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* On Fate route, when Archer faces Berserker by himself he looses, we already know that since he used a lot of mana healing the wound that saber inflicted on him and because of that he wasn't able to use UBW (because if he was able he should be able to easly defeat him, as gil pointed the fact that berserker is weak to [[Storm of Blades]]) Then if he wasnt able to defeat it via UBW why the hell he didn't traced Berserker's Sword and used Nine Lives Works? As heaven feels shows shiro defeated berserker nine times using Nine Lives Works (well Duh) using archer's power, so if shiro was able why the hell archer wasn't able to do so?
** Because Dark Berserker is explicitly weaker than Heracles in top form, he doesn't have anyone directing him, and he's blind to boot. Berserker's tactics may be [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|fairly straightforward]] while he's under Mad Enhancement, but he's still normally lucid enough to defend himself if need be. In dark form, he was basically blind, rabid, and confused, and ran straight into Shirou's attack (and it didn't help him that he paused a split-second when he heard Ilya's voice, long enough for Shirou to finish him). Also, even if Archer had access to UBW, he would still have had a helluva time fighting Berserker straight-up. It's not that Heracles is weak against [[Storm of Blades]], it's that Gil's Gate of Babylon barrage was forcing him to shield Ilya at the same time (something Archer simply wouldn't do). And even ''then'', Gil actually won the fight by making Berserker sit there and take it with Enkidu.
* In the visual novel, some die vs. proceed choices don't make sense. For example, Fate route, the second fight with Rider/Shinji on the skyscraper. If you choose to follow Saber up the building once the fight starts, Rider & Saber fight on the rooftop, Rider engages Bellerophon, Shirou comes out on the rooftop, and Saber uses Excalibur to blow Rider away. She collapses from lack of energy, Shirou brings her back to the house, loses it when he hears that Saber could disappear, goes to town next day, gets kidnapped by Ilya, gets tested by her, and provided he refuses, gets to escape. BUT if you choose not to accompany Saber, you end up going to the rooftop anyway, except that you've come in after Saber has dealt sweet Excalibur action. The rest is the same all the way till the bad end where Ilya just packs you into a doll, and the cavalry arrives too late to save you. What the hell?
** I think it's supposed to be taken as [[Laser -Guided Karma]]. Maybe.
*** It is. It still doesn't make ''sense'', however....
** Hmmm... okay. Here's my new theory on the matter. Ilya was watching the entire fight with Rider, we know that much. So what she sees is slightly different; she either sees Shirou rushing to the aid of a loved one, or hanging back until the fight was over. Considering it's a battle between Servants, the second choice is far more intelligent and pragmatic. Pragmatic like Kuritsugu. Ilya is a fickle girl, so I can easily see her disapproving of this, and that disapproval lowering her respect for Shirou enough that she doesn't feel the need to offer him a choice at Doll Making time.
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*** Shirou wasn't unable to see Saber as anything more than a pretty girl who couldn't fight; UBW and HF prove that very conclusively. He doesn't even look down on anyone, he doesn't have the self-image to. Nor is he normally sexist in the least; aside from a throwaway line in Fate about Ayaka needing to be more feminine (which is, interestingly, directly contradicted in UBW), the whole of his "sexist" behavior was his treatment of Saber for half of the Fate route. The whole point of his behavior is that he's ''making himself'' act sexist, because he doesn't know what else to do. His first instinct is to protect everyone (not women, ''[[Chronic Hero Syndrome|everyone]]'') he sees, and he's dealing with the painful double-awareness that not only is Saber directly in line to charge into mortal danger (getting almost killed by Berserker), but he's thoroughly unqualified to do anything about it. There's no logical argument to keep her from fighting, so he resorts to illogic (not helped by the fact that he's somewhat emotionally stunted). He knows she could kick his ass indefinitely, that's why he asks her to train him in swordplay (she opted instead to kick his ass up and down the dojo, teaching him how to dodge and when not to fight).
* How is it that a violent [[Jerkass]] like Gilgamesh is both [[Chaotic Good]] and has a high charisma score?
** From what we've seen in F/HA, Ko-Gil can be quite charismatic to the point that he almost seems like a different person. In fact, more than one person wonders how the chibi Gil who's a pretty cheerful and helpful kid would eventually grow up into such a egotistical prick. As for why Gilgamesh is listed as Chaotic Good, if you really try to rationalize it, you could say that its because perhaps due to his Darwinist [[Greater Good]] tendencies. He doesn't want to completely destroy humanity, he wants to weed out the unworthy. He has that whole conversation with Shinji in UBW about how as King, he decided to kill a random peasant, but couldn't bring himself to do it because the peasant had "worth". Also, when push comes to shove, he doesn't approve of random killings. See Heaven's Feel when he gets pissed off that Dark Sakura is going around slaughtering innocent people, and basically tells Kotomine that if he doesn't do something to stop this than he'll stop it himself. Going from Fate/Zero, he abides by the law he set, telling Alexander that if a person steals, he'll punish the thief. He doesn't even have that much interest in that grail, he spends most of his time in Zero just walking around observing modern society, he'll randomly play soccer with kids and take them fishing. This is how he might be rationalized into being classified as Chaotic Good.
*** Remember how he bragged that you'd need "three times" the amount of evil in the world to corrupt him? Personally, I think he was lying, and the status screen just wasn't taking the events of the Fourth Grail War into account.
*** He was a prick in the Fourth War too. Basically, he's a little more impulsive now. Not much. Also, here's one possible explanation: His alignment is based on what people ''believe'' him to be. Gilgamesh is generally a positive figure, though also an arrogant jerkass at times. By the standards of his time his mythological attitude would be normal enough. As another point of evidence for this, compare him to Assassin. Assassin never does anything evil. Ever. All he wants is a good fight, but apart from that he's completely honorable. Yet he's Neutral Evil.
Line 31:
**** I'll admit, you've got me there. It may have to do with different interpretations about how Medusa came to be, given that a lot of tales about her origins (including the Nasuverse version) tend to cite her status as a victim in how she became a monster. For example, one version of the myth explains that Medusa was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple and was turned into a monster as punishment for that. The Nasuverse version of her origin story is fairly sympathetic to her origins as well, so that might explain it.
***** Except that, by the standards of the time, she was ''still'' evil, because being raped by a god was somehow seen as ''her'' fault. Also, that never happened in the FSN universe, apparently.
* Is it just me or would Sargon of Akkad have worked much better than Gilgamesh? In the myths, Gilgamesh is all about the quest for immortality, the dickishness of gods, [[Ho Yay|friendship]] the [[Family -Unfriendly Aesop|civilizing influence of prostitutes]] and the fact that you sort of have to come to terms with all of these things. While Gilly in FSN is all about being the ruler of all things, and thus a colossal [[Jerkass]]. Sargon was, just like Gilgamesh, a historical figure, but he was also the "First conqueror", general culture-hero and in general seems to be a far better fit for the game than Gilgamesh.
** Short answer: who? Long answer: Gil's all about killing people, not ruling them (not considering most of the world worthwhile, especially after Enkidu's death); he's a darwinist, not a conqueror. He's a better fit because he's still the oldest hero, and is all about the supernatural connections. As for storywise, I wouldn't doubt that Sargon is a heroic spirit in the [[Nasuverse]], but his legacy is less well-known (though admittedly, how many people know Diarmuid Ua Duibhne?), and he has less of a reason to be summoned than the huge conqueror hero, Iskander, who ''still'' wants to conquer the world.
*** That's not completely true. Gilgamesh does have a sort of "Lol, I kill mongrels" attitude, but to say he's all about killing them and not ruling them is kinda false. He only wants to rule over the worthy people. Way back 5000 years ago, that meant 99% percent of his kingdom from the warriors to the peasants. In the modern world, that may be about .001% of all the people in the world. He's a darwinist, and he has no qualms against killing people, but to say he's all about killing people rather than ruling them is misleading.
Line 41:
** They succeed sometimes. Funny you should bring up airplanes. Gil actually ''does'' have a [[wikipedia:Vimana|flying machine]] in his collection. Berserker shoots it down with an F-15.
*** A ''magic'' F-15. Incidentally, Gil doesn't have ''every'' weapon in the world. He just has weapons that existed in his time. This is why he doesn't have Excalibur, since Excalibur was constructed by Earth's fairies after his death. Incidentally, the [[Nasuverse]] is an [[Alternate Universe]]. Gil at one point states that (paraphrased) "the appearance is different, but the basic principles remain the same", indicating that Babylon was apparently ''just as advanced'', if in a different fashion, as the modern age.
**** I believe he actually has the prototype for excalibur. I think it was gram, a sword that was stuck in a tree or something like that.
***** Gram was the prototype for ''Caliburn'', aka the Sword in the Stone, not Excalibur.
**** Perhaps we could look at it a different way. At the time of his life, and in his myth, Gilgamesh is said to have possessed everything in the world, thus Gate of Babylon and A rank Golden Rule. What if, instead of everything in Gate of Babylon having actually existed at that point in time...what if instead because of the Myth Gate of Babylon will contain the prototype/super prototype/whatever of every weapon -even if it was created after his time-. So, since the myth says he possessed everything in the world, that will remain true regardless of when he is summoned.
* Everybody [[KL Symph|I]] see on forums talks about how Archer gets amnesia when Rin summons him. After playing the translated Fate and Unlimited Blade Works (Heaven's Feel is still being translated as of this writing), I don't see how that's true. Archer was clearly faking [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]] the ''entire'' time.
