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* Discussed in ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'', as noted in the page quote. Wilson notes that a Fate Worse Than Death for House would be the loss of his rational faculties.
* On [[The Vampire Diaries]], vampires mummify when deprived of blood for an extended period of time, but until that happens they are in an extreme state of hunger and agony.
* In ''[[The River]];;'', Jonas is subjected to this after filming a native death ritual. Specifically, he is cursed to forever be hanged by the forest's vines, experiencing pain but never death.
* In the movie ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]'', Data is believed to have been killed, [[Heroic Sacrifice| sacrificing himself to save the rest of the crew]], but in ''[[Star Trek: Picard]]'', it is revealed that, while his body was destroyed, his consciousness has been downloaded into a quantum simulation crafted by Maddox, meaning that for years, he's been completely alone and [[I Cannot Self-Terminate| unable to shut the program down]]. Eventually, when Picard himself dies (his mind transferred to a golem created by Dr. Altan Soong) he finally meets his old friend and the two have a brief time to talk and reminisce. Unfortunately, that's all they can do, and Data pleads with Picard to terminate the simulation on his way out. [[Mercy Kill| Which Picard sadly does.]]
* ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' zigzags this in the episode "Deja Q", where Q is punished by the Q-Continuum for his irresponsibility by having to live one day as a mortal. Q does not consider ''this'' to be "worse than death", but being mortal means he could actually die, something he is ''terrified'' of. In fact, they let him choose what form he had to spend the day as (so long as it was mortal) and he chose human because he felt he'd be safe on ''The Enterprise'' with humans he was familiar with.