Fatal Fury/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|A Brazilian Kyokugen-ryu practitioner who enters the tournament for the sake of advertising his dojo for new students. He was left in charge of the dojo by Ryo Sakazaki when he went training. At the end of the tournament, his dojo gets trashed anyway so he goes to look for the guy who did it. }}
* [[Eighties Hair]] - [[Funny Afro|Frompadours]] have [[Afro Asskicker|only been so badass]] [[Segata Sanshiro|once before.]]
* [[Afro Asskicker]]
* [[Badass Beard]]
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* [[Carpet of Virility]]
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]] - All official artwork depicts him barefoot. [[Overly Narrow Superlative|All three of them!]]
* [[Eighties Hair]] - [[Funny Afro|Frompadours]] have [[Afro Asskicker|only been so badass]] [[Segata Sanshiro|once before.]]
* [[Expy]] - Shares [[Hot-Blooded|quite]] [[Badass|a]] [[Rule of Funny|few]] [[Eighties Hair|traits]] with [[Segata Sanshiro]].
* [[Hammerspace]] - One of his winposes has him pull out a wooden panel as big as he is. Fine and dandy until [[Fridge Logic|you realize the implications]] of [[Willfully Weak|him being as competent a fighter as everyone else]] [[With My Hands Tied|even though he carries several pounds of wood underneath his dogi]].
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* [[Knight Templar]] - Wholeheartedly supports Kain's plan to build a better Southtown through survival of the fittest cullings.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Self-Inflicted Hell]] - An interesting detail: he hates hot places, but chooses to fight in a flame-filled underground chamber.
* [[Secret Stab Wound|Secret Bullet Wound]] - Hides an injury he received protecting Kain, a bullet which is ''still lodged in his chest''.
* [[Self-Inflicted Hell]] - An interesting detail: he hates hot places, but chooses to fight in a flame-filled underground chamber.
* [[SNK Boss]] - Very powerful, yet is playable by using a code.
* [[Spirited Competitor]]
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* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
* [[Badass Longcoat]]
* [[Blood Brothers]] - He's sworn an oath of eternal allegiance with Grant, as seen in a special intro pose.
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]
* [[Blood Brothers]] - He's sworn an oath of eternal allegiance with Grant, as seen in a special intro pose.
* [[Dark Messiah]] - Kain's motive is to build a better Southtown through trial by conflict.
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Sister]] - His ''older'' sister, Marie.}}
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* [[Love Makes You Evil]] - {{spoiler|His sister Marie's death}} was his [[Start of Darkness]].
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]] - Is Marie Howard's younger brother, thus making him Rock's [[Evil Uncle|uncle]].}}
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Misanthrope Supreme]] - Looks down upon anyone who isn't a fighter.
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]
* [[My Rules Are Not Your Rules]] - Aside from the T.O.P. bar thing above, Kain is [[Charged Attack|charge-type]] fighter. Kain somehow doesn't seem to care while fighting you, as he can use said attacks ''while walking towards you''. Being a [[SNK Boss]], this is ''entirely'' intentional.
* [[Playing with Fire]] - Wields blue flames (purple in-game) similar to those of the Orochi.
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* [[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]] - More implied than anything.
* [[Innocent Flower Girl]] - Cruelly subverted, as Geese forces little!Lily to pose as one so she can distract Jeff and he can kill him.
* [[Kikuko Inoue]] - Her seiyuu.
* {{spoiler|[[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]] - In one of her and Terry's spirit talks, she explicitely tells him to stop grieving for her.}}
* [[Kikuko Inoue]] - Her seiyuu.
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]: Both of the dresses she wears in the anime.
* {{spoiler|[[Spirit Advisor]]}}
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]
* {{spoiler|[[Spirit Advisor]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Stuffed Into the Fridge]] - Poor, ''poor'' Lily.}}
* [[Woman in White]] - Was wearing a white dress in her first apparition as an adult.
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* [[The Dragon]]
* [[Graceful Loser]]
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Kenji Utsumi]] - His seiyuu.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]] - When Terry first clashes with him, Jamin is shown to have the [[Super Speed|upper hand in the speed department]]. Terry also notes that he's as strong as Krauser, a foe whom he ''barely'' defeated.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[Playing with Fire]]
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* [[Making a Splash]] - [[The Worf Effect|You never had a chance, Laurence]].
* [[Stripperiffic]]
* [[You Inoue]] - Seiyuu.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Pink Hair]]
* [[You Inoue]] - Seiyuu.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]