** Yep, he was faking it. The big reason why people believe Archer had to have it was because of his [[Heroic Sacrifice]] in Fate, but... [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/WMG|The following has been moved to Wild Mass Guessing]].
* Speaking of Archer, why is it that during his fight with Lancer in Unlimited Blade Works, when Lancer fired Gae Bolg at him, why didn't he use Avalon?
** Avalon is Saber's Noble Phantasm, not Archer's; it's tied to her soul, not his, and Shirou was just holding it in his gut. Even assuming that Archer-Shirou didn't give it back to Saber during his original incarnation, it wouldn't have stuck with him after he died.
Line 87:
* Servant Saber. All of the other class titles are for people wielding a certain weapon or technique, but the Saber class is named for the weapon itself. Shouldn't the title technically be Sabreur (a person who wields a saber)? Or, since Saber is female and the word comes from French, Sabreuse? ...you know what, never mind, it doesn't bug me as much any more.
** I think it would be Sabrice, actually.
** A lance is a specific sort of weapon, under the general heading of Polearm. Yet Lancer is Lancer not Polearmer though someone using a halberd, bardiche, sickle, or staff would qualify for being summoned as Lancer. The real reason is because Sworder sounds stupid and Knight applies to broadly.
* This is from Fate Zero. Shirou's dad, who has finally gotten to the Holy Grail. He knows that with its power he could end human conflict ''forever''. This has been his life's dream, to make everyone peaceful and happy. So what does he do? He orders Saber to destroy it. So a man whose sole goal is to be the "hero of justice" at any personal cost ''knowingly and willingly'' throws away probably the only chance he'll ever have to bring happiness to all people! Then Shirou does just that as well, rather than wishing for, say, his dream of world peace and happiness to come true. What in the fucking hell?
** Wait...are we talking about the Holy Grail that happens to be the vessel of the literal embodiment of all the world's evil? Nah, there couldn't be a problem with that. Also, pretty sure that someone at some point (Saber, I think) brought up the concept of ending all conflict, and noted that it's actually a really bad idea.
*** Yeah, the Grail as it is all filled with evill and corruption can only interpret wishes as destruction. Plus when it's activated the evil will spill out and consume the world. Did you even pay attention to the story?
** Seriously, wishing on a corrupted holy grail is not a good idea.
** Aaaand it could end all human conflict by [[Kill 'Em All|killing everyone]].
* Rin Tohsaka, winner of the coveted "Shiki Tohno Award for Bedroom Jackassery" for her work with Saber during the Fate route seems to lose that competence during her own sex scene in Unlimited Blade Works. Kind of an odd thing to be bugged about, but...when even Shirou is wondering "Wait, are you ''sure'' that was enough foreplay?" you kinda lose at least ''some'' of your right to complain about the result...
** Or Rin's simple preference. Maybe she's a Troper who just always wanted to [[Break the Cutie]].
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** She has an easier time taking charge when she herself is not in the picture. Rin's character has perpetually shown some kind of vulnerability about herself.
*** Her reluctance to taking off most of her clothes lends credence to this idea.
** Actually, that's something else. Rin's spell requires both of them to climax at the same time (which...makes sense, actually). It's one of the funniest moments of that scene when Shirou realizes that they're two virgins trying to reach simultaneous orgasm...[[Oh Crap|and they have one shot at it]]. But there ''are'' other methods of doing that; why oh why did Rin choose full-on intercourse? They'd have been [[PunA Worldwide Punomenon|screwed]] if Shirou's [[Determinator]] abilities didn't apply to both love ''and'' war...
** As the above troper has noted, Rin prefers to normally lead from outside the picture. When she actually gets directly involved in something she tends to make irrational decisions. Heck, when it comes to emotions, Rin's a [[Glass Cannon]]
*** But she ''was'' in the picture in Fate. [[Dissimile|And when I say "picture", I mean "Saber's vagina".]] She was probably thinking like Shirou, that being forced into having sex with your love interest is awkward. Having a [[Mate or Die]] situation with Saber, a neutral friend, was bearable, so she could as well learn to enjoy it, but she '''really, really, really'' didn't want to have sex with Shirou in this way.
Line 104:
* Whenever she is fighting without her master around, why doesn't Rider ever just take off her blindfold and turn all her opponents to stone? As a matter of fact, wouldn't that be good just to do that in the first place because anyone who saw them would be turned to stone anyway...
** It probably wouldn't have been useful in very many situations. Most of the time she's acting independently, she has a vested interest in ''not'' turning everyone she sees to stone (her Bloodfort probably wouldn't work on statues). As for the other times, there's always the risk that her Master would come in her field of vision during a fight (he usually ''was'' nearby). Also, while she might be able to pick off other Masters that way, Servants are another matter. <s>At least three Servants (Saber, Lancer, and Berserker) are definitely strong enough to resist her eyes, and it ''might'' not work on the others, either.</s>
*** Huh...actually, even the resistant servants would be weaker, so scratch that idea.
*** Surely the possibility of her 'Master' coming into her field of vision would be as good a reason as any for her to ''use'' her eyes. I don't think she'd be too upset if he got killed, really....
** I can't think of any good reason myself, save the possibility that petrified bystanders might get you in trouble with the Grail War supervisor.
Line 112:
*** Stoning people is NEVER a good idea. Stone yourself if you have the stuff to spare.
*** Cheech and Chong would clearly be Caster class servants.
* How in high hell was anyone able to buy the Saber was a man during her life? In the flashbacks, she was wearing a fucking ''dress'' for crying out loud! The inhabitants of Camelot would all have to have been either blind or had a severe mental illness to buy that Saber was a man.
** ...AWizardDidIt? Good an answer as any, and they certainly had one available...
*** Who was a rampant dick in his life and was also instrumental in giving Saber one too... Why yes, this troper revels in your [[Fridge Logic]] screams with that statement.
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*** Mordra has a better ring to it. Though I suppose if your feminizing from the original Medraut you could opt for Medrau
*** See also: Sir Bedeviere. Merlin was a busy man.
**** Not necessarily. [[Mamiko Noto]] has done guys before (see [[Full Metal Panic!]] so it's possible Bedeviere is just as [[Bishonen]] with a girly sounding voice.
**** Mordred is a trap, according to Side Materials.
*** Bedivere, at least, apparently knew his king was a girl (he switches to calling her "she" instead of "he" at the last moment). He probably wasn't the only one. Any number of knights might have known the truth but kept their mouths shut because it wouldn't do anyone any good to speak up.
*** Lancelot also knew, as well as Guinevere and what is implied to be all the Knights of the Round - as in, all her closest confidents. Judging by some comments in Fate route it's very likely that a lot of people at least suspected but didn't want to admit it because that meant losing a very good king.
*** When she pulled the sword from the stone, she could pass for a young squire boy, and the knights justified it with the sword's eternal youth source that she stayed like that.
* Also, Archer. We know he has a shield and a lot of swords, so why the hell is it that whenever he takes a blow for Rin he has to do it himself and not, say, use his shield or a random sword for it?
** I'm not sure how difficult or time consuming it would be for archer to conjure up a weapon or shield. Remember that he only gets his instant mass conjuration of weapons ability when he is within his Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works. He does seem to conjure up Kansho and Bakuya pretty quick though, maybe because he uses them a lot and they are usually very low ranked weapons.
Line 138:
**** This troper thinks that switching to the more powerful side is less assholeish than just leaving your Master for your own agenda, but... She might be misremembering this, but does Rule Breaker show up in Fate? Has Archer actually ''seen'' it? If not, then he couldn't Trace it beforehand.
***** Pretty sure this is the answer. He only knew of its existence because Shirou and Rin saw it used on Saber. In HF, Shirou saw it himself early on, in a clear example of [[Chekhov's Gun]].
**** He was trying to create a situation that would lead to Shirou's death AND the destruction of the grail, he betrayed Rin in order to later have her and Saber form a contract after killing himself. Or at least that's my interpretion based on him saying "Damnit, they shouldn't have formed a contract yet". after Rin and Saber form a contract when he is about to kill Shirou following his betrayal of Caster.
***** The key to that scene is context. If you watch the Bad End for that scene, it's pretty obvious that Archer is trying to get Shiro and Rin out of there alive; he doesn't consider their chances against Caster, Kuzuki ''and'' Saber to be good. You'll notice that in ''all'' the scenes where Archer is an <s>asshole</s> ''complete'' asshole to Rin, there really wasn't a credible alternative; unless you think he should have taken on Gilgamesh without a master. In the later scene where he gave Shinji to Rin, he probably assumed that Rin would use a Command Spell out of desperation and summon Saber, fixing the Shinji problem as well as the Saber protecting Shiro problem in one go.
** It's because at that point in the story, Caster didn't know he could copy other people's weapons, so he didn't want her to know that. Hell, I'm not sure if ''anyone'' knew he could do that (See: Lancer thinking Rho Aias is Archer's Noble Phantasm). Given what he was planning, he probably didn't want to tip his hand on that earlier than needed, and with Caster standing ''right there'' it wasn't really necessary for him to do it himself.
Line 168:
*** I do think she has feelings for Shirou, she did say in HF that she saw Shirou few years back (the time after Kiritsugu died) trying to jump at 'something (is it a pole or a fench) and never giving up even from so much failed attemps (this cue Sakura to make her much jelouse since she thought that, that precious memory was only hers and thought no one even knows about it as well)
**** She does. She was watching the same scene as Sakura was, at the same time, and fell in love with him in just the same way (incidentally, he was attempting to jump a high-jump pole that was set ''way'' too high for him). But, she doesn't rely on him in the same way as Sakura does, because her life doesn't suck anywhere ''near'' as much. As for Sakura becoming jealous, remember that, at that point, she's being ''heavily'' influenced by {{spoiler|Angra Mainyu}}.
