Final Fantasy VIII: Difference between revisions

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* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: Laguna and Squall get two out of three; at 175cm and 177cm respectively they are shorter than any other male playable character in the game except for Zell.
* [[Teacher-Student Romance]]:
** Hot for teacher variation: Many of Quistis's male students (and apparently [[Les Yay|quite a few female ones]], if the Trepies are any indication) are pining for one. She [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s this in the Fire Cavern Test when she mentions to Squall how the boys often choke on the test when she comes with them.
** Hot for student variation: Quistis for Squall, though in her defense, they're only a year apart in age {{spoiler|and apparently grew up together, though neither of them remembers it anymore.}} Squall comments on the awkwardness of it fairly early in the game, and Quistis eventually says that her crush on him was actually misdirected sisterly affection, although how honest she's being about that is subject to interpretation.
* [[Technicolor Death]]: Following series tradition, the [[Final Boss]] goes out like this.