of Little Lamplight.
** The Lone Wanderer themself. They are ''nineteen'' at the time they escaped Vault 101, and one of the first things they get the option to do is ''disarm a nuclear bomb''.
** The Lone Wanderer him/herself. The character is ''nineteen'' during the Vault 101 escape, and some of the technical things expected of the character (such as disarming a nuclear bomb) would ordinarily not be entrusted to a nineteen-year-old.
* [[Worst News Judgement Ever]]: Three Dog of Galaxy News Radio talks about the player character and ''only'' about the player character. There are precisely two news stories in the entire game that aren't directly related to you or your father. This makes sense most of the time, as the player tends to do things that are noticeable enough to be considered newsworthy, but some of the things he reports on are less than noteworthy - he even does a story about you finishing a fetch quest involving collecting soda bottles for a strange woman out in the middle of nowhere. This is lampshaded with "Christ, talk about a slow news day...".
* [[Worst News Judgement Ever]]: Three Dog of Galaxy News Radio talks about the player character and ''only'' about the player character. There are precisely two news stories in the entire game that aren't directly related to you or your father. This makes sense most of the time, as the player tends to do things that are noticeable enough to be considered newsworthy, but some of the things he reports on are less than noteworthy - he even does a story about you finishing a fetch quest involving collecting soda bottles for a strange woman out in the middle of nowhere. This is lampshaded with "Christ, talk about a slow news day...".
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Colonel Autumn makes his character clear when he murders a female scientist in cold blood for no reason the first time you see him.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Colonel Autumn makes his character clear when he murders a female scientist in cold blood for no reason the first time you see him.
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* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: If you {{spoiler|tell Colonel Autumn the correct code for the purifier}}, he will thank you and kill you, resulting in a [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: If you {{spoiler|tell Colonel Autumn the correct code for the purifier}}, he will thank you and kill you, resulting in a [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
** Also, in ''Point Lookout'', if you choose to {{spoiler|side with Professor Calvert to kill Desmond, he will reward you with "The greatest thing any human could ever hope for", which is to say... DEATH! At least he tries to by activating hostile protectrons in his room, and not all of them are working}}.
** Also, in ''Point Lookout'', if you choose to {{spoiler|side with Professor Calvert to kill Desmond, he will reward you with "The greatest thing any human could ever hope for", which is to say... DEATH! At least he tries to by activating hostile protectrons in his room, and not all of them are working}}.
** Another one in ''Point Lookout'', the quest which you {{spoiler|play as a Chinese spy, after you accomplished the mission and looking at extraction detail, it is then shown that the Chinese intelligence apparently didn't want their agent back, and instead instructed him to take his death honorably and then lock him up in an irradiated room. It is done so crudely that the real agent if he ever completed his mission could have escaped the death trap}}.
** Another one in ''Point Lookout'', the quest 'The Velvet Curtain' in which you {{spoiler|play as a Chinese spy, after you accomplished the mission and looking at extraction detail, it is then shown that the Chinese intelligence apparently didn't want their agent back, and instead instructed him to take his death honorably and then lock him up in an irradiated room. It is done so crudely that the real agent if he ever completed his mission could have escaped the death trap}}.
* [[You Have Researched Breathing]]: You can get meat from anything from a dog to a giant bug, but you need the Cannibal perk if you want fresh human meat. However, feral ghouls will occasionally carry around steak-shaped slabs of human.
* [[You Have Researched Breathing]]: You can get meat from anything from a dog to a giant bug, but you need the Cannibal perk if you want fresh human meat. However, feral ghouls will occasionally carry around steak-shaped slabs of human.
* [[Your Head Asplode]]:
* [[Your Head Asplode]]: