Fatal Attraction (film)/YMMV

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: He Says She Says all over the damn place. Is he to blame for cheating... or her, for stalking? Which is worse? Does one merit the other as a punishment?
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Glenn Close played a pregnant woman on a murderous-rampage in the re-shot ending that we all know and love; she didn't find out she actually was pregnant with a little-girl during the filming of said-murderous-rampage until after she was rushed to the hospital with a concussion during a botched take. Needless to say, she does not like watching the finale to this day, having (unknowingly) risked her daughter's life filming it.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Glenn Close is quite popular in Japan. Also, the Japanese version keeps the original ending. See Focus Group Ending.
  • Memetic Mutation: These days, "bunny boiler" refers to deranged women.
  • Moral Event Horizon: The "bunny boiler" incident. Gets cranked Up to Eleven when Alex kidnaps Dan's daughter several days later, terrifying her parents -- and the viewer -- with the thought that she could have harmed her if she wanted to, and indirectly leading to Dan's wife being injured in a car accident.
  • Sein Language: After this movie, "bunny boiler" became a popular term for a crazy woman.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: For all of Alex's crazed behavior, she's absolutely right that Dan has a moral and legal obligation to the child she's carrying.
    • If it exists.
    • And when Dan rebuffs her advances, saying "I have a whole relationship with someone else", she asks "Then what were you doing with me", pointing out his hypocrisy.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Alex is an unmarried thirty-something career woman. Despite initially being presented as intelligent, independent, and successful, she quickly goes completely off the deep end in her efforts to hang onto a man and have his baby.