Father, I Want to Marry My Brother: Difference between revisions

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* A variation occurs in the manga of ''[[X 1999]]'' when a flashback shows Kamui announce to Kotori that he will become her bride when they grow up.
* ''Boku Wa Imouto Ni Koi O Suru'' (I'm In Love With My Little Sister) has a flashback scene where young Yori makes a ring of flowers for his twin sister Iku. The parents say it's a lovely crown but he corrects them saying it's a wedding wreath and that he'll marry Iku one day. The parents think it's cute and simply smile. This being [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]] when they're older the siblings sneak into the church where their parents were married and exchange rings which is as close as they can get to fulfilling their childhood promise to marry each other.
== Film ==
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* A squicky near-miss occurs in the schlock fantasy movie ''[[Cave Dwellers|Ator: The Flying Eagle]].'' The titular hero and his sister fall in love with each other and tell their father of their intention to marry. The father then reveals that the hero was an adopted [[Chosen One]] who was sent to live with them for his own safety and he gives the kids his blessing to marry. No one in the entire village seems in any way squicked out by this in spite of the fact that the hero and his adopted sister ''believed'' themselves to be blood related, yet wanted to boink anyway.
* ''Wild Strawberries'' a movie about an old man afraid of well, being old, has a scene where the elderly character visits an elderly friend who reads to him some of her children's keepsakes one of which is a scribbled note from a daughter saying 'when I grow up I want to marry daddy'. The lady makes a comment about how sweet and innocent it was.
== Fan Works ==
* An ''[[Animorphs]]'' story involves [[Kissing Cousins|Rachel and Jake]] falling in love with each other, but acknowledging that it probably can't work out with any sort of permanence. Rachel invokes this trope in her narration. "When you're seven, people think it's cute when you say you want to marry your cousin. When you're seventeen, they call you a redneck."
== Literature ==
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* In ''[[A Tree Grows in Brooklyn]]'', the other little girls in Francie's neighborhood play a game where they have to whisper the name of the boy they want to marry, and the only person she can think of to say if she's ever asked is her father.
* In the [[Jacqueline Wilson]] book ''Midnight'', Violet remembers how as a little girl she wanted to marry her brother Will. She borders on [[Big Brother Attraction]] when she admits that she still (at age fourteen) harbours dreams of them living together.
== Live-Action TV ==
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* [[Played With]] in some Taiwanese dramas. Fortunately one side is an adopted child, so the two are not related in any way.
* Oh, [[The Borgias|Borgias]]. A fourteen-year-old Lucrezia tells her brother that she'll never love a husband as she loves him. The siblings then find love interests with [[Replacement Goldfish|eerie similarities to one another]].
== Music ==
* Combined with [[Dual-Meaning Chorus]] in Steve Wariner's "[https://web.archive.org/web/20130506141306/http://www.cowboylyrics.com/lyrics/wariner-steve/im-already-taken-2921.html I'm Already Taken]". In the first two verses, the narrator tries to ask out a little blonde-haired girl and gets the title response. By the third verse, she's now the mother of their boy, who asks innocently, "mommy, will you marry me?"
== Newspaper Comics ==
* ''[[The Family Circus]]'' had a comic where one of the little boys said something like, "When I grow taller than Mommy, I'm gonna marry her!"
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Fire Emblem]] 7'', this shows up with Priscilla and her long lost brother Raven. The ambiguous context of their support conversation makes it unclear whether she is just observing their [[Childhood Marriage Promise]] or actually expecting Raven to deliver on it. Considering [[Brother-Sister Incest/Video Games/Fire Emblem|the franchise]], it's probably the latter.
* Comes up in both ''[[Persona 3]]'' and ''[[Persona 4|4]]''. In the former, Maiko, a girl that the Main Character can Social Link with will declare her intent to marry the protagonist if he maxes her out (in the [[Expansion Pack]] her father will accuse you of pulling [[Wife Husbandry]] on purpose). In the latter, the protagonist's seven-year-old [[Values Dissonance|cousin]] will state how she wishes to marry him at the end of the game before he goes back to the city, with her father laughing it off but also not-so subtly stating that he's against such a union (Unless the player also managed to max ''his'' social link, in which case her father's objection is that she's too ''young''. He has no problem with them getting married when she's an adult).
* ''Hatsukoi'' the [[Development Hell|half translated visual novel]] Anzu fills out a marriage license and has her brother sign it when they're kids. This is the start of her route when he finds it and realizes she's treasured it for years.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Muppet Babies]]'': For some reason, [[Half-Identical Twins]] Scooter and Skeeter played the king and queen in the ''[[Sleeping Beauty]]'' [[Fairy Tale]] in 2 different episodes—one when Rowlf lost his voice, and one when Piggy had chicken pox.
== Other Media ==
== Other ==
* There's a joke in which a young boy announces to his father that when he grows up, he wants to marry Grandma. The father, aghast, replies, "You can't marry my mother!", to which the boy asks, "Then why did ''you'' marry ''my'' mother?"
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