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[[File:ffxi.jpg|frame|"THEY SHOULD HAVE CALLED IT FINAL FANTASY ONLINE!" {{spoiler|They did.}}]]
Describe '''''Final Fantasy XI''''' here.
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OK, but I've got <s>Dynamis</s> Abyssea in a few.
The eleventh entry in the [[Running Gag|pinky-pullingly]] popular ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' series, '''''Final Fantasy XI''''' is the first [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] created by [[Square Enix]], and the first MMO in the ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' franchise, released in Japan in May 2002, with a North American release in October 2003, followed by a European release in September 2004. It is also the first MMORPG to be released both for home consoles (Playstation 2 and Xbox 360) and the PC. The game even mixes all these players together, as no world is region or console specific.
While allowing the game to be as open-ended as possible, being a ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' game, an incredible emphasis on story remains, which is rarely done well in [[MMORPG|MMOs]]. There are 10(!) different main storylines (Missions), one for each of the starting nations (Bastok, San d'Oria, and Windurst), as well as one for each expansion (''Rise of the Zilart'', ''Chains of Promathia'', ''Treasures of Aht Urhgan'', and ''Wings of the Goddess''), plus multiple "Mini Expansions". There are also countless side stories that come from smaller quests.
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The game also allows a character to change their job class (to any of the ''20'', provided they are unlocked) at any time without the need to make a new character, as well as set a "Support Job"—a secondary, weaker job, typically chosen to complement the main job—to further enhance your character. With enough time and effort, you can experience everything the game has to offer on only one character! (Whether you can store all your gear on that one character is another thing, entirely... fortunately, due to a per-character fee, FFXI is one of the few [[MMORPG|MMOs]] that allows muling. SE has also provided limited NPC-based storage options to further alleviate that burden.)
There is also a sometimes distressing issue of Player versus Player options. At this time, there are only 4 modes of [[Player Versus Player|PvP]]: Ballista, Brenner, Chocobo Racing, and Pankration (or you can try and get charmed by the Lamia during Besieged so they'll make you attack other players). Brenner and Chocobo Racing are rarely used at all, and Pankration has recently gotten some interest again (thanks to new [[Bonus Boss|NMs]] that can be spawned only though selling photos, when you can only buy photo equipment with Pankration jettons), while the amount of players involved in Ballista is based on the world. It also possesses a definite amount of [[Level Grinding]], like most [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s. Add in a necessity to party for a majority of the game's content, difficult [[Bonus Boss]]es (two formerly [[Nigh Invulnerable]]; now one is beatable and the other is [[Marathon Boss|basically impossible to kill before]] [[Rage Quit|the media-backlash-induced]] [[Time Limit Boss|arbitrary time limit]]), and all sorts of other stuff [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|designed to challenge you]], and you've got an [[MMORPG|MMO]] that's [[Nintendo Hard]] ([[Kingdom of Loathing|It's ridiculous. It's not even funny.]]). And then there's the fact that most things in the game require a time investment of 2 hours or more, so casual players may be a bit put off. The difficulty has been eased through updates, but many people still avoid the game and tend to jump to [[World of Warcraft|casual-friendly]] [[Guild Wars|MMOs.]]
This does not mean, however, that the game does not enjoy success. '''''Final Fantasy XI''''' has over [ 500,000 subscribers, with nearly 2 million characters playing.] It should go without saying that making millions a month makes this a sort of [[Cash Cow Franchise|Cash Cow.]]
The game now has a [http a 14-day trial for new players to try the game without devoting to it.]
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: One in San d'Oria, one in Tavnazia, and one in Windurst.
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** {{spoiler|Lion}}, at the end of ''Rise of Zilart''. {{spoiler|It doesn't stick.}}
** {{spoiler|Lilisette}} at the end of ''Wings of the Goddess''.
* [[Hobbits]]: The Tarutaru, who are the best spellcasters in the game.
* [[Honest John's Dealership]]: Goblins are pretty much entirely like this.
** "Us goblins, we don't like you, but we'll like you for a price."
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* [[The Lost Woods]]: Jugner Forest, though there is a clear if winding path through it in the present. For very old growth style forest, there is The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, filled with trees that reach beyond the draw distance, numerous roaving plantoids, bugs, walking mushrooms and tree tending creatures. There is also a dungeon within that zone called the Boyhada Tree.
** For getting lost, The Great War era version of Jugner Forest has barricades blocking the usual routes, leading to new detours. Yhoator and Yuhtunga Jungle are better applications as the map only shows the aboveground paths, and it's up to the player to figure out which undergound paths link them. Caederva Mire can also apply, as the player doesn't even get a map to this place before jumping through a few hoops.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: A sample of relevant examples (beware of spoilers):
* [[Luck-Based Mission]]: Many, but An Empty Vessel, the unlock quest for Blue Mage, stands out. During it, you have to pay 1000 gold to have your fortune told through a personality test minigame—You need to get a specific fortune of all the other fortunes combined to start in on Blue Mage. The problem is whatever system the game uses to determine what result you get is unknown to the players—it apparently uses a combination of what levels you have, how many monsters you have killed, what jobs you have unlocked, and what tradeskills you have, but it's all just a guess on the playerbase's part. There's a [[Guide Dang It|specific one]] that ''some'' people finish the quest with; for others, well, you can try once an hour, for 1000 gil a pop, as it's essentially ''completely random''.
* [[Magic Dance]]: Dancers can debuff, drain HP or MP, and even [[The Medic|heal.]]
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