** She was winding him up, possibly in conjunction with a hint of a [[Secret Test of Character]]. She knew full well that he wouldn't do it, and even if ''he'' agreed, Saber wouldn't. But, she knew the sort of response it would get (and, at this point, she was still telling herself that they would end up as enemies eventually anyway, IIRC), so she decided to have a bit of fun. Even if it genuinely ''was'' the only option, I don't think Rin would actually have condoned it.
* Heaven's Feel True End. Sakura uses up all of her Command Spells AND gets poked with Rule Breaker. How is Rider still around two years later?
Line 180:
* Far be it from me to question the inclusion of Sexy Civilian Eyecandy Gilgamesh in UBW, but couldn't Gil have ''won'' that fight with Shirou if he'd actually had his armor? We'd already seen in Fate than [[Armor Is Useless|armor is most definitely]] ''[[Averted Trope|not]]'' [[Armor Is Useless|useless]], and the only reason he didn't pull out Ea was the whole "getting arm hacked off" thing. Granted, he'd have died anyway for unrelated reasons, but still...
** He didn't think he needed it. It's Gilgamesh's [[Fatal Flaw]]. He underestimates his enemies.
* Why exactly, in the two Holy Grail Wars we've seen, did the Einzberns send their Homunculi, AKA the ''core of the Holy Grail'' out into the field where they would risk getting killed? If I were them I would have had them under lock and key, protected at all times and not coming out during the entire fight. Instead they have Iris running around with Saber and Illya being the barely controllable Berserker's Master... ''after'' subjecting her to life threatening [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]. Why would they do such a stupid thing when they're obsessed with getting it?
** As for the servants... really, what other servants would be safer to travel with than Saber and Berserker, both of whom are damn near godlike with the right masters? Also, it's hard to imagine Ilya being in danger from Berserker, who she controls just fine, and who's proven willing to even defy the laws of reality to protect her. As for sending them in the field...beats the hell out of me. They probably need to be at least ''close'' to the field to catch the servant spirits, but not necessarily in danger. For Ilya, at least, I could say that the Einzberns didn't trust anyone else, but...
*** The other participants know better than to attack Ilya. If she gets seriously damaged, they don't get their wish.
Line 193:
*** Well, Shirou is able to mimic the skill of the original owners of the weapons he projects. I figured Nine Lives was part and parcel of that -- i.e., it's a technique that Heracles mastered in life but couldn't use while insane.
*** Exactly, it's a adapted technique, not a weapon. Well...okay, Nine Lives ''is'' a weapon, but the actual Noble Phantasm is a bow, not a sword. Since I'm pretty sure that axe-sword is unique to this summoning (the catalyst, in fact), that's why I think Heracles uses Nine Lives with that thing at some point, so the "memory" of the technique is in the weapon. ...or, since I tend to overthink things, you're probably right, and Shirou can mimic the Nine Lives attack with any of Heracles' weapons, simply because the weapon ''can'' be used for such.
*** Shirou automatically (subconsciously) scans all weapons on eye-contact (how his Reality Marble works). That's why he froze up when he saw Ea - it was impossible for him to 'read' it.
**** Shirou ''might'' be able to read Ea, if he put enough time and effort into it. Remember when he traced the Gem Sword Zelretch? The same thing happened, but he was eventually able to project it.
*** It took the use of Archer's arm and nearly killed him, but yes...thing is, though, Zelretch is still an earthly weapon. It's a point Shirou shares in common with [[Tsukihime|Shiki]]; neither can understand their chosen aspect (building materials/weaponry and concept of death) for anything originating outside Gaia. Or, to put it another way: Archer explicitly can't project Ea, and he's pretty much a blacksmith god by now.
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** [[It Makes Sense in Context]]. After all, how many times is he killed during the Fate route? Four or five? [[Captain Obvious|How many times did he actually die]]?
* [[In a World]] where [[All Myths Are True]], why is ''Sasaki Kojirou'' of all people a fictional character?
** From a historical perspective, he's not enough of a legendary character and not quite enough of a historical character. There's just enough discrepancies in accounts of him for the idea of Kojirou being fictional to be plausible. From a dramatic perspective, it makes Assassin (a nameless spirit with only three weeks of life) that much more of a tragic character...and also more of badass (he comes up with a Noble Phantasm-level technique ''on his own'', while basically standing around bored). On another note, if my [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/WMG|guess]] is correct, there actually was ''a'' Sasaki Kojirou in the [[Nasuverse]], since his sword, Monohoshizao, existed...he just wasn't ''the'' Sasaki Kojirou, Musashi Miyamoto's legendary rival.
*** Assassin seems to suggest that the actual man named "Sasaki Kojirou" and whoever wielded the sword Monohoshizao were different people, just as he himself was some unknown swordsman who happened to master a technique attributed to Kojirou. But IRL, is there really any doubt about his existence? I [[Did Not Do the Research|didn't spend more than a few minutes checking on this]], but every source I managed to find seemed to treat it as established fact that Kojirou existed and was killed in a duel against Miyamoto Musashi. No doubt legend has embellished quite a bit about the man, but compared to [[All Myths Are True|all the other mythological heroes that are evidently real]], that's nothing. I liked Assassin's dramatic situation too, but ''come on''.
*** If the game is to be believed, one of the sources who ''never'' mentions him is Musashi himself. Other than that...eh, I'm fine with it. There's only [[Samurai Shodown|one Sasaki Kojirou for me]], anyway. Besides, Assassin's Tsubame Gaeshi technique is a lot cooler than what Kojirou's was supposed to be.
*** Well, all this ''[[CompletelyDramatically Missing the Point|was the entire point of this Assassin]]'' - he was improperly summoned via a loophole to be linked to that particular land rather than a master, which meant that an actual Heroic Spirit couldn't be summoned (think multiple layers of degradation in the process/requirements used). There ''was'' a Kojirou at some point in time and there ''was'' that particular technique, but neither were connected until some people used "[[Ass Pull|creative]] [[Did Not Do the Research|licensing]]" to make him a [[Worthy Opponent]] to Musashi. He even admits that he's just a random nameless swordsman from history who had that name thrown together with him, so anything he does will simply go towards Kojirou's name. And yes, there is a very similar doubt (+ theory) about this in real life (probably where Nasu got the idea from, actually - I bet he'd be rather familiar with this stuff).
* Unlimited Blade Works. Specifically, the incantation for it. I can understand the Engrishy-ness of it--in fact, I'm surprised it's as comprehensible as it is. What bugs me, though, is that the Engrish version is ''completely different'' from the Japanese version. Not just in wording, but in the entire meaning of each line (though the overall effect is roughly the same). Where the English goes "Steel is my body, and fire is my blood", the Japanese goes "His body is of iron, his heart of glass" and so on and so forth. (Full version [http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Chants_%26_Incantations#Incantations_by_characters here.] I guess the question is, why are the two versions so different, and which one is the "canonical" one?
** That is pretty strange. If either of them is really the "canonical" incantation, it'd probably be the one that Archer actually uses in combat (whether in the VN, anime, or fighting game), so probably the engrish version.
*** Well... while most of the differences are pretty weird, yes, the Japanese can just as well be translated "My body is of iron, my heart of glass" and so forth since the subject is implicit and not explicit. Which makes it sound a lot closer... for the first three lines or so.
** The author, Nasu, likes to play with the difference between pronunciation and meaning, generally by using kanji that say one thing with furigana that make the pronunciation something else. He does this all throughout FSN, especially with the Noble Phantasms (which are themselves an example, being called "hougu" in Japanese, which means "treasure"). For example, Lancer's spear is written as "Barbed Spear of Certain Death" but pronounced Gae Bolg. Excalibur is something like "Golden Sword of Absolute Victory." Reality Marble has the meaning of "innate bounded field." Shirou's spells are also subject to this. He says "Trace On" no matter what he's doing but thinks of a different meaning (and therefore kanji) depending on the spell. This presumably applies to Unlimited Blade Works as well. Archer says his poem in Engrish while thinking the poem in Japanese. One is not necessarily a translation of the other, because both meanings are meant to overlap. Since this is strictly a visual sort of pun, it doesn't really carry over well into voiced adaptations.
*** By the way, this kind of pun isn't unique to Nasu or FSN. In ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]'', Light's name is written "moon" but pronounced "Light" and is presumably meant to mean both. The title of ''[[To AruA MajutsuCertain noMagical Index]]'' writes Index with the kanji meaning "index" in Japanese, but pronounces it in English.
*** I see what you mean, especially with regards kouyuu kekkai (aka Reality Marbles) like Mugen no Kensei (literally Infinite Sword Creation), but just as a pointless nitpick, I don't think that applies to the names of the actual Noble Phantasms. Excalibur is the name and pronunciation of the Noble Phantasm itself; "yakusoku sareta shouri no ken" ("Sword of Promised Victory") just looks like a title rather than a pun. Gae Bolg is probably a better example, since that name just translates to "red branch"...though it does happen to have two titles attached to it ("Spear of Impaling Barbed Death" and "Spear of Striking Death Flight," depending on how Lancer uses it).
