• The few moments of Fanboy and Chum Chum that aren't Toilet Humor can be pretty funny at times, this troper cracked up at the dining scene in "Sigmund the Sorceror":

Kyle: *sees Fanboy hanging from chandelier* Oh, what a marvelous enchanted bird... Why ever would you want to look anywhere but - *shoves Sigmund's face at the pigeon* THERE!?
Sigmund: O__O
Enchanted roasted pigeon: (being controlled by Fanboy) Light or dark meat govnah'?
Sigmund: Dark if you please, with plenty of gravy.
Soup terrine: *moves across table to Sigmund* Gravy boat coming through!
(camera pans to under the table, Chum Chum is seen holding a magnet above him to move the bowls)
Kyle: *laughs nervously* There seems to be a bit of a magical mix-up, that's my- *kicks Chum Chum under the table* enchanted soup terrine!
Chum Chum: *moves the magnet to a different area*
Kyle: Enchanted butter dish!
Chum Chum: *moves the magnet to a different area*
Kyle: (frustrated) Enchanted pickle fork.
Chum Chum: *pauses, then moves the magnet to another area*
(loud slam is heard, camera pans up to show Kyle with his face pressed against the table)
Kyle: (strained) Enchan...ted... br...aces.

Kyle: So, what exactly is the trick behind the "Exploding assistants" act?
Sigmund: No trick. I explode them. Then I get new ones. :)

    • Fanboy's expressions throughout "Dollar Day".

"We stole! You know what people will call us!? STEALERS!!!!"

Kyle: So whom shall I choose to be my best friend? Hm?
(camera pans down to Fanboy and Chum Chum latched on his waist with bleary eyes, snotty noses and sickly glows)
Kyle: ... Are these the only choices?
Fanboy: Kyle, before you choose, consider... this. *pulls lever, opening a trap door and sending Chum Chum plummeting down into darkness*
Kyle: *looks down trap door awkwardly* Well. That does simplify things.

    • In "The Hard Sale" when Oz has succeeded in getting the minimum $1 that he needs to prevent his mom from converting his store into a yogurt shop, he accidentally points to her when he's celebrating. His arm promptly falls off, then explodes.