Fallout 4/Characters/Factions: Difference between revisions

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* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]
* [[Mythology Gag]]
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: What the minions of the Mechanist have become. {{spoiler|To the Mechanist's credit, though, this they were not aware of and are horrified to discover.}}.
* [[Shout Out]]: As seen in the various experiment logs, the vast majority of subjects reacted to {{spoiler|being forced into a robotic body}} by [[Driven to Suicide|committing suicide]]. Additionally, only the [[Humans Are Bastards|most depraved examples of humanity]] were able to {{spoiler|withstand the implantation process}}, and even then became murderous {{spoiler|without routine control measures}}. All of the above is a [[Homage]] to ''[[RoboCop|RoboCop 2]]''.
* [[Small Role, Big Impact]]