Feigning Intelligence: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Misfile]]''. Debate continues on whether Rumisiel is genuinely admitting [[Feigning Intelligence]] or displaying [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] to maintain his [[The Stoner|image]] in [http://www.misfile.com/index.php?page=992 this strip].
* [http://xkcd.com/451/ This] ''[[xkcd]]'' comic tries to ''quantify'' this, by the time span during which you can get away with faking competence on different topics.
* ''[[The Noob]]'' had "Sir Darkblade Wolfeyes Orcbane Raislin de Urden von Strudel" from a Roleplayers' Guild explaining what "Deus Ex Machina" is [http://www.thenoobcomic.com/index.php?pos=104 here].
== Web Original ==