* Heaven's Feel. Shinji tries to rape Sakura and threatens to tell Shirou about their previous * cough* liasons if she doesn't submit. She's (irrationally but understandably) terrified of the idea and winds up killing him...but why did she take a threat like that seriously at all? Sure, Shinji is clearly unhinged by this point, but surely he'd have enough survival instinct left over to realize that telling your magi brother-in-law, who ''knows'' the kind of abuse and domination you've put his lover through, that you dominated her sexually as well is...a tad unsafe.
Line 215:
*** He ''did'' still have Rider in Fate, and he capitulated pretty quickly when Shirou pointed out, verbally and in no uncertain terms, that he would be more than happy to kill Shinji if he didn't take down the Blood Fort. In Heaven's Feel, he had literally nothing left but his supposed domination over Sakura...which doesn't really contradict your point, come to think of it.
** You're underestimating Sakura's bad self-image. She doesn't see herself as a person with any redeeming qualities at all (see her ultimate breakdown before the Shirou-Kotomine fight in HF), and doesn't fully understand why Shirou loves her and wants to be with her. Even though he's told her he'll always be there for her, Sakura can only believe that Shirou will be disgusted with her and desert her if he learns she's "let" her own adopted brother rape her. Actually, almost all of Sakura's [[Sanity Slippage]] in HF comes from thinking she might lose Shirou now that she has him. (Of course, Zouken is not helping matters ''at all...'')
*** Oh, I know. Like I said, her fear was irrational but understandable (I was more confused about Shinji's mindset, not Sakura's). That said, by that point, Sakura was ''changing''. The last ero scene in the route had a markedly positive effect on her self-esteem; the fact that Shirou asked her for sex meant he wasn't [[Intimate Healing|healing]] her out of obligation, but out of genuine attraction. That's the whole reason Shinji had to resort to his bizarre extortion, because Sakura was confident enough to finally refuse to put up with it any more (a confidence, naturally, reaching [[Freak -Out]] proportions after the incident).
*** Actually, Sakura's fear was ''not'' that Shirou would reject her if he found out the truth (she briefly considers and then rapidly rejects this notion) but that he would beat the shit out of and (likely) kill Shinji for her sake, and she didn't want him to give up yet more of his ideal for her sake. Which, really, is a perfectly ''rational'' thing to think, because that's what he ''would'' have done. As for Shinji, maybe he was bluffing, maybe he was being serious, but Sakura knows how vindictive he can be (he's abused her for three years as a result of it, after all), and she knows how angry he is at that point in time. Even if he ''was'' bluffing, Sakura sure as hell wasn't going to risk it.
* Shirou: How the hell does some random dude whose original parents probably weren't even mages have a Reality Marble like UBW? There is almost no mention (I remember only one flashback where Shirou even recalls his parents) of his parents/lineage. Random mutations caused by the holy grail?
** How did [[Tsukihime|Satsuki]] have enough magic power to become a vampire almost instantly and have a Reality Marble herself? Parentage might be a factor in some cases, but since even the children of mundanes (Shirou, Satsuki, Elesia a.k.a. Ciel) can be born with insane powers, it's not the be-all and end-all.
** As Rin put it, he created a miracle with his own blood. He underwent a self-imposed [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] every night for eight years, lost all sense of self and became a master of zen archery, started thinking of himself as a tool for his borrowed ideal, etc etc. He's anything but normal. Anyway, it's implied that everyone ''has'' a Reality Marble, since it's just a reflection of their inner world, the real trick is manifesting it (which is [[Magi Babble|explained as "inverting the world diagram of the soul"]]). Shirou doesn't have the magic circuits to do that because of his mundane heritage (thus the contracts with the world as Archer and Rin in UBW), but he's certainly got the [[Determinator|willpower]].
** It has nothing to do with power or genetics. It's simply the ultimate expression of his mind. A Reality Marble is possible for anyone. It might even be ''easier'' for him to have a Reality Marble than anyone else because his psych was basically destroyed and then rewritten in the fire before Kiritsugu saved him.
*** Don't forget that Kiritsugu integrated Avalon, a sheath with Shirou. He became a container for swords, so his mind was filled with swords.
Line 249:
*** And Dark Sakura destroyed his heart made out of curses after he explained that. True Assassin had nothing to do with it, he ''failed.'' The answer is probably that Gae Bolg is more lethal, totally destroying the heart whereas his artificial heart was basically crippled instead, or possibly that it reverted to the state it was in when Kiritsugu shot him, but his body has healed since then enough to let him struggle on for awhile longer.
*** What? No, Sakura destroyed his heart because she had control over Avenger and Kotomine's cursed heart was given to him by Avenger, she even taunts him about how she has him under her mercy because the only way his body survived so long was because of his fake heart. Besides Zabaniya ,being the so called the ''arm of Shayṭān'', probably has something like the evil descriptor in it; seeing that Kotomine's heart was given to him by all the evil in the world a lesser curse wouldn't work on it, so yeah. Regarding Gae Bolg: Gae Bolg's curse is that wounds given from it are not healed, Lancer just stabbed Kotomine in the heart with a Noble Phantasm which is instant death for normal people (And even if Kotomine's fake heart had enough endurance to eventualy survive it, Lancer set the room on fire).
*** That's not really contradicting what I said. Sakura blew his artificial heart up, not Lancer. Lancer definitely destroys the heart, while what Sakura did is left rather vague. She destroyed the artificial heart, which could mean she retracted the power of curses used to sustain it. Then he merely has a mortally wounded heart in an otherwise absurdly healthy body. So he's still dying, just not the instant death from blood loss, shattered ribs and whatnot the original bullet from Kiritsugu would have done. Also, you might be thinking of the lance from [[Fate Zero (Literature)|Fate /Zero]]. The short one of Diarmuid's lances that I don't recall the name of inflicted unhealable wounds. Gae Bolg is special because it will ''always'' inflict a fatal blow when it's name is called. The wounds also do not heal ''easily'' but they ''do'' heal. The difference appears to make it so the [[Healing Factor]] of a Servant reduces it to a wound that would be like a normal lance wound for a human. Or something that could completely heal in about a week or two, which is still faster than what humans can do but not nearly the normal ability of a Servant.
*** Gae Buidhe, incidentally.
*** And just pointing out, Gae Bolg also has the whole "wounds from my lance will never heal" thing. Both Lancers from F/Z and Fate/stay Night have lances with the unhealable wound curse, and Saber is just that unlucky to have been stabbed by both unhealable lances.
*** True. Zero Lancer has the truly "unhealable wounds" thing going, though. Saber recovered from Gae Bolg on her own, eventually.
*** Actually, Saber doesn't recover from it on her own. I think she at one point mentions that the wound is still there, but she could patch up most of the superficial damage with mana or something.
Line 266:
* Gil, or specificaly Gil's wish to create a world only filled with worthy people; why the hell didn't he want to revive Enkidu? Given how he exclaims at length about the Enkidu's death in the Epic you would think that his ''first'' goal would be to revive Enkidu rather than "cleansing" the world.
** Enkidu would also surely be a Heroic Spirit. If Lancelot is, or ''Bluebeard'' no reason he wouldn't be. He's not really 'dead' in the sense a normal person would be. Only a real nut like the already mentioned Bluebeard would want to bother reviving someone who isn't any deader than they themselves are.
** Why not? He wanted to have Saber in the Fate route and stated that he has no wish from the grail, why not summon Enkidu as a servant like him and go conquer the world just like good old times?
*** Saber is a possession to him. As far as he is concerned, the world already belongs to him anyway. Also, does this Gilgamesh really seem like the type of guy that would be very concerned about his friends? Maybe Gilgamesh from the Epic would be, but this one seems quite a bit more of a [[ItsIt's All About Me|self centered]] [[Jerkass]]. Not that we would consider the original a paragon of virtue, either, but still.
*** His FSN bio is almost entirely about Enkidu, actually (with a bit at the end about immortality and the snake), but I agree with you on the characterization thing.
*** He was splashed with the ichor from the grail and it tainted his ego. He isn't like the Gil from the epic, now more insane, and he probably cares less for friends than he did when he was still alive.
Line 274:
*** It actually says he's chaotic good, not lawful. Most likely the alignment thing is for how people see them ie. Sasaki Kojirou is neutral evil... despite doing no evil deeds in the story. Rider is Chaotic Good despite having essentially the same motives as Lancer, minus the [[Blood Knight]] thing but plus sucking blood for shits and giggles.
**** Although in F/Z, he does apparently seems to follow the laws he set in his life.
{{quote| “It’s the law.” Archer replied immediately. “The law I set down as the king.” “Hm.” Rider seemed to have understood his words, and took a deep sigh. “Such a perfect king, able to stick to the laws he set down himself."}}
***** Fate Zero explains that he found Enkidu's devotion even unto death to be very beautiful. After he failed in his quest to revive Enkidu, he appears to have accepted his death as beautiful in its own way. He likes people who sacrifice themselves or have self-images that depend only on others. This is why he likes Kirei and Saber; they both remind him of Enkidu.
* Why in the ''world'' is Shinji "Shirou's friend"...ever? Even in the start of the game we know that Shirou is aware that Shinji ''beats'' Sakura. For someone who has such stupid "ideals" regarding women; he sure doesn't apply them here. "Shinji shouldn't do that." ....you think? STOP HIM, MR. HERO.
Line 285:
** Someone, please explain me.. Shinji's completely new outfit in HF during the bad ending where you decide not to team up with Tohsaka? I mean.. he's all fancy with a get-up I've never ever seen him wear before! More importantly, when you do side up with Tohsaka he's in his standard brown outfit, so what made him decide to put on a fancy dress in the first place?
