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* The Weapon-X program that [[Wolverine]] was subjected to where admantium was bonded to his skeleton. How this procedure worked is not detailed much and is often subject to [[Retcon]], but whatever the case, he considers it to be this, and does not wish it upon any other, to the point where he made a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to save three kids from experiencing it. (He got better later.)
** In fact, one could argue Wolverine’s ''entire life'' (which, incidentally, has been far longer than that of most humans due to his mutant genes; he is over a hundred years old in current continuity) has been a hellish Fate Worse than Death. [[Spider-Man]] has endured the deaths of many of his family and friends, Bruce Banner is cursed with [[The Hulk| a monstrous alter ego with uncontrollable rage]], and [[Batman]] has lived with survivor's guilt over his parents’ deaths, but all of them are living an endless birthday party compared to Wolverine. [[Amnesiac Hero| Losing his memory]] during the Weapon-X fiasco seemed like a blessing when he recovered those memories; when his mutant powers first manifested, he [[Self-Made Orphan|accidentally killed his father]], an act that [[Driven to Suicide|drove his mother to suicide]]. Shortly after, he accidentally killed Rose, the first woman he loved. The Weapon-X program turned him into a mindless, feral beast, and while his time with the X-Men helped him recover, it only got worse. He’s been crucified, nuked, had the adamantium ripped out of him by Magento, and ripped in half and had some of his flesh eaten by the Hulk. His enemies have tormented him by kidnapping his teammates, murdering his loved ones, brainwashing his son, turning his clone into a killing machine, and tricked him into slaughtering his teammates and his own family. (And ''that'' is all just in mainstream Marvel, never mind alternate reality versions.) All while being the target of bigotry and hatred all mutants are subject to. While some consider Wolvie to be a violent sociopath, one has to wonder just how [[Heroic Willpower|he managed to stay as sane as he has]].
* Longtime fans of ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' know Rita Repulsa’s origin - she first invaded Earth 10,000 years ago, but was defeated by Zordon and first of his proteges, the first [[Recruit Teenagers with Attitude| Teenagers With Attitude]] who would become known as the [[Power Rangers]], and imprisoned in a “dumpster” on the moon. But a comic book adaptation shows that the dumpster was more than a prison cell. Rita would spend the next ten millennia living the lifetimes of all her previous victims, causing her continuous agony as she experienced the terror and despair of every being on every world she had invaded and destroyed. One can hardly blame her for having such a temper when she finally escaped.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
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