Fat Bastard: Difference between revisions

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* [[Depraved Homosexual|Captain]] [[Complete Monster|Continental]] in ''[[Legend of the Blue Wolves]]''.
* Nakai in ''[[Bakuman。]]'' used to be sympathetic despite being overweight. But then he [[Took a Level in Jerkass]] and starts being manipulative once success starts going to his head, which disgusts the woman he viewed as his love interest. He ultimately gets [[Put on a Bus]] and moves back home with his mother. {{spoiler|By the time he returns from his bus trip, he's even more overweight, has an even more repulsive personality and is currently working with the current antagonist of the series.}}
* ''[[One Piece]]'' has a few, though most of them are of the [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]] type:
** Walpol from the Drum Island Arc, though he has an excuse in that his Devil Fruit power involves eating.
** Hody Jones; in fact, a common [[Fan Nickname]] for him is "Fat Arlong", seeing as he is very much an Arlong wanna-be.
** Gecko Moria, the captain of the Thriller Bark pirates and Arc Villain of the arc of the same name. He's a fat vampire-like [[Monster Clown]]... [[Ambiguously Human| person.]] Incredibly lazy too, he seems to have let himself go since becoming a Warlord of the Sea.
** Finally, we have Big Mom, the [[Big Bad]] of the Whole Cake Island Arc, a villain who is ''not'' ineffectual nor sympathetic, [[The Dreaded| but ''truly'' dangerous]]. She is both obese and a [[Villainous Glutton]] demanding shiploads of candy from her subjects as tithes, and is also an [[Emotion Eater]].
== Comic Books ==
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* Dennis Nedry from ''[[Jurassic park]]'' is not only obese, but is also quite unpleasant and whiny and decides to shut down Jurassic Park's security system so he can run off with a bunch of dinosaur embryos to sell on the black market. Needless to say, [[Laser-Guided Karma|the guy does NOT leave the park alive.]]
* In ''[[Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves]]'', Themberchaud is an obese dragon (Holga remarks that he is "pudgy" but it's sarcasm). He can't fly and can't move as fast as a typical dragon, but unfortunately for the heroes, ''that'' is still ''much'' faster than a human can run...
* In ''[[Wonka]]'', the police chief is on the take, the Chocolate Cartel bribing him with chocolate; he isn't fat initially, but when he objects to actually killing Wonka, they increase the bribe, doing so again and again throughout the story as their "requests" become more extreme. This causes the chief to gain weight quickly, until by the end of the movie, he's so fat he can barely fit through the door of his own paddy wagon.
== Literature ==