** I think it was an unused sprite that they just threw in there because they couldn't find a place to use it. Could be wrong though.
* How did Kuzuki kill Rider? Kotomine and True Assassin both note that although Kotomine is quite a bit tougher than True Assassin, he's incapable of killing him because one is a human and the other is a spirit. In [[Fate Zero (Literature)|Fate /Zero]] Kiritsugu also notes that there's no point in sniping at Servants because it won't do anything, and he's using some pretty badass guns. I can accept Shirou taking down Berserker because he's using her Noble Phantasm which is ''not'' a normal weapon or even a Conceptual one ''and'' he has some of her power behind it as well... but Kuzuki just used magically enhanced fists. Not even a Conceptual Weapon. And he killed her in one blow?
** Caster is enhancing Kizuki somehow, wasn't she?
*** It's only a reinforcement spell. That means it increases the 'ability' of whatever it's put on, like a sword is stronger and sharper, fists can do more damage, legs can jump higher and run faster etc. It just makes stuff somewhat better at doing whatever the normally do. Shouldn't that mean that Kuzuki's fists would instead only be capable of stuff like punching through walls unharmed? The basic properties of his hands have not been changed, their effectiveness is merely increased. A Servant is made of Prana, basically, so there isn't much you can do against it through mere physical means.
*** I always chalked it up to Caster's magic being really damn strong. She's already good enough to reinforce another person ''at all'', and she can do things that would be considered Sorcery by a lot of modern magi, so it's possible she's just that good with reinforcement magic, as opposed to, say, Shirou's capability.
Line 312:
*** You need to be past age of consent to own a cellphone in Japan? All the main characters live alone, so I would have figured it was a matter of expense. Aren't there prepaid packages that allow you to use a phone without actually signing up for a specific line? I might be confused because it works differently in my country.
*** In Japan, you do need someone else to sign for you if you're underage (when I was there last year, underage was below 20). I don't know if it works differently for emancipated minors, though.
** Magi disapprove of technology and are in general quite disdainful of it. Tohsaka's a little more relaxed about it, but honestly, with her upbringing and focus on 'doing what a magus is supposed to do' would she really use something as high tech as a cell phone? And the only person around to sign up Shirou for a phone is Taiga, who is insane and wouldn't want him calling anyone in private [[Shipper Onon Deck|unless it was Sakura]]. Apart from them, who else is likely to? Definitely not Ilya.
* Why does no one ever destroy Berserker's [[BFSBig Freaking Sword|rock sword?]] Seriously, even Noble Phantasms can be destroyed and that things just a hunk of rock. It'd be a damn sight easier to kill him if Archer just made a Broken Phantasm and blew it up.
** It ''is'' a Noble Phantasm. One which can survive Berserker's attacks. If he wasn't a Berserker, he could use {{spoiler|Nine Lives}} with it.
** Technically, that's because the Nine Lives technique itself became a Noble Phantasm. The reason no one tries to destroy his sword is because they can't. Partly because the thing is clearly reinforced somehow (it's been used to parry countless actual [[N Ps]]), and partly because regardless of D&D rules, deliberately sundering a weapon is extremely difficult...even when the weapon isn't being wielded by an insanely quick and powerful giant.
** Yeah, but NP's rip reinforced items into shreds after a couple of hit's and Broken Phantasm's blow EVERYTHING up. If Herakles wasn't a Berserker, I could believe that Nine Lives might make a difference but as he is one, he can't use it. And what about Assassin's sword? That thing begin's to break after too much contact with NP's. Heck that's the only way to beat him, as his Tsubame Gaeshi is a [[One -Hit Kill]] otherwise.
*** Assassin's also much slower and weaker than Berserker, his weapon is made of much more flexible metal instead of rock, and the time it bent (Monohoshizao wasn't breaking, it just bent) was because he didn't parry; he literally struck Saber's weapon full force. Berserker doesn't need to invite weapon damage like that, and if a single Broken Phantasm were all it took to destroy the axe-sword, he would have been unarmed halfway through Fate (after going through Unlimited Blade Works) or through all of UBW (he took a direct hit from Caladbolg).
** Berserker's weapon is much less flexible true, but it's also more fragile. Rock will be slowly chipped and worn away over time and reinforcement does NOT allow a weapon to match a NP. [[Fridge Logic]] is telling me that Beserker's sword should have at least begun to break after the protracted fight with, well any of the heroic spirits.
Line 322:
**** Berserker's sword is part of the temple which the Einzbern's used to summon him. Even if its not a Noble Phantasm, it's probably a ''lot'' more durable than it looks. I personally think it's a fossilized remnant of Hercules's bow.
**** Valid point, but Kuzuki never came into contact with the blade's edge. He just caught it by catching the sides of the blade. And Shirou blocked the pole of Gae Bolg. Once Lancer actually stabbed at Shirou, the poster was pierced easily.
**** And as someone mentioned, it was part of the temple that the Einzbern's used to summon him, so it must be ancient. Age also increases the potency/existence/history/whatever of a weapon. In fact, it could even have become a conceptual weapon, meaning it's much stronger than just a chunk of rock.
**** Wait, things get stronger with age? That... denies all common sense. And if every weapon left lying around in a temple (Or indeed made from a temple) became a conceptual weapon, then the world would be awash with them.
**** Some weapons do get stronger from age. They accumulate history and become mysteries or something like that. And the club wasn't just left in any temple. It was part of Heracle's own temple, meaning that it was probably from the age of the gods, since that's apparently when Caster and Rider are from. Something like that, even if it did not reach the level of conceptual weapon, would have at least accumulated enough history to become a mystery. Which is pretty much what Noble Phantasms are, powerful mysteries.
Line 346:
*** What? It doesn't even have to be part of the visual novel. I'm talking about supplementary material here.
**** To write out Archer's life is to basically open up an entire new timeline. That would be far too much trouble for what it's worth. Imagine, for example, if Archer's story expanded the [[Nasuverse]] timeline by fifty years. Now, imagine if Tsukihime 2 is released afterwards, and set ten years after the current timeline's present, happened to involve an invasion of dragons that completely changed the political landscape of the Church and Mage Institute. Now, you'd then have to fit an explanation of why this invasion of dragons didn't occur in Archer's timeline, which would then cause a snowball effect as you have to explain why everything else that then happens after Tsukihime 2 in the main timeline didn't happen in Archer's timeline. Basically, you've opened up an entire new continuity. It's different for games with multiple routes like Fate or Tsukihime, since branching events explain why the villains of each route are different and explanations in each route also expand upon events that happened in the other routes. You wouldn't have this interdependency if you wrote a light novel about Archer's life, you'd have a massive [[Continuity Snarl]] and massive restrictions on the changes you could bring to the main Nasuverse timeline. Imagine if Heaven's Feel had Type Mercury show up for no reason and blow everything up, and then Shirou had to learn the mystic ways of frogs to defeat it. The question would then be; ''why doesn't the mystic ways of frogs come up in other routes''?
**** First off, the initial theory about interdependency is off. Parallel dimensions, remember? For all we know, the events of Tsukihime never happened in Fate, UBW, or HF, and it doesn't change a thing. Second of all, infinite parallel dimensions means that there was a dimension where everything was exactly like Heaven's Feel except that ORT turned up out of nowhere and required Shirou to defeat it with the mystical art of frogs.
***** Of course you don't have to have any interdependency if Tsukihime and [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]] were set in entirely different continuities, but there's no evidence that they aren't. You're really missing the point about the frogs. Unlike ''[[Kara no Kyoukai (Literature):|Kara no Kyoukai]]'', which is a complete alternate continuity set in another dimension, any story about Archer's life would have to fit into the Nasuverse as a whole, since Archer's life is the possible future of Shirou. It's much better to leave it vague and thus leave the author's options open.
***** The problem here is that having no evidence that the Fate universe and the Tsukihime universe are not connected is not the same thing as having evidence that they are connected. Whatever happened in Archer's timeline doesn't necessarily have to happen in any other timeline. Just because something happens in this hypothetical Tsukihime 2 plot does not mean that it happened in Archer's life. I'm not seeing what you mean that any story about Archer's life would having to fit into the Nasuverse due to being a possible future of Shirou's. Archer's timeline is already different from any of the routes we played in Fate/Stay Night. It's quite probable that major events that happened in Archer's life might never happen in the Tsukihime continuity or the three fate/stay night routes.
****** Dude. The point isn't that it's ''impossible'', it's that it's ''way too much trouble to produce''. That was the original question; "why doesn't Type Moon produce an Archer story?" Especially since we ''know everything we need to know about Archer already''. Any story about Archer's life would be directly related to internal Magic Association and Church politics, so to do it properly Type Moon would have to produce a lot of material, which would be effort better spared towards an actual sequel to ''Fate''. This is the reason Archer's flashforwards/flashbacks in the game are so vague. Little vignettes showing Archer's life - like the Shikiller dealing with the Forest - are much more likely than a light novel series. That would be cool.
* Okay, Rin. Heaven's Feel. Someone ''please'' explain to me the rationale behind her actions in her fight with Sakura at the very end. She ''pulls a victory out of her ass'' with the Zelretch sword, manages to get Sakura to the point where she's emotionally collapsing and ready to surrender, and then basically says "So you've been raped, abused, and cornered all your life, and now you're crazy. Boo fucking hoo." What the ''hell?!'' How can she not tell that this is a massively bad idea? (It nets her a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] in the last bad end, where Saber is still alive to come help when Sakura gets enraged again!) Did Rin have a real reason to do this, or is it just her [[Idiot Ball]]-magnet status coming back to take a bite out of her bum? It makes no sense to me.
** It's easy to understand if you realise that Rin went there to kill her sister. So, she's (a) buying time for Shirou, because Shirou is the only one who can save her, but she's also (b) steeling herself for her planned [[Shoot the Dog]] moment, by denying her feelings for her sister, and shrugging off her sympathy for her. And it didn't end up so bad - it broke Sakura out of her self-pity and so the control of the [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]].
*** I'll give you that she might secretly be trying to make herself feel less sorry for Sakura in order to be able to kill her. Still, ''what'' was Rin thinking? It only made Sakura angrier and more dangerous, and let's face it, we ''know'' that if Shirou doesn't kill Saber it means Rin's screwed. You can harden your heart against someone ''without'' pissing someone off so badly she decides to [[Ironic Hell|see how you like it]], Rin's done so plenty of times before.
*** I thought the actual line was more along the lines of "Your life was bad, I'll give you that, but now you've lost it and wrecked the lives of a lot more people" which is a bit more understandable.
Line 359:
* Why is Gilgamesh arguing with Sakura in the prologue? Gil has no contact with Zouken or anything like that.
** If anything, it might have something to do with Kotomine. Zouken aside, Sakura is still a Master, even though she ceded control of Rider to Shinji. Kotomine isn't likely to leave the church before the Grail War actually starts, and Lancer is clearly off doing something else...maybe he sent Gil to figure out what was going on (or at least confirm, since something similar happened in Fate/Zero with Lancer).
** I always thought it was just Gil fooling around on his own. It definitely wasn't Kotomine since he told Gil to stay inside the church at all times and was surprised when Shirou told him that he saw Gil. Gil was probably bored and wandered off, and than was asking directions from Sakura about how to get back to the church or something.
** I was under the impression he could tell Sakura was a Grail and was checking out the competition. I'm pretty sure Sakura mentions he told her she should kill herself when they met. Gil probably didn't act because she was a nonentity until HF, where he did try and eliminate her.
** Yeah, in the scene in HF where Gilgamesh tries to kill Sakura, she says that he had told her to kill herself before.
Line 368:
* Shouldn't Taiga, the English teacher, know that Saber isn't a normal English name?
** She was introduced as a friend of Kiritsugu, and Kiritsugu had very odd friends.
** On the other hand, she didn't see it written down, and "Seber" is a proper English surname. Also, she was not clearly stated to be English, so Taiga could just assume that it is a proper French first name or something.
* What does Gilgamesh even need to eat orphans for? He has a real body now so he no longer needs a constant mana source to exist. He could presumably charge up to his full capacity on his own, since he has ten years with pretty much nothing to do. It's not like he went around blasting off his noble phantasms for no reason so he needed the mana. Why would he need the mana provided by the orphans other than to be "Yes I am Evil, hahaha"?
** He was able to support himself, perhaps, but it's not like he never planned to use those Noble Phantasms ever again. By the time the next War came around, without that constant mana source, he'd have been even weaker than Saber, stranded without a Master ''or'' a connection to the Grail.
Line 382:
* Is Archer using Avalon to heal his injuries as a Heroic Spirit? Heroic Spirits are apparently able to regenerate injuries that do not irreparably damage their core, but they don't always have quick-heal by just sucking up mana (see:True Assassin). Yet Archer's regeneration from Saber's attack was apparently much slower than usual, which is typical of the level of healing Avalon reverts to from injuries caused by Excalibur. So... ''does'' he still have Avalon, and is he using it without Saber's input?
** Since when does Avalon have a weakness against Excalibur-inflicted wounds?
*** Whenever Caster forces Saber to attack Shirou, Shirou notes that the wounds aren't healing like they normally do. Granted, in the dead end the wound ''was'' fatal, but Avalon has healed worse injuries than that one; remember that time Gilgamesh nearly cut him in half, or the time he got half his stomach sliced off? I suppose you could say that this is related to the broken contract, but the healing provided by Avalon is unrelated to the Servant/Master contract; it depends on Saber's proximity and magical energy. (See ''[[Fate Zero (Literature)|Fate /Zero]]'', as well as the quick recovery Shirou has when Saber is watching his fight with Archer in UBW. Later in UBW, his wounds heal quickly before the battle with Gilgamesh as well; they don't point this out though.) I assume it's related to the fact that Avalon only activates with Saber's magical energy, and if Excalibur is being used against it, it thinks that it'd probably not be a good idea to keep its host alive.
*** Of the deaths by Excalibur, the only one that came with the contract still in place came AFTER he had already been stabbed through the heart by Gae Bolg. Well, close enough to normally be a very fatal wound anyway. Avalon being used to simply heal injuries rather than avoid them is ''not'' immunity to death: The wound inflicted by Gilgamesh's Caliburn prototype would have been fatal if Saber hadn't figured out what was going on and pumped him full of energy. A fall from a third story window was also fatal for some reason in a bad end. And if the contract isn't in place, she's not putting ''anything'' into it, so it doesn't work.
**** Avalon nonetheless kept him ''alive'' through the trauma in all of those cases, even without Saber's direct input. The third floor window thing was fatal without Saber being in close proximity to provide magical energy. In the cases where Excalibur stabbed him, Avalon didn't help at all, despite Saber's proximity.
Line 389:
* Why was Archer summoned as, well, an Archer rather than a Saber? It's a much better fit, given his natural affinity for swords (not that Archer wasn't a fairly appropriate second, but still). Especially since Rin was trying to summon a Saber in the first place? What, did the Grail know that Arturia was going to be summoned later, and since she can ''only'' be Saber class, let her call dibs on it or something?
** See the entry I posted under fridge brilliance. It's very very reasonable if you think about it.
*** For clarification, that's on the main [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]] page.
* Well, the ending of the Fate route. Shirou uses his command spell on Saber and together, they destroy the Holy Grail, like it was done ten years ago. Later, we get a shot of Arturia, after the battle in her own time, finally peacefully <s>falling asleep</s> [[Tear Jerker|dying]]...so, what happens next to her? Technically, she destroyed the Holy Grail, just like ten years ago, under the influence of a command spell. Just this time, she was willing to do it anyway. Does this nullify her contract? Or does willingly destroying it qualify as getting the Holy Grail for the contract, since she wasn't stuck anymore in time? But now, what's going to happen to her? Does her part of the contract appear fulfilled, so she'll now be a normal Heroic Spirit, like all the others? (She'd also keep her memories of her encounter with Shirou etc., since she was technically alive all the time, no?) If so, couldn't Shirou just train magic like crazy and then recreate Avalon to summon the girl he loves again? He should be able to find SOME way to keep her magical thirst sustained if he tries hard enough...if Arturia doesn't become a heroic spirit, what happens to her soul, then? Does it go to Avalon? Or simply to whatever the place is called the souls of the dead go to in the [[Nasuverse]], if there is one? Her soul isn't simply going to vanish, is it?
** Yes, her contract is nullified following the Fate route. The exact reason ''why'' isn't certain. It is either because she ''willfully'' destroyed the Grail (as opposed to in the previous war, where she was fighting against the command), or else because Shirou convinced her that she shouldn't change the past, and thus that she should cancel the contract. As a result, she will become an ordinary Heroic Spirit, because her deal was to become a ''Counter Guardian'' (what Archer is) in return for obtaining the Grail. She doesn't need to have a contract with the world to become a Heroic Spirit, because she's a hero. Because she was alive during the war, she would indeed remember Shirou if she was summoned (assuming that he summoned the version of her from the Fate route, as opposed to one of the hundreds of other versions...). However, summoning a servant without the power of the Holy Grail is simply not possible, because it requires too much prana. And, even if he ''could'' summon her, he couldn't sustain her without the Grail's help (although Rin and Sakura demonstratably ''could''). As for the general Nasuverse afterlife, there isn't one. When someone dies, their soul disperses and returns to the Akasha to be recycled. The only exception to this is if the soul in question has made a contract to become a Counter Guardian (like Archer) or is powerful enough to be elegible for the Throne of Heroes (as Saber would almost certainly be). So, no, ''her'' soul won't vanish after she dies, but the souls of all the ''human'' characters (Rin, Sakura, Shirou etc.) will, unless they make a contract to become a Counter Guardian.
** Or unless they perform sufficient deeds to reach the Throne of heroes, as it is hinted Shirou does.
*** It's made clear in the Nasuverse that it's virtually ''impossible'' for a modern person to become a Heroic Spirit. In addition, to become one, you have to be ''famous'', and Shirou's actions will necessarily have to be kept secret since they involve magic. The only way that Shirou (or any of the other human members of the cast) will have their souls survive after death is if they choose to become a Counter Guardian.
** There actually ''is'' another way for someone to escape the cycle, after a fashion. It involves imprinting your soul with your personality and memory (a.k.a. [[Tsukihime|the Roa method]]). It's imperfect, but it works.
* Sakura's (potential) fate. In Fate and UBW, because her backstory is never touched on, one can assume she's still being mutilated and at constant odds with worms...
Line 399:
** She might ''be'' fine, actually. It's pretty firmly implied in HF that this is Zouken's last shot; his mind and soul are rapidly degrading, and he actually notes early on that Sakura's quality as a Grail is the ''only'' thing in his favor, and that in fact pretty much all of the other circumstances in the war make it a very bad time to enact his plans, but he goes ahead with them anyway. Possibly in the other two routes he degraded even more quickly and simply doesn't have enough intellect left to be a threat by the time the Holy Grail War rolls around. I can even think of a little evidence of that; in UBW, there's mention that the Matou estate still has a number of his insects in the cellar, but the only activity they take the entire route is to cower in terror of Gilgamesh wn he's in the manor. Now, it's possible that Zouken is out of town or something and they were just familiars he left behind... but it's also possible that the worms in question ''were'' Zouken, his mind so rotted that he's no longer capable of sentient thought. This would mean that with Shinji either dead or with the bastard scared out of him, Sakura is basically free and clear. Just my personal hopes, of course, but doesn't the thought of Zouken [[Fate Worse Than Death|forever left a mindless, insane mass of worms in a basement somewhere, tormented for all eternity and unable to do anything about it]], just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?
*** However, it's also outright ''stated'' in HF that this war isn't Zouken's last chance, that he was planning on waiting for the next war and that the only reason he activated Sakura was ''because'' she was so compatible with the Grail (because, unlike him, she ''wouldn't'' survive until the next war). He was certainly around at the beginning of the war, at least, for two reasons. Firstly, all three routes follow a common back story, and there's no time when he ''could'' have died before the point where HF splits from the other two routes, and secondly if he were dead Sakura would either have refused to summon Rider or would have taken Rider and used her to ''protect'' Shirou, rather than putting both her brother (who she cares about, despite everything) and Shirou in a position where they have to fight one another. The only reason she refused to fight is because agreeing to fight would have led to something like HF, where Sakura used her magic to absorb the servants, and she knew that she would be ''forced'' to fight (and probably kill) Shirou. As for Zouken, the worms in the basement almost certainly ''are'' him. However, that is perfectly normal for him, and given the circumstances going into worm form is the best option. It proves nothing about his sanity, as wonderful as your idea sounds.... Also, even if he is gone, Sakura still has the worms (including the one containing his soul) inside her, although admittedly without Zouken there to use them they aren't a threat to her, so she can simply go and find someone to ''remove'' them.
** Well... hmm... well, perhaps it's possible he simply abandons her? The next Grail War is not likely to happen for another sixty-odd years, the Fifth was unusually early. By that time, if Sakura is even still alive she'd most likely be to physically weak to act as a Grail; even her young, healthy body almost didn't survive. He gains nothing from killing her that he couldn't gain from a random person on the street (possibly even less, since her unique body might make her ''less'' useful as a complete host for all we know), and he no longer has Shinji to help keep her under control. Perhaps he simply cuts his losses and ditches her. Not exactly happy, but not the worst thing that could happen. This is, unfortunately, my last theory on the subject... I'd like to think that she gets some sort of happiness in the two routes that aren't hers, but it's entirely possible that Sakura is simply totally screwed and nobody is going to save her. Illya's going to die in a year and most likely nobody is going to save her either, so at least she's not the only one who doesn't get a happy ending.
** Sakura's most likely fine. The fifth Grail War is officially the last one (Waver Velvet dismantles the system for summoning and using the grail). Zouken would have no further reason to use Sakura; his goal was to possess someone capable of using Heaven's Feel, not simply have someone powerful to possess (his body and soul are rotting too quickly for that to be anything but delaying the inevitable), and while he's certainly a [[Complete Monster]], his insanity and exceedingly rare acts of whimsical compassion mean it's probably not in-character for him to do anything just [[For the Evulz]]. As for Shinji, he's dead in Fate, and it's very strongly implied that he's been scared straight into a [[Heel Face Turn]] in Unlimited Blade Works.
*** Whilst the fifth war is indeed the last one, that doesn't necessarily mean that Zouken isn't going to try ''something else''. It's possible that he'll just realise that he's screwed and give up (in which case he'll likely die almost immediately, since staying alive for a few extra years isn't worth the effort), but it's more likely that he'll try to find another way to gain immortality. In that case, Sakura is useful to him because she can provide him with an ''heir'' (after which he'll likely kill her as he did Shinji's mother), if nothing else, and having a puppet is always handy. And, as an absolute last resort, he can take her body to allow himself to survive. However, either of these things provide at least a ''glimmer'' of hope for her, because with the Grail dismantled, he's likely to be desperate, which will likely mean that he'll be forced to throw caution to the wind and act more openly. Of course, the person whose job it is to ''stop'' him in that case just so happens to be Sakura's sister (assuming he remains in Fuyuki, anyway), so there's at least a ''chance'' of her being saved. Similarly, if she is forced to have a child, Sakura herself will likely ''have'' to seek help, because whilst she's happy to accept that she'll spend the rest of ''her'' life as Zouken's puppet rather than risk Shirou coming to harm, it's unlikely that she'd be willing to sacrifice her own child in that way.
* Why did Saber Arturia only show up for the Fourth and Fifth Wars? According to her, her deal with the World was to be summoned to every opportunity to find the Holy Grail. Even if the Masters didn't have anything of her shouldn't she still have somehow been summoned to the First through Third Wars as well?
** No artifact, no summoning. Not even the world can break the rules of summoning.
* Just how the hell did Archer get through UBW's ending? I know he's Shirou, [[Made of Iron]], [[Determinator]], [[Future Badass]] status, but not only did he use Rho Aius, a rain of Noble Phantasms to skewer Caster, another rain to cage Rin, invoking his Reality Marble after fighting Saber, and fighting Shirou, the dude was still alive and kicking after taking in Gil's [[Go B]] ''twice'' for long enough to skewer the Grail with a "heavy rain" of Noble Phantasms, and the headshot on Gil. What... the... ''fuck''?
** That Independent Action stat really isn't just for show. Anyway. Servants are absurdly durable if their cores remain intact. Even after all that punishment, his core was undamaged, so he survived. It helps that Servants don't bleed to death. Presumably he has some method of restoring his mana, which he did offscreen.
*** This could be a funny WMG entry: "Archer commits mass murder elsewhere to save everyone at the end of UBW."
Line 415:
**** Heroic spirit's weaponry is made of mana, right? Obviously Archer ATE the swords that were impaling him.
* It's really more of a [[What If]] thing, but it's been bugging me so I guess it goes here. What if Rin didn't revive Shirou? What would have happened then? I mean, I imagine Sakura would basically shatter (though what would happen next is kind of an unknown) and that Archer would... well, who knows what the hell would happen to him, Ilya and Shinji would probably react in some fashion, and Taiga, I have no clue what she'd do (she's basically a yakuza princess and if Shirou died there would be some hell to pay).
** That sounds like it would lead into an insanely long discussion marked by many, many, ''many'' sidetrackings. Thus, it's perfectly suited for the discussion page, and [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/remarks.php?trope=JustBugsMe.FateStayNight there shall be].
* Please tell me I`m not the only one bugged by this. During Fate route, Ilya paralyzed Shirou with her Mystic Eyes, then she took him home when he was unconscious. A little girl who was alone at that moment kidnapped a teenager from the city park to her house located at the outskirts of the city. In broad daylight. And she laughs at him for falling for that so easily, while she explicitly told him before that she can`t harm him during the daytime...
** The playground they were in was explicitly deserted, and she went there for the express purpose of capturing him, since Saber was apparently in no condition to fight. It's also more than likely she brought Sella or Leysritt along to transport him...besides, she ''didn't'' harm him.
Line 423:
*** Arturia isn't real in the same sense as the others are. When any other Heroic Spirit gets summoned you're summoning the spirit into a prepared body. That's why the Classes exist. When you summmon Arturia you are actually summoning the flesh and blood person Arturia from the point she made her deal with the World. That's why she doesn't have Avalon when Kiritsugu and Shirou summon her, it's because at that point in time she had lost it. If you were summoning the Heroic Spirit Arturia she would still have Avalon. As for False Assassin, all that he seems certain about is that someone came up with his famous technique and that someone named Koujirou actually existed.
* During that night in the ruins, in the Fate route, when they [[Deus Sex Machina|need to give Saber more magical energy or she would disappear]], Rin explains to the reluctant Shirou that the sperm of magi contains a lot mana or something just about as squicky. Well, I can accept that, what with the whole H-game thing... But if that's true, than what reason did ''Rin'' have to have sex with Saber? Except for the obvious [[Psycho Lesbian|"She really wanted to."]] She didn't have any sperm to put there. right?...
** She was 'preparing' Saber for Shirou, since he didn't know what the hell he was doing. Of course, "She really wanted to" probably had something to do with it, given that she was actually ''masturbating'' whilst watching them....
** Rin's main goal was to make sure the transfer worked, which relied on Shirou and Saber both reaching orgasm, and given the time constraints, doing it ''fast''. If anything, Rin was really working on ''both'' of them, since she had to get Shirou in the mood as well, at first. Ultimately, Saber (the first-timer, in a lot of pain) simply required more work, both before and during the actual sex, since yes, neither she nor Shirou really had any idea what they were doing, and they didn't have time to figure it out for themselves. And Rin masturbating was...probably just her getting caught up in the moment.
* Another thought for the ruins night: couldn't Shiro have given up his rights as master and have Rin make a new contract with Saber? I was kinda disapointed that this kind of Rin/Saber dual route didn't show up.
* Now, this one was probably stated somewhere, but I don't remember clearly and I'm not sure if it was ever made clear, either. So the trick behind the Grail is that it's powered by the souls of the Servants it absorbs. But what happens after a wish is made? Are the Servant's souls consumed by the need for magical power or are they set free again, to return to the Throne of Heroes? I assume they get freed either way if the Grail is destroyed, though?
** Probably doesn't matter either way, since with a few exceptions, all the Servants are simply copies of the heroes in question. Still...probably the latter, in a way. Ultimately, everything returns to Akasha, including mana, and most of the servants ''are'' mana. The image I'd always had of the Third Magic was the incomplete version creating copies of the heroes in the first place and keeping them in the world (Gaia considers them contradictions, which is why they can't stay long), and the complete version forming them into a ram and slamming their way back to the Root. Most of the servants wind up where they were going anyway, Alaya snatches back its Counter Guardians, and the world sends Arturia back to her time.
*** They use the energy from the soul tunneling back to the Throne to open the hole to the Root.
Line 436:
** Caster killed her ORIGINAL Master and then went off with Kuzuki, who became her new Master. He probably just stayed behind when Caster launched her attack on the Emiya household, with fatal consequences. When she didn't return after a while, he probably either was killed by some other remaining Servant or simply went back to being a teacher eventually. As for Assassin...dunno. Maybe Rider killed him when he was weakened from his fight with Saber, if I'm not mixing stuff up right now, she was there when Saber and Assassin first fought and we never saw him again after that.
** Yeah, that makes sense. I think one of the bad ends, the one where you decide to strike the temple, shows Rider spying on Assassin and Saber. And, if I recall correctly, Rider had already died at that point by UBW, so it's plausible that she killed him in Fate.
*** Nope, Rider couldn't have killed him since their fight would have been felt by Shiro while he was retreating with Saber and from that same Bad End we know that Caster was watching so she would have known that he was dead. Assassin had to have died when Caster wasn't looking, but who actually kills him is a [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]] kind of thing or a [[Plot Hole]].
* A nitpick, truly, but isn't Ilya a male name?
Line 443:
** Actually, turns out [http://i56.tinypic.com/29xfcz4.png there is]. I was wrong on that.
* Heavens Feel; If Shiro is able to use Rule Breaker to free Sakura from Angra Mainyu's control, why couldn't he do the same to free Saber? Please tell me.
** Probably because he was running out of Projections. Archer's arm would've annihilated him had he used it too often.
* So, Mordred is a homonculus. A magical construct who's creation involves sperm. From queen Arturia. Who is a female. What. The. Frag.
** Yeah, it's not quite clear just what Merlin did to help Arturia back then. Could have been a spell for her to appear male just as an illusion, but maybe there were times where she genuinely had to change her gender for whatever reason. That'd be where Morgan could send a familiar to "harvest" some sperm. Or something like that.
*** Somewhere in the uncaring darkness of the wild internet, your words have just brought upon us a terrible, terrible fanfic.
**** [http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_minor_characters_in_the_Fate_series#Merlin Sorta confirmed by the Type Moon Wiki]
***** Nasu, you dick. Now I'll never be able to look at the beautiful warrior-queen again without imagining her as a brainwashed futanari of /d/oom.
**** Well, not much to be done there. Nasu just loves characters that blurr the gender line, apparently. Case in point, [[Kara no Kyoukai (Literature):|Ryougi Shiki]]. Though, if that helps, I'm pretty sure the "harvesting sperm" thing didn't involve actual sexual intercourse. That wouldn't be Arturia's personality. To me, it seems more likely that Morgan's familiar would've taken the sperm from Arturia while she was asleep. Like succubi are sometimes described to do in the older myths...Or something. What bugs me more is that technically speaking, this makes Merlin indirectly responsible for Mordred's creation and therefore, Arturia's eventual death...
* Right, this one is somewhat meta, but...now DO you need a Summoning Catalyst to call upon a Servant or not? And what is this about similar personalities to the master? I think I read somewhere that if a Summoning is done without a catalyst, the Servant will be similar in personality to the master. But all the summonings I can think of that were supposedly done without catalyst, there was one anyway! For Saber, it was Avalon. For Archer, it was Rin's crystal necklace thing. Caster in Zero...probably the book that contained the summoning rite as well? I'm not sure, but I don't remember any summon clearly stated to be conducted without catalyst. Actually, wasn't there a point somewhere where it was outright said that you DO need a catalyst every time? And if Saber was actually summoned via catalyst, is the obvious idealism, self-sacrificing nature and unreachable dream that they have in common just a coincidence?
** It's stated that the catalyst is always needed. The "Servent-similar-personality" thing is a Wild Mass Guessing from Rin and associates.
*** No, it's not. Whilst most summoners do indeed have a catalyst, that isn't always the case (the master of Caster in the fourth war didn't, for instance). However, if the master performs a summoning without a catalyst, then they ''become'' the catalyst, hence the personality match.
**** Caster's Master? Didn't the guy get the ritual from some book he found about demons and such? Considering the 4th Caster's Noble Phantasm, I assumed that there was some relation between the two.
***** A catalyst is always needed according to Archer who explicitly says so in UBW before he fights Shirou at the Einzbern Castle. However instead of a catalyst a simple call to any Servant can be done, as Rin intended (though she specifically wanted a Saber class Servant). Heroic Spirits/Reverse Heroes/Anti-Heroes choose to answer a summoner's call. Catalysts are merely needed to make a summoning call to a specific spirit. Theoretically a Heroic Spirit can decline the call if they so chose. Fate/Zero implies that Kariya did not use a catalyst but rather Zouken wanted him to simply call any Berserker. Lancelot answered Kariya's call because their personalities align (Noble but tragically fallen figues). That's what happens when a catalyst isn't used; Uryuu summoned Caster because they are both serial killers who enjoy praying on children and see killing as an art. Personality overlap is why Caster answered Uryuu's summoning ritual.
* Gilgamesh seems to have a certain dislike of mongrels, but according to the legend, wasn't Gilgamesh himself somewhat of a mongrel? Two thirds god and one third human?
** It's just an insult he uses to show that he feels better than them. And he also uses it against people without mixed parentage. And do you check someone's birth records before calling him a bastard, either? Besides, for Gilgamesh, this isn't about humans and gods. It's about Gilgamesh and everything that isn't Gilgamesh.
*** Exactly the above. Zashuu has no literal English equivalent. Mongrel/low-born is how it is often rendered in English for Type-MOON translations. [[Taka Jun]] talked about this years ago on mirrormoon when talking about his translation choices. Gilgamesh essentially views others as being inferior to him, hence the insult.
* Do we ever find out why Shirou is bleeding in the morning of the 3. day?
** Was that that scene where he's cooking and Sakura suddenly notices that his hand is bleeding or something like that? I always figured it was a side effect of the Command Spell engraving itself in his hand.
*** Yeah, it's the command spell.
* What is with all the [[Gender Flip|Gender Flips]]? I actually found Arturia pretty damn novel, but now that the franchise has progressed we've also got Nero, Francis Drake, and Jack the Ripper. And I'm only willing to forgive Jack the Ripper, because at least his real identity is still a mystery.
Line 472:
** The official line is that it ''has'' to be Hassan primarily because according to the rules, a person who embodied the perfect assassin would never truly be known and thus could not become a Heroic Spirit. However, since the word "Assassin" has its etymological roots in the Hashshashin's founded and led by the Hassans, they are able to be linked to the Grail. Aberrations and questions about certain Servants (like Herakles) do occur though.
*** In the case of the Fuyuki Grail System the word "Assassin" is used as a catalyst to summon a Hassan (it seems that what kind of Hassan depends on summoner's personality), so that is why they supposedly ''have'' to be summoned. But it is shown that other servants have traits for the Assassin class (Kojiro is an odd case in both summoning and class placement but due to him having Assassin class attributes he still qualified for it a little bit)
* An odd inconsistency in Shirou's projections of Rho Aias. I eventually learned that he ''did'' project Rho Aias in UBW - Side Material says that Archer did...but Nasu eventually clarified that there were ''two'' instances (Archer projected the RA that protected Shirou from Enuma Elish, while Shirou did the one that held off the Gate of Babylon barrage). However, why did UBW Shirou's Rho Aias have all seven "petals?" The four-petal version was kind of a trademark; it's the one he uses in Heaven's Feel (when he was literally drawing on Archer's power) and Hollow Ataraxia (I'm told). What was the difference?
** The four petal version is Shirou's weaker version which relies on his own skills. When he's pulling on Rin as a battery, he can summon the full version.
* Alright, this is a silly one, but it still annoys me. Is there any other explanation than pure, storywise disconnected h-writing for the fact that Saber knows how to do oral sex? Why would ''King Arthur'' of all people ever have to do that? Especially since it's made rather clear that Saber is still a virgin and really had no intimate connections with anyone when she was king, being alone is one of her major characteristics. I mean, I can think up several ways she could acquire experience with blowjobs without losing her virginity, but they all feel incredibly degrading to her proud, dignified character and seem like out of a really bad fanfic or something...
** I always assumed it was either something she picked up before taking the sword from the stone (since extremely few people knew Arturia was a girl), or she was speaking figuratively and it was just something [[Man, I Feel Like a Woman|she extrapolated]] from [[All There in the Manual|her brief time as a man]].
* Sakura's worms dramatically increase her sexual aggression and inhibit her control or whatever, right? Then instead of letting Shinji rape her, why doesn't she just go and jump Emiya's bones? She ''really'' likes him already, ''he'' likes ''her'', Taiga [[Shipper Onon Deck|approves of them having a relationship]]...... I ''know'' she's trying to be a [[Yamato Nadeshiko]], but it seems like there's an [[Idiot Ball]] in play somewhere....
* In the anime, why did Caster change Sakura's outfit before trying to sacrifice her?
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